Sayaka doesn't like Hitomi's parents. She hated them, actually.

They were never around, always gone on business trips or working late or just gone. She knows Hitomi manages fine on her own, she can take care of herself better than her and Homura, but she still can't stand the constant absence of her so called guardians.

"What are you thinking about?"

Sayaka stops glowering at the mirror and tugs her shirt on. She rushes through the buttons before turning to Homura.

"It's nothing." She shakes her head and reaches for her jacket, stopping when her housemate taps her shoulder. "What?"

"You did your buttons up wrong," the dark-haired girl mumbles, undoing and redoing the buttons on Sayaka's flannel, listening to the girl groan. "There, I'm done," She huffs. "Drama queen."

"Quiet, you." Sayaka hauls her jacket over her shoulders and crosses her arms, silently brooding.

"You're thinking about her parents again, aren't you?"

It's Sayaka's turn to huff- and huff she does, loud and dramatic.

"You know I don't like them. They're never around, and her mom toxic as fuck." Homura nods, pulling on her boots and watching her friend all but stomp into her own. "Her dad's okay but, like, he's always watching fucking football or at the gym or something stupid. They're only ever around on sundays."

The dark-haired girl listens, semi-intently- she's heard this many times- as Sayaka runs through her list of reasons. She watches more intently than she listens, watches the lanky girl's shoulders square off and shrink down again, watches her lips pull back into scowls.

Saturday mornings are often like this. The girls had made a habit of gathering at Hitomi's for breakfast and any matter of other things. Studying, movies, anything. Sayaka and Homura would pick Madoka up on their way over, the three would walk to the Shizuki's and Madoka, being the sweetheart she is would cook breakfast for them all.

It was common, before they arrived at the Kaname household that Sayaka would grumble a few remarks about Hitomi's parents, under her breath or over it. And Homura would listen, watching as her housemate went through varied facial expressions and postures as she rattled on. Lately, however, she's been much more high-strung.


The blue-haired girl stops a moment, turning to face her companion with wide curious eyes, the complete opposite of the sneer previously painting her face. "Yeah?" she tilts her head slightly.

"Is there something else going on?" Homura watches, again, as the girl's body shifts and shrinks.

"Y'know that girl I told ya'bout? The one who ran away a couple years back? She came back. Hitomi's hiding her at her place- dunno why honestly. I'm scared they'll find her."

She hums in response, giving a small nod. Sayaka knows that Homura doesn't talk much, and even when she does comfort isn't exactly her forte. She takes the small hums and muttered words as reassurance. Reassurance she's awfully fond of.

Homura stops, for a moment, just before Madoka's driveway, and Sayaka stops too. She drifts in the featherlight touch of Homura's fingers running across her cheek as the girl leans up to kiss her. It's short and Homura's lips taste like cheap blueberry chapstick but she doesn't mind.

"Let's go." Sayaka watches as Homura walks ahead, greeting Madoka's mother and smiling at little Tatsuya as they wait for their pink-haired companion.

"Enigma," Sayaka shrugs.

Hitomi wakes slowly, to whisper-shouts and bumps downstairs. Confused at first- robbers, perhaps. The memory of telling Sayaka where the spare key is, and the sudden knowledge that it's already 9:30 washes over her. Her eyes widen.

Detangling herself from Kyoko, as gently as she can, she quickly descends the stairs, walking into the kitchen to see Madoka chiding Sayaka for burning her hand and Homura reading at the at table.

"Morning, Hitomi," Madoka smiles as she holds Sayaka's hand under cold water. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," the girl nods hesitantly. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

Sayaka speaks this time, wincing yet grinning all the same. "We were going to, but you and Kyoko were completely conked out.

"Sayaka, we still need to wrap your hand," Madoka shakes her head, starting off on a jumbled lecture on how to properly care for burns. Hitomi listens, for a while, laughing quietly, until she hears her name called from upstairs.

Excusing herself, she heads back to her room. Kyoko sits with wide eyes a confused face. Again, she murmurs the girl's name, "Hitomi?"

"I'm right here," Hitomi says gently, worried by the redhead's frightened demeanour.

Seemingly brought back to her senses, Kyoko shuts her eyes tight and shakes her head. "Sorry, I got lil confused for a second." Before Hitomi can say anything, she tries to change the conversation. "Heard voices downstairs, something up?"

"Homura, Sayaka, and Madoka are here."

"Madoka? God, I can't face Madoka yet."

Surprised by the girl's words, Hitomi gives her a questioning look.

"She's too nice ta me. Always has been. God, even after-" Kyoko stops herself suddenly, staring down at the mattress.

"After?" Hitomi presses, curious still.

The redhead remains silent, and Hitomi pushes no further, instead trying to offer some sort of reassurance.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." It's lame, she knows, but it seems to help slightly.

Reappearing in the kitchen with Kyoko in tow, Hitomi clears her throat to catch the others' attention.

"Morning," Sayaka greets the redhead with a grin and wave of her freshly bandaged hand. Homura gives a small nod.

Madoka smiles too and Kyoko's heart drops to her stomach. God Madoka's going to love her all lickity spilt after all she'd done. After stealing- on many accounts, most of which Madoka is unaware of. After leaving them- hell for all she knew Mami probably died because of her. She feels nauseated just thinking about it.

"Kyoko!" Her voice is bright and cheerful as she rushes over for a hug. A long, tight hug that Kyoko hesitantly returns. "I can't believe you, you know."

The redhead gulps, listening to her friend go on and on about missing her and not knowing why she left and wanting to hear her sing again and plenty of other things she couldn't keep track of. Old things that made her nostalgic for monkey bars and thanksgiving dinner.

"Yeah, I knows." She knows what's coming next.

"I love you, dummy."

"I- I love you too, Ma'oka."

Madoka and Hitomi begin washing up the dishes after everyone is done, and Sayaka scours the house for some kind of cream for her burn, leaving Kyoko and Homura to sit in a semi-awkward silence that Kyoko can't stand.

"So, uh," she starts, looking away as Homura looks up. "How long have ya known these guys now?"

"A few months. Although, I knew Madoka beforehand." The dark-haired girl closes her book, keeping her place with one of her fingers.

"Don't we all," Kyoko says only half jokingly. Most of them had met through Madoka, if she remembered correctly. "How'd ya know 'er?"

"Primary school. We lived on the same street. My family had to move when I was in grade four."

Silence, again, falls over them. This time Kyoko doesn't mind as much, letting herself fall into a half sleep as she listens to Homura turn pages.

It's everyone's fav late-ass author : D My apologies again for missing last weeks update, I haven't been feeling well lately. I actually chugged a monster today so I could finish writing, but that's besides the point. I should also apologize for how all-over-the-map this is, I've been trying to beat off writers block on top of everything else.
On another note, I've got finals coming up real soon, so I'll have to leave this story alone for a bit so I can study, but once summer hits I'll try to get it back in gear. See you guys soon!
p.s: sorry this authors note is so long? do ppl even read these