Title: Favor
Author: Cindy Ryan
spoilers: all
notes: This is a sequel to my previous crossover Catching up and an AU take on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D episodes 2x13 and 2x14
Summary: Coulson calls in a favor.
S.H.I.E.L.D director Phil Coulson slumped wearily into the jet seat after take off. Days like this he wished he hadn't taken the director spot. He could've stayed with Skye instead of dropping her off to deal with things virtually alone. Alone that was something Phil was feeling lately. He didn't know what he'd do without Melinda's steadfast support. Probably would've cracked a long time ago. Fury had good intentions bringing him back to life. But those actions had consequences which Phil was dealing with now. Suddenly an idea worked it's way through Phil's tired thoughts. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed.
"Barton."A familiar voice greeted on the third ring.
"It's Coulson."Phil replied. "Do you have time to do me a favor?"
"Always. You need Tasha too?"Clint asked.
Phil smiled only Hawkeye could get away with referring to the Black Widow by that nick name.
"No, just you. Might be for a couple days."Phil said quietly. "It's Skye."
"I heard she hit the Index but didn't know the details. She okay?"Clint inquired.
"She's adjusting more than the rest of us."Phil replied."But I had to take her out of the field; need you to babysit."
"Send me the coordinates and I'll leave by this afternoon. Have a couple things to wrap up first."Clint said.
"Thanks, Clint."Phil responded. "I'll have Simmons fill you in."
"No problem. Was good to hear from you."Clint commented.
"You too."Coulson agreed. "Hawkeye?"
"Yeah?"Barton asked.
"She's become family to me."Phil said quietly. "She's trying to be brave and deal with all that's coming at her but..."
"I understand."Clint replied. "I'll get there as soon as I can."
Hearing the dial tone Phil lowered the phone as it automatically ended the call. He put in a brief call to May updating her. Then he sent a text to Skye letting her know she'd have a roomie for awhile. Resting the phone on his lap Phil leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Having Barton with Skye should have made him feel better but it didn't. He still felt like he was failing her. Not being able to keep her father from her.
A troubling thought nagged at Phil as he dosed. It wasn't a new one but it was one that had led to much planning and sleepless nights. He and Skye both had alien influences in their bodies. It made them alike but it put them in a unique category neither had ever expected or prepared for.
Being different was always difficult. After the Battle for New York having anything alien connected to you was dangerous. Phil had put things in place to protect his team; his family when the worst came. He just hoped it was enough.
Skye stared at the text from Coulson. An Avenger babysitter? She was sure Earth's mightiest heroes had better things to do. Skye had met Clint Barton briefly when he and the Black Widow had come to visit nearly a year had read both their files and knew how close Clint was to Coulson. Which was why she probably ranked babysitting duty from the archer.
With a sigh Skye sent back a reply and then sat down on the outdated sofa. As grateful as she was for the help Skye didn't want to be anyone's obligation. She'd survived on her own for a long time. Though with circumstances how they were Skye knew being away from S.H.I.E.L.D or what was left of it wasn't a good thing. Not until she knew more of what she was dealing the plus side Clint Barton was cute. At least Skye would have some eye candy to distract her from how bleak her future was looking.
"He didn't say how she got her powers?"Natasha asked as she walked with Clint to the small plane.
"No, but it didn't sound good."Clint replied as he loaded his gear into the small back passenger section.
Natasha tried not to frown at the plane. It was reliable if a bit outdated. It had some tech but nothing like what S.H.I.E.L.D had before. With times as they were they'd scrounged for what aircraft and fuel they could find.
"Be careful. She doesn't know you."Natasha cautioned."From what I read she's had a childhood similar to ours."
"Good thing I know how to deal with untrusting women."Clint replied with a smile as he leaned down to kiss his partner.
After they broke the kiss Clint cupped Natasha's face in his hands. He caressed her cheeks briefly before turning and walking to the pilot's side.
"I'll be back in a few days."Clint called over the noise of the engine."Don't get too bored without me."
Natasha smiled and waved as Clint taxied and took off. She watched the plane disappear before heading back inside. Natasha hoped what was left of Hydra didn't get wind of Skye's powers. That was the last thing Clint or Coulson needed.
"You think Barton can handle her?"May asked when Coulson arrived back at his office.
"I wouldn't trust her with just anyone."Phile responded.
"I just wish we could help her more."May stated as she leaned back against the front wall.
"We will once FitzSimmons run more tests."Phil commented as he stretched.
"You need sleep."Melinda observed.
"I slept enough on the plane. Could use some dinner."Coulson stated leading the way out of the office.
Phil glanced over and gave Melinda a half smile. He knew she was worried. They both were. While they were doing all they could for Skye it just didn't feel like enough.
It was full dark by the time Clint landed the plane inside the property's invisible fence. The auto pilot was preprogrammed so once Clint was clear he hit a button on his cell phone and activated the auto pilot. The plane lifted and headed back to base. Clint had only taken a few steps when he realized he wasn't alone. His right hand instantly reached for his bow but he relaxed once he saw who the welcoming party was. Clint wasn't surprised the former hacker was waiting for him.
"Skye."Clint greeted.
"Do I call you Clint or Hawkeye?"Skye asked as they turned and walked to the cabin.
"Either."Clint replied noting the fingerless gloves Skye was wearing. "Simmons filled me in."
"Oh good so you won't be surprised when the roof falls on us."Skye quipped as she opened the front door.
"I'm quick on my feet."Clint countered earning a smile.
"You may need to be."Skye commented quietly as she lead the way inside. "It's not the Ritz but there's two bedrooms, kitchen, indoor plumbing and a rustic décor."
"I've stayed in worse."Clint replied as he walked to the spare bedroom and put away his gear.
"You hungry?"Skye asked as she moved into the kitchen.
"You don't have to fix me anything."Clint stated as he exited the bedroom.
"All I had on the flight here was Twizzlers."Skye replied. "And I'm sure there was no meal service on your flight. Nothing fancy just soup and grilled cheese. Least I can do since Coulson dumped me on you."
"He didn't dump you."Clint replied as he stepped into the kitchen. "He's worried."
Skye stopped in her task of closing the bag of bread and sighed.
"I know."Skye said softly when what was becoming a familiar sensation started.
The cabin began to shake. Not violently but enough to knock a picture off the wall and a cup off the counter. Clint was by Skye in two steps. Skye looked down at the gloves Jemma had made. They were working she could feel that. Still the shaking continued and she didn't know how to stop it. Hawkey gently grasped Skye's forearms forcing her to look at him.
"Skye, it'll be okay. You're safe with me."Barton promised.
Skye forced her breathing to normalize. Slowly the sensation that accompanied her powers subsided and she stepped away from Hawkeye. She leaned back against the kitchen counter and closed her eyes.
"I hate this."Skye whispered.
"We'll figure it out."Barton commented quietly.
Skye met the archer's gaze and hoped for her sake and everyone she cared about that he was right.