Title: House Party
Characters: Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet
Genre: Friendship/Humor
Rating: T (just to be safe)
Summary: Erza is not allowed to be mopey. Especially not when it's party season.
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or anything associated with it.
Notes: Inspired by the song "House Party" by Sam Hunt. Good song.
Gray's phone vibrated for the fourth time in a row. He knew it was Erza; she'd been blowing up his phone all day.
Erza: I'm sure I don't want to go to Laxus's party.
Erza: I mean, who even is really going?
Erza: Well, probably everyone actually…
Erza: Are you going?
The raven-haired man rolled his eyes. She'd been like this ever since Jellal moved out of town. He'd barely spoken to anyone, including Erza, since he left. She was trying to convince Gray that it didn't bother her, but he could always read her like an open book. She wasn't good at lying to him.
Laxus was throwing his annual birthday bash, and all their friends were sure to go, but this year, Erza decided she wasn't coming. Which actually could have been a good thing for Gray, considering the last three years that he had to carry a drunken Erza home over his shoulder. But this wasn't like Erza.
Gray: Maybe you should go out? Have fun with your friends?
Erza's response was instant.
Erza: I'm perfectly fine by myself. No worries! Go out and have fun!
Gray rolled his eyes. If Erza truly wanted to be alone, she wouldn't speak to anyone. If anyone asked her what was wrong, she would brush them off and say she was just fine. Gray knew she was lonely.
Gray: Then why have you been blowing up my phone all day?
Five minutes went by with no response, just a little check and Read 7:45 PM. Ten minutes. Twenty minutes.
Gray sighed. She was upset, and he knew it.
Grabbing his keys and wallet, Gray left his house without a second thought.
The scarlet-haired woman wasted no time answering the door after Gray rang her doorbell.
"Gray?" She looked surprised. "You're going to be late to the party! What are you doing here?"
"I'd say I'm right on time," Gray said, pushing past her and entering her living room, plugging in his portable speaker. "Plus, do I even look dressed for a party?"
"No, you're actually clothed," she said, shutting the door slowly. "What are you doing?"
"Shut up a sec?" Gray asked, scrolling through the music on his phone after plugging it into the speaker.
Erza folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
Gray finally found Erza's most recent favorite song and turned it on, blaring the music through the speakers.
"G-Gray! The neighbors!"
"So?" Gray wasn't one for dancing, but he danced his way over to her anyway.
"What are you doing?"
"Erza, come one, you love this song." He grabbed her hand and dragged her away from the door, swinging her arms to the beat in an attempt to get her to dance. She wasn't catching on.
"Gray, you're scaring me."
Sighing, Gray walked over and paused the song, letting silence wash over them for a moment.
"You have been a mopey mess ever since Jellal left, and I totally get it. But you've gotta have fun every once in a while, Erza! It's not healthy to just lie on the couch and blow up my phone."
"I…I have not been mopey!" Erza stated, stamping her foot. "He is perfectly capable of making his own decisions, and I am happy for him."
"No one has seen you for like a week."
"Yes they have!"
"No, Erza, they haven't," Gray said, grabbing her shoulders and staring into her eyes. "Natsu keeps yelling, 'Erza fight me!' and turns around and you're not there. Juvia and Lucy keep asking me where you've been because they haven't heard from you. Everyone's freaking out!"
"I just haven't been in a very extroverted mood, that's all," Erza said, averting her eyes from his icy stare. "Nothing wrong with that."
"Look, if you don't want to go to the party with everyone else, that's fine. But that's not going to stop me from bringing the party to you."
"What?" Erza asked. "Is everyone-?"
"Nope, just me and you," Gray said, flashing his friend a rare grin. "So now will you dance with me?"
Erza bit her lip, looking slightly uncomfortable.
Rolling his eyes, Gray released her to go shove her couch and table across the room to the far wall, creating a makeshift dance floor. He started the song over and stripped off his shirt once the music hit, landing it on the lamp shade in the corner.
"Now you're dressed for a party," Erza chuckled. "Must you get naked in my house?"
"It's like you don't even know me."
That was enough to break her shell. She laughed and shimmied over to him, swinging her long, scarlet hair in circles while he cheered her on. Grabbing her hands, he spun her around and did some strange tango motion across the floor. He attempted to dip her, but lost his footing on the rug, and they both ended up collapsing on the floor beside each other with bustling laughter.
"This is better than that crowded party anyway," Gray chuckled.
"I do miss the alcohol, though," Erza said thoughtfully. She moved to sit up and Gray grabbed her arm, dragging her back down.
"Please do not tell me you're going to get alcohol."
"But it would be so much fun!"
"You're angry when you're drunk!"
"I am not!"
"I'm pretty sure you broke my arm last year!"
"Then try and stop me," Erza chuckled, scrambling up and running into the kitchen.
"Erza!" Gray fumbled after her, tripping a few times while trying to latch onto the scarlet locks trailing behind her.
They could party with just the two of them.