Hello everyone ! Here's my first story... I hope you'll like it ! As one of my favorite anime ever is Soul Eater, I wanted to do a crossover between Pokemon and Soul Eater... But I decided to do a story with all the Pokemon's main characters in Soul Eater's universe... For those of you who didn't see the anime, it's okay, everything will be explained in the story, but to explain it quickly, some people have the special ability to turn into a weapon (called demon weapon), and some other with exceptional soul wavelength. They are warriors who can wield the demon weapons (meisters). I'm sorry for the eventual grammar mistakes...

Pairings: Oldrivalshipping, Contestshipping, Ikarishipping and pokéshipping.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Soul Eater... :(

Prologue :

It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon in the calm little city of Petalburgh, and all the warmth was giving anyone joy. Families were talking happily as they were going for a walk, and all the kids were going to the swimming pool with their friends, laughing loudly in the streets, except for one little girl.

She was playing in her garden with her dolls, her sapphire eyes shining with amusement. She had long brown, chestnut hair in a red and white bandana, and was wearing a short light red dress. She looked sweet and innocent, and was unaware of the three adults watching her through the kitchen's window. There were two women and one man, talking in low voices, eyeing the cute little girls playing.

"-Cynthia, please.

-I already told you Norman, everything is okay with your daughter! She's even stronger than she should be at such a young age!

-Norman, calm down… Why are you pressuring her so much? She's too young to be involved in this kind of thing!

-It's not normal Caroline! She should have already found a partner…

-She'll find one later, when she'll be in the academy…

-I just want to know if everything is okay! Cynthia. Please."

The blond woman sighed. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, and then opened them; her once grey orbs had become a dark color, almost black. She was using her Soul Perception. The girl's soul was rather interesting. It was a deep red, and a white small crack on the right side. The kid had a huge soul for her young age. It was impressive. The woman sighed again, and stopped her Soul Perception, before turning her attention back on the other two.

"-Just as I told you, everything is normal. Your daughter has an extraordinary soul, it's really impressive. She'll be an amazing meister, so stop worrying Norman. When I found my first partner, I was 15, and you found yours when you were 16!

-And I found mine at 18 years old. See? You need to stop pressuring her. She'll find her partner when she'll go to the academy, and become one of the greatest meister of all time. I'm sure of it, honey."

The man looked at his little girl. He wanted her to be powerful. He wanted her to become a legend, and when he found out that she had an impressive soul, he knew that she would, but she needed to practice.

"-Excuse-me, I need to train her.

-Norman! Wait!"

But her husband was already gone. She sighed, and looked at Cynthia.

"-I hope she'll be okay. You have to promise me that you'll take care of her when she'll be at the university.

-I swear. I'll take good care of May, Caroline."

Two years later.

The little girl looked at the grave once again, trying to hold back her tears. Soon, her dark green orbs were watering, and she started to sob hysterically. She was gone… Just like that. Daddy said she couldn't stand it.

"-See, Leafy, your mommy loved you very, very much. She loved both of us. But even if this love was really strong, she shared another strong bound with her meister. Sometimes, when a meister dies, the weapon can't physically stand it, and…"

Her father didn't say anything else. Leaf knew that it was too early for him; he couldn't bring himself to talk about it. Later, he had come back and told her that even if she left them, her mother loved them. And the little girl knew she did. And she loved her back.

She stopped crying. She had to be strong for her daddy. If she didn't want to end up like her mother, she had to become stronger. She heard that sometimes, a weapon could be on his own, without its meister. That's what she would do. She would become the strongest weapon that had ever existed, and be on her own, and she would never make anyone suffer.

She had spent the whole night making researches. She would go to the same academy as her mother and father. She knew her daddy wouldn't want her to go study how to become a weapon after what had happened, but it was her choice, and she knew that even if he disagreed, he would respect her decision.

She tucked one of her brown locks behind her ear, and rubbed her eyes. She would become strong. She had to.

The twelve-year-old girl looked through the window. She wanted to go outside badly, but it was forbidden. Mother had said she couldn't go outside because she was "different". At first, she didn't understand what she meant by "different". But then, Mother explained everything; the strong soul, the ability to wield a weapon, the power…

She thought it was cool; she had some physical abilities, she could run faster than normal kids, was excellent in martial arts and was not easily tired. Mother said it was normal for a meister, and that, with time, she would become even more powerful, just like her mother. She had said that it was something that ran in the family. But she couldn't go outside, and hadn't any friends, and felt lonely.

And something worried her. Her mother had tried to find a partner, but she couldn't adjust her soul's wavelength to anyone. It worried her so much… A meister wasn't worth anything without a weapon.


The woman turned around. She was gorgeous, and her daughter looked just like her: a fair porcelain skin, big deep blue eyes, and matching shiny hair. She smiled.

"-Yes, darling, what is it?

-Why can't I find a weapon?"

She showed the woman her slightly burned hands. Last time she tried to wield someone, it even physically hurt her. Her mother sighed.

"-I don't know, honey. Maybe there's someone out there that is waiting for you, and that's why you can't wield anyone else…

-That would be pretty cool… I hope you're right Mother!" The woman giggled.

"-I'm always right, honey… Don't forget your training today!

-I won't!"

And with that, her mother left the room. The girl turned her eyes back to the window. She could see some other kids playing with each other. Sometimes, she just wished she was normal…

Five years later.

"Monster! You hear me Misty? You're just a monster! You're not normal!"

The teenage girl held her bag even closer. She was waiting for her friends. The four of them were going to the academy. Finally. I'm going to leave this hell.

When her parents died, Misty was all alone, with her sister. That's when she started to understand she wasn't normal. Normal girls don't turn into weapons. She knew her father was a weapon, and so were his parents. But her mother was a human. Misty had inherited her father's "abilities", but her three older sisters were normal.

It was hell. Her sisters were afraid of her. Afraid of her powers, and what she could do with them. During eight years, her life had been a living hell, until she met her friends. One of them was just like her, while the other two were meisters. When she was with them, Misty almost felt normal.

She had always wanted to be normal. If she could have chosen, she would have never had those "abilities", and live her life normally. But it wasn't the case. And today was the day when things were going to change. She pulled her hair in a high ponytail, and looked at the clock. Daisy was yelling at her. She was trying to ignore her.

"-Listen to me when I'm talking!"

She took her by the hair, still yelling. Misty screamed in pain. She didn't understand what happened next. It went too fast.

She pushed her older sister against the wall with an incredible strength, and suddenly, her whole right arm turned into a weapon form. She shoved it dangerously in front of her other sisters, who suddenly looked terrified. Daisy was on the ground, wincing in pain.

"-You… You're dangerous… Stay away from us!

-Dai… Daisy… I-I didn't mean to…

-Get out! I don't want to see you again, monster!


Leaf suddenly appeared behind her. She took her friend's hand gently, and looked at her straight in her cerulean eyes.

"-We have to go… Dawn and May are waiting for us…"

Misty shot her sisters a last look, and instantly regretted it. Then, she turned around, and left. She had nothing to do here anymore.

It was short, sorry ! But it's just the prologue ! The real story starts in the next chapter. It's my first story, so it's not really good, but I hope that you'll like it... :( Pleaaaaase review ! Thanks !