Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters they belong to Rick Riordan.

Author's Note- This is my first fanfic, I would like to know your guys' opinions on it to know if I should continue with this story, this is just a set-up. Warning: future lemons and characters acting slightly OOC, kind of hard to not have that with this subject.

So there Artemis was, having been snuck some sort of love potion of Hecate's as a prank by Apollo to see what would happen. While she didn't have the details of the potion, she did know that she was starting to feel hot and bothered and didn't know how to deal with it. Not knowing what to do, she headed to the most knowledgeable expert on these matters, her friend Aphrodite, who she had befriended but knew that letting that relationship become public would strain both of their images.

When she teleported into Aphrodite's home, she was hit with a hot spell from the potion and collapsed. Aphrodite, hearing the commotion, rushed to see what had happened and found Artemis lying there moaning and groaning, so she quickly teleported Artemis up to a bed and sat beside her till she recovered enough to tell Aphrodite about what had happened. When Artemis recovered and saw Aphrodite sitting there, she immediately grabbed onto Aphrodite and started begging for help and a cure from her condition. Aphrodite told her to calm down and to tell her what had happened and to describe how she was feeling.

"Well, I was drinking some nectar when suddenly I started getting hot and flustered, then an itch developed, well, you know, down there. I started sweating and I had no idea what to do, so I came to you to see if you could help, since it was affecting me down there," Artemis managed to spill out.

Aphrodite just laughed and waved her hand over Artemis, while saying, "Honey, you are something. The fact that you won't refer to your crotch is hilarious. Don't worry, I'll figure out what happened to you and find a cure. Most likely, someone slipped a love potion into your nectar as a prank." Suddenly, Aphrodite stopped laughing and turned deadly serious. Artemis looked up at her, slightly frightened at what could cause such a carefree goddess to turn serious, and asked what Aphrodite had discovered. After a moment, Aphrodite spoke, "Honey, I am so sorry, whoever did this to you either wanted to curse you for eternity or didn't read the label for the potion. This potion, which is not one of mine, is one of the most powerful love potions I've ever seen. It will give you a great sex drive for all of eternity and nothing can change that. You must have at least two orgasms a day, and at least one has to be from another person, or else what happened to you earlier will start happening more frequently and with much greater power. You will not be able to do much of anything and will slowly fade if you don't meet these requirements."

As she said this, Artemis looked on horrified, not knowing how she could meet this requirement with her oath and her general hatred of anything sexual. But Aphrodite continued, "There is an upside however, for each extra orgasm you have in a day, your power will grow for the rest of the day, so you could easily become one of the most powerful gods each day." As Aphrodite finished, she looked over at her friend who looked shell-shocked and as pale as Hades himself. Noticing this, she drew Artemis into a hug trying to comfort her.

"H-how will I be able to do this, A-Aphrodite, I-I mean I've never even had an o-o-orgasm before," Artemis was able to stutter out.

Aphrodite looked at her and said, "Not one?"

Artemis nodded slowly and started softly crying, knowing that she was probably going to fade, making it her last quest to find whoever had done this to her and punish them before she faded from the world. Aphrodite looked at her and wiped away her tears, saying, "No, no, don't cry, you won't fade, we will find a way around your oath to allow you to survive." As she was saying this, she came upon a brilliant idea, which she blurted out to Artemis. "Have you ever thought about lesbian sex?" she blurted out extremely quickly, so quickly that Artemis missed most of it.

"What?" Artemis asked.

"Lesbian sex," Aphrodite said, "that way you could have sex and orgasms but without penetration so you would remain a technical virgin, and you wouldn't be able to have any children so it would satisfy all of the requirements of your oath, wouldn't it?"

As she said this, a presence entered the room, and spoke into both of their minds, the voice of the Lady Styx. She said, "Yes, this would satisfy her oath, no penetration and no dildos or fisting, but fingering, oral sex, and all forms of foreplay, would be within her oath to have."

Having said this, the presence left, and both of the goddesses breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that there was a way for Artemis to survive. Artemis then said, "Aphrodite, I really want to find out who did this to me and punish them for it."

Aphrodite replied, "Yes, they should definitely be punished but, who knows, you might enjoy this new forced lifestyle more than you ever could've imagined."

Artemis highly doubted this but took what Aphrodite said in mind, but then she realized the one problem she still has.

"Aphrodite," she said, "there is still one problem, I still find all sexual things disgusting and hate them, how will I get past that?"

Aphrodite sultrily responded with, "Why, my dear, how else, I will help you and will be your first tutor in the art of all things sexual. Now, to avoid any more of these hot spells, I think it is time you got your first lesson." End Chapter 1

A/N- Please review, and this will eventually turn into Artemis messing around with many girls in the Percy Jackson universe, possibly having a harem, if there are any requests, feel free to PM me, I probably have most of your suggestions in mind, but this will help me to decide which girls to do earlier and give me extra food for thought. Not sure how often I will be able to update but the more feedback I get, the more likely I will be to write more. Please review and please tell me what you think, and thank you for reading, hope you liked it. Next chapter will be Aphrodite-Artemis lemons, if you couldn't already tell.