This is my first fanfiction that I've published. Please give me any feedback or criticism to help me improve on my writing! ^_^ So this starts a little slow and fluffy but I promise it will progressively get more kinky ;) There aren't any spoilers that I'm aware of, so if you haven't finished his story I wont spoil anything for you, but this is set after the story is completed. I do plan to continue this series so yay :3 Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
TRIGGER WARNING- mention of slight spanking?

There was a strong breeze in the middle of the heat. He looked happy and took long and deep breaths to encourage the fresh air around him to inflate his lungs. His hands lay on his abdomen, entangled and infatuated with each other. I admire his calm but strong features as I sit on the sharp yellowing grass, feeling irritated at my lack of ability to remember the astronomy test questions he was helping me revise. Klaus is being patient for me, which is surprising. The only thing I can remember was that the brightest star known to man is called Sirius. And I only know this because it's nicknamed 'dog star' and I remember giggling at the name and now it's the only thing that's stuck in my head.

"You really are quite thick headed, aren't you bunnyhead?"

He says as he looks at me with sharp eyes and a bright smile. His eyes make me squirm in my spot, feeling embarrassed as he kept his gaze on me for a little bit too long.

"AH, THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING! Why can't I remember anything? I mean we've gone through these questions a million times and they just won't stick in my head!" I say with a look of exhaustion.

"I believe you can do this, but let's take a break for now." He says calmly.

A break? Who is this man? Regardless, I nod my head in agreement and stand up after him.

"Sit down you imbecile."

Waaaa? What did I do? I looked at him with frustrated eyes and sat back down, not bothering to argue.

"I love that face." He winked and walked off.

What the actual fuck. So I'm now here alone, what is he thinking? Did he get annoyed at me for giving up? Is he giving up on me too? Please don't give up on me Klaus… I felt like crying there, feeling abandoned, but I thought to myself to just wait and to not be so irrational. He'd obviously come back. He probably just had to go to the washroom or something. That's normal. As I made myself feel more at ease, as deep voice startled me from behind me.

"Hey" His tall stature looks even scarier from down here.

"Ah! Klaus? Where did you even come from?"

He's so suspicious sometimes…

"I bought you something." He says with a face void of emotion.

Oh? I didn't expect that at all. What could it be? Maybe a wooden spoon to hit me with when I get the wrong answer… oh no not that please. Dirty thoughts start streaming into my head. I picture myself in a tiny apron while baking while he takes the wooden spoon from my hand and starts firmly hitting my behind as he bends me over the counter top and calls me a bad girl for burning the cookies (which I would never do... I'm a brilliant baker, but I'd burn them on purpose if he'd do that to me...). His strong arms holding me down with his hot breath in my ear... oh god. I can feel my face get hotter and I look down in embarrassment at my lack of self-control. He pulled a pale blue box from behind his back with a milk chocolate coloured ribbon tied around it. Ok. Not a wooden spoon. I shook the thoughts away. What's wrong with me? He unties the ribbon for me and opens the box to show a traditional Chinese moon cake.

"Oh my! That looks incredibly delicious… but why? I definitely don't deserve this at all after how much of a failure I am at studying." I say biting my lip slightly, needing to know what it tastes like.

"You may be right about the failure part…"

Wow rude. I know it's true but he didn't have to say it…

"but I know this will help you with your studies."

Help me with my studies? Ok… as long as I can eat it I'm ok with this. Just as I was about to ask if I could try it but he placed the lid back on the box teasingly and set it behind him.

"Answer every question about the moon and stars in this textbook and you can have this." Klaus said with a taunting look. He knows exactly how to make me want to do work huh.

Without any questions I dove straight into the work. Surprisingly I didn't find them to be that difficult. Hm, the moon is which astrological sign's ruling planet? …I think it's Cancer? Yeah that makes sense. The moon rules emotions and every cancer I've met has cried in my arms at one point. As I finished the last question my stomach made a particularly noticeable rumbling noise. Of course, I haven't eaten in a while. I look up to see Klaus chuckle at my expense… how embarrassing.

"All those questions better be right or no cake for you." His words pierced me where it really hurt.

"They are right and I just finished the last one!" I say with pride.

He takes my notebook from me and checks each answer thoroughly.

"You could have elaborated on this one more… this one needs more clarification…" he continued picking out miniscule flaws in my answers to toy with me and my obvious desire for that cake. After what seemed like hours he gave me that cake, but with reluctance because the answers weren't up to his extremely high standards.

"Thanks so much, Klaus! Would you like some as well?" I offered him a piece and he declined saying it was all mine.

"You look like you need it more than I do." He said and lied on the grass next to me, closing his eyes. He looked so dreamy I almost forgot to taste the cake.

"I can feel you stare, you know."

Oh my god, what? I immediately turn away and shove a piece of cake in my mouth before he opened his eyes. Swallowing the cake before speaking I say "What are you talking about.. heh.. I'm too busy enjoying this delicious cake! Again, thank you for this…"

That was so suspicious, and I could tell he felt the same way by his expression of doubt at my words.

"I can tell you're lying by your red cheeks, you're a terrible liar." He says while sitting up to stroke my cheek. His face is so close! I can feel his breath on me… this is too much. Feeling nervous I turn my face away.

"Look at me." He forcefully grabs my chin and turns my head to face him again.

"You look too irresistible right now…" He says while slowly moving closer and closer. My heart feels like it is strained against my chest and I lean in, needing his lips on mine. It's soft at first. Like new lovers, which we were. But it grew more passionate as we both yearned for more of each other's touch. Luckily there weren't any people in the area we were located, or else I wouldn't bear to do this. The rumours would spread and Klaus could lose his job as a professor, and I really don't want that. We broke the kiss when it started getting too steamy. His eyes looked pained to let go, but we couldn't go any further out here.

"We'll continue this tomorrow, student." His seductive face looked me up and down and I felt my body unconsciously shiver. I was about to speak when he looked at his watch, "I'm going to be late" he muttered to himself and left without saying another word. I sat there confused and feeling needy. I wanted to run after him but I knew he still had a lesson to teach. I kind of felt used… does he even care about me at all? Who does that and just leaves a second later? I felt a bit hopeless and slightly sexually frustrated. As I packed my things I saw him look back in the corner of my eye.