Clarke sighed again at the petulant looking teenager standing in front of her. Bellamy stood at the back of the drop ship leaning casually against the wall as if he didn't give a single shit about the entire situation. Which he probably didn't.

"Clarke pleeeaaase we'll be careful I swear and we've been working really hard. We deserve this, and you do too, you should come! Please? Come on it'll be fun."

Clarke opened her mouth to speak but jasper interrupted before she had a chance.

"And yes I promise to check the water for logs and dangerous stuff before I jump in."

Bellamy snickered from his place against the wall as Clarke narrowed her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

"Jasper I said no."

"But Clarke!"

"No Jasper. I know it's hot and I know you want to go swimming but no one actually knows how to swim and last time we went in Octavia almost got eaten."

Jasper, knowing he was losing, resorted to drastic measures. Dragging Monty over from where he had been standing quietly to the side, Jasper planted him in front of their stern leader. Poor Monty stood there confused until Jasper slapped his hands on his best friends cheeks and smushed them together. Monty rolled his eyes as Bellamy started laughing.

"Come on Clarke. You can't say no to this face! Look at his wittle face."

Clarke smiled, despite herself.

"Fine, you can go. But Bellamy has to go with you and so does Octavia."

Bellamy joined in the eye rolling as he walked over to the small group. Octavia was the only one Clarke had taught CPR to.

"No one's going to drown, princess. I'll take care of them. But you should come too, it'll be fun."

Clarke almost wanted to. Almost. But she had too much to do back at camp and someone had to watch over the rest of the kids while their 'dad' was out.

She told them as such and went back to her work as the three trailed out of the tent in excitement.

Clarke was focused on the roll of bandages in her hand and jumped slightly when someone hugged her from behind.

"Thank you Clarke. I promise to be careful."

The medic smiled and hugged the kid back, as much as she could from where he was behind her.

"You better be. Don't come crying to me if you get hurt doing something stupid."

The kid squeezed her and ran off, calling over his shoulder as he went.

"Okay Mom, see you later!"


Bellamy watched the delinquents in the water and smiled at the sight of them all having fun. It had been a great idea to take them all swimming and they hadn't seen any sight if the monster work that had attacked his sister so long ago. He wanted to thank the kid that had convinced Clarke to let them all go but a sweep of the area showed no sign of the goggled teenager.

Bellamy got out of the water and looked around, hoping to find Jasper with the other kids but there was no sight of him. He saw Monty not too far away looking worried and waded through the water to get to him.

"Hey Monty, have you seen Jasper anywhere?"

The kid shook his head, sending droplets of water flying everywhere.

I haven't seen him for a while, I don't know where he is. I'm getting worried."

Bellamy nodded. This area was right up against the Trikru territory line and while they were on better terms now he wouldn't put it past them to do what they did last time and spear the kid. God, Clarke was going to kill him. He had promised to take care of these teenagers and he's already lost one, and one of her favorites too.

"Okay, go grab Miller and spread out, we'll find him but don't go too far."

Monty nodded and splashed off.

Octavia came up behind him and knew the look on his face instantly.

"What did you do?"

He sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. Today had been going so well.

"Jasper's missing."


"I know, I know. We'll find him just don't cause panic."

For the next half an hour searched for Jasper, with more and more delinquents realizing what was happening and helping until all of them, about twelve, were looking for the missing teenager.

Bellamy's raced with scenarios and possible explanations for Jasper's disappearance. Jasper was a good kid and Bellamy hated to think anything could have happened to him. Finally, after Bellamy had gotten so worried he wanted to tear his hair out, there was a shout from the tree line.

"We found him!"

Bellamy sighed in relief and ran over to see the kid for himself but when he got there he was met with a sight he really didn't have the energy for.

Jasper's head was cut and blood was dripping down his face. Monty and Miller held him up between them as his legs wobbled. Bellamy was about to ask what happened when Jasper leaned forward and threw up.

Monty winced and rubbed his friends back.

"He said he was just going for a walk but he got a little distracted and then a little lost and then he fell in a grounder trap."

Miller nodded, screwing up his nose at the smell from the puddle of vomit on the ground.

"Luckily it was just a snare for hunting but it had him hanging from a tree. He hit his head."

Jasper coughed a few times and looked up at Bellamy.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to go so far but there was a smell that I recognized and I thought it might have been charcoal. I thought Clarke would have liked some but I didn't manage to get to it. I was trying to be careful but…."

Bellamy nodded and patted the kid on the shoulder.

"I know Jasper, its okay. I'm just glad you're safe. Let's get you back to camp."

Wanting to get a smile out of the kid he added. "Your mothers going to be furious."

It worked.


It had been a few hours and Bellamy wasn't yet back with the kids. She knew it was a little silly getting worried when they were just going swimming but that didn't stop her from peeking at the gate every now and then to see if they were back.

The medic was just finishing sterilizing her equipment when Raven popped her head in.

"Bellamy and the others are back but there's something wrong with Jasper."

Clarke leapt up from her chair and followed Raven hastily out to Monty and Jasper's tent.

Clarke could hear shouting as they approached and recognized Bellamy's stern tone.

"Jasper don't argue. You're going to see Clarke and you're going to tell her what happened."

Clarke could hear a muffled response before she burst into the tent, causing every head to turn her way. Monty was hovering over Jasper's bed and sighed in relief when he saw Clarke.

"What the hell happened?!" Jasper burrowed further under his blankets as Clarke yelled. She may have been slightly panicking.

Bellamy was the first to answer.

"After a few hours of being there he disappeared for a bit. He got caught in a grounder trap and hit his head but he started throwing up too. I thought it was just from being hung upside down in the tree but now he's acting funny."

Clarke went over to the bed, Monty moving away anxiously while wringing his hands, and tried to pull the covers down. Jasper whined and wriggled down further.

"Jasper, come out. I need to see what's wrong."

The boy shook his head under the blankets and spoke, the words so quiet she almost didn't hear it.

"No. Bellamy." A hand stuck out from under the blankets and made grabby hands at the Blake who looked very confused.

Bellamy and Clarke exchanged a look before she stepped back and allowed him to kneel by the kid in the bed.

There was whispering and Bellamy's expression softened while a tiny smile crept to his lips.

"Jasper, she won't be mad she's just worried buddy. Let her check you out."

He was being so gentle and she bit her lip to stop from smiling when Bellamy ruffled Jasper's hair.

"Good man." Bellamy stood up and let Clarke in. Jasper was now peeking out from his blanket to look at her.

"Jasper what happened? What's wrong?"

His face blushed red.

"I was being careful like you told me to but I went for a walk and then the rope was there and it pulled me up and then, I hit my head."

Clarke pulled the blankets down and ran her fingers through his hair, checking for cuts or bumps. She found a rather impressive knot near the back and he had a few scrapes on his face. There was the obvious cut on his fore head too which she checked and cleaned but deemed okay to heal without stitches.

The medic gently held the kids eyes open and saw his uneven pupils.

"Oh Jasper, you have a concussion. Why were you by yourself? You should have stayed with Bellamy."

Jaspers words were slightly slurred and he looked ready to fall asleep as he answered.

"I just wanted to go into the woods for a bit."

Clarke took deep breath.

"Okay, I'll have to wake him up every few hours during the night and it might be a while till he stops feeling sick but he'll be okay guys."

Monty sagged in relief.

"Thanks Clarke. I thought he'd gotten himself brain damaged or something."

Clarke kissed the sleepy teenager on the forehead and laughed as he whispered to Monty about getting Mom kisses.

Monty gave Clarke a small squeeze before sitting beside his friend as Bellamy followed Clarke outside the tent.

"I'm sorry I didn't keep a closer eye on him. I tried but you know how these guys are. Some of them wander off and then the guys were jumping in the really shallow part without even thinking about how dangerous it could be and-"

Clarke cut him off and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Bellamy, I know it's not your fault. He shouldn't have gone where you couldn't see him. Those delinquents are a handful, you can only do so much. Thanks for getting me right away instead of trying to deal with it yourself and you did great with Jasper."

Bellamy smiled and Clarke watched as his cheeks turned pink.

"No problem Princess."

He pecked a kiss on her cheek, making her own cheeks blush red.