AN: So... This is my April Fools special! Sorry for taking a little break on Lovely Madness, but I just had to write this! It was inspired by, well, lets just say, at three AM, you tend to get inspired for crazy, insane crackfics...

I started writing this, and it was going to be a long oneshot... Now its a super long, multi chapter story... Don't worry. I've already written all but the ending. Now if my BETA JUST PULLS THROUGH IN TIME FOR THIS ONE, UNLIKE THE OTHER ONE! *cough cough*

Xay: Oh, come on... I helped you write this one!

Oh yeah, Xay co-wrote this one. We take turns...

Xay: This was extremely fun to roleplay and extremely fun to write... We are crazy...

Hopefully, after we wake up and start finishing the last bits of this, I'll be able to post each chapter each hour. Well, Xay will, because I'll be GONE ALL DAY LONG! Well, not in the morning... But that doesn't give me much time! So I hope you understand how much hard work and heartfelt stuff into this story we wrote in a week and I hope it's not confusing or anything and... Yeah...

Concrit is welcome and appreciated! :)

Just don't flame...

Hope you enjoy!

Disclamer: 1, I don't own RotG, I only own April, and 2, if you're offended by the word see-ers, it has nothing to do with witchcraft and its even spelled differently, so if you are offended, phooey on you.

"Hehe, this is gonna be great!" Jack whispered excitedly to a group of googies as they jumped up and down. He walked to each one, handing them a snowball. "Okay, when Bunny walks over, I'll start the snow. Then you guys—" He was interrupted by Bunny walking in. Jack grabbed his staff, jumped up, and began the snow.

"What is…" Bunny paused for a second and looked up to see Jack. "Jack!" Before Bunny could go chase him, about fifty eggs came running from behind a hill. He thought they just wanted to play in the snow but he was suddenly pelted with snowballs. Bunny filled with rage when Jack came out of hiding and hit him in the face with a snowball. He was ready to go right up to him and lock him in the Pole for a "Time out" when something inside him flickered. All he wanted to do was have fun.

Jack was about to run when he got hit by a snowball. He turned around to see Bunny running.

"I didn't think Bunny could have fun when there was snow in his warren even with my magic. Well, who cares!" Jack thought, making it snow even more. He flew around, creating ammo and using some. The googies were making snowballs with their feet, rolling up the snow like someone would to make a snowman. The fight went on with Jack and Bunny throwing snowballs and the googies kicking snowballs (because they don't have hands).

They were all having fun, so Jack left the fight and froze the dye river. He took ten googies and gave them tiny skates made out of ice. Bunny came over and they were all playing on the frozen dye river. One of the googies started skating toward the thin ice when it cracked. Jack froze but the googie just laughed and jumped. The ice smashed and the googie fell in. At first Jack freaked out; then he remembered it was just paint. Jack laughed as the googie came out colored. Soon all the googies were lined up to get colored. Jack was watching them when he realized Bunny was next in line. He grabbed onto his arm to stop him but Bunny just pulled Jack in with him. When they got out Jack tried to get the paint off. "Ugh, maybe this wasn't such a great idea." Jack thought. He turned to see Bunny laughing. "Um Bunny are you okay?"

Bunny didn't respond so Jack decided he should stop. Bunny, on the other hand, grabbed snow and threw it at Jack. Jack forgot that things were getting out of hand and made it snow harder. They started another snowball fight. Everyone was having fun, until a googie decided it would be fun to put ice in its snowball. The googie kicked it with all its might at one of the other googies.

A crack sound echoed through the Warren. All the googies stopped as the googie that got hit fell over and stopped moving. Unfortunately for Jack, that's when Bunny's "fun" wore off. Bunny ran over to the fallen googie. Jack didn't know what to do, so he darted right out of the Warren.

He decided he would go to Burgess for a little while. Suddenly, he slammed into something… or someone, on the way. Jack got bumped back and lost his grip on his staff. He fell down and hit the ground hard. When he stood up he saw a mess of stuff scattered around him. He looked forward and saw buckets with seaweed dumped around. When he turned to the right there were bottles of shaving cream and whipped cream spread around. Some was spraying out. To his left, he saw boxes, bottles, rubber snakes, and various other items. He looked around until he saw his staff.

"Why would there be all this stuff in the middle of nowhere?" He thought while trying to get his staff without tripping. When he reached for his staff, something touched his shoulder. "Who's there?" Jack said, grabbing his staff and holding it in position to fight.

"Don't worry, it's just meeee!" A voice said, stressing out the e. Jack turned around to see a tall, lanky teenager with crazy blond hair and striking green eyes smiling evilly. He would be attractive if it weren't for the deranged look in his eyes and the way his blond hair stuck up at all angles. He had a crazy tie dye t-shirt on and really light blue jeans. Jack squinted to make sure he wasn't just seeing things from his fall.

"Um, are you okay? Did I bump into you?"

"Yes and yes, ooh, you're good at this game!" He said with a scraggly, high-pitched, annoying voice.

"Is all this yours?" Jack questioned, scanning the area again.

"Right again!"

"Who are you?"

"Duh, a spirit." He said lamely.

"I meant what's your name?"

"The one and only…" He paused. "Wait a second what's my name…? Oh yeah, April Fools!" He screamed. "But my friends call me April, Fools, April Fools, Fool, Idiot, Go Away, Ugh, Not Him Again, Stupid, Shut Up, You're Freaking Me Out, What's Wrong With You, Stop Laughing, and lots of other things… Come to think of it I have a lot of friends!" Jack felt the need to face palm.

"Okaaay… Well, I need to get going, so do you need help picking this up, or…" Jack trailed off.

"Waaaait!" He reached out after Jack in desperate, slow motion.

"What?" Jack deadpanned.

"Okay, so I need your help. I need to get in the Pole and since you are the new Guardian, I need you to get me in the Pole."

"Why do you need me?"

"Because you're the new Guardian and you trust me and the others have reason not to." April said lamely, picking up a can of whipped cream.

"Uh, why do you need to get into the Pole?"

"I need to ask you and the other Guardians a favor." he replied, shaking the can.

"What favor?" April stopped shaking the whipped cream and leaned close to Jack's ear.

"It's a secret." he whispered, then he continued shaking the can.

"Okay, I'll help. What do I need to do?"

"Wait, you're gonna help?" April asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugged when all of a sudden whipped cream came at him from all angles. He gasped. "What was that for?"

"April Fools!" April yelped, jumping up in the air. Jack frowned and shoved off some of the whipped cream. He looked like a rainbow explosion in the clouds. "Sorry, I couldn't pass up the opportunity… And I wanted to add clouds to your rainbow look." Jack groaned he had to admit it was funny. "Anyway, all we have to do is touch."

"Um, okay." Jack reached out his hand and touched April.


"Wait did he just say poof? I must have just imagined it."

They teleported to the globe room. April slapped the lever for the lights wildly until he finally sighed, pulled it, twisted it and pushed it in. Then he walked up to the globe and stretched a hand out to touch it. "Finally… I have done it. I have made it to the globe room… Mwaaahaha, now I can concur the—" he stopped because Jack froze his hand. "Aw, why did you do that?"

"Concur the what?"

"It was just a joke." he said with a pout. Then he glared at his frozen hand. "Now I have to unfreeze it." he pulled out a flamethrower. Jack gasped. "Mwaaahaha!" he yelled while firing it at his hand. He started cackling manically. "April Fools! You really thought I had a real flamethrower. Ha ha ha ha ha…" he looked at his hand and frowned. "My hand is still frozen…" he began to bang his hand against the banister repeatedly. "What did you put in this ice?" he turned to Jack with a crazed look in his eye, still banging his hand.

"Um, water."

April gasped. "My only weakness!" he began to cackle again. "April Fools! Ha ha, that's not my real weakness. My real fatal weakness is—"

"What is going on in here!?" the two turned to see North in the doorway.

"Ugh, that's not it either—oh, hi," he paused and his expression changed to horror. "North!" He squealed and hid behind Jack. "It was all him!" he pointed to Jack. "He made me do it!"

"Wait, what?" Jack turned and slapped him. April blocked with his hand and the ice smashed.

He gasped. "Yes! Finally!"

"Who pulled the lights?!" North stomped over.

They both turned to each other. "He did it!" they said at the same time, pointing at each other.

April gasped at the accusation. "What!? I would never! I thought we were friends?" he turned and faked a sob. He turned back around with a creepy smile. "April Fools! I wasn't really mad!"

North gasped. "You… You let… April Fools in here!?"

Jack's eyes widened. "I didn't mean to!" he defended. "All I did was touch him!"

North face palmed. "Now he can go anywhere you've been!"

Jack frowned. Then he turned to April and smiled. "Hey! Wanna go to Antarctica? I know this family of polar bears who would love to eat you—I mean meet you!" He corrected.

April smiled. "Really!?" Jack nodded. "I'd love to!"

North sighed and covered April's mouth before he could teleport again. "Jack was pulling prank on you April." he deadpanned.

April gasped in shock. "Really?"

Jack smiled awkwardly. "April Fools?"

North face palmed and April jumped on Jack, engulfing him in a crazed hug. "You're finally getting it!"

North sighed. "April why did you pull the lights?"

April frowned. "Mwah? Why do you accuse me so!" he made a hurt expression. When North didn't react, he sighed dramatically. "Come on!"

"April I don't have time for this. Why do you pull the lights?"

"Well I needed to ask you—" he was cut off by Bunny.

"North, I need to get back to finish cleaning my…" He turned and saw Jack and April. "Why is he here?" he asked sounding annoyed.

"I don't know, Jack, why are you here?" April asked looking at Jack.

"Um, I think he meant you April." Jack said.

"Oh, well then, tell him he is mean."

"I can hear you." Bunny said walking over.

"Of course you can, bunnies can hear really well… Which is why you confuse me, I always thought you were a kangaroo." Bunny's face turned angry.

"I am not a kangaroo!"

"Oh, so your part bunny, part kangaroo?" Jack began laughing while Bunny was fuming. No one said anything for a second. "Was your mom or dad a kangaroo?"

"I am not a kangaroo! I am full Bunny!"

"Oh, well, you fooled me and I'm April Fools; it's hard to fool April Fools."

"Uh, isn't April a girl's name?"

He began to sob. "Why does every one say that?" he sniffled. "Why are you all so mean to me?"

"Oh, and calling me a kangaroo isn't mean?"

"It was an honest mistake." April replied casually. Jack was now on the ground laughing hysterically. Bunny was about to say something when North spoke up.

"April, why did you come here?" North asked. Jack wiped the tears of laughter off his face and stood up to listen.

"Well—" He was cut off by Tooth coming in.

"Bunny, what is taking so long?" Tooth turned and saw April and shrieked. "Who let him in?"

"Since you guys keep barging in, why don't we just get Sandy in here. Then I'll tell you." April said.

"Tell me what?" Tooth asked.

"April pulled the lights to ask us something. Just go get Sandy."

"Um, okay, but it better be important." Tooth said while flying out the door. A few seconds later, Tooth and Sandy came in the room.

"Hi Sandy!" April yelled. "Long time no see." April ran over with his arms spread to hug him but Sandy walked behind Tooth. Tooth jumped up and flew a few feet away.

"Don't touch me, I know what you can do." Tooth said as Jack walked over to the group.

"Um, Tooth, why are you afraid of him? All he can do is prank people, right?" Jack asked.

"Why don't you ask him?"

"April, why don't they like you?"

"Hehe, let's just say I might have pulled some pranks on them that might have gone a tiny bit overboard."

"A tiny bit!" Tooth screamed. "We had to rebuild the half the whole Tooth Palace!" One of Tooth's mini fairies touched Tooth's shoulder and she started to calm down.

"It's not my fault some idiot switched my streamer cannon with a real cannon!" April defended.

"Uh, that idiot was you," Bunny deadpanned.

"Nooo, it was my friend!"

Jack turned to North. "What friend?"

"Just an imaginary friend he blames for everything, including the Great Fail of 1887." North spat out.

"That wasn't my fault either!" April defended. Jack made a face.

"What was that?"

"He destroyed all of the toys for the children in China."

"What's so bad about that?" Jack asked.

"On December 1st."


"I'm telling you, it wasn't me! Some idiot replaced my fake flamethrower with a real one!"

"Dude, that idiot was you, again."


"And how do you explain the time when you destroyed all my pattern plants?" Bunny asked angrily.

"I was trying to grow them bigger! It's not my fault some idiot replaced my super grow with plant poisoning!" April defended.

"Let me guess, that was your friend too?"

"Now you understand!" April said with a smile. Bunny rolled his eyes.

"Can you believe this guy?"

"Guys, if all we are going to do is argue, then I have to go." Tooth said.

"Waaaaaaait!" April drawled dramatically. "You still didn't hear why I wanted you."

"Okay then, explain away."

"Well, as you all know this year is one of the years I can get see-ers." Jack cut him off.

"Um, I didn't know and what's a see-er?" Jack asked. April gasped and put his hand dramatically on his heart.

"Wait, none of you told him about me?" He looked at North then Bunny. He shrugged. "Well, I didn't expect you to cause you guys thought I would leave you alone. Hehehe… You see Jack, every decade on April Fool's Day, anyone who has pulled a prank from March first to April Fools Day can see me on April Fools Day. Got it?" April looked at Jack.

"Um… I think so… But what are see-ers?" Jack answered.

"Oh, well that's what I call the people who can see me. You know kinda like you call the kids that believe, believers." April explained.

"Oh, okay, so why do you need us?"

"Well, last decade I only had a few see-ers and in result, I have no believers today. But this year, I have come to you for help. Mostly you and Bunny, cause you're great at pulling pranks. But I need all the help I can get."

"What good would pranking people do?"

"According to my theory, if we prank someone without them knowing who did it, they will blame someone they know. Resulting in wanting revenge! Then, hopefully, they will prank whoever they blamed."

"So, you're saying we prank someone without them knowing and you get another kid to see you on April first?" Jack asked.

"Exactly! Jack you understand me!" April got really happy and started doing a victory dance.

"I hope he knows we aren't helping him." Bunny whispered to Jack.

"Why not, he just wants to be seen?"

"You don't know that. You don't even know all of what he can do."

"Come on, its not like he is gonna ruin your Warren again. Don't worry, I can keep him in line."

"Says the person who smashed one of my googies earlier today."

"That was an accident."

"Well, you could have at least stayed and helped clean up."

"You were mad and I kinda panicked."

"Even if you didn't mess up my Warren, we are still not helping him. He is crazy and not even you can keep him in line."

Jack stopped arguing with Bunny and looked around for Sandy. April had stopped dancing and was looking in a bag he had on his shoulder. Tooth was talking to North and Bunny joined in. Sandy was on the other side of the room and it looked like he was thinking. Jack walked over to him. "Hey Sandy, do you wanna help him?" Sandy nodded yes. "So, you're gonna help him?" Sandy made sand form a question mark above his head. "All he wants is to be seen, just like I did. Even if he did mess up along the way, he is just like I was. A lonely spirit with no one that cares about him. It's only fair if we give him a chance." Sandy seemed to understand. He nodded and walked back to the group. April was playing with a slinky and the other three Guardians were still talking.

"So, um, can you guys help?" April asked. Tooth, North, and Bunny all shouted "No!" while Jack said yes and Sandy formed his sand above his head into a checkmark.

"Sandy, you can't be serious." Bunny said. "I knew Jack would, but you too?" April snapped his slinky and pouted, walking over to Jack and Sandy.

"Yay! I knew my two buddies would help me out!" He said while squeezing them into a hug. Bunny spoke up.

"If something goes wrong, don't come to me asking for help." Bunny said as he tapped his foot to form a tunnel and jumped in.

"Jack and Sandy, don't get into too much trouble. I have to go back to the Palace bye." Tooth waved and flew off with a few of her mini fairies following. North walked over to Jack and Sandy and pulled them close.

North bent down next to Jack and whispered. "If you need to hide, take this." North handed both of them a mini snow globe. "Come to the Pole and we will hide you."

"Wow, you guys are going crazy over one spirit." Jack turned to look at April and saw him supergluing cookies to the ground.

"Jack, he is a very powerful spirit. Just promise to be careful." Sandy nodded.

"Yeah, okay." Jack said. April walked over to them, whistling as if he never touched the cookies.

"So, you ready to help?" they nodded. "Then let's get started!" April put his hands out. The other two followed. "Ding!" and they started to teleport. The more people the longer it took.
