Hello, everyone! I am so sorry that I haven't updated "Youth of the Nation" in such a long time, I deeply apologize. I've been in a roadblock with that story, but I did come up with a BonFire fic. (Bon x Rin. Kudos to whoever came up with it. I'm sorry, but I forgot your name, but I'm not taking credit for coming up with it!) Anyways, this little one shot is about Ryuji proposing to Rin in an adorably odd way.
"Ah! Ryuji! What are you doing?! Stop that!"
Ryuji was currently attempting to put a silver band around Rin's tail. Rin didn't appreciate it, so he kept yelling at Ryuji to stop, but he just kept trying to put the ring on Rin's tail. "Ugh. Why won't this work?" Ryuji said, frustrated.
"Are you an idiot or something?! It won't work because my tail has fur on it! Of course it won't work!" Rin yelled at Ryuji, for what seemed like the hundredth time. Again, with Ryuji not listening.
Ryuji looked up at Rin, then sighed. "Fine. I guess it won't work on your tail." Ryuji said, as Rin tilted his head.
"What are you talking about?" He asked his boyfriend. They've been going out for about two years, and this is the weirdest thing Rin has ever seen Ryuji do. It was even weirder the time Rin came home from a mission to find Ryuji covered head to toe in flour, his excuse was "Happy birthday. I tried to make a cake." Rin never let Ryuji in the kitchen again.
Rin sighed, "Whatever. Just as long as you're done being weird." He muttered.
Ryuji then took Rin's hand gracefully as Rin had a confused look on his face and his head tilted once more. "What are you doing, Ryuji?" He asked.
Ryuji didn't answer, he simply put the silver band on Rin's ring finger on his left hand, and smiled. "Well?" Ryuji asked, with an anxious smile gracing his face as he looked up at Rin.
"Well what?" Rin asked. More confused than ever.
Ryuji's smile dropped instantly as he said "Really? I knew you were an idiot, but not this much of one."
"Oi!" Rin yelled. Not liking being insulted by his lover.
Ryuji merely pointed to the band on Rin's finger and asked "Will you?"
Rin looked down at his hand and the band on his finger. "Will I?" He whispered. Then it all clicked together and tears started to form at the corners of Rin's eyes. Ryuji's eyes widened as he began to panic. Then, without warning, Rin enveloped Ryuji in a hug and cried. "Of course I will, you idiot!" He sobbed happily.
Ryuji's face broke into a soft smile as he hugged Rin back and buried his face in the crook of his fiance's neck.
Oh my god, this turned out so short! (That's what she said.) It turned out a lot shorter than I hoped, but I still think it's a bit sweet. I got this idea from reading a little doujinshi/comic strip. It was adorable and I loved it. Anyways, thank you all for reading and I hope you stick around for when I update my other fic. Which I will do! (Sometime.) Ba-bye! ;-D