So, I have been kind of stuck on my other stories. For that I apologize. To try to make up for it, I have had this in the making for a while, something between me and my close friend, SaintInfernalNeos. What started as something between just him and myself, I wanted to share with everyone. I hope you enjoy

"Mgemrglm." A sound came from the other room.


"Amdolmvalkmrllkbm" the sound continued.

Wa...What time... I peeked an eye open, barely conscious.

3:54 AM glared back at me. I rolled over, exhausted and annoyed. What now? It's so early... Why can't I just…

"Ajaeanban!" It came louder, cutting off my thoughts

Oh no…

"ABAM...STOP! I ATBKOK I I NO!" The incoherent mumblings became outcries as the wall's muffling became pointless, terrorized screaming piercing my eardrum.

Not again... please...

"NO! NOT...I ... STOP! PLEASE!" the voice rang out through the wall, shutting down my hopes.

Worry took over my exhaustion as I tore the blanket off my body and ran out of the room. The shouts came from across the hall I found, as I ripped open my door. He can't be... please..


Unsure of what was going to happen: I opened his door and stepped inside.

Inside, my onii-chan was trapped inside his mind, sweat visibly drenching his body in the moonlight, as he screamed in rage and begging to a world only he could see.

I rushed to the side of his bed. He tightened his white knuckled grip strangling the sheets as he stretched his neck backwards, as if avoiding something dangerous. He thrashed left and right trying to free himself from whatever tormented him. Stunned for a moment, I flashed back to the memory of him, trapped in the hospital bed, fighting a videogame he paid put his life on the line... That was 24 hours ago. He finally woke up. After 2 years of shedding tears and praying for the impossible, I finally saw my onii-chan open his eyes to the world. I saw his tired smile as he patted my head.

Quickly I grabbed his shoulder and shook him. "Wake up Onii-chan! Wake up!" I yelled in his face.

His body seemed to resist my urges for him to become conscious but eventually his eyes snapped open and he quickly sat up. Shoving his back against the wall, he scooted away from me… the danger. His right arm went up to his shoulder and grabbed at the air frantically behind his head. "No... stop... I can... I..." his voice died down as he began to realize his surroundings.

Oh god... Onii-chan...

"They were... I..." he looked at me incredulously. Finally he slumped forward, voice caught in an endless stream of sobs and broken sentences. "I couldn't...AH...I ...They just... I wanted to..." eventually his voice stopped trying to put up a fight and he pulled his knees up and wept into them pitifully, his entire body shaking

At a loss for words, I slowly crept towards him, kneeling on the bed. Feeling the weight shift beside him, he looked up at me and stuck an arm out

"No... Sugu... I don't want you to see me like this... like... just..." he broke off again his eyes blinking away tears as he turned his gaze to anything but my face. "Just... pathetic," he finished with a breath.

Getting close enough to him, I pulled at his weak body, his bony arms putting up little fight. Stroking the back of his hair, I pulled his face into my bosom for him to cry into. "It's okay... I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. I love you...Onii-chan."

His hands remained in his lap momentarily until he wrapped them around me hard, finally accepting my help, wailing louder than before into my chest, muffled by my shirt.

Minutes passed as my shirt became tear-stained and soaked, but I didn't mind. My arms became numb from constantly stroking his hair and rubbing his back, but I didn't mind. I shuddered from the chill of being wet in the cool air, but I didn't mind. My back ached from sitting up in that position as well as holding up his weight for so long, but I didn't mind that either. As long as he was okay, I was okay.

Gradually, his voice died down and his arms went weak as he calmed down. I laid him down softly, only to be urged to lie with him, his arms still wrapped around me as he pulled me to him for comfort. Smiling lightly, I laid with him, our foreheads touching. Over his shoulder, 4:36 showed on the table. But I didn't care, as long as he was alright.

Okay, so things are a bit confusing right now. BUT, much of it will be explained in future chapters. For now, I will allow you to be tantalized

also, these are short chapters. shorter than you're used to but I have a bunch already complete so there will be less waiting. just a different style and pace. Please let me know what you think, either message or review