Haru groaned as she kicked her legs back and forth in the air. She was sitting in a chair in the corner of Baron's study. She was so bored. "Baron!" Haru whined.

"Haru!" Baron mimicked as he tried to sound like his wife.

"Hey! I do not sound like that" Haru said as she pushed herself up a little in her seat to glare at her husband.

"Sometimes you do" Baron grumbled as he frenziedly filled out papers on his desk. He didn't even spare his wife a glance. Haru ignored her husband's comment. She heaved herself out of the chair and walked over to stand beside Baron. She placed her elbows on his desk and used them to balance herself as she leaned forward to get a look at the documents Baron was filling out.

"What are you working on?" she asked with an innocent bat of her eyelashes.

"Taxes" Baron said in aggravation.

"Need any help?"

"No thank you, love" Baron answered a little distractedly. Haru pushed herself off the desk and went to stand behind Baron's leather red desk chair. She reached over the top to grab Baron's shoulders and neck. He stiffened under the touch, but he relaxed into it as Haru's hands began to knead his muscles. A purr erupted from Baron. His fast paced scribbling slowed down a considerable amount. Now he was calmly reading through the paragraphs of words and marking spots.

"Why don't you take a break? You seem really stressed out" Haru suggested. Baron shook his head.

"I can't. I want to at least finish the taxes by the end of the day" Baron responded. His goal to finish must have inspired or aggravated him more because his writing picked up pace again. Haru sighed. She stopped massaging Baron's shoulders causing him to stop his purring. He looked up at Haru with a pout.

"Haru!" Baron drawled out. Haru put on an emotionless face as she situated herself in front of Baron's desk and climbed on top of it. "What are you doing?" Haru didn't say anything. She crawled across Baron's desk until her face was inches from his. Her brown eyes eyed Baron curiously. Baron drew back from Haru's gaze, causing his back to press against the back of his chair. Haru stretched her arm out so that her hand pushed the back of Baron's chair away from the desk. The chair moved a couple of inches. Haru used the now empty space between the desk and chair to climb on top of Baron and straddle his lap. Baron's hand went to Haru's hips instantly to hold her in place.

"Baron" Haru purred as she placed kisses on Baron's jaw line.

"H-H-Haru! I have work to do. Stop trying to seduce me. You're such a temptress!" Baron stuttered as his head bent back a little at Haru's touch. Haru trailed kisses up the side of Baron's neck and to his ear.

"I'm going out" Haru whispered in Baron's ear.

"W-What?" Baron said in a daze. His eyes were glazed from Haru's teasing. Haru giggled and hopped off Baron's lap. She hurried to stand by the door. She dug her hand around in her pocket and checked the time on her gold pocket watch. The item shone in the light along with Haru's earrings. Baron was stunned at how much Haru looked like she did on the day he met her.

"I'll be back at dinner" she chirped.

"Huh?! Why are you leaving?" Baron said as he stood up from his chair to go over to Haru. Haru rolled her eyes.

"You said you didn't want help, and I said I was bored. Going outside for a stroll seems like a splendid idea. It's such a beautiful day out! Anyhow, I got to go!" Haru explained before rushing out the door, leaving Baron to stare at the spot she was just standing in a few seconds ago.

Baron stood in his study with a dumbfounded expression his face. Bah, forget taxes! They could wait another day. Baron ran out of his study, down the hall, down the stairs, and out the door. He could see Haru skipping away in the distance. Baron used his still attainable cat-like agility to reach Haru's side at an inhuman speed. Haru looked over at Baron with a knowing smirk.

"I knew you'd come. I was going to go see mother's grave. I haven't spoken to her since before the wedding. I feel awful for neglecting her. We can both tell her about how happy we are every day."

"That sounds wonderful, my dear" Baron said as he wrapped an arm around Haru's waist. The couple walked in silence the whole way from the house, out of the city, and to Naoko's grave. Upon reaching the makeshift grave, Haru kneeled down in the dirt. Baron followed her actions. He didn't care about his trousers getting dirty. They could always be washed.

"Hello, mother! Guess what? Baron and I got married! Isn't that magnificent? You always told me to find a family that would take me in, but I bet you didn't expect the man I spent my days with to be the person I'd end up living with. He's wonderful, mother. My name isn't Haru Yoshioka now. Now it is Baroness Haru Von Gikkingen. I have a title now and everything. I hope you're happy for me. I know I'm happy" Haru said as a lone tear ran down her cheek. Baron wiped the tear away with his thumb.

"I'm sure she's proud of you" Baron said. Haru smiled at Baron gratefully. She grabbed his hand and held it. The two sat in the dirt staring at the grave telling stories to Naoko. Haru's head leaned against Baron's shoulder as she laughed at something he said. Baron grinned and kissed Haru on the cheek. She blushed and returned the gesture with a kiss of her own but on the lips. When they pulled apart, Baron and Haru leaned against each other and watched the sunset from atop the small hill. There is always an end and a beginning to everything.

A/N: End of story. Tell me your overall opinion. All your continued support was appreciated. Until next time!