Disclaimer: I own nothing written about in this story. Nor do I own the artwork in the pic I used.


AN: The first four chapters are not going to be drabbles, they are the introduction. I understand that drabbles are meant to be 100 words a chapter, but I am not skilled enough for that, so mine will range around 1000 words, starting in chapter 5. Also, you may have noticed that Ven and Xion are tagged, that's because they play slightly more prominent roles among the new 9 Keybearers. (I would have tagged all 9 if I could though...)

Major plot differences:

Xehanort: The first difference is obvious, he turns good (sort of) and in effect, alters KH history as we know it.

The Wayfinder Trio: Because Xehanort never found Ven in this time-line, the boy does not join Terra and Aqua under Eraqus' tutelage, leaving the two pupils to explore a more intimate relationship. Their Mark of Mastery is also delayed because of this and various other reasons.

Heartless/Unversed: Since the Ven/Van split never happened in this time-line, Unversed do not exist. Heartless did exist back then though, so that is what I use instead.

Characters: A lot of characters have been altered a bit but I will touch on this more in the next chapter.

Side-Pairings: None. For various characters, there will be some one-sided infatuation present, but no extra pairings. Sorry, but I am willing to consider requests for separate spin-off one-shots if there's another pairing you really want. (Just review or PM me about it.)

Chapter One - Inappropriate

Soft white clouds floated by overhead, the sky's vibrant blue backdrop peaking through at irregular intervals as small birds called to each other mid-flight.

Eyes the same blue of the sky watched peacefully as the winged creatures dove in and out of the cloud cover, their cheerful cries praising the good weather and brilliant sunshine.

At the crest of a grassy hill, Aqua lay on her back, the tiny green blades tickling her cheeks along with her blue hair as a pleasant breeze passed over. On the borders of her vision she could make out the giant, oval stones in the distance. The titanic, gilded boulders hovered in their places, serving as the land's cornerstones.

The head on her sternum shifted slightly; a sign that her companion was stirring. She glanced down to see that Terra was staring at her, his darker shades of blue a bit foggy from sleep, while his spiky, chestnut brown hair splayed over her chest messily. During his brief nap, he had also been lying on his back, the back of his head resting just above her bosom, their bodies forming a sort "L" shape on the landscape.

Now, though, he turned on his side to face her, one strong arm curling up around her head in an affectionate gesture. Aqua in turn brought up a hand to gently stroke his bangs. "Sleep well?"

"Hm." He yawned and blinked. "I had a dream," he told her, an odd expression passing over him as he reflected and finally frowned. "I didn't like it."

"Oh?" Aqua wondered with a smile, her own expression curious. "Quick, tell me about it before it fades away."

He blew out a dismal sigh, eyes averted from hers and focused on the blue strand of hair he was twirling with one finger. "You were mad at me," he started hesitantly, the dream no doubt already slipping from his grasp. "You said you couldn't trust me anymore."

Aqua let out a soft laugh, unwittingly sending a vibration through her occupant's head. "You know I'd never say that, Terra."

There was a glint of mischief in his eyes as he raised himself on one arm to peer down at her, their faces still very close. "But what if something like that happened, and everything I said was lie?" He smirked, his other hand still stroking her hair. "What would you do?"

Aqua could only smile furtively in return. Just what was he playing at now? "That depends, I guess," she told him and reached around to his nape and pulled him even closer so that their noses touched. "On whether or not I could detect your lies."

Terra puffed at her fondly with no verbal reply. He closed the gap between their lips in a feather light kiss and Aqua responded favorably. They only retracted for the second it took to exchange contented smiles. They had discovered this thrilling new element in their relationship a few weeks ago, both admitting that they wished they had discovered it sooner though neither attempted to take it any further.

As she absorbed his warmth and enjoyed his smile against hers, Aqua was sure what they had was pure, sacred even. She felt that anything more... elaborate would taint the purity of their unique bond, and she could sense that Terra probably felt the same, for he never pushed any farther.

They were laughing lightly now, stealing quick pecks here and there as Aqua felt an overwhelming happiness swell inside her soul. She held his head with both hands, intent on expressing her feelings but when no words seemed to come she only hoped that her eyes, so full of love, could convey them. An exuberant light danced in his royal blues and she could not hold him back from resuming his former endeavor of kissing her tenderly.

The gentle breeze and the rustling grass effectively muffled the careful footsteps, but both apprentices could feel their master's presence as if a dark, unhappy cloud had just covered the sun. They both snapped their heads in his direction, though they both knew that they had been caught and scrambling out of their tangled, precarious positions would be futile.

There was a deep, throaty sigh as Eraqus halted some feet away from them. "And just when did this particular activity begin?" The wind tugged at his raven-black hair, long white cloak and baggy tan pants while the teal armor over his torso glinted harshly from the sun's angled rays.

Aqua felt her throat tighten with dread, her master's stern tone and steel-gray gaze causing her to freeze up. She knew that he was aware of their closeness over the past few months, napping together on the field or snuggling on the couch with a book was nothing new to Eraqus. But they had yet to get caught kissing. Oh they had kissed before, they just never got caught before this...

With the contorted look on their master's face, Aqua worried that he would be forced to do something drastic. What, she hadn't the foggiest idea, but the fear of the unknown made her clam up, and she could offer her counterpart no assistance as he frantically looked from her and up to the master.

"Master," Terra started, voice cracking with nervousness, making Aqua think that he too dreaded some horrible punishment for their crime. "I can explain..."

Can you? Aqua wondered inwardly, eyes darting to him briefly with a slight glimmer of hope. Good, because I'd like to hear it too.

Bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, Eraqus sighed again. "An explanation is not what I require, Terra. How this came about is no mystery."

The two apprentices blushed at that and they both decided it was a good idea to finally sit up and thereafter knelt respectfully before their teacher. They knew a lecture was coming, better to comply and pray for mercy than to remain in their guilty positions.

After taking a deep, calming breath, Eraqus bore into them, his deep voice a marvelous blend of strict affection. "I understand that, as the only two students at present, you both feel drawn to each other. However, very soon we will be gathering more pupils and I will be counting on you both to set a good example. At that point I will no longer be able to allow for any inappropriate behavior."

There was a long pause, with only a stiff breeze passing between them. Aqua felt suddenly crushed. What was he saying? That she and Terra couldn't demonstrate their affection anymore? But that didn't seem fair. Love was a product of Light, and she was positive that she loved Terra. How could she possibly go on without his touch?

"Master," Terra finally broke the silence with a frown, his blue gaze shifting from a distraught looking Aqua to a dismal Eraqus, as though Aqua's reaction had pained their master. "What would be considered 'inappropriate behavior'?"

The black haired man turned his worried gaze from his female pupil to the male, blinking at him as though Terra were a five year old boy again. "What do you think, Terra?"

"I-I-" Terra swallowed hard, scowling at the ground. Aqua could see that the fear of losing the intimacy they shared appeared to be choking him, too.

Another pair of footsteps brushed along through the thick grass, and soon a bald and slightly hunched old man was standing beside their master. "Really Eraqus," the newcomer chided in a gravely voice. "You could stand to lay off a bit."

"Master Xehanort," both Aqua and Terra chorused with surprise. Although they considered him a master, he was not their master, and thus the fact that he would step into the matter was unusual.

Xehanort nodded to each in turn before bringing his glinting amber eyes to meet with his equal's. "I don't recall the precepts ever mentioning the restriction of courtship between Keybearers."

Eraqus met his fellow's gaze with another hapless sigh. "If I don't restrict them now, then the matter will only grow even more-" he paused, eying the two students thoughtfully before adding, "-complicated."

At that, Aqua blushed furiously, for she knew exactly what he meant. Terra on the other hand, could only quirk up a look of genuine bewilderment.

"Pah!" Xehanort spat and waved a hand at him. "So what if it does." He too eyed the students before continuing. "They're old enough. I say let them do as their hearts dictate." He gave his peer a hard look. "Besides, restricting them will only result in rebellious behavior on their part. Better to let them be and know what they're up to rather than smother them and not know what they do in secret."

Aqua was sure she must be as red as was humanly possible. Were they really talking of such things so lightly? She covered her face with both hands, no longer able to look at Terra's impossibly vacant expression as he tried to understand the conversation.

Eraqus let out a defeated groan, which also sounded like a growl as he turned his compliant eyes to both apprentices. "Very well, you two. Master Xehanort has a point. I will not impede your... activities any further. However, I expect you both to adhere to the basis of propriety. Should any carelessness on your part begin to have a negative effect on the new students, then I will be forced to administer judgment."

Aqua pulled her hands away and Terra gawked up at his master with a dumb smile. "Am I clear?" their master questioned after they had not agreed.

"Yes, Master!" they both yelped with joy and appreciation.

Eraqus nodded, a glimmer of a smirk on his mouth as he turned and clapped a hand on his fellow master's shoulder. The two elders departed without another word and Aqua couldn't help herself as she launched into Terra with a fierce hug. They wouldn't be torn apart after all and thanks to master Xehanort, no less!

Terra chuckled and let himself fall back on the grass from the impact, cradling her body against him as she lay there, snuggling into his shirt and relishing his earthy scent. Frankly, she didn't care how the end result came about, but was simply just grateful that they could remain as they were, forever.