Chapter 22: Leave That Sword for Now
It was not the temple Caster built.
When Rin and Archer left the (desert? Special Zone? Reality Marble?) area the Dark Warriors were protecting, they found themselves in some sort of maze made from a malleable substance. It reacted to being touched, and when Archer tried to mark a path, the scratch he made with his sword would undo itself, like a wound being healed instantly.
It's like we're in the bowels of some monster, Archer thought, and realized that could very well be accurate. "Rin, this isn't working. I think we're just going in circles."
Rin stopped, and he followed suit. She rubbed her chin, deep in thought.
"Those guards in the desert let us pass, even though Tails and Berserker couldn't break through," She determined, "Why?"
"Maybe they wanted to get in," Archer said sarcastically, but then considered it seriously. "This is a trap. Whatever's controlling this…whatever we're in could be trying to wear us down, so they can finish us off once we're weak enough."
"But why us?" Rin asked again, "Why not do that to the rest of them? What about us is so important to the mastermind that they would go to this effort?"
The answer came to Archer in an instant. "Who do you think is being hidden here?"
Rin gasped as she realized it too. "Sakura…!"
"You are correct." A voice whispered, "But also, incorrect."
Archer and Rin whirled about. Standing behind them was a tall, imposing, and downright bizarre man. He was draped in robes of a color similar to the dark warriors, and his eyes were so wide and open that they looked like they should have belonged to a fish. In his hands, tight and muscular, was a book with a cover that was…trembling.
Rin hissed in recognition. "You…!"
The man continued to speak. "The Holy Maiden has need to see you. Her guardian spirit has been guiding your journey through this place. But she is not trying to stymie you. No, she only wishes to meet with you alone. Your Servant cannot follow."
"Not going to happen," Archer said, stepping in front of Rin. "Only a fool would walk through the enemy's home unaided."
The fish-eyed man did not respond. Instead, from behind him, four tentacles sprang out and launched themselves at Archer. Archer, having already Projected his swords, was quick to slice them into ribbons, and then threw Kansho at the fish-eyes. Before the sword could connect, some sort of creature leapt out from behind Fish-eyes and blocked the attack. Out from the walls came more such creatures, abominations like the ones that had been stalking the streets at night.
Great… Archer thought bitterly, Projecting a replacement Kansho. Looks like we can't get through without beating him…Rin, stay. No reply. Rin…?
Archer did a quick check and realized that Rin was no longer in the chamber with him. He shot Fish-Eyes a murderous glare.
"What did you do!?" Archer barked.
"I did nothing," Fish-Eyes stated, "But as I have said, the Holy Maiden wishes to see your Master one last time…
"And is not the purpose of this War to grant a wish?"
"Funny…" Archer had his swords go into Overdrive, "That's not how I remember it." Be careful, Rin…
Rin wasn't sure what had happened. Just when Archer began fighting that…(Man? Monster?), the ground opened up and literally swallowed her. It felt disgusting. She now knew had a piece of food felt when it down her throat.
She blamed herself for being caught off-guard. While she had never seen him in person, after sometime after the Fourth War she had grilled the Fake Priest about the Caster, if only so she could put a face to whoever had killed her classmates. While he never gave her a name to the Heroic Spirit, he had mentioned some of his features, like his fish-eyes.
And in her few moments of righteous anger, the trap had been sprung. Now Rin was separated from her Servant. And while she could summon him to her side with a Command Seal, she knew he would have to deal with Caster if she had any chance of fixing the situation.
(And just how are you going to fix it? A voice that sounded too much like Kotomine whispered in her mind).
Before Rin could give more thought to the issue, a faint glow caught her attention. She realized that the chamber she was in was far larger than the last one. And in the very center of it was some sort of fixture, like a mix between a cradle and a cocoon. It seemed to be made of hundreds of dark tendrils that had grown from the floor, woven together. It emitted a light that seemed to constantly shift between red and purple. And lying in it…
…was Sakura.
But this wasn't the Sakura Rin remembered seeing at school, or at Emiya's. Instead of her uniform or casual dress, Sakura was wearing a dark substance like a dress made of scales. Her hair was bone white. Faint red lines could be seen near her eyes. Eyes that were closed, as if asleep.
Rin swallowed. This was it. She took out the Azoth Sword. She began to walk.
All of the Prana holding this entire lair up is coming from Sakura… She thought, If I cut off the source…
Suddenly, Rin wasn't under Ryuudou. She was at the playground, watching her mother break down telling Uncle Kariya about Sakura…
Rin shook the memory from her mind. Even then, she understood why father had did what he did. It was for both their sakes. As Mages.
But as Rin tried to move on, her mind changed the setting. Now, she was at school, saving Emiya's life to keep Sakura happy...
Rin gritted her teeth. Shirou had been an unwitting casualty, killed by Lancer for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It had no bearing on the present matter…
But then Rin was back at her family's mansion, being stared down by Sonic and Tails. Their disappointed eyes as they stared past her justifications and into her soul.
What do they know!? Rin told herself again, They're just outsiders, they have no right to criticize! This is how things are done!
But Tails' voice cut into her thoughts, "It seems like you're going out of your way to be hurt, just to please some people that aren't around anymore."
Rin took another step. But it was hard to do. Somehow, her legs had become like lead. She tried to think back on her father's lectures. Everything both he and Kotomine had to teach her about Magecraft and the workings of Mages. To remind herself of her duties as a Tohsaka Mage.
But all her mind could summon were those times she constantly bickered with Sonic and Shirou over the War. Eating dinner with the group. And breakfast. Flying in the Tornado with Tails. Playing with Sakura at the park while mother watched…
Rin felt her hands go numb. The Azoth Sword fell from her grip. It landed blade-first into the floor.
Sakura's eyes shot open. They were red, like blood. Sakura turned her head, and fixed Rin with a look that held no emotion. But, even still, the expression the younger girl held was inviting, challenging…and ominous.
And then, Sakura's entire body convulsed once, and Sakura's eyes shut once more.
"Berserker…?" Illya whispered.
But the giant did not respond. His headless body just laid there in the sand, dissolving into a cascade of sparkling light. Once his corpse had vanished, Illya felt it. The presence of one more Servant entering the Holy Grail. The Heroic Spirit Herakles was dead.
The Dark Knight stood over where Berserker had been. In his hand was Amy's hammer, now painted the same shade as his armor. He was joined by the Dark Spearman, and the Dark Charioteer. Opposite of the three Dark Warriors, the remainder of the group gathered at Illya's side.
"What happened to Berserker?" Tails asked, "I thought he was supposed to be invincible or something."
"He…he's supposed to be immune to any weapon below A-Rank," Illya explained, still shaking from the loss. "But…that knight…everything that knight picked up became a high-ranked weapon! Even that stupid hammer!"
"And he knew how to use them," Knuckles muttered, glancing about. "When he knocked that big guy out of his car, he drove it like a champion gladiator."
Illya gritted her teeth. The image of her Servant being run down like just another pedestrian was not how she wanted to remember Berserker.
"We need to rethink our plans," Bazett said, "Those three aren't going to let us through, no matter what. But they aren't interested in chasing after us otherwise. We should retreat for now, and come back later."
"We can't!" Tails protested, "Rin got ahead of us! There's no telling what could happen to her! If we don't get through, she might die!"
"We don't have a choice," Bazett responded, "That girl shouldn't have rushed ahead on her own, even if she had a Servant. We don't live in a world where reckless behavior is allowed."
"Hey, shut up!" Knuckles barked, "You feel that?"
Across the way, the Dark Knight stirred. He began to shake.
A crackling sound filled the air. Sparks of lightning appeared in a clear sky. There was a flash of light, and Sonic, Shirou and Saber fell into the sand.
"Umf!" Sonic hit the desert face-first. Pushing himself up, he spat out a mouthful of grains. "Why do I always land on my beautiful face?"
Shirou shielded his eyes from the glare of the desert sun. "Was it this bright before we went into the house…wait, are we in a desert?"
"Sonic! Shirou!" Tails cried, flying over. "You made it!"
Sonic grinned and gave Tails a thumb's up. "Wouldn't miss it for the world! But what's with the sand box?"
As Tails filled Sonic and Shirou in on the current situation, Saber stared. The three figures barring their way stared back. Her expression turned dire as painful memories came rushing back to her.
"No…" She whispered, "This can't be possible…how is it that they've returned?"
"What?" Amy asked, "You know those guys?"
"…Yes," Saber said mournfully, "I know them quite well. They were my opponents in the Fourth Holy Grail War. I don't understand how, but…those three men are Servants I've fought."
"What?!" Everyone looked at Saber in shock.
"Those guys are Servants?! No wonder they're so tough!" Tails exclaimed.
"Did you figure out their identities?" Bazett asked.
"…Yes…" Saber tried to compose herself, but it was obvious to the rest that this was still affecting her. "The largest man once tried to conquer the world…Although you now call him Alexander the Great, he is Iskander, the King of Conquerors, the Servant Rider.
"The man with two spears is a hero from the legend of Fenian Cycle; Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, the Servant Lancer.
'And the man in armor…" Saber swallowed, shaking. "He was…is…one of my greatest knights when I ruled Camelot…Sir Lancelot of the Lake…Berserker!"
Illya's eyes sharpened. "That knight is a Berserker, too?!"
Shirou stared at his Servant. So she had to fight someone who was once a dear comrade…no wonder this is hard for her.
"But, why are they here?" Knuckles asked, "I thought all the Servants for the War were already summoned?"
But Shirou already had an answer. "The Shadow was created using the mud from the Fourth War's Grail. If he's involved, that would explain how these Servants came back…" He glanced across the way. "They don't seem pretty happy to see us, in any case."
That was an understatement. Dark Rider's expression was dark already, but his eyes had narrowed by such a degree that they were pinpricks. Dark Berserker seemed to have gone completely still. And Dark Lancer…
Eyes twitching. Hands shaking, gripping his spears so hard that if not for their supernatural nature, they would have snapped in two. He seemed to be positively frothing at the mouth.
"You…so you've finally returned, eh Saber!?" Dark Lancer hissed.
"So the Shadow wasn't lying," Dark Rider noted, "Still, judging from her entrance, I imagine her coming wasn't on purpose. Still a coward, pushing people away."
Dark Berserker titled his head. He looked from Saber, to Sonic. "Ar…thur?"
Back with the heroes, Saber noticed an absence. "Illyasviel, where is your Berserker?"
Illya gritted her teeth and fought back tears. "He killed him…that other Berserker killed my Herakles! He moved like an expert martial artist! Even though he's supposed to be a Berserker!"
Shirou and Sonic were amazed to hear this. To them, Berserker was an unstoppable juggernaut, a force of nature in human-shape. What kind of man could kill him on his own?
But Saber was not surprised. She knew her knight. "That's understandable. Even when consumed by the Mad Enhancement, Lancelot is so skilled with that he can keep his mind steady in battle. And he can make anything he gets his hands his Noble Phantasm."
"So what about the other two?" Bazett asked, "What are their powers?"
"Lancer's Noble Phantasms are his spears," Saber explained, "The gold one is Gae Buidhe; Any wound it makes won't heal as long as that spear exists. The red one is Gae Dearg, which can cut through Mana."
"What?! That's too cheap!" Amy cried, "I call hax! Hax!"
"As for Rider's Noble Phantasm…" Saber looked about, "We're currently inside of it. "
"What?!" Knuckles eyes darted frantically, "Inside?!"
Bazett was thunderstruck as she realized the implications. "A Reality Marble!"
"A what?" Tails asked. The land began to shake.
"Think of it as a enclosed dimension, generated by a Mage and shaped by their soul," Illya explained, "But, still, it's kinda plain for something created by a guy calling himself a King of Conquerors."
"This is just the beginning," Saber said, tensing. "In here, Ioniol Hetairoi, Rider can summon an army to wipe out whatever foe he has. But why haven't they appeared…?"
Shirou looked behind and blanched. "Uh, they have."
Turning around, the group saw it. The force coming at them was no mere "army." Instead, it was a massive flood of soldiers. All armed, all strong, and all determined. They charged without hesitation, their only goal being the destruction of whatever lay ahead of them.
"Do you remember, Saber!?" Dark Rider boomed, flying above the army in his Gordius Wheel chariot. "The brief display I showed you at your Master's castle, the obliteration of Assassin, was but a tickle compared to what awaits you here! So smug you were in how you pushed aside your comrades, now you face the power of my eternal allies, bound to me for all eternity!"
"Uh, those guys look pretty tough," Amy said worriedly, holding up her hammer. "But they're just ordinary soldiers, right?"
"No," Saber unsheathed sword, "Some of them are Heroic Spirits. This could be our last-" She gasped and whirled about. "Battle!"
Saber brought up her sword, releasing the Invisible Air that cloaked its length and shape, just in time to block both spears wielded by Dark Lancer. He had charged at her with so much speed that their clash created a small explosion of force that knocked everyone else away.
"Do not worry about them, Saber!" Dark Lancer snarled, his face almost beastly. "By the time that army is even halfway across, I will already have my revenge!"
Dark Lancer began to thrust his spears at Saber rapidly, which she immediately parried. They moved so quickly that immediate space around them became too dangerous to approach, for fear of getting impaled or cut by their sacred blades. Unlike the duel against Assassin, who was cool-headed, there was a sorrow and rage in Saber and Dark Lancer's battle, a desperation not yet seen in the Holy War.
"Saber!" Shirou shouted, wanting to get involved, yet also knowing he couldn't.
"Do not approach, Shirou!" Saber yelled over the screech of blades. "Focus on saving yourself!" Having said that, how can they do that? My Noble Phantasm is the only thing with the power to wipe out Rider's army, but I can't do that with Lancer attacking me. Perhaps if I were to position him with his back towards Rider…
"I'm coming, Saber!" Sonic cried, preparing to run. But before he could he reach Saber, Dark Berserker landed in front of him. "Whoa!"
"Arthurrr!" Dark Berserker roared, before pausing. "Ar…thurrr?" He looked back at Saber, then to Sonic. "Arthurrr?"
Oh, man! This armored chump can't tell the difference between me and Saber, just 'cause we were both King Arthur! Sonic realized, Might as well roll with it! Saber's got her hands full!
Sonic wagged his finger at Dark Berserker, saying, "That's right, Sir Lancelot! It's me, your king! And you should be ashamed of what you pulled with Guinevere!"
Dark Berserker howled in fury, and lunged at Sonic. Rather than actually fight back, Sonic zipped just out of the black knight's reach. And did so again. And again. It was incredibly comical to look at, a fearsome corrupted Servant diving after the speedy Hedgehog. It was like a cat chasing the beam from a laser-pointer.
"That's right!" Sonic shouted, "Follow the Blue Blur! You cur!"
Knuckles slapped his forehead. "Look at Mr. Speed-demon having fun, almost as if we didn't have a flipping army about to step on us!"
But strangely, Shirou did not feel concerned with the ensuing threat. Not just because he was too worried about Saber's battle. Or Sonic's. For some reason, the threat of Dark Rider's army held no meaning to him. There was a faint idea brewing in his mind. A connection, a faint line, began to be drawn between memories and experience.
Rider's army…are full of Heroic Spirits.
They are his Servants.
A Servant is controlling Servants.
Just like Caster did…
Caster…had the power to break the bind between Servants and their Masters…
…And I can copy that.
Shirou looked up at Dark Rider, flying in his chariot. The solution presented himself in his mind. Now, all he had to do was bring it into the world.
I Am the Bone of my _
Shirou held out his hand, and in a flash it was filled by a bow. He held out his other hand, and in it the Rule Breaker appeared.
"Maybe we should run," Tails had suggested off to the side, "We need to get out of here and help Rin and Sakura."
"I don't think we can reach the exit before that force catches us," Bazett pointed out, "And not all of us can move at light-speed."
"Well, we can't just wait for them to hit us…"
A sharp 'twang' cut their argument short. Shirou had let the bowstring go, with the bow pointed high into the air. They stared at him.
"Don't worry," Shirou assured them with a faint smile. "I've got this in hand…I hope."
High in the air, Dark Rider grunted as something struck him in the chest. Whatever hit him had barely tapped his body, and now lay at his feet. Reaching down and picking it up, he regarded the crooked dagger. Looking down from his elevated place, he glowered at Shirou, who still had his bow in hand.
The ground shook as Dark Rider landed right in front of Shirou. He held out the Rule Breaker. "Is this some sort of joke, boy?" He thundered, "This is a battle between kings! Toys like this-" He snapped the Rule Breaker's blade, and threw the dagger aside. "-are not even worth bringing to the battlefield! If you are going to challenge your betters, have the decency to make en effort!"
Shirou did not respond. Instead, he just smiled, faintly. Nearby, Sonic and Dark Berserker ran past them.
And that enraged Dark Rider even more. "Well!? What do you have to say for yourself?! I could break you in two!"
"...You and what army?" Shirou asked finally.
"What? That ar-" Dark Rider pointed, but his words died in his mouth as he looked. All he could see was the vast, empty sands. The strongest army, lead by the Alexander the Great, had vanished. "Wh- where did they go? Where are my followers!?"
"Gone," Shirou explained, "That 'toy' you so easily dismissed...was a Mystic Code meant to sever magical contracts. The bond between your soldiers, which allowed you to call them here...I broke it."
A vein appeared on Dark Rider's forehead. "You...!"
If Dark Rider had any words to say, he was cut off as Knuckles and Bazett suddenly launched a punch and kick respectively into his sides. They followed with upward strikes to his chin, and Dark Rider stumbled back in pain. Shirou didn't hesitate Projecting Archer's swords, rushing towards Dark Rider to attack.
Spotting this, Dark Lancer shot Saber a poisonous look. "I see your new Master has just as much honor as your last," He snarled, "Resorting to cheap tricks with no regards to a warrior's chivalry."
Saber knew what Dark Lancer referred to, and remembered that moment. When her then-Master Kiritsugu interrupted her duel with Diarmuid by forcing his Master to use a Command Seal and have Lancer commit suicide. And to add insult to injury, he killed the Master shortly afterwards. It had been a huge affront to a warrior's honor, and enough to convince Saber that her Kiritsugu was a man unfit to to be her Master.
Saber gritted her teeth. "What Kiritsugu did back then was cold and cruel, of that I will not deny. But do not judge Shirou by those standards!"
With anger on Shirou's behalf burning, Saber fought harder. Off to the side, Sonic continued to run circles around Dark Berserker. While the black knight may have been the most skilled fighter in the desert, and even retained his weapons profeciency while consumed by the Mad Enhancement, he just wasn't fast enought to catch Sonic. With an gutteral growl, he threw himself once more at the Hedgehog. Before Sonic could move, Tails swooped in and pulled him into the air.
"We can't stick around, Sonic!" Tails said, "Those three let Rin go ahead. I think she might be walking into a trap!"
Sonic thought about what Archer told him. "Might be. Let me down, I just gotta do one thing, and we can split."
Tails threw Sonic back down, and the minute he hit the sand, Sonic went into a Spin Dash. His spinning form began to sink, and Dark Berserker, only seeing that his target was no longer moving, charged to catch him. Just as the black knight was almost on top of Sonic, the Hedgehog released the Spin Dash, grinding a small trench into the sand. Sonic, still in Spinball mode, circled around Dark Berserker repeatedly, digging deeper and deeper. After maybe 20 laps (Done in the space of 7 seconds, no less) Sonic leapt into the air and delivered a Homing Shot onto Dark Berserker. As Sonic's form struck Dark Berserker's head, the impact caused the ground, already unstable from the trench, to collapse, trapping Dark Berserker.
"That should do it," Sonic commented, and waved at Tails. "Let's go, Tails!"
As the duo took off, Illya looked to where Dark Berserker had been buried. Already the dark knight was digging his way out of the sand. Making clawing motions with her hands, she created a large cage from magic threads and dropped it over Dark Berserker. It probably wouldn't hold for very long, but every second counted. Amy Rose suddenly leapt down from above and struck the cage, hammering it further down on the black knight. the pink Hedgehog gave Illya a thumb's up, and the homunculous nodded back.
"Guys!" Sonic called out to the others, "Tails and I are gonna get Rin and Sakura! We'll be back ASAP!"
"Take your time!" Knuckles shouted back, "We've got this under- WHOA!"
Knuckles, Shirou, and Bazett dove out of the way as the Gordius Wheel swooped down at them, nearly trampling the three under the hooves of its bulls. Projecting a bow, Shirou fired a slew of Projected arrows at Dark Rider, only to be deflected by the Conqueror's sword. In retaliation, Dark Rider shot a blast of energy from his sword, forcing the Master to run to avoid it. As he did, Knuckles suddenly came up and gave him a solid right hook to the jaw.
"Damn you!" Dark Rider grunted in pain, "Fight fair!"
"This from the guy who needed a whole army to fight for him?" Knuckles remarked.
Dark Rider snarled and slashed at Knuckles, who didn't move in time. Rings exploded from the Echidna's body and Knuckles fell from the chariot. Recovering quickly, Knuckles managed to snag at least three Rings before the rest vanished.
"Are you all right?" Shirou asked, helping him up.
"I'm fine, but that guy can really take a hit!" Knuckles said.
Saber spotted Sonic and Tails leave the Realty Marble, and allowed herself a smile. She jumped away from Dark Lancer as he attempted to skewer her. He shot after Saber, circling around to take her back. Saber whirled to cut block his strike with the gold spear.
"I thought you were supposed to guard this point." Saber questioned, "Are you going to disregard your duty to your master?"
Dark Lancer's eyes flashed. "I only accepted the role of guard dog for one reason; to finish the duel we began ten years ago! The battle our so-called Masters cheated us out of! I have waited too long for this vengeance!"
He's unhinged by anger and spite, and yet, he's still able to maintain his skills a warrior, Saber thought, beginning to get a bit worried. Fighting him was hard enough when I was Kiritsugu's Servant, but with Shirou's smaller Mana reserves...
A yellow glint caught her eye, and Saber broke away from Dark Lancer. Snagging the source, she marveled at the golden hoop in her fingers. It sank into her body, and Saber felt a bit of her energy be restored. She looked around, and saw other such rings floating in the air.
Power Rings! Why are they here? Saber wondered, We've likened the Special Zones Chaos Emeralds create to Realty Marbles before, but...
"You can't escape!" Dark Lancer howled, charging at the knight.
Saber put aside her confusion and brought up her sword. Strange or not, the appearence of Power Rings was a welcome surprise. As long as she kept using them to fuel herself, her duel with Dark Lancer might have a better ending.
"Okay, where to?" Sonic asked as he and Tails raced through the bowels of Ryuudou's inner sanctum.
Tails typed into the Miles Electric. "This entire place seems to be made of Prana. But according to the Radar, there are dozens of empty points that intersect- These tunnels. I just need a moment to figure out where the source of all this Prana is. I bet that's where Rin and Sakura are."
The setting seemed to shake, and a massive pit opened up beneath the duo. With a yell, Sonic jumped and did a Homing Shot to reach the other side, while Tails flew after him. Fleshy arms sprang out from the walls to try and grab at them, but they easily rolled underneath. A new wall suddenly grew down from the ceiling, becoming a instant dead-end, but Sonic grabbed Tails and sped up, shooting past it.
"Ever get the feeling that we're not wanted?" Sonic asked his sidekick sardonically.
"I bet Avenger is trying to keep us from reaching the sisters," Tails commented, "Those Dark Servants wanted to keep us from following when they let Rin and Archer get through."
"Then I guess this is one party we have to crash- Sonic style!" Sonic declared, and stopped to build up speed with a Spin Dash.
Tails followed suit, and the two blasted down the tunnels, rolling across and bouncing off the walls. They would run into more of the creatures patrolling around, but the duo would easily get by them, either by destroying whatever got in their way, but more often bypassing them entirely. More pits would open up beneath them, but the pair easily got past them. On the odd occasion that Sonic did fall, Tails would catch and fly him to safety.
"Not that this isn't fun, but, shouldn't we have gotten there by now?" Sonic asked.
Tails reviewed his Miles Electric. "We're dealing with magic, it's not an exact science- Uh oh!"
"The layout is changing! We're going around in circles!" Tails cried.
Sonic stopped, creating an ear-splitting screeching sound as his heels dug into the ground. Tails landed next to him, looking worried. Sonic tapped his foot in frustration as he thought about it. Snapping his fingers, he pulled out the Chaos Emerald.
"What are you going to do with that?" Tails asked.
"You said one time that Chaos Emeralds attract each other, right?" Sonic replied, "And Amy said that Avenger has a Chaos Emerald."
"You want to use that to find Avenger?" Tails guessed, "That's a not a bad idea, but the tunnels are still changing!"
"Who said we're taking the tunnels?" Sonic asked back, "I don't like taking shortcuts, but seeing as we're in a hurry..."
Tails got the drift and grabbed hold of Sonic's arm. He switched off the Miles Electric and tucked it away. Smirking, Sonic squeezed the gem as sparks began to crawl about their body.
This would be a whole lot easier if these damned things didn't keep popping up. Archer thought bitterly.
As a combatanant, Dark Caster was the epitomy of simplicity. He didn't attack Archer directly, but instead would keep to the side and summon more Dark Creatures to do it for him. The problem was that in the time it took for Archer to slay one, two would take their place. Targeting Dark Caster directly was pointless, because no matter who well he aimed and fast Archer ran to strike, another creature would suddenly appear to obstruct the bowman. Luckily, Archer's own skills were enough to keep Dark Caster and his abominations at bay, but he knew he would burn through his own Prana and Rin's if the standoff continued.
Archer then felt a presence behind him and pivoted, swinging Kansho. It slashed across Avenger's chest, sending out a splatter of blood which he threw into Archer's eyes. Rather than being overwhelmed by a taste of All the World's Evil, Archer just kicked the Servant in the wound.
"Urgh!" Avenger hissed, "You recovered from that fast enough…"
Archer wiped his face with his longcoat. "Been there, done that." Maybe I should use Unlimited Blade Works...
Before the fight could resume, a familiar crackling filled the air. In a burst of light, Sonic and Tails appeared, landing right next to Archer.
"We're here!" Sonic declared.
"Yeah, but where's- Archer!" Tails looked at the bowman, "What happened to Rin?"
Not even gonna ask where they came from, Archer thought, and said, "We got separated. I think she's with Sakura."
"And, uh, is that good?" Tails asked awkwardly.
"...Maybe." Archer said evasively, "But I'm glad you showed up. I can't go find her with these two blocking my way."
While Archer spoke, Avenger glared at Sonic with the focus of laser beams. If it were possible, his gaze would have bore two holes into Sonic's head. Eventually, his eyes shifted towards the gem in Sonic's hand. In the center of his body, a purple light throbbed. Meanwhile, Sonic looked back and returned Avenger's unyeilding look with one of his own. Avenger then shot his arm out, stretching it towards Sonic's Chaos Emerald with fingers twitching like a the tentacles of a paralyzed octopus. Sonic jumped, ran down the arm at top speed to deliver a high-velocity kick into Avenger's head that sent the Servant reeling. Hitting the floor, Avenger's form burst into pieces before reforming.
"Give that to me."
The words were no sooner out of Avenger's mouth when a group of creatures launched themselves at the trio. Archer let fly with a a slew of exploding swords, destroying them all in seconds. Meanwhile, Avenger morphed into a ball, zipping out through a tunnel that opened up. Sonic performed a Spin Dash and shot after him, leaving Tails and Archer alone with Dark Caster when the tunnel sealed up.
"Sonic-!" Tails cried, but Archer cut him off.
"He'll be fine! He's the hero, isn't he?" Archer asked, Projecting his swords. "Anyway, I'm going to need help dealing with that guy," He pointed at Dark Caster. "He's the one whose been summoning these freaks. Think you can help?"
Nodding, Tails went into a Spin Dash and charged at Dark Caster, tearing through a bunch of creatures. Seeing the fox coming, Dark Caster pulled back one of his surprisingly muscular arms in order to throw a punch. But when Tails was right in front of him, the fox jumped up and spun around, knocking Dark Caster in the head with a swing of his tails. As Dark Caster fell, more creatures leapt up to get Tails, only to be shot out of the air by Archer. As Dark Caster pulled himself up, more creatures gathered around, becoming a cloak of eyes of tentacles for him. He glared at Tails and Archer in a way that only a man with fish-eyes could.
Tails shuddered. "Ugh, that's gonna give me nightmares."
"I know," Archer said, nocking his bow. "On the plus side, they make easy targets."
Sonic followed the winding tunnels at top speed. He kept an eye out, but all he could see was the walls, that seemed to be almost organic as they shifted and shook.
This place is even creepier than the one Caster made, Sonic thought, it reminds me of the final stretch to the Eclipse Cannon's Core!
Sonic zipped into a wide area, and then stopped. Out from the shadows a clawed hand reached out towards his throat. Sonic easily jumped back avoid it, but then another figure appeared behind him. Sonic rolled to the side, but there was a third person there as well. They always seemed to appear from nowhere, and disappear just as quickly. Sonic eventually found himself in the center, surrounded by a large group of people, wearing black outfits with skulls masks. They leered at him, but Sonic wasn't remotely impressed.
"Y'know, I figured I was due to fight ninjas," Sonic remarked.
"Still your tongue, interloper," The skull-faces said at once, "We are no mere shinobi. We are the Servant Assassin, Hassan-I Sabbath."
"What, all of you?" Sonic asked, stretching. "That's convenient. Or does it get confusing during role call?"
"The name has been passed down throughout the history of our order," The Assassins said, "When one summons an Assassin, they are not merely bringing forth one warrior, but an entire history!"
"So it's a ninja-clone trick?" Sonic rolled his eyes, "Gotta say, kinda expecting more from a Magic Ghost."
"Save your critique for after the battle," The Assassins warned, "That is, if your impertinent mouth still functions once we are done."
As the Assassins spoke, Sonic curled up and prepared a Spin Dash. As he did, his body began to give off sparks of energy that were immediately pulled back into him. After a few seconds of this, Sonic stopped spinning, but instead of shooting off, stood up, leaning forward in preparation.
"We applaud your decision to flee, but it will do you no good," Said the Assassins, "Even you cannot run away from this assault."
Sonic smirked. "Who said I was running away?"
The Assassins moved. And so did Sonic.
Only, there were now as many Sonics as were Assassins. Maybe more. And they were moving four times faster than Assassin ever hope to. The entire chamber was filled with dozens of spinning blue balls that ricochet off of everything and everyone. Bodies hit the floor, and skull-faces shattered.
Once he had run out of ninjas to hit, Sonic stopped. He checked his watch. Five point seven seconds had passed. Nothing happened. Shaking out his fur, Sonic continued on. Just as he left the chamber, the tunnel entrance sealed itself up. Soon Sonic was running along a twisting, winding bridge over a pit.
"Finally!" I was starting to get board!" Sonic laughed.
A clawed hand suddenly reached out from underneath the bridge and slashed at Sonic. Sonic jumped to avoid it, and when he landed he saw an unfamiliar figure crawl onto the top. It was roughly a little over Sonic's height, with a round torso and wobbling, noodle-like limbs. It's head was like a partly-inflated ball, with dim red lights were the eyes should be. Sonic was reminded of Chaos Zero.
"What the heck are you supposed to be?" Sonic asked. It didn't look like the creatures Avenger normally summoned.
Sonic got his answer when the being's torso began to glow. It was Avenger! Rather than speaking, Avenger once more slashed out at Sonic, who easily dodged. Spinning around, Sonic landed a roundhouse kick with the speed if a jet turbine into Avenger's neck. Avenger once more went splat, but as he did, some of his blood struck Sonic's skin. Sonic gasped as the sheer negativity invaded his mind.
The Shadow reached out to take away Sonic's Emerald, but Sonic suddenly went into a Spin Dash. The force sent the Shadow tumbling back, and he narrowly shifted away when Sonic shot at him. Stopping on a dime, Sonic jumped up and landed a powerful Homing Shot at the Shadow, splattering him. Among the pieces, Sonic saw the Chaos Emerald sticking out. Before he could grab it, the globs of muck reassembled, and reformed into Avenger.
"First Archer and now you…" The Shadow hissed, "Doesn't All of the World's Evil bother anyone?"
"What can I say? You got nothin' on Dark Gaia," Sonic made a finger gun. "Just be glad I didn't turn into a Werehog!"
Avenger materialized two crooked knives and slashed out at Sonic. Sonic easily zipped around him and landed thirty-three punches in rapid-fire succession. Avenger stumbled back, and then sank into the ground, becoming like a silhouette. Avenger zipped around Sonic, rising up to take his back, but Sonic curled up and effortlessly rolled away from The Shadow. Avenger rushed after Sonic, a hunger evident on what little remained of his face. Once he was far enough, Sonic stopped, turned around, and went into a Spin Dash. The impact scattered Avenger's pieces again, and Sonic zipped at the global with Chaos Emerald inside.
"Jackpot!" Sonic declared as he snagged the jewel. But his feeling of triumph turned to confusion when he felt something pull at his hand. The piece of Shadow was trying to yank the Emerald out his grip. He looked in the direction of the force, and saw Avenger's body reassembling itself, with a notable gap in his torso.
"That's mine," The Shadow snarled, reaching out. "It belongs to me. It is part of me."
Still feeling the pull on the Emerald, Sonic decided not to fight against it. Instead, he charged right at Avenger, rolling into a ball and letting the momentum carry him. His Spinball impacted Avenger, but when Sonic turned around to look, he once again saw the pieces had already reassembled.
This is never gonna end! Sonic thought, How can I beat this guy? I wish I had some magic of my own... He smacked his forehead. Duh!
Sonic whipped something out. It was the Rule Breaker's handle, which still had half of its blade attached. When Dark Rider had thrown it away, Sonic snagged it absentmindedly while dealing with Dark Berserker. However, it seemed seemed like the energy from the Chaos Emerald he had on his person kept the fake Noble Phantasm from disappating completely. With one smooth motion, Sonic plunged the broken blade into the glob of darkness on the Emerald. It made a tiny squeal and fell off, retreating to the rest of Avenger's body.
"No..." Avenger whispered, "That's not..."
"Sorry, Avenger, I don't make the rules," Sonic said, racing forwards. "But I sure love to break 'em!"
Avenger tried to get away, but he wasn't fast enough. Sonic tore through his body like a pinball through wet paper. The Shadow was blown to pieces. Sonic stopped and looked around. So far, nothing happened. He didn't see any sign of Avenger reappearing.
He's not coming back... Sonic thought, Did I get him for good this time?
With no answer in sight, Sonic chose to keep moving forward. He had both Emeralds, and now he needed to find the others. He could only imagine how the battles were going elsewhere...
Saber fell to her knees, but rolled out of the way from Dark Lancer's spears. However, she still received a kick to the jaw that sent her flying.
Getting up, Saber spat a bit of blood before wiping her chin. She then said, "I'm sorry for deluding you."
At this, Dark Lancer stopped.
"When I entered the Holy Grail War, I was under the assumption that it was soley a battle between warriors," Saber continued, "Like you, I believed that it was to be a series of righteous duels. But now I see that it was never meant to be righteous. From the beginning, we were only meant to be fuel for the Grail's formation," She took her fighting stance. "I do not expect my words to stop you. I just wanted to say those words before we finish this battle."
Dark Lancer's expression was cold. "...It seems you will never stop finding ways to spit on my honor." He said before resuming his attack.
Meanwhile, Amy and Illya were still attacking the half-buried Dark Berserker. With his legs stuck in the sand, Dark Berserker was limited in how he could defend and retaliate against their blows.
"Storch Ritter: Knight of Bird."
Illya's wires transformed into birds and flew at Dark Berserker. The wire-birds opened its beak and unleashed a stream of energy-bullets that shook Dark Berserker's armor.
With a thunderous roar, Dark Berserker burst out of the sand. He easily ripped the strings Illya bound to him and charged across the desert. Amy leapt at him ready to intercept, but the black knight easily jumped over her attack while kicking her in the chin. Rings fell from Amy's body as she landed head-first into the sand.
"No! You're not getting away!" Illya yelled, and her birds transformed into swords that dove at Dark Berserker.
Dark Berserker just grabbed one and used it to destroy the other. Unhindered, the dark knight continued on his way, kicking up a cloud of sand behind him. The black knight made a beeline towards the duel between Saber and Dark Lancer.
"ARTHUR~!" Dark Berserker yelled.
The sound shook the air, but Saber could not give it much thought. She was too embroiled with Dark Lancer. But then she saw Dark Berserker's form fast approaching over Dark Lancer's shoulder. Her moment of distraction was all Dark Lancer needed to get an edge. With Gae Dearg he pushed Excalibur away, knocking it out of her hands and into the sand. With his foe disarmed, Dark Lancer readied himself to impale Saber with Gae Buidhe.
There was the sound of flesh being torn asunder. Blood dripped onto the sand. Shirou, having heard Dark Berserker's shout and abandoned the fight against Dark Rider, ran up to the site of Saber's duel. What he saw stunned him.
Saber was sitting in the sand, white with fear. Dark Lancer stood before her. And behind him was Dark Berserker, who now held a black sword in his hands.
And half of it had been thrust through Dark Lancer's body.
Dark Lancer spat blood. In his final breath, he choked, "Why...does someone always...interfere...?"
Dark Lancer's body disintergrated. And when it was gone, Dark Berserker's sword hung in his limp hand, before it fell into the sand. The black knight stared down at Saber, who looked up at him Shirou was then joined by Amy and Illya, who looked just as perplexed as he felt.
"What's going on now?" Amy asked, "I thought those two goons were working together."
Dark Berserker reached up and removed his helmet. The head that was underneath it belonged to a handsome man, truly befitting a Knight of the Round Table. But more shocking was his expression. Those watching had been expecting a face twisted by rage, much like Herakles had been. Instead, Dark Berserker's features were painted with sorrow. He looked mournful, solemn, even.
"...Fight, your majesty," Dark Berserker said, "If not for your sake, but for mine."
Nodding, Saber stood up. Without taking her eyes off of Dark Berserker, she reached and retrieved Excalibur. Once she held her sword in her hands, Dark Berserker threw himself at her. Saber was just barely able to stop Dark Berserker from cutting her in half. The two knights began to duel with a intense fervor, but it was immediately obvious that not only did Dark Berserker have the skill advantage, Saber's energy levels were dropping.
It's because of me, Shirou thought, Because she's bound to a weak mage like me, Saber's Prana levels are going to run out before she can even regain her motivation. I've got to do something...
Shirou prepared to Project a bow, but Illya stopped him.
"Don't, Onii-chan," Illya warned, "Even if you don't care about Saber's pride, nothing you throw at that fake Berserker will do any good."
"But you're a wizard, or something, right?" Amy pointed out, "Maybe you can give Saber some status buffs!"
Spoken like someone who only knows magic from RPG games. Shirou thought with bitter amusement, Too bad I can't even do that...
"Onii-chan," Illya then said, "Give me your hand."
Confused, Shirou did so. He then felt something cut into his palm and cried out in pain. Amy gasped, and Shirou then saw that Illya's own hand had a cut into it. She pressed her wound against Shirou's, and he felt a strange heat fill his body.
"What are you doing?" Amy asked.
"Like you said," Illya said, "Status buffs. Onii-chan, I'm giving you my own Mana. Tell Saber to take as much as she wants. She'll need it to avenge Berserker!"
Saber suddenly felt a surge a power and her Mana levels shot up. Her fatigue left her and she easily circled around Dark Berserker to strike. While he managed to block her, Dark Berserker found himself pushed back a foot from the force of her blow. Surprise was evident on both their faces. Saber chanced to look and saw Shirou and Illya holding hands. Her Master flashed her a thumbs up, and Saber nodded back, understanding. She turned back to Dark Berserker, who was now frowning.
Seeing that the situation was more or less under control now, Amy turned and ran. "Okay, you guys do what you can here, I'm going to help Bazett and Knuckles!"
"We've got this." Shirou told her. I hope…
Amy ran to a crimson dot in the distance. Once Amy arrived, she found Bazett looking up into the air. Curious, Amy turned her gaze skyward and saw Dark Rider's chariot circling in the air. Just barely, she could make out Knuckles attached to the side, shifting away from Dark Rider's awkward attempts to smack him off.
"They've been at that for a while, now," Bazett said, "Even with empowered legs, I can't make that jump, or I'd be up there as well."
"Then give me a boost!" Amy declared, getting an odd look from Bazett.
High in the air, Knuckles continued to punch the side of the Gordius Wheel. However, nothing he did seemed to leave any mark on the chariot.
"You're only waisting your time, rodent!" Dark Rider snarled, lifting his sword. "This sacred vehicle was forged by forces beyond your understanding!"
When he saw Dark Rider's blade about to come down, Knuckles jumped off and began to glide through the air. He caught an updrift from Saber and Dark Berserker's fight, putting the Echidna higher into the air. Turning around, Knuckles shot towards and went into a nosedive at the Servant.
"Fool," Dark Rider grunted, preparing to counter. But then, he felt a force slam into his body, nearly hitting him out of his chariot. Turning around, he saw none other than Amy Rose standing on one of his bulls, hammer raised in readiness. "You-!"
Before Dark Rider could retaliate, Knuckles slammed into his back. Rather than waiting for the Servant to regain his balance, Knuckles quickly pulled back his fist and delivered a powerful uppercut. At the same time, Amy shot forward and slammed her hammer into Dark Rider. The force of the blows knocked Dark Rider out of his seat, and out of the chariot. He fell down, hitting the sand with the force of an anvil.
"Perfect! Now we've got a fair fight!" Knuckles declared, and jumped after the Servant.
"Wait! How do I steer this thing?" Amy cried, gesturing at the reins. With their master gone, the bulls began to run wild. Down below, Bazett gasped and chased after the chariot when it began to twist and curve uncontrollably in the air.
Back with the knights, Saber and Dark Berserker's duel continued. However, no matter what Saber did, even with the influx of power she was getting from Shirou and Illya, she could not gain an advantage over her former warrior.
"I understand why you hate me, Berserker, but the Holy Grail will not grant your wish!" Saber declared, "It was an impossible dream from the very beginning, one that will only destroy the world!"
"I don't hate you, Your Majesty," Dark Berserker said, his cool tone offset by his aggression. "But, you clearly have never truly been to the Throne of Heroes. If you had, you would understand this rage of mine." As he spoke, his attacks became more aggressive. "When I died, my only regret was not being able to come to your aide in your time of need, so I became a Heroic Spirit to change our fate with the Holy Grail. But when I did, I learned the true nature of our lives."
Saber was pushed back. "What are you...?"
"It was all planned..." Dark Berserker hissed, his face becoming ugly with as the rage took him. "Everything, from the day you pulled that sword from the stone, had in fact been set in stone!"
As his fury increased, so did the speed and force of his attacks. Saber found herself being pushed further and further as Dark Berserker pressed his assault. And as he did, his tone became more and more enraged.
"That sword's cruel enchantment not only altered your nature, but all of ours!" Dark Berserker said fiercely, "From that day on, we all became players in a show set forth by the gods themselves! Guinevere, myself, you... To create the Legend of King Arthur, we were all made to suffer!"
Saber darted back as Dark Berserker unleashed a downward strike that created a small trench in the sand. From that point, she kept her distance from Dark Berserker, clashing sparingly as he continued to pursue her. However, she knew that if this kept up Dark Berserker would overcome her.
"And the vengeance I seek is not against you, or even our kingdom!" Dark Berserker continued, "This world, which glorifies the tragedy we experienced, is the true target of my rage!"
Shirou, watching this and having heard Dark Berserker's speech, realized that Saber, through it all, was still haunted by the traumatic loss of her knights and kingdom. Even with the Prana Illya was donating, the guilt she had from not being able to save her country was keeping her from fighting to her fullest. He had to snap her out of it.
"Saber!" Shirou then shouted, catching both knights' attention. "You're no longer a Knight of the Round Table! You're a Heroic Spirit now! You don't have to restrain yourself!"
Saber and Dark Berserker stared at Shirou. While Saber's eyes seemed to soften at his words, Dark Berserker's gaze narrowed. When he looked back at Saber, he saw that her expression had a strength and clarity that they did not have before, even with her resolution to fight.
Shirou's right...All this time, I've been fighting as if I were still at Battle of Camlann, sword against sword, Saber thought, But I have to go further than a knight could…I have to fight like a Servant of the War…like a Magic Ghost!
Saber raised her sword above her head, an idea forming in her head. The blade began to glow as power gathered within it and began to concentrate. Dark Berserker saw what was happening, and then rushed forward, intent on intercepting the attack.
Much further away, Knuckles and Dark Rider had landed rather haphazardly in the sand. With grains shaking tumbling out of their hair and fur, their battle continued to devolve into an all-out slug-fest. Dark Rider was giving it his all, but he had dropped his sword in the fall and Knuckles was using hit-and-run tactics to land dozens of blows. However, Dark Rider refused to fall.
"Do you..." Knuckles paused to take a breath. "...give?"
"Never," Dark Rider snarled, "I have journeyed the world during my era, putting each nation I came across to heel. I have never stopped once in life, and do not intend to do so now!"
"Well, in that... Hey, what's that light?" Knuckles paused, looking past Dark Rider. His eyes widened, and he dove into the sand.
Confused, Dark Rider looked behind him...just in time for the impact. He didn't even have time to feel pain. It was over instantly.
Tails' spinball slammed into Dark Caster's chest, knocking the dark wizard back a step. A two tentacles shot out from behind at the fox, which Tails jumped over. However, as he did, Dark Caster lunged forward ready to slug Tails, his surprisingly strong hands balled into fists. Before he could connect, though, a dot of light caught one of his over-sized eyes. Caster just barely jumped back in time for a one of Archer's swords to rush over his nose. The wizard shot the bowman a glare.
"Sorry about that," Archer said, shaking his leg. It had a starfish-creature clinging to it. "Was aiming for your head."
"Just let us through already!" Tails yelled, "Why do you guys even want with Sakura?"
"The Holy Maiden must be safeguarded until her purpose is fulfilled," Dark Caster said, "In order to become the Holy Grail, we require a vessel to contain and concentrate its power."
"Vessel?" Tails asked, confused.
Archer's eyes widened, then narrowed. "So that's it… You're going to sacrifice Sakura to create a pathway to the Greater Grail!"
Tails gasped. "Sacrifice!?"
"In order for the Grail to form, a human vessel is needed," Archer said. His voice was cold, but there was a fire in his eyes. "But containing all of that power will kill whoever it is."
-Illya's eyes closed for the last time…
Dark Caster shrugged. "If we are to deny God, then such sacrifices are necessary."
Archer kicked off the starfish, and then destroyed it with Kansho. He then dematerialized both of his swords. "Tails, get clear. I'm going to end!"
Archer held out his hand and a new sword began to appear. Its creation required far more Prana than either Byakuya and Kansho combined. It was a sword that had a special place in history, and an exceptionally special place in his memories.
He felt her arms next to his as she gripped the hilt of the sword. Together, they ran at the raging giant...
One the sword was fully formed, Archer ran at Dark Caster. The fallen Servant gestured for more of his Summons' to attack, but they balked. The light emitting from the blade was repellent to the creatures, the darkness that formed them burning away at its touch. Dark Caster himself flung his arms over his face, shielding his eyes from the glow of the sword. He began to pull away, from behind Tails rammed his Spinball into him, knocking Dark Caster towards Archer's assault.
This was all the opening Archer needed. He brought the sword down, releasing a flash of holy light that engulfed the Dark Caster.
When the dust cleared, there was no sign of Dark Caster. Archer sighed, and released the spell, causing the Projected sword to vanish from his hand. His heart felt heavy from memory and a distinct dip in his mana reserves.
"Whoa, total anihilation," Tails commented, looking around. "Hey, is it me, or are the walls starting to look transparent?"
"That man was probably the one who crafted this place," Archer said, "Without his existence, the spells maintaining the structure are fading." Rin, we destroyed the fish-eyes. How are you doing? Rin? Rin!
With Dark Rider's death, the desert began to fade away, replaced by the ruins of Caster's Labyrinth. Shirou looked to Saber, who was on her knees. He couldn't see her face past the unbound hair, but he could hear the tears falling. In front of her was Dark Berserker, who looked almost peaceful, more at ease than a man whose left half had been vaporized should be.
"There will be no King as great as you," Dark Berserker said to Saber, "Never forget that."
Saber choked back a sob. Shirou went over and helped her up.
"Young man, I ask you," Dark Berserker said, "Are you my liege ' s Master?"
Shirou looked their defeated foe squarely in the eyes. "No. I'm Saber's friend."
Dark Berserker did not reply. In fact, he didn't even move. His eyes, unblinking, stared into Shirou. There was a rush of footsteps, and Shirou knew that Sonic had returned. Dark Berserker glanced briefly at the Hedgehog. For a moment, Shirou thought he was going to continue attacking. Instead, Dark Berserker ' s eyes softened.
"…I see," Lancelot said, smiling. "If it led to this moment, then, perhaps…it was all worth it.
"Farewell, my liege."
With a sad, but content smile on his face, Lancelot of the Lake vanished from the world. Once he did, Saber broke down, sobbing as she mourned what to her was her knight's third passing. Off to the side, Illya just stared at the spot where Berserker- her Berserker had been killed by the Dark one. Shirou took Saber by the shoulder, silently offering her his support. Sonic, catching on quick, gave Saber a pat on the back.
"He seemed like a nice guy." Sonic commented.
Saber took a deep breath. When she exhaled, it felt to Shirou that she was releasing a lifetime of sorrow and anger.
"Yes," She said at last, "He was. It is a shame you could not see how he was before his corruption."
"I'm not sure about that," Shirou spoke up, "Even though he had been tainted by the Fourth War's Grail, there was a chivalry in his rage. I don't think even Avenger could smother that. And…I think that as a knight turned to evil, that chivalrous nature would prefer to be cut down by his Master, than have his rage consume the world."
Saber smiled. It was still a sad smile, but Shirou felt that his words may have helped Saber come to terms with her duel. Her eyes, at least, brightened considerably.
"Sonic!" Something bright and pink leapt out of nowhere and latched onto the Hedgehog, wrapping her arms around his neck. Bazett arrived soon after.
"Ack! Amy!" Sonic gagged- although Shirou wasn't sure if it was because he didn't appreciate the Amy's affection, or because she was squeezing too hard.
A rock shattered, punched into bits by Knuckles. The Echidna looked nowhere near as chipper as Amy had been. In fact, he seemed outright livid.
"Who sent the death beam my way?!" Knuckles demanded, "It almost turned me into atoms!"
Saber blushed slightly from embarrassment. "I apologize, Knuckles. My battle with the Berser…with Lancelot proved to be more difficult than I assumed it would be. I had to use my Noble Phantasm in order to match his skills."
Knuckles grumbled, unsatisfied with the answer. However, he let the matter drop. A tell-tale whirring told them that Tails was coming, and they saw that he was accompanied by Archer.
"He-hey, Tails!" Sonic greeted, still trying to escape Amy's constricting hug. "Where's Rin?"
"I don't know! We lost track of her!" Tails replied, looking around frantically.
"While we were fighting the other Caster we became separated from Rin," Archer explained further, "She's also refusing to answer my mental calls."
"She must be going to find Sakura!" Tails exclaimed, "The Caster said that she's being used as a Grail! We have to find them before Rin does something-!"
The ear-splitting shriek bounced off the cavern's walls and caught everyone's attention. They looked to the source and saw Rin, carrying an unconscious Sakura in her arms. Both girls looked incredibly damaged, their clothes torn, their skin cut and bleeding, and their hair unbound. Rin swayed, clearly having trouble keeping Sakura held up and maintaining her balance at the same time. Nonetheless, she continued to stagger towards the group, refusing to let go even when Archer went over to help her.
"She's dying!" Rin continued to scream, tears pouring down her cheeks. "Something happened, I don't know what, but I don't have enough Prana to heal her! Somebody…" She began to sob. "Save my little sister!"
Sonic was instantly at Rin's side, holding out his arms. "Give her to me! I'll zip her over to a hospital!"
Saber stood up. In that one instant, she was no longer the fallen King, mourning the loss of her country or the life of her knight. She was now a Servant, brought into the world in pursuit of a wish.
And it would be granted.
Saber turned to face a Shirou, her eyes hard. "I'm sorry, Shirou. This will hurt, but I need to do it to save your friend."
Before Shirou could ask what she meant, he gagged in pain. Saber had plunged her hand into his chest! A shining light appeared as Saber retracted her hand, but what appeared was not blood, but an ornate sheath. It was beautiful to behold, when Saber held it her own grandeur was amplified. It was an mystical object she once held during her life as a king. It was a tool Archer had seen in his own life. It was a catalyst Illya had seen very briefly at the Einzbern castle. And Sonic had seen one very like it in another adventure…although the one he remembered was a bit different.
The sheath of King Arthur's sword, Avalon… Sonic thought, and realized what Saber was planning. It was inside of Shirou this whole time!
Rin, briefly distracted from her sisters plight by Avalon ' s splendor, did not stop Sonic from taking Sakura into his arms. Moving quickly-but-not-too quickly, Sonic carried the wounded girl towards Saber, who was marching towards them, holding Avalon out. The two met in the middle.
"Okay, your Majesty," Sonic said, "Give it to her."
"I will," Saber said resolutely, and in a smaller voice, said to Sakura, "I'm sorry, this will sting."
Raising Avalon into the air, Saber plunged the sheath into Sakura's body! Sonic gasped and nearly dropped the girl, but Saber's unflinching eyes told him to keep steady. Sakura whined a bit, but the pain appeared to be minimal. Avalon sank into Sakura ' s abdomen, drawing no blood but vanishing into a golden light, a light that briefly rippled over the girl's entire being. The smallest of cuts and bruises Seemed to close and fade, and Sakura ' s pained expression softened.
"What is that thing?" Amy asked, amazed. "Some sort of magic charm?"
"This is Avalon, the sheath for my sword," Saber explained, her eyes fixated on Sakura. "It is a mystical tool that heals rejuvenates those who bear it. I imagine that it was implanted inside of Shirou to save him from whatever injuries he sustained during the Great Fire of Fuyuki, by my previous Master."
"But will it be enough to help Sakura?" Tails asked worriedly. "She was in bad shape even before Avenger kidnapped her."
"The recovery will not be fast, but I know that the worst of it shall be healed," Saber said, "However, Sonic and I must not leave her side until she awakens," She looked Sonic firmly in the eyes. "Avalon's power can only be invoked in the presence of King Arthur."
Getting Saber's drift, Sonic smirked and flashed the King of Knights an understanding smile. He looked at Sakura ' s face and saw that her expression, once so pained, was now peaceful. It was hard to believe that scarcely a minute ago she had been at deaths door. During his own adventure through the Legend of King Arthur, the immortality granted by Avalon had been such a pain. Now, though, it's power was being put to good use.
Knuckles, meanwhile, had his own questions. "But what happened to her in the first place? "
Rin said, "I…I don't know. I was trying to keep her from becoming the Grail, when…when…I guess the excess Prana badly reacted with her messed up Mage Circuits."
"Badly reacted?" Knuckles repeated, his face scrunched up in confusion. "What's that supposed to Mean? "
"She just convulsed!" Rin half-shouted, "It's like something inside of her exploded, I don't know!"
Sonic and Shirou froze, and their eyes met.
Shinji stared at the smoking crater that used to be the Matou Manor. Only very tiny pieces of the house could be found scattered about. Further away, concerned citizens were making phone calls about both the noise and the debris that fell down from above. A tall plume of smoke was at the very center of the destruction.
My house… my room… my magazines… Shinji thought, too stunned to feel any emotion. Gone!
"Wow," Cubot commented, "That musta been some party!"
Orbot looked up and asked Shinji, "Does your universe's homeowners insurance cover for explosions? Ours does."
"…We should probably leave," Shirou said at last, "Avalon or not, we need to get Sakura to a Hospital."
"Yeah, plus, thus place is looking pretty beat up," Tails said, looking around. "the last thing we need is a cave in on top of everything else that's happened."
Of that, there was no denying. Even though the majority of the battles had happened inside Dark Rider's Reality Marble, the few fights that occurred outside of it had done serious damage to the cavern's infrastructure. There was no sign that it would collapse immediately, but no one wanted to tempt fate.
"Don't worry, I know of a great clinic," Amy put in, "It's the same place where Bazett stayed after her own injury."
"Lead the way, Amy," Sonic said, picking up Sakura. " Or better yet, give me directions so I can carry her there."
Of course, he was joking. Even if Avalon's healing powers were being doubled, Sakura's condition was too delicate to be jostled by Sonic's high-velocity delivery. The entirety of them walked towards the entrance of the cavern. To ensure that Sakura would be more comfortable, Shirou Projected a stretcher for her to be carried on. With Sonic at the front and Saber holding up the end, the group headed out to the entrance of the cavern.
"So, what are we going to tell the doctor?" Tails asked, "He's gonna wanna know how Sakura was injured."
"That won't matter," Rin declared, her eyes regaining there usual light. "We'll just hypnotize the entire building if we have to. Sakura will be taken care of, and we won't have to answer any awkward questions."
As they reached the end of the tunnel, a blinding glare greeted them. But it wasn't the sun that was shining. Instead, it was at least a dozen floodlights. Flanking the lights were a multitude of what looked like armored soldiers, armed to the teeth. Hovering in the air were several drones.
"Oh man..." Sonic sighed, "Here we go again..."
To be continued_
Einzbern Consulation Room
Taiga: Huh? Where am I...Ahhh, this place again. KYAAH! Where'd this giant come from!?
Berserker: Hrmm, it's you...?
Irisviel: Hello, and welcome to the Einzbern Consultation room! We're so glad to have you, Berserker.
Berserker: Please don't call me that.
Irisviel: Wow, you have such better manners now that you're not under the Mad Enhancement! Do you have any regrets or questions before you pass on?
Berserker: I have several. First off, why was I summoned as a Berserker? Surely any who know of my tales would know better than to force such a limitation on me.
Irisviel: Ahh, that was probably grandfather. He doesn't like it when people think for themselves. He probably became paranoid when Kiritsugu betrayed him ten years ago.
Taiga: Kiritsugu was always an upstanding man in my memories... You're grandfather must have been a real stinker if Kiritsugu had to go against him.
Berserker: Your grandfather... Yes, I remember. To test my might and Illya's skill as a Master, Jubstacheit von Einzbern had both of us thrown into the forest surrounding the family castle. She was almost killed by the wolves.
Taiga: WHAAT?! That monster! That's child-abuse!
Irisviel: In the many centuries since the Fuyuki Grail Wars were established, the goal of completing the Holy Grail and possessing its power has all but consumed grandfather. Kiritsugu once told me that he felt Jubstacheit's emotions could be condensed into the word "Achievement." Nothing else moves him.
Berserker: If I had any concerns left, it would be that Illya will be subjected to Jubstacheit's treatment again, now that I am no longer here to protect her.
Taiga: Do not worry, Master Herakles! I will personally protect Illya from that monstrous stinker! I'll get my grandfather to have Illya's care transferred to the Fujimura group. And if that stinker doesn't like it, he can taste the sting of the Tora-shinai! (Whacks Berserker)
Berserker: ...
Irisviel: Ah~ Zecchan, that was uncalled for...
Berserker: Thank you.
Irisviel & Taiga: Huh?
Berserker: In life, my own offspring were killed by Hera's meddling. Knowing that someone will take of Illya in my place...that puts me at ease. Goodbye. (Leaves)
Irisviel: Well, good job, Zecchan! I was worried your personality would make things complicated, but you have truly earned your place in the Consultation Room!
Taiga: Thank you, Shishou, I was glad I could... Hey! That wasn't a complement!
Irisviel: The Consulation Room is now closed, until the next Servant arrives. Only four more to go...
Taiga: Goodbye, every- four?