AN: Sorry it took me a long time to update this one. hehehe But hey, it's better late than never, right? LOL. Anyway, this chapter is in Tina's POV. :D

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Tina."

It's been years since he last said those words to me. And it really brought back a lot memories. I remember him saying that to me millions of times everyday, and he would also tell me how much I mean to him. It was just like déjà vu. That moment, I already knew what he was feeling. It was obvious on his face. And knowing him, he is either probably shy or scared to tell me what he really feels. I mean, really, all these years that I've known Artie, he never really gives me flowers on a random occasion. Well, he used to make an effort to give me some when we celebrated our monthly anniversaries before and also when he first asked me out on a date. That's why when he bought those sunflowers for me, I already sensed that there was something going on with him, but I just decided to shrug it off and just thought that he was just being nice.

I really don't know what got into me and I suddenly decided to ask him to be my boyfriend again. All I know is that maybe if I didn't made that move, maybe we would both be waiting for nothing. After Artie told me that Ashley was just his best friend, thats where it dawned on me that maybe my feelings for him never really left. Because when I met Ashley, I felt a slight hint of jealousy. It was always the same feeling whenever I would find out that he's starting to go out with someone new. And maybe that's why no matter how hard I try to not get jealous every time, I really couldn't help it because I wasn't really being possessive, it's because…I still have feelings for him.

When Mike and I were dating, my relationship with Artie was never an issue between the two of us because he knew that Artie and I have been close friends for a long time, even way before we joined Glee Club. That's why he would always let me have our Tuesday lunches and whatsoever. But of course, there are times that he couldn't help not to be jealous of Artie because Artie knows me more than he knows me. To be honest, sometimes, it just feels like nothing has changed between me and Artie. Its like, we're still dating, but we're just actually best friends? But now that we're together again, everything felt so right all of a sudden. It's like the pieces of the puzzle have fallen into the right place.

Remember when I said that I was feeling lost in my life right now? I really didn't needed to go anywhere else to find what I was looking for, it was already right in front of me. It was there in front of me all this time, and it never really left my side. I was just foolish enough not to recognise it. Heck, I was even foolish enough to let it go and forget like it never really happened. I really thought that Artie and I were just really meant to be just friends. But now, everything made sense. Having him next to me, our hands intertwined, I really never felt so invincible than ever before.

"Tee, can I ask you something?" He inquired, I looked at him and just gave him a nod. "Err, I know this may be awkward…now…but uh, can I, uh, just ask you back your question to me earlier? That…what if we never broke up before?" He paused and took a deep breath. "What if we never got into that fight? What if you never really got to be with Mike on Asian Camp?"

No matter how hard Artie tried to disguise how he feels, the pain on his eyes were pretty much still there. To be honest, I really never regret being in a relationship with Mike. He had been a good boyfriend to me after all. But I guess our relationship has ran its course. What I really regret the most was how things ended with Artie, and how it all started with Mike. Although Artie and I already have forgiven each other for our own faults, we never really "talked" about our relationship before. It's like we both avoided talking about our past because we really didn't like to make things awkward for the both of us, and plus, we were both happy with our relationships. And this is probably the first time that this topic has been brought up again after so many years.

It wasn't really my decision to sign in for camp that year, it was my dad's decision. I was already crying like a baby when I came home that night when Artie and I had a heated argument about that movie that he wanted to watch. Unfortunately, my dad was fixing his suitcase in the living room at that time when I opened the door. I was really a daddy's girl growing up, and he really hates seeing me cry. Especially if it's over a boy. My parents always knew that if I was out of the house, I would always just be over at Artie's place, so he knew that Artie was the reason why I was crying. At first, my parents were okay with me going out with Artie. In fact, they were happy for me when I told them that Artie and I were already dating. But when dad saw me crying when I came home that night, he really got mad and upset with Artie. He said that no one has the right to make his princess cry. I've never seen him so mad like that before. He said that I should break up with Artie. I refused, I defended Artie and told my dad that we would fix things over the next morning. I waited for Artie to reply to my texts and get back to my calls. I waited for days, until days became weeks. My dad would often go to my room to check on me if I was okay or not. He then noticed that my relationship with Artie is not doing any good to me any longer that's why he decided to sign me up for Asian Camp so that I would get to know more people and to have fun. I didn't know that Mike would also be there and he would also be a counselor, too.

Mike was the only person that I knew at camp. But unlike me, he already knew a few people there because he also had been a counselor the past year. Mike and I really never talked to each other prior to that summer. Sure, we were friends because we were in Glee Club together, but we never really had those deep conversations, we would often just have a casual conversation and that's it. Phones during camp were strictly prohibited, even to us counselors. But I would often sneak in a few texts to Artie, and he never really replied. I even left one last voicemail to him before I went to camp. Every night, I would always go to the lake by myself to ponder about life and stuff…and also Artie. And then one night, Mike decided to surprise me while I was sitting by the lake. He told me that he always noticed me sneaking out of my cabin every night and he wondered where I was. Our cabins were just next to each other so it wasn't really impossible for him not to hear the sound of my cabin door. I told him the reason why I joined camp and confided my problems to him. He just sat there and patiently listened as I let everything out and then hugged me tight after. It really felt so nice to be comforted by someone. Then we both talked about our families, about school, and also our friends at Glee Club. That's where I found out that Mike was really a nice guy after all. The next day, we both got assigned to one project at camp and that's where I got to know more about him. The more we spent time together, the more we became attracted to each other…and then we made out. I really felt guilty after that because I know what I did was unfair to Artie, but my feelings for Mike took over, and then the rest is history.

If you'd ask me if I still love Mike: yes, I still do, but only as a friend now. After I proposed to him, I realised that he clearly has moved on over me. And I was just clinging on what we had and hoping that if he'll come back to me, maybe I would be happy in my life again. But I guess I just needed life to smack me on the head to wake up.

Sometimes, I wonder if Artie really wanted to make things work between the two of us before. I know we both loved each other, he never really failed to make me feel that, up until to this day. I just really regret that maybe if he also made an effort to make our relationship work before, then maybe we would've been together until now. But I guess that life throws in a lot of tests and detours along the way to help us grow. And if a person is truly meant for you, they will always find their way back no matter how long it takes. "Artie, we were young and so naive back then. We both have our own faults before, but what's past is past. What's important to me now is that we now have the chance to make things right. The least that we can do right now is to look back on the past. I know that we're both not the same old Tina and Artie as we were before. I know that you've become a better man now, and that is why I also decided to take the risk with you." I smiled at him and tightly held his hand. "You don't know how happy I am right now, Artie. I'm glad that, that…I can call you mine again. You don't know how long I've waited for this moment."

"You what? But you seemed to be so happy with Mike." He looked at me, giggling. I'm glad that he's quite at ease now. "Look, I know that I'm not the best boyfriend in the world, and I'm really way too far from being one, but I promise you, Tina, that I will make things right this time. I'm not perfect, but I will try my best to be the right one for you. I'll do my best not to fuck up this time. If it wasn't for you, Tina, I wouldn't be who I am right now. You really inspire me to be a better man, Tee. I know that our break up before was mostly my fault, and I know I really haven't apologised to you for that, and I'm really sorry, Tina." He pursed his lips.

"Artie, you really didn't need to apologise anymore, I already forgave you a long time ago. Well, I was really probably the reason why things really did fell apart that time, so don't blame yourself for it. And I'm really sorry, too, Artie." I replied to him.

"It's alright, Tee. I know I've been a bad boyfriend to you." He sighed. "Now I know why even if there were girls came in to my life after you, none of them worked out because…they weren't you. Not even close." He paused for a moment to collect himself. I could really tell that there were already tears forming on his eyes. "…You're really special to me, Tina. You're not just my best friend, or my sister, or my first girlfriend, or whatever you want to call it. You're my Tina. I know I never said this to you in the past—well, I did, but you never really heard it, but—whatever. I'll say it now anyway: I really love you, Tina. I love you. And I really sorry because I have been such a schmuck in the past for letting you go and for putting up my pride all these years."

I never really thought I'd hear those words from him. Sure, he made me feel loved, but to actually hear those exact words from him really left me speechless. I wrapped my arms around him and just cried on his shoulder as he held me tight. "Tee, please don't cry. You're also making me cry." He said.

"I just couldn't help it, you know?" I lifted my head and immediately wiped my eyes. "It just feels so nice to hear those coming from you. Shucks, I'm sorry if I'm being too dramatic again." I said with a laugh.

"Nah, I'm used to it." He shrugged.

"Artie." I pouted.

"What did I do?" He raised his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at him and playfully slapped his arm. "I'm just kidding, Tee." He chuckled.

I cupped his face and locked my gaze onto his beautiful blue eyes. "I love you too, Artie." I said with a huge smile on my face and gently kissed him once again. Call me cliche, but I swear as our lips touched and our bodies became more closer to each other, I could really feel our hearts beat as one. After pulling back, his eyes was still locked with mine, as if I had something on my face. Wait, maybe my makeup is already all over?

"Uh, is there something wrong with my face, Artie?" I suddenly became conscious with my face. "Is my eye makeup already messy? Do I have lipstick smeared all over? But you don't have any lipstick smeared on your face…"

"You are so beautiful." He said in awe. Stop it, Artie. Sheesh, you're making me blush. "I just want to remember this moment. I know it'll be months before I get to see your beautiful face again." He said as he tucked my hair behind my ear.

My heart sank as I realised that he's right. With finals coming, and with him busy with film school also, it'll take a long time before we get to see each other again. "But we still have a day left before I leave." I smiled faintly.

"Less than 24 hours, my love." He booped my nose. My love. Wow. No one has ever called me that before, not even my grandma. "Look, you know what, my friends are going out tonight at our hang out place. I told them that I won't be going tonight because I have a very special guest, but they already figured out that it was you already since they know that, uh, well, you're special to me. And I just want to introduce you to them, especially now that, you know, we're together again." He nervously adjusted his glasses.

"Wait, your friends know about me?" I said in shock. What? Since when did Artie liked me again? Am I that blind not to notice that? Wow, Abrams, you're good at this 'keeping your feelings to me' game. Or maybe I was just too stupid not to notice?

"Well, yeah, they know about you guys. Since Ashley's a blabbermouth, and she also hangs out with the rest of the gang here. I'm quite surprised that she didn't told you that I couldn't stop talking about you…shit. You heard nothing, Tina." He immediately covered his mouth.

"What did you say? You couldn't stop talking about me?" I playfully poked his sides. "Artie, I heard that."

"Stop! Stop!" His face was seriously turning red. Gosh, he's so cute when he's blushing. "Fine, guilty. Yeah, I always talk about you a lot with my college buddies. Happy now?"

"Well, yeah, now I remember Ashley mentioning something but she never really finished her sentence." I smiled. "So that's what she was about to say to me, eh? I caught you glaring at her." I laughed.

"Yeah, I didn't want you to know about that because I thought that maybe the feeling wasn't mutual."

"You never really asked, Artie." I laughed and poked his sides again.

"Tina, stop! You know that that's my ticklish spot!" He laughed as I continued to tickle him.

"Make me." I stuck my tongue out at him and continued.

"Then you leave me with no choice." He cupped my face and kissed me hard. We just got back together just moments ago and we literally like made out a few times now. I guess we really both missed each other. Good thing no one else was around us or else many would've seen our PDA. But hey, I couldn't care less if people would see me making out with my boyfriend. I mean, he's my boyfriend after all. My boyfriend. Wow, it really feels so nice calling him that again.

"I love you." I giggled as I tried to catch my breath. He gave me a huge smile and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, too, Tee." He replied. "Hey, I'm not going to force you if you don't want to meet my friends. I mean it's totally fine with me if you want to go somewhere else."

"No, no, it's fine. Of course I'd love to meet them. I mean, who wouldn't, right?" I smiled at him. "Thank goodness I brought all my good dresses with me. I don't want your friends to think that you're dating a disaster."

"They already know how perfect you are, Tina. And besides, you don't need any pretty dress, you're already beautiful yourself, woman." He laughed.

"If I really didn't know you that well, I really would think that you're probably hitting on me right now." I giggled, hoping that he won't realise how hard I'm trying to control them butterflies on my stomach.

"Well, maybe what if I really was?" He raised his eyebrow at me. "Just kidding, Tee. But it's true though, you're already beautiful the way you are." He said in a more serious tone and gave me a smile.

"Dork." I laughed. "Well if we're going to out with your friends tonight, we better get ready now. You know how long it takes me to get my hair done, honey." I can't believe the last word slipped out of habit. Shit. I hope he won't notice that I called him that. He knows that that's what I call Mike. Shit.

"Okay then. I'll tell the guys that we're going tonight so that they can reserve us seats." He smiled. Looks like he didn't really noticed. Ugh. I really need to find a nickname for Artie. When we were first dating, we never really called each other 'babe', 'baby', 'sweetie', or anything like that because we were so used in calling each other by our names. Sure, he'd call me Woman, and I'd call him Wheels from time to time, but those weren't really our terms of endearment. Dork? I only call him that whenever I tease him. Gee, we really need to work more on this 'being-a-couple' thing. First on the agenda, find a nickname that he would love. lol.

After we came back from Rockefeller, Artie flopped down on his bed as I prepared my stuff. "Uh, love, do you think this would be perfect for later?" I showed him one of my favourite lace dresses.

"I think it's perfect, love." He smiled and gave a thumbs up. "And yeah, I like that nickname. Love. It really sounds…lovely." He cracked himself up. Crap, he really did noticed that I called him 'honey'. But oh well, I'm glad he didn't got mad.

"Whatever, dork." I rolled my eyes at him jokingly and laughed along with him.

"Shut up, Tina. I know you LOVE it. Right, love?" he continued to laugh. This is probably the first time I've seen him this happy again.

"Guilty as charged, your honour." I laughed and kissed his forehead. "I'll just take a shower and get ready, okay?" He just nodded in reply as he started to play music on his phone. As I was in the middle of my shower, I heard him singing along to the song that was blasting from his phone.

And every time I close my eyes

I thank the lord that I've got you

And you've got me too

And every time I think of it

I pinch myself 'cause

I don't believe it's true

That someone like you

Loves me too

His voice really sounds like perfection. The song really suits his range, and hot damn, Artie Abrams can really pull off Babyface really well. I swear I almost melted into a puddle while listening to him.

To think of all the nights

I've cried myself to sleep

You really oughtta know

How much you mean to me

It's only right that you be in my life right here with me

Oh baby, baby

That part really just hit home. It seems like he means every single word of the song. Every lyric was like an arrow piercing through me. I don't know if I'm crying with tears of joy or I'm crying because I feel guilty because of the 'cried myself to sleep' line. But I guess it's more of the first one? Yeah, if there's someone who's feeling more over the moon than I am right now, it would be Artie.

As I was getting dressed and putting my makeup on, I was enjoying the live concert that was happening outside. Artie has been singing a lot of love songs since I hopped in the shower. I must say, he's really so adorable when he's like that.

It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight

Picking up the pieces, and walking back into the light

Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies

There's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...

My dreams came true, when i found you

I found you, my miracle...

If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers

And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel

You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here

I couldn't take the butterflies anymore and decided to sing along with him when the chorus started. Our voices harmonised perfectly, it was like the angels really has led us to this moment. Even if there was a door that separated us, I know that Artie knew what I was feeling also. I hope he knows how happy I am to be with him. As I got out of the bathroom, I thought that he was still playing with his phone. But to my surprise, he was already dressed up. And good lord, Artie Abrams has really stepped up his fashion game. I must say, he really looked so hot with that polo that was also on the same shade as my dress. "Wow, you look hot. And I like that we're both wearing the same shade of blue. Wait, let me just fix your collar. There, looking dapper, my love." I smiled.

"Tee, can I ask you something?"

I gave him a kiss on the forehead and grinned. "Sure."

"I love you?"

"Is that even a question? Of course I love you too." I answered.

"Nothing, I just like to hear it a lot. It really feels nice when you say it. It feels so surreal. It's like there's something in my head that's saying: 'Pinch me, I must be dreaming.'" and then I really did pinched him on his arm. "Ow! What was that for, Tina?" he pouted.

"You asked me to pinch you, remember?" I joked. "I'm just kidding. Sorry, love."

"I was just kidding also. It's okay, love." he chuckled, "Do you want to have dinner first or maybe grab some snacks?"

"Sure. Where do you want to eat though? I'm up to whatever you want."

"I know a place you'd love. It's just a few blocks away, and they serve good cheeseburgers there." He smiled.

"Ooh, sure! I'd love that." I laughed.

Artie wheeled himself close to me as we went on our way to the burger joint that he's been talking about since we got out of his apartment. If there's one thing that this boy could eat all his life, it would be that. I really wonder where he puts all the food that he's eating because he really loves to eat, but he really never gets fat. Oh well, I hope our children would get that from him. Whoa, whoa, thinking about long-term already, Cohen-Chang?

Artie was right, the place really served great cheeseburgers. This boy sure knows his food. I mean, ever since I got here, all the food that I had were so good. Especially that parmigiana that he made for me. Nope, I'm not being biased. Okay, maybe I am, but whatever. I appreciated that one because he made it from scratch and that's really not an easy thing to do. I think Artie's trying to get me fat.

The sun already has set after we both got full from those burgers. Artie got a text that his friends were already having drinks and then we went to the bar just across the street to meet them. To my surprise, his cousin Roxanne was there along with Ashley. See, Tina? You were just being paranoid. There was also a few guys who seems to be also with them, and two of them seems to be twins, while the other one seems to be Latino. "Hey, guys!" Artie greeted them. "This is Tina, my girlfriend. Love, you know Ashley and Roxy, right? Here's John, then that one's Lloyd, and the other one is Enrique. John and Lloyd are twins, but John is the one who has dimples while Lloyd is the one who has a mole. That's why it's really not that hard to figure out who's who." Ahh no wonder why the Latino guy's name is Enrique. I get it now.

"Hi, guys! Hi, Ash and Roxy!" I smiled. It feels so nice that he introduced me as his girlfriend. Roxy grinned and pulled me in for a hug.

"Tina! Oh my god, you and Artie are already together again? I'm really happy for the both of you! And what have you been up to lately? Gosh, I really missed you so much, Tina! It's so nice to see you again!" She exclaimed. Yep, now I really don't wonder why Ashley and Roxy fell in love with each other. They're exactly the same.

"Whoa, so you finally had the balls now to tell her, Abrams! I'm so happy! Congrats, brother!" Ashley said to Artie. "You know what, Tina, this guy is really madly in love with you. Sometimes, me and the guys would bring Artie to his apartment drunk, and he would just scream out your name. 'Tinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'" she mocked him.

"Yeah, I remember that one." Enrique laughed. "It's nice to finally meet you, Tina. Now I finally know why my friend here really fell in love with you. Artie's one lucky guy."

"Yeah, and remember when we all went out for a shoot in Central Park and then Artie was like, 'I remember Tina pushing me around this exact place when we all went here the first time…'" Lloyd joked.

"You guys are bullying Artie again." John laughed. "But yeah, we're just happy for our brother here. He really waited for so long, err, Rina? Gina? Carolina?" he said with a slur as he chugged his beer.

"Dude, it's Tina." Ashley corrected him. "Sorry about him, Tina, he's just not that good with names when he's drunk." She laughed.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm okay with it." I laughed as Roxy handed me a beer. "Wow, thanks, Rox."

"Since when did my nerdy cousin had the balls to admit the truth, Tee?" Rox asked as she wrapped her arms around Ashley.

"I was the one who asked him earlier." I laughed as I took a gulp from the bottle. I could see that Artie was already getting shy from all the teasing that his friends were making. "But that really doesn't matter to me, you know. Artie and I have been best friends for a long time now, so we really didn't needed any words to say what we really feel with each other. It just like…happened. Then the next thing we knew, we're…inseparable. Right, love?" I laughed. He took my hand and gently squeezed it as a sign of gratitude for having his back. I just intertwined our fingers and squeezed it back in reply.

After a few rounds of drinks, Artie decided to leave the guys early because he knew that I still needed to fix my luggage. We both passed out on his bed when we got back to his apartment because we were already tired and a little tipsy. The next morning was really heartbreaking for me. While me and Artie were on our way to the train station, he could't help not to be silent. I knew he was also feeling sad as much as I am. We were so happy yesterday, and now we both have to say goodbye.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, love." He sighed. "Call me immediately when you get back to your dorm, okay?"

"I will, love." I said as I kissed him goodbye for the last time. It's so hard to see the pain in his eyes as I went to board on my train.

"Wait, Tina." He called and wheeled towards me, "Please promise me we'll make things work this time, love. I don't want to lose you ever again. I don't think I can handle losing you again this time…" I swear it took me a lot not to cry when I saw a tear trickled down his cheek.

"I promise, love. I love you so much, Artie." I kissed him again once more.

"All passengers to Providence, please board the train." A voice said on the PA system.

"Have a safe trip, my love. I can't wait to see you soon. I love you so much." He said to me before I went inside the train.

I can't believe that so many things happened on this trip. I just really went here to visit Artie and to just unwind for a few days. And to my surprise, I didn't know that my life would change within just one weekend. I really hope what happened to us this weekend wasn't just a fantasy. I hope that I'm not dreaming. I really have never been this happy with my life. Like even though I'm having problems with my family, knowing that I have Artie by my side, I feel like I can surpass anything that life may throw at me.

Thoughts? :D