It's a Legitimate Strategy!

A/N: A quick word; Most of this stuff is not only inapplicable in DnD/any MMO, but also extremely likely to piss off anyone nearby if you try it, in addition to almost certainly not being in any sourcebook. Also, never played it, so I can't vouch for any of the minutae. This is my take on the 'Gamer' verse fics. Which are frelling fantastic, really, go look up Skyros or The Games We Play when you get the chance. However, they don't show what'd happen if a schemer (Read;MinMaxer) had the 'Gamer' semblance.I suppose you could consider this a parody of the concept. Also, for maximum enjoyment, imagine all the status windows being read in Yes Man's voice.

Also also, sorry about posting this earlier than expected, it's a long story but basically I already had this written and nothing else to post so...

Long ago, before Roman had graduated from being a pickpocket, but after Cinder figured out she looked great in heels.

A young girl awoke one morning to find a blue box floating in front of her.

Naturally, she expressed her surprise in the most succinct way possible.

"The fuck?"

Displayed proudly at the top of the box, which she assumed was more two-dimensional than she expected but couldn't confirm her suspicions because it kept fucking moving when she tried to look around or behind it, were the words 'Congratulations! You have discovered your semblance! Run tutorial y/n?'

Which was odd, because she'd never heard anyone else mention this when they inevitably told the stories abut how they'd discovered their semblances. "Maybe it's a secret?" That didn't seem right... "Why would-"

The box abruptly changed. Thank you for running the tutorial! This boosts your life expectancy by up to 276 percent, rounded down. Please say 'Next' when you are ready to move on.

The girl blinked. "Uhm... next?"

First and foremost, you now have the miraculous power to examine anything and gain significant insight into it's personal history, stats, and usage! Please use your 'Observe' skill to continue!

She shrugged, then turned to her bed. "Uh... Observe." A second box appeared to her left, and the original one was now filled with flashing text.

Thank you for using the 'Observe' skill! When used, another status window will pop up, like the one to your left! Please peruse the status window now. Please say 'Next' when you are ready to move on.

Shrugging, she eyed the second 'Status Window.'

Your Bed Comfy to sleep in, though not very easy to wear. Sleeping in it will fully restore your HP and MP. Maybe it's time for a rest?

"Okay... next." The bed's very useful window disappeared, and the original window updated once more.

'Observe' will become a very valuable tool to you in time. Make sure to experiment; try it on every thing you see. Nearly anything can be observed, with the obvious exception of yourself! You're far too important to waste time with self-observation... Of particular note is the 'See More' function! When 'Observe' is in use, say 'See More' to reveal even more information! Just don't feed it!

To her surprise, the bed's status window appeared again. "Okay... see more?" The status window changed.

According to the analysis of various stains, someone who had this bed and was clearly not you was certainly not too important to waste time on "self-observation"

She took a moment to consider whether it said something about her to have her semblance itself making fun of her. The bed's obviously lying status window closed, and the original status window updated again.

In that case, perhaps you would like to see your personal stats? Please say 'Status' to do so. Check your stats to continue.

She sighed. Semblances were a headache.

"Status." Yet another status window popped up in her vision, the original fading into the background to accommodate it.

Enter Name

Level 1 Aspiring Gamer


"Oh, man, my stats suck... and why doesn't it have my name?"

The original window made it's presence known once again.

Your stats can be increased further upon leveling up. In addition, those who voluntarily accept flaws unto themselves are given extra points and traits, among other bonuses, which can be placed into any stat chosen! Something clicked in her mind. "Define flaw." Flaws are traits which are inherently harmful to you.

"Uh-huh... Is there a limit to how flawed I can be?"

There is no limit on flaws, though most do not choose many, due to their inherently harmful nature!

She smiled. "I'd like to see a list of flaws." A full window popped up in front of her, and the smile grew ever more sinister.

"Let's get started."

Three Hours, and much more familiarity with the HUD later


Enter Name

Level 1 Aspiring Gamer



Cat Allergy
Aversion to Cats
Cat Dander Allergy
Aversion to Cat Dander
No Table Manners
Aversion to Pasta
Low Patience
Occasionally Goes Mad With Power
See More (11,313)

"Hm. Maybe just a few more... scroll down." The list on the screen moved downwards slowly. "Wait, go back up. Mute? What's that do?"

Mute- Your lack of speech heavily drains your charisma, but unnerves your foes! Plus 4 points to any stat, Charisma minus 10, 20% extra damage to human enemies!

"Wait, will I still be able to navigate my HUD without talking if I take it?"

Of course!

"And is there a sign language trait?"

It's folded into non-verbal communication, which also includes mastery of the written word!

"Which is based on?"

Intelligence and Dexterity!

"Wonderful. I'll take that then. Put the extra points into wisdom."

Consider it done!

She tried to say to go on to the traits menu, but found that nothing came out. Thinking it worked, however.

Please select up to five traits!

'What happens if I don't pick five?'

The remainder are converted into five skill points each, which can be further added to your skills.

She would've broken into maniacal laughter if she still had the ability to. After a few minutes perusing the list, she'd almost made her decision to take Nonverbal Communication and her extra twenty to Wisdom. However, one feat caught her eye. 'Okay, so Sex Appeal would probably make up for my lack of charisma, right?'

That's a dangerous line of thought for someone of your age!

She rolled her eyes. 'Could do without the sarcasm from this thing. What is Sex Appeal's effect?'

Adds (STR+INT/2) to your charisma score! Can further be specialized to add in Offensive or Defensive effects!

She initially resisted the urge to cackle, then realized it was a wasted effort. 'I'll take that. Open the specialization menu.'

Sadistic Streak- Your knowledge of the human body and sheer enjoyment of your work increases your damage against human opponents by 30%, however AGE CONFIRMATION REQUIRED FOR MORE INFORMATION

Masochistic Streak-You've spent years gaining an intimate knowledge of how to resist pain! You take 20% less damage, however AGE CONFIRMATION REQUIRED FOR MORE INFORMATION.

'Huh? That's new. Uh... see more?'


'Uhm... yes?' The window was completely blank for a moment.

Did you really think that would work?

'Eh, not really. I'll take it anyway, whatever it does can't be that bad. That's all I want, put the points into wisdom. Oh, I want the Sadistic Spec, by the way.'

Congratulations on completing the tutorial! Please enter a name for your character!

She rolled her eyes. 'Tell you what, champ, just put in my name, alright?'

Remember, you can view your stats at any time by accessing the status menu. Your adventure starts now!

Quest Added- Steal something for breakfast

Quest Added-Eat breakfast

She rolled her eyes, but set off anyway. 'I am kinda hungry.'

Neo Politan

Level 1 Aspiring Gamer

CHA-6 (+96)


Cat Allergy
Aversion to Cats
Cat Dander Allergy
Aversion to Cat Dander
No Table Manners
Aversion to Pasta
Low Patience
Occasionally Goes Mad With Power
See More (11,313)


Nonverbal Communication Expert

Sadistic Sex Appeal