A Five Night's at Freddy's and Mad Father Cross Over
The Doll
FNAF is owned by Scott Cawthon and Mad Father is owned by whomever owns it. May also include some Nintendo stuff.
Based on the Doll ending, Aya is stuck as a doll for years. Her father is now dead because he was killed by a bunch of meddling youtubers. On March 29, 2015, a bunch of guys found her when the Drevis's mansion was abandon and decided to take her. These people are none other than Captain Falcon and Luigi.
Captain Falcon: Ah sweet. A valuable doll that we can sell on Ebay. Yes!
The man had a red avian cap with goggles, a yellow scarf and boots, a six pack and a blue suit. He was really pumped up with this new discovery.
Luigi: Captain Falcon. I'm not sure if that's is a good idea. This place was reported to be haunted.
The green long sleeve man with a green cap, jean like overalls, boots, and moustache cowered in fear. Captain Falcon got to his back and patted his back and said.
Captain Falcon: Fear not Luigi. I heard that you handle some ghost. In fact, my falcon punch can wreck these f*#^ers like no tomorrow.
Doll Aya sat there hearing all of this thinking to herself: Who are these people? Where is father? Its been so long. What is a f#$%er?
Captain Falcon: F#$% this, were taking the doll.
The man took the Aya doll and then some boos appear. Luigi was panicing as he used his Poltergust 5000 to wreck some ghost and Captain Falcon dropped the doll and used his Falcon Punches to wreck them all. After all of that, Luigi was sweating while and Captain Falcon was laughing.
Captain Falcon: Show me your move!
And so the two got out with the doll and sold it on Ebay. Aya was not happy about this after being relocated and not being able to move. She had to be in Captain Falcon's smelly room for days until she gets shipped to somewhere. Until she realize that she was delivered to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
Aya could only see a manager looking at her and talking. They said that they would try to turn her into an animatronic. The process was painful as she was dissected and has her insides replaced with metallic parts. From what she can see in a relection, her clothes changed.
The best way for me to explain it is that she looks more like a modern day child. She still has the same hairstyle and a bow, but this time she wore a pink t-shirt and yellow shorts. Aya thought to herself that this is worst than what her father has done. Now she is a puppet that has to sing for children with a creepy looking animatronic of a bear, bunny and a chicken.
She had to do this all the way til night time and when she's done, she was frozen again. Aya was somewhat glad that she could move again, but it was against her will. She suddenly then moved her arm a bit and then her legs and then she could finally move on her own. She felt like a baby just finally learning how to walk. Aya look at her sides and saw that Bonnie, the bunny, and Chica the chicken missing. Aya then looked behind her and saw Freddy.
Freddy: Are you ready for Freddy?
Aya stumbled back and the bear just stood there and said.
Freddy: Inhale my dong enragement child.
You thought that this was going to be a legit Five Nights at Freddy's fanfiction. You thought wrong. I'm giving you a Five Night's at Fuckboys fanfiction with a little of what they had in SM64. Maybe. Possible in future chapters. I don't know.
Aya: What do you want from me?
Freddy: I need to engage the camera mother f#$%er so that I can have a hardcore night of debauchery.
Aya: I don't understand. I need to find my father.
Freddy: I can be your big daddy, now inhale.
Aya ran away and felt her new metallic parts are restricting her at the same time letting her move quickly. She ran to get help and found a door being open. She attempted to get in only to be locked out.
Aya then found another door, but there was some weird humming sound that went like this.
Voice: Dun di dum dum dum di dum dum.
Aya: Hello.
Appears a pirate like fox animatronic.
Foxy: Can't a pirate m#$ # # % in this f#$%ing house.
Freddy: Foxy you dirty piece of s#$% come help me.
Aya was surprised that Freddy was behind her. The bear just ignores her and concentrated on the fox in the tent.
Foxy: Fuck off Freddy F#$%boy.
The fox went back in and does whatever he was doing and Aya looked at Freddy in confusion.
Aya: What that's all about?
Freddy: I'm planning to have a hardcore party you dumb piece of garbage.
Aya remember the time her parents had one and she witness it too. People were dancing together in a ball and everyone was in nice clothes. But what Freddy had in mind is different.
Aya: That's it. Well, why can't we just have the party? The stage is big enough for everyone to dance.
Freddy: Amy you f#$%ing noob, what era are you from?
Aya: Amy, but I'm Aya.
Freddy: That's not what the f$#$ing poster said. Also remind me to punch the f#$% out of that poster later.
Aya: Can I see?
The bear and girl went to where the poster features her and the animontronics as a band. There were names next to each of them and the name the poster gave her is Amy. There was a huge sign that says "Freddy and Friends".
Freddy: Freddy and Friends, what a f #$ing joke.
Aya: Please Freddy, I just want you to call me Aya.
Freddy: No promises.
Aya: What can we do?
Freddy: Engage the camera mother f#$%er.
The bear pointed at a camera looking at them. Aya was surprised that it was there and then Freddy was punching the camera. While Aya was looking around, she found a small chainsaw.
She grabbed it and asked Freddy to move so that she can use the chainsaw.
Freddy: Where the f$#$ did you get that chainsaw? That belongs to the Lord Michael... Jackson.
Aya: Its mine now.
Freddy: I like where this is going.
Aya chainsawed the camera and Freddy was happy.
Freddy: I f#$%ing did it, eat my shit. I can't believe that the camera is f#$#ing dead.
Aya: Okay, is that all?
Freddy: We still got more.
Aya: Oh. We may need friends to help out.
Freddy: Yes.
They headed to the back room seeing Bonnie having to lose his face.
Bonnie: Freddy my f#$%ing head is missing.
Freddy: Use one of the spares you f#$ ing piece of s #%.
Bonnie: But its not the same.
Freddy: Let me guess... you want me to... go find your f#$^ing head.
Bonnie: Yes.
Freddy: I f#$#ing hate you.
Aya: We should start searching.
Freddy: I ain't helping this yiffy piece of s#$%.
Bonnie: Freddy please.
Freddy: No.
Bonnie: Freddy please.
Freddy: No.
Bonnie: Freddy please.
Freddy: No.
Bonnie: Freddy please.
Freddy: No.
While the two argued, Aya left out of the room only to be stopped by the balloon boy in swag clothes.
Aya: Excuse me, do you know where Bonnie's, I thunk that's his name, head is?
Balloon Boy: No, but I got some neat wares that you can buy.
Aya: I have no money.
Balloon Boy: Then f$%^ off.
Aya left the room in search of Bonnie's head. She looked at herself and she still looks doll like. She can't really face that fact that she is one since how is she able to move. She misses her father and found a recent newspaper with the date of 1994.
Aya forgot what the real date is suppose to be, but she heard something in the kitchen. She was distracted by the noise and she looked at the door, but it was locked. She then found the rest room and in the girls stalls, it has a face laying on the ground. It looks like...
Aya: Bonnie's head!
The girl went after it and suddenly, party hats attack. She fled and the hats went after her shooting lasers. Aya ran and forgot that she has a chainsaw She uses it to kill off the party hats and suddenly found some tokens. She took some for herself and went back to the back room.
The two animatronics in the back room continued to argue.
Bonnie: Freddy please.
Freddy: No.
Bonnie: Freddy please.
Freddy: No.
Aya: Bonnie I found your head.
Bonnie: Yes.
Freddy: Now help me be a big s#$%.
Bonnie now joins the party.
The three of them ventured to more cameras with Aya uses her chainsaw to cut them in half.
Freddy: Git gud.
They even chainsaw there way into the kitchen room seeing Chica doing something in the oven.
Freddy: Chica you nasty f$%#. Get out of the oven, that's inappropriate.
Chica: Devour my hot bird ass Freddy.
Aya had enough of this. She really wants to she her father again. Its has been a while since at one moment he's there and then another he's old and then he was never there again.
The girl started crying and Freddy had the nerve to say...
Freddy: Stop being a f#$%ing pussy enragement child.
Chica: Pizza.
Aya then left to the office and the doors shut off again. This time she knocks and cries for the person to get in. The girl had enough of Freddy and friends and wants to get away from them. She really wants to lock herself up. Based on the date and everything, she notice that her father is long gone dead.
The doors finally opened and it revealed...
Your guessing Mike Schmidt right. Maybe its him. To be continued...
Note: How do you like this so far? Please give me reviews becasue I really want to know what you all think. Also I just made this because it was a weird idea I had. It was originally a Super Smash Bros. story, but it ended up with what you got now. Thank for reading this and I'll get you the next story soon.