A/N: Blah, blah, GW ain't mine, shounen ai, 1+2, 3+4, ?+5 (but you will find out in this chap, those of you who haven't guessed already - I suppose it is kinda obvious), thanks to all those lovely lovely people who reviewed, please keep reviewing. I wuv you all (it's the espresso talking, honest). Duo POV.


Chapter 8: First Date

The Odeon is only a fifteen-minute walk from the safehouse so I figured we'd be there in plenty of time for the movie, but when we got there it was deserted and the doors were closed. This didn't look good.

"Doesn't look very open, does it?" I hissed to Heero in a stage whisper

"That's because it's not." he said, pointing to a notice on one of the doors - something about asbestos and lawsuits. For once I was at a loss for words.


It took us another hour to get to one of the other cinemas. Normally it would have taken maybe half as long, but first we had to retrace our steps and by then it was starting to get dark and I think Heero likes being alone in the dark with me. In a turn-on kind of way. In a 'we have to stop every five minutes to smooch because otherwise, and I really mean this, I will jump you' kind of way. By the time we got to the cinema I was whacked and barely had the energy to demand a huge bucket of popcorn and seats near the back (if you need to ask why, there's no point telling you). There weren't many other people in the theatre except a few groups dotted here and there and a couple of guys a few rows in front of us. The shorter half of the couple, who was sitting directly in front of me, had the world's most eye-wateringly tight ponytail and I was just thinking how much like Wufei he looked when the trailers started.

Most of 'em were boring, all car and shampoo ads, so I kept myself occupied by throwing popcorn at the Wufei guy and his 'companion' (cough,cough) and snickering at all the really retarded ads. Eventually the movie started, I stopped throwing popcorn and Heero casually draped an arm over my shoulders. I sighed contentedly. Life was good.

About halfway through the movie, I noticed that the Wufei guy and friend were kissing. Not that I had a problem with that (it was just what Heero and I had been doing on and off throughout the movie) but it was just coming up to a really gory part and I would hate for them to miss it. And besides, I was kind of hyper (blame the popcorn). So I threw a piece of popcorn at them. Just one. That was all. And the Wufei dude turned round and it really was Wufei. So I did the only thing I could: I dived off my seat, pulling Heero with me.

"Duo, this is hardly the place or the time..." Heero murmured, propping himself up on his elbows with an amused expression.

"Shut up!" I hissed, barely audibly. "Wufei's sittin' right in front of us and I threw popcorn at him and he turned round and I don't want him to know we're here."

Heero rolled his eyes. "Is this because of the mystery date thing again?" I nodded vigorously. "Well, it's probably safe to get up now."

"Well, I wouldn't know. You're on top." He raised an eyebrow, smirked and looked up cautiously.

"It's perfectly safe. You can get up, just don't throw any more popcorn."

"Geez, Heero, I would but you're kinda cramping my style here." I retorted with a shove. "Get *off*, wouldja? You're heavy!"

"OK, OK." he muttered, getting up. Nothing much happened through the rest of the movie, apart from lots of death, violence and gratuitous gore (onscreen, obviously).

When the movie finished, I caught sight of Wufei going into the toilets. I nudged Heero and told him I'd wait for Wufei (purely to say 'hi', of course). He rolled his eyes and leaned against a wall, folding his arms. "Sure, whatever. Just don't be all day."

"Hi, Wu-dude!" I grinned as Wufei left the toilets. "So you did have your hot date then? So did we, but wouldn't you know it, goddamn Odeon's closed. Asbestos or something. 'Dja like the movie?"

"Maxwell, what the *hell* are you doing here??" Wufei hissed, a note of terror in his voice.

"I just told you. Hot date, Odeon closed, what can you do?"

"Go somewhere *else*! Geez, of all the cinemas in all the world you had to walk into this one. Just go *away*, will you?"

I pulled my best hurt expression. "Now Wufei, is that any way to treat your old friend and comrade-in-arms? All we're doing is trying to have a night out chillin', away from the Gundams, and what could be more natural than for me to go and say hi to an old friend? Especially when said friend is here with a mystery date and I wanna see who it is. He was all over you in the theatre, it was all I could do not to yell 'Get a room'."

"That *was* you with the popcorn!"

"Yep, yours truly. What did you have to go and turn round for? I ended up sprawled all over the floor in a *very* compromising position."

"I don't usually see you complaining about being in a compromising position with Yuy."

"Unnecessary and cruel, Wu-baby." I said with a mock pout.


"Yep... hey, look out. Something's wrong."


I pointed over at Heero, who'd been waiting for us by the doors. He was completely ignoring us, glaring at someone else who I couldn't see because they were the other side of the ticket booth. He looked tense and I could see one hand edging slowly towards the pocket where he keeps his gun. "Shimatta!" Wufei hissed. I made a mental note to ask someone what it meant later.

"Uh-oh. Trouble. You got a gun or anything, Wufei?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but we might not need it. This might not..."

"Don't be fucking stupid." I said harshly. "You see Heero's face? We're up shit creek. C'mon."

"Uh, are you sure this is such a good idea?" I ignored Wufei as always and crossed the distance between me and Heero in a few strides. Wufei trotted behind me, muttering darkly.

"Duo." Heero said out of the corner of his mouth when I reached him. He sounded furious. "Where the *hell* is Chang?"

"Right behind me. What's going..." No sooner were the words out of my mouth than I recognised the guy standing by the ticket booth and glaring back at Heero.

Treize Khushrenada. OZ dude extraordinaire. Our *enemy*. The guy (well, one of 'em) who's tried to kill us all countless times.

And now, apparently, Wufei's new boyfriend.

I think I've said it before: Oh, hell, like my life's not confusing enough.


A/N: *wicked cackle* Oh, it's a cliffhanger. And I don't know what's gonna happen next. How sad. I'll finish chapter 9 (oh god, I'm on chapter 9 already!) soon though, promise. Just as soon as I actually get round to *starting* it, sorta thing.