Harry Potter and the High Elves
By: Katerinaki
Published: March 28, 2015
Beta'ed: No
Notes: This is the prologue to a story I've been working on. If I get enough interest I'll post the next chapter in a day or two. Let me know what you think.
Long ago there lived an elven king who ruled over the high elves of Britain, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. He was a good king and his people adored him, for he cared greatly for them and would give his very life in service to them.
The elven king had a son whom he was very proud of. He taught his son all he would need to know to be as kind and benevolent a ruler as his father. But the son did not wish to rule. He preferred the forests, to learn magic and play jokes on the guards and the servants. The king, worried that his people would suffer should he perish, tried to make the son take his responsibilities seriously. But the son was a free spirit, unwilling to be tied to the crown and duty. And so, one night, he fled.
The king was devastated. His hunters searched long and hard for his son, but the heir had vanished, well-versed in magic as he was.
Ten years later, the world was at war. The king tried to remain neutral to protect his people from the fighting, but all of his efforts seemed to be in vain. He was approached by the leader of one of the sides, who named himself a lord, though there was nothing lordly about him. He offered the king power and control, but the king saw through his lies. He refused the lord and was killed. In vengeance against the king, the lord had his followers attack the king's people. The high elves fell from the prosperity and peace they experienced under their beloved king.
They were driven from all but their most remote settlements, forced to wander as their numbers dwindled. The high elves survive yet, but only as a shadow of what they once were. The High Council, who once advised the king, now safeguards the empty throne. The high elves watch and wait for the day the lost son will return to them and lead them into a new age of prosperity.