Part of my Mass Christmas(ish)Post - I hope you enjoy :P Have a very Merry Christmas (If you celebrate it. If not, have a lovely day!)

Also, make sure you read the end note!

Chapter 5

"Before you leave for the night, Harry, there's something I wish to discuss with you," Dumbledore said quietly, gesturing Harry back into the seat in front of his desk. "Severus brought the letter Remus sent you to my attention. How are you feeling about it now?"

"I'm... angry with Remus. He had no right to reprimanding me when my relationship with my Godfather is absolutely none of his business. I'm angry with Sirius too, but I'm concerned about him. He's destroying himself more and more as time passes, but I have no idea what I could say or do to stop him. He should have had therapy after his name was cleared, but... well. You remember what he was like, Sir."

"Quite. Well, after I witnessed Sirius's dismissal of you here in my office, and reading Remus's letter, I thought it my duty to inform you further of the contract between you and Sirius. Now that you are of age, you are within your rights to dissolve the contract upon the grounds of neglect on Sirius' part. You have the grounds, and it would be completely understandable if you should want to do that."

Harry sighed. "I don't really want to reject him, Headmaster. As much as it pains me, I do love him. I just wish he wasn't so set on his own destruction."

"As Sirius' heir apparent, if you are fearful for his life, you could petition Saint Mungo's to admit him against his will. Given his actions since his freedom was granted, it isn't much of a stretch to imagine that he truly does need medical help, and he undoubtedly would benefit from therapy."

Sitting up straighter in his chair, Harry asked, "How would I petition Saint Mungo's, Sir?"

Dumbledore ruffled through his desk, pulling out stacks of parchment. Finally, he found the one he was looking for. He handed it over to Harry to look at while he put the rest away.

"You fill in that form and send it to the department headed on the top. They'd make the final decision, but if they decided to take him in, they'd do it by force, with Auror assistance if required. You wouldn't be able to see him for the first, I believe, six weeks, but he could write to you during the time. You must understand, Harry, that while I personally think that Sirius would benefit hugely from this, he could be very angry with you, and possibly hurtful with his words."

Harry nodded. "I understand that, Sir. I don't doubt that he'd be angry, but I... I have to try. If this doesn't work... At least I'll know that I tried my best to help him, right?"

The Headmaster smiled slightly. "You're a good man, Harry Potter. I am exceedingly proud of you."

Blushing slightly, Harry dropped his head. "Would you help me fill the form out, Sir?"

"Of course, Harry."

"Does the Headmaster think they will accept him?" Hermione asked when Harry finished telling his friends about the form he'd filled in for Sirius to be taken to Saint Mungo's.

Harry nodded. "Yes. They'll take him in for an assessment, but honestly, if I can tell he needs help, they'll know it instantly. He's living in the past, and I think that Azkaban did far more damage to him than anyone really realised."

"What about Lupin?" Draco asked, a scowl on his face.

Shrugging, Harry replied, "What am I supposed to do about him? His letter was ridiculous, and honestly, I can't help but believe if he's that good a friend to Sirius, he'll be happy that he's getting the help he so desperately needs."

Ginny nodded. "You're right. I always liked Professor Lupin, but I think he's a bit deluded when it comes to Sirius."

Hermione and Ron both nodded their agreement.

"Remus has been lonely too," Harry murmured. "Regardless of his words to me, I think he truly does love Sirius. He just doesn't want to admit that his best friend is in danger of killing himself with his lifestyle."

"You're more mature than the two of them put together," Ginny muttered, rolling her eyes. "And yet, you still can't tell the time. You've got three and a half minutes to get to your lesson with Professor Snape."

Harry looked at his watch and cursed softly, picking his bag up as he stood. "See you lot in the library in a bit."

Five minutes later, Harry was breathlessly knocking on the door to Snape's lab. When he was called in, he slumped at the desk in front of Snape's.

Quirking an eyebrow, Severus said, "Did you forget about our lesson?"

"Yes, sorry, Sir. I was talking to the others and lost track of time."

"Quite. Well, catch your breath. It's pointless duelling against an opponent that's already about to collapse on the floor."

Harry smiled at the obvious amusement in Snape's tone. "Yes, Sir."

"Did you read the book I recommended on the shields that require more magic to produce?"

Nodding, Harry took the book from his bag, handing it over. "My notes are on small bits of parchment inside the pages."

Snape flipped through the book, stopping to read Harry's notes while Harry's heart finally settled back into it's usual rhythm.

"You seem to have a good grasp on the theory, let's see how you manage with the practical. We'll start with the Ingentis Clipei.

Two hours later, dripping in sweat and magically depleted, Harry was once more slumped against the desk. Even Snape, who was usually still in perfect condition at the end of the lessons had rolled his sleeves up and was resting against his own desk, sweat trickling down his face.

"That, was quite the workout. Well done, Potter."

"Thank you, Sir," Harry panted, raising his hand to try and dry his face. "As tired as I am now, that was fun."

Harry was surprised when Snape gave him a faint smile. "Indeed it was. I haven't duelled like that in a long time."

Before Harry could reply, the door opened and the Headmaster walked in, a letter in his hand. "Ah, my boys, you both look like you've run around the castle twice! A good lesson, I hope?"

"Yes, Sir," Harry confirmed, grinning.

"This just came from Saint Mungo's Harry. It was delivered by floo, so you wouldn't have to wait for news."

His good mood slowly swindling, Harry took the letter, slitting open the envelope quickly and pulling the heavy parchment out.

Dear Mr Potter,

We are writing to inform you that your application to have Lord Sirius Black detained for a full medical and mental assessment has been accepted. Lord Black has been detained, and is currently undergoing the assessment.

Should it be required that he remain with us, you will not be able to have contact with him for the first month, after which a decision will be made based on Lord Black's progress.

We will alert you of what further action will be taken once the assessment is complete, which can be any time within one and four days.


Healer Cairn,

Saint Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Harry read the letter through twice, releasing a long breath as he did so. Hopefully, Sirius would finally get the help he clearly needed. Harry handed the letter over to Dumbledore.

"I applied to Saint Mungo's to have Sirius assessed. He need's help and since he wouldn't get it for himself, well... I had to try," he explained to the rather bewildered looking Snape.

"You didn't just want to give up on him," Snape surmised, looking thoughtful.

Harry shrugged but nodded. "He's my Godfather. The bond goes both ways."

"I can't believe you're not coming to the Christmas Ball," Neville huffed the following morning.

Harry grinned. "I just went to the Winter Ball. Why the hell would I torture myself with another one so soon? Besides, this one isn't even half as important."

"Gran is still making me go," Neville replied, rolling his eyes. "I'm pretty sure she's going to force me to attend them all until the time comes for me to take over."

"I'm not even going to the Christmas Ball," Draco said, looking somewhat smug. "Lucius decided to forgo the niceties this year. I think he's finally deciding to wait until I'm of age, though of course we'll still have to attend both the Summer Ball and the Election parties."

"Oh, god, the Election parties," Harry moaned. "Kill me now. You realise that having both Fudge and Scrimgeour trying to win favour is going to be horrifying, yes?"

"I heard there's going to be a third candidate announced before Christmas," Neville said quietly. "Though of course, we wouldn't know that because it's top secret."

"Ah. Okay. They have my vote because they can't be any worse that the other two," Harry muttered, making Draco chuckle.

"You'd be surprised."

Harry shook his head. "Probably not, in all honesty."

Owls swooped over head, and Harry looked up automatically, unsurprised when Hedwig landed on his shoulder, a letter clamped in her beak.

"Thank's girl."

A second own swooped down, this one landing in front of Hermione, the Merlin seal on the large envelope attached to it's leg. Hermione squealed, her fingers fumbling as she took the letter from the owl, diving into it as soon as she got it free.

"I got in!"

Harry smiled at her, while Ron rolled his eyes.

"As if there was any doubt!"

"Aren't you going to open your letter, Harry?" Ginny asked, frowning at the untouched envelope in front of Harry.

"It's off Remus. I'm not sure if it's a good idea," Harry admitted. "After last time..."

"You managed to hold your temper last time, Harry, I'm sure you can do it again," Ron prodded.

Harry slit the envelope open, slowly pulling out the parchment. As he read, the letters and words swirled around on the page in front of his eyes.

"Harry! Harry, you need to stop," Draco said, pulling the parchment from Harry's hands. To Harry's ears, Draco sounded like he was shouting from the other side of the hall.

"Come on, Potter."

A gentle but firm hand on his arm was pulling him to his feet, leading him somewhere. His eyes wouldn't focus as the magic built up around him, rushing in his ears like wind, blurring his senses from focusing.

"The shield, Potter. Cast the shield. Ingentis Clipei, come on, Potter, you can control this."

Harry stumbled over the words, but on his second attempt, he got it. "Ingentis Clipei."

He held it until he couldn't, until blackness, welcome, comforting blackness, swallowed him whole.

Snape caught him before he hit the floor, holding the younger man in his arms. Whatever had caused this episode had been strong, he knew. He lifted Harry easily into his arms, carrying him back into the castle.

He'd led him outside when he saw him loosing his control in the Great Hall, and he was glad he had done so. Severus had never seen anyone hold that Shield for longer than five minutes, but Potter had held it for fifteen before he depleted his magic.

"Severus? Is he okay?"

"He depleted his magic entirely," Severus replied quietly as the Headmaster fell into step beside him. "I'm not sure what brought this episode about, but we need to ensure it isn't repeated. He cannot keep depleting himself to nothing, you know how dangerous that can be."

"A letter, another from Remus. Draco handed it to me before he went to class. I'm rather surprised he himself didn't release some magic, he was actually shaking with his own fury."

"Let me see."

"When we get Harry settled in the hospital wing," Dumbledore agreed. The two men walked in silence, until they reached the wing, where Severus settled Harry on his usual bed. Poppy came out immediately, tutting worriedly, as she looked Harry over.

"He'll be fine, Poppy. He depleted his reserves quite soundly and passed out. He just needs some rest," Severus assured her. He'd always been fond of Poppy Pomfrey, she was one of the few people in the castle that had a proper respect for potions.

"What caused it?" she asked, tucking a blanket around Harry.

"A rather large emotional upheaval," Dumbledore replied, looking sadly at the sleeping teen. "He will be fine, with time. However, I believe Severus and myself have some investigating to do. Send word to my office when he's awake please, my dear."

"Of course, Headmaster."

"Come, Severus.

"Let me see that letter," Severus demanded as soon as the two of them were in Dumbledore's office. The Headmaster handed it over, watching the Potions Master with unconcealed curiosity.

"I'll kill him," Severus snarled, taking a step towards the fireplace.

"Now, Severus, be rational. Does that sound like Remus, kind, caring, compassionate, Remus Lupin, to you? I had my suspicions after the first letter, but this one confirms it. There is something fishy afoot, my friend. I believe we must visit the house Sirius and Remus have been sharing. It's an old Black house, and you know the many... interesting objects that can be found in the Black Family inventory."

Severus let the parchment flutter to the floor before he nodded, scowl still in place. There had better be an explanation for it, or he would make the wolf suffer for his words. If anyone were to pick it up, they would understand his anger.

You had your own Godfather sectioned because poor precious baby Potter didn't get enough attention. You disgust me. Your parents would be ashamed to call you their son.

Don't hate me, please! There is a reason for Remus and Sirius acting as they have been, I promise. I hope you enjoyed, please drop a review on your way out :D