-Flashback July 2015-
It was 4am in the Adams Foster's house, meaning absolutely no one was awake. All except Callie, who was laying awake in her bed staring up at the ceiling. With all that had been going on lately, she just felt suffocated. She needed to just get away but, of course she just felt like she couldn't. Although she really couldn't find a reason not to. She was fighting with both Jude and Sofia, which was really weird cause they were on the same side of the fight against her. AJ had just gotten her fired from a job she thoroughly enjoyed. Brandon wasn't home any more, so she didn't even have him to talk to.
That was when she remembered he didn't have to go to camp that day. He was completely free. As she threw off her covers and started to get dressed, there was a small part of her that tried to tell her that he would probably enjoy to sleep in, since he hadn't gotten to once this summer due to Idyllwild. The bigger side won over the very small one, of course. It was why she made all the bad choices she did.
Once ready, she tip toed over to the boy's room next to hers. His door was ajar so she pushed her self in. She took a slight moment to enjoy the view of him sleeping with out a shirt before jabbing him in the shoulder to wake him.
"Brandon. Wake up." She got a mumble in response before she tried again. The second attempt earned her an eye roll but she was happy his eyes were open for her to actually see that.
"Cal, what's up? Why are you in my room." His voice was heavy with sleep and concern. She had only ever woke him up in the middle of the night she she had a nightmare she couldn't handle on her own. Therefore his concern for her to be in there was completely acceptable. That was when he noticed she was fully dressed with his keys in her hand. "What's going on. Why are you dressed with my keys?"
"We are going on a road trip for the day. I need to get out of here. I would love it if you came with me." The mischievous look in her eye did not go unnoticed by him but, he had no clue what she was up to.
"This couldn't have waited until sun raise?"
"Of course not. Let me get dressed. I'll meet you down stairs."
She smiled big as she kissed his cheek and left him to get dressed. Brandon gave himself a moment before getting up. Oh the things he would do for that girl. But in all honesty, he was actually excited. This was the first time all summer he could actually have some fun. He defiantly was not going to miss that chance.
It was five o'clock by the time Callie and Brandon pulled out of the driveway. She was behind the wheel and refused to budge on telling him anything.
"Callie, seriously. Where are we going. You can't drag me out of bed before the sun and not tell me anything." He asked for at least the twentieth time in the last hour. She was getting tired of only talking about that so she finally gave in.
"Fine. We are going to San Fran. But that's all I'm telling you. You will find out what we are doing when we get their."
"I guess I have to be okay with that. So anyway. What have you been you to lately. I don't really get a chance to do anything except piano now a days." He turned to watch her as she drove. This was a first for him. Up until now she didn't have a license so he drove everywhere they went. It was something he was starting to enjoy.
The only thing he didn't enjoy was discovering the signs of stress on her. He hated how out of touch he had been lately. Usually he was the one to spot the stress before she even did. The bags under her eyes from staying awake thinking at night. The slight loss in weight that Kent she had been picking at her food lately. The dull look in her eyes that told him she had been beating on herself constantly. All of this he had seen on her many times but, whenever it reappeared made his heart sink.
"Um you know. Stuff." She was avoiding the conversation, that part was obvious. Brandon sighed. He guessed he was going to need to be more straight forward. He grabbed the hand that was resting on the consult and brought it to his lips before speaking. Right away he noticed her cold fingers, another trademark Callie sign of stress.
"Cal, what been going on. You know you can tell me anything honey."
She looked over at him when the pet name came out of his mouth. She knew she had been caught (not that she should have been surprised, this was Brandon after all) when he used the pet name. It was one of their unspoken agreements that pet names were only used in private and in absolutely serious situations.
She gave in and told him all. Told him all about the fight with both of her siblings, who were becoming closer every single day. Explained how AJ got her fired. Something she was not looking forward to tell him because of the expected anger he had developed. His hatred for the other teen would only intensify now. AJ had already stolen his dad, his baseball and now had messed with his girl. But also just like Callie expected, he swallowed his hate to make sure she was alright. Finally she ended with what she thought was the most obvious stressor of all.
"And I don't know, I just miss you Brandon. I am so insanely proud of you but, I don't ever get to see you any more outside of the dinner table." By this point, the duo was park on top of a mountain that overlooked the Golden Gate Bridge. So Brandon was able to climb out of the car and open her door when he noticed the tear running down her face. He hated to see her cry but, unlike most times this had happen, he was able to pull her pull her into a tight hug and brush his figures through her hair the way she liked it.
"Shhh. Baby, it's ok. I'm right here now. I'm always right here." Her cries got stronger as he lifted her up to take the driver's seat while putting her in his lap. He just let her cry. Brandon knew she needed to, she always does when she was this stressed. Callie's life could get overwhelming at times and if she needed him to be her should to cry on, then he was going to be there. The two of them stayed there for a while until her sobs calmed down to whimpers. He took her face in his hands and kissed the top of her head, something he had not allowed himself to do in a while, before he began to speak again.
"Just so you know," Brandon said as he stroked his thumbs up and down her cheeks, "any time you need to talk I'm always right there. I don't care if I'm a phone call away or in the room next door practicing the most important piece in my life, you come to me. You became my number one priority a long time ago and I don't care if you think something else should come before you because it won't. Nothing will ever come before you. Understand?" She shook her head that was between his hands as she reached up to grab them in her own. She gave both of his palms a feather light kiss before resting her forehead on his own.
"I know I can't say it enough and I have no idea what we are half the time but, I really do love you Brandon." Another tear rolled down her cheek.
"I love you too." He gently smiled at her while wiping her tear away, hoping it was the last one for the day. He leaned in for what is their first kiss in almost two months. It was light and short but, got the point across he was trying to make to her. 'I love you. This is not all that is going to be for us. Just wait and see.'
After a moment, he broke apart from her to look around. The Golden Gate was beautiful and made him question all the more reason why they were there. He voiced this a second later, to which he got a laugh from his girl. She then pointed to the tiny people currently climbing in the cables of the bridge. All he could think is, 'oh boy what did I get myself into.'
-Present Day August 2016-
Brandon vaguely remembers the morning after orientation. He does remember Callie waking him when she left for work and the headache behind his eyes. He remembers trying desperately to make their bedroom dark and willing himself to get out of bed to retrieve his migraine medication. Other than that, he has been in and out of sleep all day.
When Callie walks in their apartment after work and finds him in the same place she left him the night before, she knows he is having a migraine. She goes over to closes the heavy curtains they had put up for moments like these, making the room free of the mid afternoon sun. She leaves the room for a short while to gather some supplies which she places on his night table. She changes into her pajamas before going over to him.
Brandon became aware of Callie crawling in bed behind him, like she usually does when he feels like this. For reasons unknown to him, he is extremely clingy when he is sick. Brandon remembers the first time he had a flu once Callie came around. All he wanted was for Callie to lay with him and hold him but, it was completely impossible with his moms breathing down his neck. It had gotten to the point where she needed to sneak into his room at night just for him to actually sleep properly. So when she brings his head into her lap and starts to run her fingers over his forehead, Brandon is very grateful.
"Did you take your medicine yet?" Callie whispers knowing the louder she is, the worse it is for him. She hates seeing him like this and is grateful it doesn't happen very often.
He shakes his head and groans as little as possible for her to understand his answer. This migraine is a pretty bad one, one of the worse he has had.
She reaches over and grabs the bottle of pills, removing two to give to him. Slowly she gets him to sit up against her chest and quickly take his pills. Once he is back down and runs her fingers through his hair until he his back to sleep again.
Callie sighs. She knew it was a matter of time before one of his migraines appeared its unruly head. She just hates seeing him like this. Migraine Brandon is completely different than regular Brandon. This version of her boyfriend is the most selfish he ever gets, which is not saying much because all he wants is for her to hold him and brush her fingers through his hair.
So that's what she does for the next few hours until he wakes up again, this time slightly more coherent. He opens his eyes tiredly and gazes up at her with a ghost of a smile.
"Hey baby." She coos. His eyes close again but she knows his is awake.
"Hey." Brandon mumbles. He reaches his hand upwards to interlock with the one that's resting on his shoulder. He rotates on his side a little bit so he is resting more comfortably on her lap, snuggling in as far as he can without disappearing completely.
"You feel any better?" Her whisper is like a thousand miles away but, the ticking of the clock across the room is blaring in his ear. He really hates days like this. Everything is torture.
"No. Can you get the clock out of here?"
He didn't feel her get up. He did notice when the clicking sound of the clock was removed. And then she was back, sitting beside him, running her fingers down his every hot face.
"How about I help you shower?" He could only nod in response. When she helps him up he wobbles dizzily. "Lay back down. We're going to take bath instead."
She leaves him in the dark room to go to their attached bathroom. She goes over to the tub and turns the warm tap on. Once full she throws in some lavender oil, something the two of them discovered helps his migraines about a year and a half ago.
She returns for him, slowly helping him up and into the bathroom. Sitting him on the edge of the tub she helps him shed his pajamas from the night before. Finally she slowly eases him into the tub quickly fallowing him in herself. She sits behind him and starts to gently rub shampoo on his head.
After awhile of sitting in the tub, he turns his face into her neck and starts the cry. The pain becoming too much to bare. Knowing there isn't much she can do other than hold him, she just rubs up and down the back of his head.
"I'm right here, Brandon. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."
I just want to say you guys are completely awesome! I never expected the kind of praise I have been getting for either of my stories, so thank you. The next chapter for The Moment I Knew should be up in the next couple of days. Until then my loves, stay strong Brallie fans, I see the light at the end of the tunnel!