Gajeel watched from his normal corner as Shadow Gear finally walked into the Guild Hall. Jet and Droy following behind Levy like the faithful creatures they were. He forced his lips to stay down as they tried to break out into a smile, relief flowing though him at seeing her return from her latest job unharmed. Jet and Droy were a constant annoyance to him, but they knew how to protect their tiny leader. Mire set down a mug in front of him, grinning as she always did when one of her family returned home.

"Do you know that those three have always been like that?" She asked, leaning against his table. "Even when they were children, Jet and Droy worshipped her. She would tell them stories and they would sit at her feet, listening attentively. It was the only time that anyone could get those two to sit still for more than five minutes."

Gajeel could picture it - a smaller version of the blunette, her hair in pigtails as a mini Jet and Droy sat at her feet, still almost towering over her as she read from a children's book to them. Her voice squeakier and cuter as she scolded them. Levy always seemed to play mother hen to them, even though Gajeel knew they liked her in a completely different way. He could imagine it well, and it frustrated him that they would always have that with her while his first memory of the small beauty was of hurting her.


He was distracted from his thoughts by the petite form that now stood in front of him, grinning as she bent slightly to say hello.

"Hey Shrimp," He grunted, feigning disinterest at her return.

Her smile brightened, "It's good to see you again."

"Whatever," He said, turning away.

He watched her face fall out of the corner of his eye and his constricted, hating to see her sad.

It's better this way. He reminded himself. Don't get attached to her and no one will get hurt later.

Still it killed him to watch her walk away, shoulders slumped only slight enough that if he hadn't been paying attention he wouldn't have even noticed. This was Levy, however, and he was always paying attention.

"Gajeel-Kun is cruel," A soft voice said from behind him.

"Juvia," He grunted, without looking at her.

"Can't Gajeel-kun see that Levy feels for him like Juvia feels for Gray-Sama?" Juvia asking, holding one of her Gray dolls close to her as she sat beside Gajeel.

Gajeel raised an eyebrow at the doll, surprised she would bring one into the Guild. He knew she had hundreds of them scattered throughout her apartment, but she had never brought one into the Guild before.

Juvia blushed as she answered his unspoken question.

"Gray-Sama went on a job with Erza and Natsu. Juvia misses him."

Gajeel grunted and returned to Juvia's original topic, "Levy does not care about me. Not the way you care about Gray."

He said it more to keep himself from getting his hopes up than to reply to the rain woman. She took it as a reply anyway.

"Levy-Chan does so care for Gajeel-kun. He's just too stubborn to see it," Juvia huffed, getting up and walking away from the Dragon Slayer.

He studied the blue-haired pixie they had been discussing, wondering if Juvia could be right. He had often wondered about it, but was afraid to say anything in case he was wrong.

Levy walked away from Gajeel, feeling disappointed. After the fight on Tenrou Island, after the seven years in stasis together, and especially, after the Grand Magic Games, Levy had hoped that he would feel something for her, but he still treated her like a friend.

More like a child, She fumed silently.


Levy smiled as her best friend wrapped her slender arms around Levy.

"Hey LuLu," Levy grinned, pulling away from Lucy's bear hug after a moment.

"Did you see Gajeel yet?" Lucy asked softly, sitting at the bar.

Levy nodded, her smile dimming, "I did."

Lucy leaned forward conspiratorially, lowering her voice even more, "He has been in here all day - every day since Shadow Gear left. Now that you guys are back -"

"He's leaving," Levy said flatly, watching the Dragon Slayer as he headed toward the door.

Lucy's grin widened, "See, he hasn't left his chair since you guys left. Mira said that some nights he even sleeps here. I think he was worried about you."

Levy shook her head, "Or he just hates me."

AN: I will be switching back and forth between Gajeel and Levy's POV. Maybe a couple of others, but I still haven't decided. This is new for me so I hope you all enjoy. R&R is appreciated!