This is probably the biggest head cannon I've ever had! The minute I thought of it, I just had to write it! It was inspired by Carly Rae Jepsen's song of the same name. This takes place just after Korra arrives to Republic City, during episode 2: A Leaf In the Wind. It's going to start out as a rewrite of the episode, then go into AU territory midway. This is going to be too good xD


~Tenzin VO: Earth. Water. Fire. Air. Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

Shiro Shinobi VO: Republic City welcomes a new citizen into our arms. Avatar Korra! After years of seclusion in the South, this master of water, earth, and fire seeks to add airbending to her list of skills. And under the tutelage of Tenzin, Avatar Aang's son, she should go far. But will this cool, calm, collective master of air be able to tame this hotheaded teen?~

It was early morning in Republic City, the sun already high and waking up the town for the day. There was a rhythmic hum of the city as it slowly buzzed to life. Across the water, on Air Temple Island, sat Korra and Tenzin at a table. Korra had her face stuck in a newspaper while Tenzin sipped his tea. Korra turned the page of the newspaper eagerly, her hands tightening on the paper.

"And, in the final round, the Buzzard Wasps won with a decisive knockout!" she read aloud excitedly, pulling the paper down and revealing a huge grin on her face. She laid the paper down flat on the table and looked at Tenzin. "What do you say we go to the arena tonight?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "Catch a few pro-bending matches?"

Tenzin lifted up his tea cup, looking at Korra pointedly. "That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending." he said dismissively, taking a sip from his tea.

Korra gave him an exasperated look, her hands out. "Come on, Tenzin! I've dreamed about seeing a pro-bending match since I was a kid!" She jerked her thumb behind her in the direction of the arena outside the window. "And now I'm just a ferry ride away from the arena!"

"Korra, you're not here to watch that drivel. You're here to finish your Avatar training." Tenzin said, making Korra's face fall in disappointment. "So, for the time being, I want you to remain on the island."

"Is that why you're keeping the White Lotus sentries around? To watch my every move?" Korra said, annoyed as she gestured to the sentries standing about the room.

"Yes." Tenzin said and Korra rolled her eyes. "In order to learn airbending I believe you require a calm, quiet environment, free from any distractions."

Korra wiped the bored look from her face and allowed herself a small smile. "All right, you're the master."

Even as she said it, she couldn't help but look over her shoulder at the arena mocking her from a distance.


Korra and Tenzin walked side by side under a wooden shed outside. A ring-tailed flying lemur flew over head past them as they walked on. Korra had changed out of her Water Tribe clothing into the traditional Air Nomad attire.

"So, my mother informed me that you've never been able to airbend before." Tenzin said. Korra stopped short and sighed heavily. Tenzin also stopped and turned to look at her, only to find that Korra had tampered with her shirt to show off the Water Tribe band on her arm, rolling it up. He ignored the change and waited for her to speak.

Korra placed her right hand on her head, somewhat sheepishly. "Yeah, but I don't know why. The other elements came so easily to me." Her expression turned to frustration. "But every single time I've tried airbending" -she stuck her tongue out, blowing a raspberry before straightening up and putting her hand on her hip- "nothing."

Tenzin approached Korra and placed a hand on her shoulder. "That's perfect all right. You just need to be patient." He rolled down Korra's sleeve, concealing the band. "Often, the element that's the most difficult for the Avatar to master is the one most opposite to the Avatar's personality. For Aang, it was earthbending."

Korra glanced at the ground sadly. "Yeah, well, I'm about as opposite an airbender as you can get."

Tenzin turned to continue walking, a smile on his face. "Let's begin your first lesson."


Korra didn't believe things could get any worse. When Tenzin brought her to the Spinning Gates, she was already feeling like whatever optimism she had left was fading quickly. And what made it worse was that the Airbender Children were there. It wasn't enough to just look like a fool in front of Tenzin, she had to look like a fool in front of everyone.

"Korra's gonna airbend, Korra's gonna airbend!" Ikki cheered, jumping up and down and clapping her hands.

"What's that contraption?" Korra asked when they reached the Gates, letting her amusement get the best of her.

"A time-honored tool that teaches the most fundamental aspect of airbending. Jinora, would you like to explain this exercise?" Tenzin said.

Jinora stepped forward. "The goal is to weave your way through the gates and make it to the other side without touching them."

"Seems easy enough." Korra said confidently.

"Jinora forgot to say you have to make it through while the gates are spinning!" Ikki interjected.

Tenzin stepped up to the gates and moved a foot behind him, twisting and turning his arms. Air built up in his momentum, a small breeze blurring past Korra's face as Tenzin raised him arms and sent the air through the gates. The gates turned and Tenzin pulled out a leaf from his robes and held it up between his thumb and forefinger. He let the leaf go and Korra watched eagerly as it flowed through the gates, carrying itself on the breeze.

"The key is to be like the leaf." he said. "Follow the movement of the gates. Jinora will demonstrate."

Without a moment's hesitation, Jinora ran forward to the gates and neatly slipped into the opening. Through the gaps of the gates, Korra could see Jinora as she weaved in, about, and around while not once losing her focus or balance. Her feet moved like an effortless dance, one step behind the other. Korra was fascinated.

"Airbending is all about spiral movements." Tenzin said. "When you net resistance, you must be able to switch direction at a moment's notice."

Jinora emerged from the other side, her breathing slightly heavy. The gates started to slow down and she turned to face them, sending another gust of wind through them and making them pick up speed. Korra put herself in a ready stance, her expression determined.

"Let's do this." she said and ran towards the gates.

She slammed into the first one, which turned and threw her against the one beside it. Korra grunted in pain, trying to catch her footing. Tenzin grimaced, watching Korra collide with every panel she came across. It came to a point where she was thrown back out to the start, landing on her butt. She scrambled to her feet quickly, more an annoyed and determined than before. She ran back in, just barely missing the first two panels but running into the next one.

"Don't force your way through!" Jinora called.

Korra is knocked back, almost falling over.

"Dance, dance like the wind!" Ikki said.

Korra hit another panel.

"Be the leaf!" Meelo said, waving his arms.

Korra gritted her teeth as she attempted again to weave her way through the planks, only to be thrown out again flat on her back. Tenzin shook his head, already anticipating just how much work he was in for.


"Airbend!" Korra said impatiently, aiming her hands out at a newspaper hanging on a line. On the newspaper was a picture of Republic City's Chief of Police, Lin Beifong. Korra thrusted her hands out again, gritting her teeth in frustration. "What is wrong with me?! Airbend!"

She tried again and again, her impatience getting the best of her and resulting in the newspaper and the line it was hanging on being set on fire. She groaned aloud and turned to Naga, hand on her hip.

"Maybe I'm just not cut out for airbending, huh, Naga?" she asked the polar bear dog.

Just as she finished her sentence, she picked up the sound of a man's voice talking. She turned around quickly, locating the sound. It was coming from a White Lotus guard building. Her curiosity peaked, she crept over to the building, staying below the wall and listening.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm coming to you live from Republic City's Pro-bending Arena, where tonight the best in the world continue their quest for their spot in the upcoming championship tournament!" the announcer said. "Grab your snacks and grab your kids because this next match is gonna be a doozy!"

Korra grinned to herself and snuck around the side, using her earthbending to give her a bit of lift to get to the roof. She sat on the edge, listening to the announcer as he went on to describe the match.

"This kid's got moxy!" the announcer said. "She advances, firing to quick shots. Yomo is hammered back to zone three! Clock is winding down, can Yomo hold on? He's teetering on the edge of the ring now," Korra closed her hands into fists excitedly, grinning. "The Fire Ferrets line up to strike-"

That was it. The broadcast was cut off. Korra's grin fell and her eye twitched. She was about to jump down and find out what happened, when another voice cut through the air.

"Korra, come down here please!" It was Tenzin.

Korra bit her lip in defeat and lowered the top half of her body to look inside before she dropped herself from the roof, swinging in through the opening of the building. The three guards standing there jumped back, startled. Tenzin stood before her, the plug of the radio in his hands and a disapproving expression on his face.

"You cut it off at the best part!" Korra said, frustrated.

"I thought I made myself clear." Tenzin said, disregarding her aggravation. "I don't want you listening to this distracting nonsense."

"But it's their radio." Korra argued, gesturing to the sentries. She walked up to Tenzin. "And, technically, you said I couldn't watch a match. You didn't say anything about listening to one."

"You-" Tenzin was at a loss for words and grunted angrily, taking a moment to compose himself. He ponied at her. "You know what I meant! Anyway, shouldn't y- Shouldn't you be in bed by now?!"

He turned and walked away, his robes sending a rush of air behind him that ruffled Korra's clothes and hair.


Korra had had enough. She was bored. She wanted action, and meditating was not what she had in mind. Which is why she was going to sneak out. One way or another, she was going to see a match. When night fell, Korra opened the window to her room and peeked outside. Below was guard scoping the area. He stood still for another second before heading off to his right. When he was far enough away, Korra leapt out the window, landing softly in the middle of the courtyard. When she was sue the coast was clear she ran across the courtyard to the edge of the island and jumped, raising the water to cushion her impact. She cleaved through the water towards the Arena.

She reached the shore of the island and poked her head through the water, squinting at the brightness of the Arena. She looked around, spotting an open window. She grinned to herself and formed the water into a sort of spout, raising herself up to the window. She threw herself through the window, catching herself on her feet and sliding into the wall. She dried her clothes using her waterbending and headed down the hallway she was facing. One room she passed in particular raised her curiosity and she stopped to look inside.

It was nothing more than a gym, but she walked in anyway, crossing to the center. There were dumbbells, punching bags, nets, pommel horses, and earth disks. Korra smiled as she gazed around the empty room.

"Hey!" a voice called, making her turn in surprise. In the doorway of the gym stood a stout man, his hands on his hips as he glared at Korra. He had a towel slung around his neck and walked up to her. "What're you doing in my gym?!"

Korra smiled innocently, raking her brain for a good excuse. "Uh, I was just looking for the bathroom and I got lost."

"Ah, the old 'I had to pee' excuse!" the man yelled. "You know, I'm tired of you kids sneaking in without paying! I'm taking you to security!"

"No, wait-" Korra began.

"There you are!" a third voice said. Korra looked up and saw another man walking towards them, a lighthearted smile on his face. His clothing gave away that he was one of the team members that competed there. "I've been looking everywhere for you!" he said to Korra, then looked at the other man. "Don't worry Toza, she's with me."

Relief washed through Korra as she picked up on what he was doing. She smiled. "Yeah, I'm with him."

"So, you see, we're together." the guy said.

"Well, not together together." Korra said, her smile becoming awkward.

"Right, friends." he clarified, pointing to his chest. "I didn't mean to imply..." He cleared his throat.

"Oh, you implied it." Korra said under her breath.

Toza raised his arms, interrupting them. "I don't care what you are! I got work to do!"

"Ooh, right this way miss." the guy said, gesturing for Korra to follow him.

"I thank you, sir!" Korra declared, then whispered as they walked away. "Seriously, thanks!"

The guy led her down another hallway and opened a door to a locker room with an opening overlooking the arena below. Korra lit up instantly.

"Whaddya think?" the guy said smugly. "Best seats in the house, huh?"

Korra ran to the fence closing off the locker room, looking around excitedly. "Woah!" she said in awe. "Unbelievable! This place is even more amazing than I'd imagined!"

"Name's Bolin, by the way." the man said, walking up beside her.

"Korra." Korra introduced, still looking around.

She didn't hear the door open behind them, bit she saw two more people in the same outfit as Bolin walk by onto the platform that would lower them to the arena. They already had their helmets on. Bolin turned suddenly and grabbed his helmet from the bench, putting it on.

"That's my cue!" he said. "Wish me luck, not that I'll need it."

He stepped onto the lift and Korra watched as it lowered down to the stage.

~one epic match scene later~

Korra was ecstatic. More than ecstatic. She'd just experienced a Pro-bending match first hand and it was everything she had hoped for. Thanks to the firebender of the Fire Ferrets, they pulled through last second and won. The team boarded the lift after their victory and it raised to the locker rooms.

Bolin ran off the lift when it stopped as he took off his helmet. "Woohoo, yes!" he cheered. He held up one finger. "One more win and we're in the tournament!" He tucked his helmet under his arm and gave Korra a proud look. "So, what'd you think? Bolin's got some moves, huh?"

A wide grinned crossed Korra's face as she reached forward and grabbed Bolin by the collar of his uniform. "What did I think?! What did I think?! That was amazing!" She gave him a rough but playful shove back and stumbled a bit as his two teammates crossed onto the floor.

"You did more harm than good out there, Hasook!" a female voice accused, the firebender. She was talking to the waterbender. "You almost cost us the match!"

"We won, didn't we?" Hasook said as he took off his helmet, clearly annoyed.

The firebender put her hand on her hip. "Barely!"

"Get of my case, pal!" Hasook said as he threw his helmet aside and left the locker room with a loud groan, slamming the door behind him.

"Useless..." the firebender muttered as she headed to the lockers.

"Well, you guys were still incredible out there." Korra commented, smiling. She turned to face the firebender. "Especially you, Ms...uh..."

Her words fell from the earth as she watched the firebender remove her helmet and pull her hair from her uniform. It was raven black and fell to about the middle of her back. She turned around and the first thing Korra noticed were her eyes. They were green, with yellowish specks in them. Purple eyeshadow colored her eyelids and red lips stood out. Korra's brain fried and she could practically feel the steam rising from her head. The only thing she managed to form speech wise were stutters.

"Oh, right!" Bolin exclaimed, face palming himself. "I almost forgot! Korra, this is Asami. My sister. Asami, Korra."

"Nice to meet you." Asami said with a genuine smile, walking over and sticking her hand out towards Korra.

Korra didn't process the interaction and Bolin gave her a soft nudge in her side, causing her to straighten up immediately and take Asami's hand. "Uh...yeah, n-nice to meet you too... Korra! Oh, is, um my name..." She wanted so badly to kick herself.

To her surprise, Asami giggled and shook her hand before pulling it back. "Sorry you had to witness that, Hasook can be real stressful sometimes." she said. "We've been looking for someone to replace him, but no one has come forward yet."

"Well, I've been immersed in bending my whole life but I've never learned how to move like that!" Korra said, grinning ear to ear. "Think you two could show a few moves?"

"Ab-so-lutely!" Bolin said.

"I don't see why not." Asami said as she turned back towards her locker.

"I could definitely teach you a few moves, but..." Bolin put his hand to his chin and inspected Korra head to toe. "I'm not quite sure how my earthbending will translate to your waterbending, but we can figure it out."

"Won't be a problem." Korra said smugly, thinking she could have some fun with this. She crossed her arms slyly. "I'm actually an earthbender."

Bolin, caught off guard, held his hands up awkwardly. "I'm sorry, no, no! I didn't mean to assume! 'Cause I, you know, I was just figuring...with your Water Tribe getup...that you are...a Water"

Korra chuckled casually. "No you're right. I'm a waterbender. And a firebender."

Bolin gave her a strange look, his eyebrow raising like he was figuring something out. "Mm. Mhmm. I'm very confused right now." he concluded.

"You're the Avatar, aren't you?" Asami said without turning around, her tone suspecting but teasing just a little.

"The one and only." Korra said, glancing at her with a full on grin.

"No...way..." Bolin said, his jaw practically to the floor. When Asami turned around he pointed at Korra and looked at her. "The Avatar!" he added in a whisper.

"So," Korra said, dropping her arms and smiling wider. "When can we start this training?"


I hope you liked it! I bet you're wondering where Mako is in all this. Just guess. I'll be working on another story where Asami is a bender, but that time will come when it does. Right now, I'm more focused on this, because that idea is who knows how long away.

Thanks for reading!