Bonjour! So this is it, the very last chapter of French Connection :'( A huge thank you to all the people that read and reviewed the story it's been so much fun and I've really appreciated all your kind words!
This is something of an Epilogue but if i'm honest it's just pure smut as I did promise they would get together in the end!

Enjoy xxx

It was getting on for 6pm and Bigby was back at his beaten up desk, surrounded by paperwork, in his stuffy little office. He flipped the cover off a file shut and sighed with relief. Finding a cigarette, he lit up and inhaled the calming fumes, leaning back on his chair and stretched his arms. He glanced down at envelope Snow had dropped off to him earlier that morning and read the postcard inside:

Greetings from Australia!

I'm settling in well here, enjoying the sunshine! I can't thank you both enough for the help you have given me, it feels so good to be free at last! I hope you both enjoyed Paris and the fun will continue in New York!

Much love as always,


P.S. We made the papers!

Bigby tipped a small news clipping out of the envelope and raised his eyebrows as he read the sensational headline:

Ghosts and Werewolves in Montmartre Cemetery!

Reports from several witnesses attested to seeing spooky sights late last week in the cities most famous cemetery. Patients at the overlooking hospital spied a large furry creature fighting with a spirit of the night! But could this just be the drug addled visions of the sick? No police reports were filed but maybe these supernatural beings have their own police force! This newsroom awaits further reports before it starts chasing down the undead!"

Bigby chuckled at shook his head in disbelief, these Mundy's would never learn. He exhaled a stream of smoke and propped the picture of Ayer's rock up against his desk lamp. Paris had been fun. Well if you ignored the whole supernatural killer thing. Since they had returned Bigby and Snow's relationship had blossomed. At her request he had agreed to take things slowly, but when he showed up at her door with a bunch of peony roses for their first 'proper date' she had caved and dragged him into her apartment by the tie and not let him leave for an entire weekend. Bigby was living his dream, and the citizens of Fabletown had noticed a change in their Sheriff. He was less growly, more patient and Jack even swore he once heard the detective whistling. He was debating what to do with his evening when a heavenly sound met his ears. The closing of a door and the light click of heels down the corridor which was quickly followed by the scent of apple blossom and the underlying notes of something a little mischievous that made him grin even before the handle of his office door starting turning.

She burst into the room and equally large smile on her face. "Are you finished for today sheriff?" She closed the door firmly behind her after checking the corridor was empty. "Just finished the last file. Had a little time to reflect on Paris..." She raised an eyebrow and walked slowly around his desk and perched on the corner next to him, her knee brushing his. "What sort of things were you reflecting on sheriff?" Snow said casually as she began flicking through one of his files, ignoring the fact that his hands were so very close to her now. "Well mostly this" he said pointedly as his hand ran along her smooth leg, right up to the hem of her skirt where he squeezed her thigh. She swatted him with the file and gave him a look of mock horror. "Sheriff! If you can't give me a detailed report then I'm not sure if you are the right man for this job."

He pulled the file from her hands and threw it over his shoulder, papers flying everywhere, much to her amusement. She gasped for real when he dragged her from the desk into his lap, his warm chest pressed against her back, his arms wrapped around her waist. She leant back into him and rested her head on his shoulder and managed to plant a kiss to his rough jawline. "This could be considered sexual harassment you know?" Snow giggled as Bigby began to lift the fabric of her skirt a little higher. "Well would you like to lodge a formal complaint Miss White?" he rumbled as he ran his rough fingers along her soft thighs, creeping higher and higher until he was greeted by her lacy underwear and a scent of lust that caused a stirring of his own. "No I wouldn't bother. This government is far too corrupt..." she sighed a little and wrapped her arm around his neck, her fingers buried in his soft brown hair, pulling gently.

"It certainly is. I heard a rumour the Deputy Mayor was sleeping with the Sheriff" he growled in her ear, his fangs scraping gently on the soft skin of her neck. She watched as his fingers ever so gently skimmed under the edge of her panties, and brushed the soft curls that lay beneath the fabric. She blushed at his actions and buried her face into his neck but remained smiling, hoping he would continue. By this point she was feeling extremely aroused and there was no hiding it from Bigby as his large fingers slid down the wet folds of her entrance. She couldn't contain the moan that rushed from her lips as he teased gently at her sensitive bud. She wiggled a little in his lap as he dragged out her pleasure, something he always seemed to enjoy, and she felt a jolt of excitement as she felt his erection growing. She managed to adjust herself a little and turned his cheek so she could kiss him finally on the lips. It had been a long day, full of miserable Fables, bent over her desk reading report after report, but when she kissed him all that stress and tension vanished. Not to mention his extremely satisfying handiwork that had an equally relaxing affect.

She pulled away from his soft lips and he muttered a "wow" that made her chuckle. Her slender fingers ran across his cheek and he kissed her again as his finger work became more rapid. Her skin began to tingle as he rubbed circles around her tender clit, his free hand locking with hers. He stole her breath with kisses as she moaned against his lips, her hips pushing against him harder. As she came she squeezed her thighs around his hand and drew away from his lips, a loud cry emitted from her ruby lips.

She shivered as her climax shot through her body, and she sighed a long breath as she finally released his hand from between her thighs. Resting her head back again on his shoulder she felt his hands unbutton the last two buttons of her blouse and run his hands along her stomach and suddenly began tickling her stomach. She shrieked and squirmed away from him as he almost cackled at her until she slid off of his lap and landed in a heap on the floor. She leaned on his legs and scowled at him, "that was a little mean." She pouted and as he ran a thumb along her juicy bottom lip and growled a little at her. He watched as her hands travelled up to his belt buckle, and slowly undid it, and he groaned as she helped release his length from his pants.

She grinned up at him and gently gripped it, slowly working him until his nails were digging into the arms on his chair. She kissed the tip, flicking her tongue across it and he mumbled her name, encouraging her to take in his entire length, sucking and running her fingers along as he ran his fingers through her loose, soft hair.

He was a little lost in his reverie and almost missed the intruding scent of a visitor. When it finally occurred to him he managed to grab Snow's flushed cheeks and choked, "company!" at her, as three sharp knocks hit the door. Glad for the small mercy that he was still wearing a shirt, Snow scuttled under his desk and he managed to roll his chair as far under as he needed before Boy Blue poked his head into the room.

"Hey Sheriff! You still at it?" Bigby gave Blue a pained grin and pulled a file towards him. He was fully aware he was quite red at this point and sweating like a pig, not to mention extremely turned on. He could feel Snow's breath on his thigh, her arms wrapped around his knees for support. "Yeah...working like a dog. Did you need something?" Bigby was doing his best to play it cool, but sadly Blue wasn't stupid enough to miss the obvious tension. "Are you alright Sheriff? You seem a little hot?" He was about to respond when Snow did the unthinkable. He felt her fingers lightly run along his length and he involuntarily slammed his hand down on the desk. Boy Blue's eyes widened but Bigby attempted to wave it off. "Sorry Blue I'm all good...Snow's been a right bitch today" he said pointedly, which unfortunately only prompted her to work at him more vigorously. Blue looked at him suspiciously and said, "You haven't seen Miss White have you? I was wondering if I could finish for the day? I've got a gig to go to!" Bigby shut his eyes as Snow's breath began to draw nearer to his and he prayed she wouldn't give the game away. "I haven't seen her for a while but...- You know what Blue? That *slam* sounds *slam* great! *slam* Why don't you go ahead and if I see her I'll let her know." Blue was at this point backing slowly away from the sheriff, his eyes the size of dinner plates. "Ok thanks Bigby...have a good night!" And with that he bolted from the room.

As the door slammed Bigby pushed away from the desk and she crawled out, knowing she was in trouble, but she couldn't help but grin at him. He was scowling at her, his brow covered in sweat and his white shirt was clinging to his skin as he leaned forward and tipped her chin up with his finger. "I ought to arrest you for that...or at least give you a good spanking." She giggled and kissed him, as he pushed strands of her ebony hair away from her face. She quickly began to unbutton his shirt while he pulled her to standing, and then pushed her so she was perched on the edge of his desk. She ran her hands over his now bare chest and their lips locked again in a passionate kiss, the sound of his heavy breathing filling her with a lust she had never experienced before.

He finished undoing her buttons and his hands covered her breasts, squeezing and running his thumbs over her nipples through her lacy bra. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him harder, his lips leaving bruises on hers. She pulled away, their lips puckering and she pulled his forehead down to meet hers. "Bigby...I need you." Not waiting another moment, he pushed her legs apart and dragged her hips forward and she wrapped her knees around his waist. He pressed his erection against her and they kissed as he thrust forward into her, making them both groan.

He wanted to take his time, but the combination of her lips, her scent and the animal growls coming from her were making it difficult. She wrapped her arms tighter around him and his pace increased until they were both panting, each growing closer to their own wave of pleasure. She couldn't help but smile at him as she felt her second climax rising somewhere in the pit of her stomach, growing and swelling until she couldn't hold any longer. Sweat was shining on his bare chest and he could feel her walls closing around him. He pushed a little more until she fell back a little on the desk, her eyes fluttering as she tried to retain some grasp on reality. He slowed and pulled her back into his arms, peppering her neck with soft, calming kisses. She whispered his name over and over and his hands explored her skin, until eventually she could wait no longer, her climax rocking through her body, listening to him groan as his followed shortly after. He shuddered and growled into the crook of her neck as her breath slowly calmed until they managed to separate and they pressed their foreheads together.

"I think you should stay at my place tonight" Bigby whispered in the heated silence. Snow smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. "You don't have a bed."

"Who says we'll be sleeping?"

If you are looking for more Snigby please check out my Fables story Senses too!
Au Revoir!