Hello and welcome! It's simple really: they need a proper romance and I'm going to try and give them one, with a bit of adventure mixed in for the heck of it. Please R&R and let me know what you think!

Bigby sighed heavily as he dropped the last manila folder onto the top of a pile next to him. It had been a long, irritable day. 3 Fables came in raving about Jack, 2 who wanted to report faulty glamours and 5 who just wanted to moan about him. To top it off Snow had stopped in around lunchtime and dropped off an enormous pile of folders, apologising and flustered as she ran back into the Business Office. They had managed to get back to a little bit of normalcy since the Crooked Man's Trial, occasionally getting coffee together or chatting about things other than work, but it was still a little strained and not nearly as friendly as Bigby would have liked.

He checked the time and he felt around in his pockets for a huff'n'puff registering it was 5:30pm. Taking a long drag, he stood up and shuffled the files into an organised pile and decided to drop them off to Snow before he left. Flicking the light of his office off, he was pleased to see no line outside. He could smell that Snow was still around, so he strolled along the corridor, and pushed open the Business Office door. Snow was on the telephone speaking worriedly to someone. It took Bigby a moment to realise she was speaking French. He nodded a greeting to Blue but remained silent, trying to decipher what she was saying.

"Are you sure it's him, after all this time?...But how did he even...? Look I know it's scary, but please just be sensible for now and I'll think of something, maybe Bigby can help?...Will you give it a rest Marie? We're just colleagues!" Snow looked up and spotted Bigby, blushing a little, "I erm, I have to go, but I'll call you back as soon as I can. Goodbye Marie."

Hanging up the phone, Snow stared at the receiver for a moment until she returned her gaze to Bigby. "Everything alright Bigby?" He nodded and dropped the files onto her desk, "I didn't know you could speak French Miss White." He smirked and she gathered up the files arranging them neatly. "Oh that! Well um yes, you understood that?" He shrugged, "A little, but I'm nowhere near as fluent as you, I could never really wrap my tongue around it."

She laughed a little, rolling her eyes. She was about to expand on the conversation when Bluebeard stormed into the office. "Oh I see, having a little break are we Deputy? You said you had no time for me not half an hour ago, but you seem to have found the time to entertain your lapdog!" Before Bigby could even move, Snow had slammed her hands on to her mahogany desk and jumped to her feet, storming towards Bluebeard. "I have been working almost non-stop for the past 10 hours, pausing briefly for one cup of shitty coffee and once more to ask Bigby to help me with paperwork! So don't you dare come storming in here demanding an audience, treating me like some lazy civil servant! I don't care if you stop bankrolling this community, because without you here, we might actually get some work done!" Bluebeard, Bigby and Boy Blue all remained perfectly still, in complete shock at what they had just witnessed. Snow spun on her heel to face Blue, and said: "You may go for the evening Blue, have a rest!" and he threw his belongings into a bag hastily and sped out of the office. She then turned to the Sheriff, his cigarette hanging limply between his fingers. "Would you care to join me for dinner Sheriff?" she ordered rather than requested. He nodded blankly and stubbed out his smoke.

"Well if you will excuse us Bluebeard?" she paused, daring him to push her further.
"Have a pleasant evening Miss White. Sheriff." And he turned, his face looking rather pale and left, slamming the door behind him.