Summary: Weiss and Jaune has a picnic with a cow.
Picnic with a Cow
It is an open grassy field. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and the brooks are babbling. The air tastes sweet and refreshing and the soft spring winds removes the heat from the skin. Weiss and Jaune are nestled on a blanket, enjoying a homemade picnic with a cow.
Jaune: This is pretty nice.
Weiss munches on a fried chicken stick.
Weiss: Obviously. I prepared the whole thing. You know how many calls I had to make to set this up?
The cow moos.
Weiss: Yes. Yes. You helped too.
Weiss sighs before smiling and ruffling the cow's head. The cow begins to graze on some grass.
Jaune: So... after Spring Break is over we have to go back on missions, huh?"
Weiss nods sadly.
Jaune: And we might end up on different assignments... continents apart...
Weiss: Hey idiot. Let's not talk about that.
Weiss' voice trembles. Weiss looks downcast, her eyes averted from Jaune's.
Jaune: Weiss! This might be the last time we see each other!
Jaune grabs Weiss by the shoulder. Their gaze meet.
Jaune: Weiss... Look. I'm not good at this... but...
Jaune's holds out a velvet box.
Weiss covers her mouth in shock.
Jaune: Weiss... look... um... do I really have to say it...
Weiss continues to stare. Speechless.
Jaune: Welp! Here it goes! Weiss Schnee... would do me the honor of marry-"
Weiss: Yes!
Weiss throws her arms around Jaune into a tight embrace.
Jaune: Oh wow. That was easy!
Jaune high-fives with the cow.
Weiss and Jaune then enjoyed the meal and the afternoon together before riding on top of the cow towards the sunset to begin the rest of their lives together happily ever after.
Picnic with a Cow Fin