DISCLAIMER: I do not own, nor do I profit from the television show 'Austin & Ally." The original 'Sex Toy' was written for the Twilight fandom by Oriana de la Rose. This story belongs to her and I take no credit for the storyline. Names and places have been changed to suit the Austin & Ally fandom. No copyright infringement intended.

A/N: I want to apologize for not updating for so long. I never meant to abandon you guys like that. It's just, things have been so hectic lately and I didn't have time to update. First of all, exams were coming up and my top priority was to study for them and make sure that I aced them. Then, I had a track meet to attend and spent most of my time on the track at my school. And, I was at school for the majority, participating in a fundraiser for the Nepal victims. And, to add this to the pile as well, my graduation is coming up and I happened to be valedictorian. I have to write a speech and memorize it and everything. I've also been making decorations for the multipurpose room, which is where my graduation will be held. So, once school ends, I will be going to Hawaii for vacation and won't be able to update that week. I'm honestly not sure when the next time I'll update is. I might have slow updates soon. But I will not give up on this fanfiction. Anyways, enjoy this chapter!


"Oh my God, Ally, tell us everything now!" Cassidy ordered as soon as the door was closed. Trish looped her arm through mine and pulled both me and Cassidy down the hall.

"What did he do?" Trish pressed impatiently.

I blushed, trying to figure out how to explain what happened, last night and this morning. That's when I realized an entire day had passed. I only had nineteen days left with this incredible man.


I focused on trying to explain my incredible night and morning. There was really no other way to explain it than... mind-blowing, incredible, amazing.

"Oh my God, Allyson Dawson," Cass began, sounding shocked. "Is that a... hickey?"

"Honestly, what did you expect?" I finally said, overcoming my earlier embarrassment. "You guys buy him as my... toy... and then you're shocked that I have a hickey?"

Despite myself, my hand went to my throat, searching for the aforementioned hickey. I almost giggled. It wasn't my first hickey, but I couldn't imagine at what exact time I had gotten it. Last night I had been too... preoccupied with other things to notice him sucking on my neck for any period of time. And in some sick, strange sort of way, I was glad o had it. It made me his. It branded me his, though he technically belonged to me.

"The woman has a point," Cass allowed. "But you still haven't told us!"

We were outside of the apartment building now. The day was sunny and beautiful, the perfect weather to go outside and sunbathe, not that I did much of that before. I dreaded going through with my classes today. How was I supposed to concentrate when Austin was waiting on me?

"Am I going to have to drug you so you'll me?" Trish demanded sternly. "God, Ally, the suspense is killing me."

"Well, um..." I began uncertainly. "He, um..." Oh God, I was actually going to have to say it, wasn't I? Oh kill me now please. So I choked out the only words that I could think of... like an idiot. "Oral sex?" It sounded like a question.

Of course they both went wild at this. A couple of students walking passed gave us dirty looks, probably because Cass and Trish were so loud. I blushed dark red. Then again, they might hate us because I said "oral sex" out loud.

"Are you serious?!"

It seemed as if Cassidy was going to faint on the sidewalk.

"Damn, that boy is fine," she said appreciatively. "I wouldn't mind him being my toy for a few hours." She grinned and suddenly my protective, possessive side kicked in.

Abruptly, I didn't like the idea of Cass being anywhere near Austin for any period of time. This surprised me. Why was I getting possessive all of a sudden? Then I realized that I actually liked him. Well, of course I liked Austin. Honestly, how could you not? It wouldn't surprise me if I was falling for him, he had given me five or six orgasms last night and this morning. My lips curled into a smile simply thinking about it. But what would he think if he knew I already liked him this much? I could be sure of one thing; he wouldn't like it.

I didn't know much about people that were in Austin's profession, but I knew that love wasn't exactly a choice when you were sold to who-knows-how-many-women. It wouldn't make it any easier either. So I decided to keep my budding feelings to myself, hoping to crush them in all their fragility before they grew too strong for me to simply extinguish with a thought. I found myself thinking about the way his eyes sparkled when he grinned happily, the slight dimples that appeared in his cheeks, and the soft touch he used when caressing me.

I was so lucky that Trish had decided to give out twenty-two thousand dollars for my current happiness. God, I had such freaking amazing friends!

"Are you ever going to answer us adequately?" Trish huffed impatiently. "What exactly did he do to you? You look like you're on cloud nine right now. He has to be phenomenal!"

"Oh, he is," slipped out of my mouth. I blushed but continued, knowing that it was only right to clue them in. After all, without them Austin wouldn't be at my house. "Last night he... uh... tasted me and then this morning he told me to... touch myself, to show him how I liked it."

They squealed and giggled. It felt good to share it with them. I missed my girl time and I needed to catch up on it.

"He certainly looks delicious without a shirt," Trish added, then burst into laughter.

I remembered what Trish has said, that I looked like I was on cloud nine. Well, I was on cloud nine! I never knew I could feel this happy. And it wasn't just from his touch. It was from the way he looked at me, the way he smiled. Austin was almost a complete stranger to me but I felt as if we were connected in almost a spiritual way. But I told myself I was being silly. How in the world could it be possible that after less than twenty-four hours I was already starting to seriously fall for this man that I didn't even know? It wasn't, that's the problem. It wasn't possible. At least, it wasn't supposed to be possible.

My mind whirled in circles, always questions. But it always went back to Austin Moon, the sex god in my apartment. My heart ached to know more about him than just his name and age. I wanted to ask the hard questions... but I didn't know if he would like that. It wasn't my place to ask about his personal life. After all, I was simply his current customer. But I still wanted to know.


I decided to do the dishes that were still soaking in the sink. I realized that we hadn't washed them. I had been focused on more important things like pleasuring Ally Dawson.

I had immensely enjoyed watching her pleasure herself. She wanted to see what it felt like rough, because she still didn't truly know. So far, she had liked everything I had done with her. I only hoped that I would continue to be right and pleasure her in the right ways. She was still very new to this; I would go slowly, no matter how much I wanted to speed up the process. Ally deserved more than just a quickie. She deserved more than me.

Suddenly, I stopped rinsing the plate I held. Where did that come from? Returning to the unwashed dished, I began scrubbing a fervor that would make my OCD grandmother proud. Remembering my grandmother sent visions of my family through my mind. They were painful, the memories, but I managed to once again repress them. But not before I saw a vision of me, father, and mother at the park one day when I was twelve. I saw mother's smile as I hit the ball with the baseball hat. Father cheered me on. I couldn't help but grin because they already knew I liked baseball and was good at it.

I hissed in a breath and looked down at my hands. I had crushed one of those delicate white plates in my hands. The shard had sliced the back of my hand and I was bleeding, the crimson liquid spilling over the white china. I cursed under my breath and applied pressure to the wound, moving quickly to the bathroom. Hopefully she had band-aids.

See, the past was painful. Only now the agony wasn't simply emotional, it was physical.

I cleaned as much as I could before I left. I had that appointment at twelve o' clock at Victoria's. Silently, I groaned. Victoria was a hard client to model for. The men's underwear she created wasn't always easy to put on. Sometimes I would simply look at it and wonder how I was supposed to get into it. Hopefully, this time, things would get easier. I had gotten smacked for being tardy last time.

Finally, eleven thirty rolled around and it was time to leave. I didn't know how long I would be gone so I wrote a note for Ally, telling her that I had a photo shoot to attend. I said I would be back as soon as possible, and not to worry.

I dressed in a plain white t-shirt and jeans, as was the unwritten rule. I kept Ally's key carefully around my neck. I would put it in my jeans pocket during the shoot though. Taking a cab to Victoria's wasn't the easiest thing to do. She lived across the city and not a lot of cab drivers were willing to go that far. I had to fork out a few extra tens to get the taxi driver to cooperate.

When I stepped out of the taxi, I wasn't surprised to see that Victoria had remodeled her house again. Well, I wasn't sure "house" was the right term. More like mansion. Victoria was a very famous name in men and women's underwear. The SexVictory label was one of the most prestigious brads around the globe, rivaling Victoria's Secret. I found it ironic that her biggest competitor had her name. Her extra-large condo had to at least cost more than my entire life's income.

SexVictory was especially for men and women with more... adventurous tastes. The underwear she created were provocative, innovative, and not always comfortable.

Now, as I walked up the steps, towards the backdoor, I hoped that she was in a good mood. Victoria in a foul mood was not something anyone should have to endure. Dez always made it a point to follow me on these shoots; last time at Lillian's it had gotten rough. I had accidentally ripped one of the garments I was trying to get in, and she nearly scratched my eyes out for it. Lillian and Victoria were a lot alike in fact that they were normally bad-tempered.

Going through the backdoor as I always did, I made my way to the room she had set up for the male models to change. There I found my chair with a little card on it. It stated what I was to wear and the numbers of the hangers it was on. I went to the long rack that ran from one wall to the other, covering the entire west wall. I quickly scanned through the numbered hangers to find number 34.

Pulling it out, I nearly blushed. If I had been Ally, I certainly would have. It looked exactly like a skimpy black Speedo, made of leather and with a rather large hole for the man's cock to go through. I was going to have to model in this?! I might as well model nude! Normally I wasn't modest about my naked body, since enough people have seen it, but the thought of this picture going in a magazine shocked me. But I should have known. Maybe they would somehow let me cover my cock but still show how the underwear bared me to all.

I didn't count on it.

"Austin!" I head an encouraging, familiar voice. I turned to see Dez' bright face walking towards me. He had a strong build and could be a model himself if he wanted. But he preferred being on the sidelines, for moral support I guess.

"Hey Dez, how's it going?" I said conversationally. I began to strip, pulling my shirt over my head.

"Mindy still refuses to sign the divorce papers." He sighed deeply and rested on a chair. Male models walked passed us, all in varying degrees of undress. I took off my pants and then my boxers.

"Still?" I looked up at my manager and best friend. "She's taken about a year, hasn't she? If she didn't really want a divorce, she should have told you."

"I know. But now she's saying that she wants at least ten thousand for emotional damages."

"Emotional damages?" I snorted in disgust and pulled on the obscene underwear. It would fit better in a hardcore porn movie. "You haven't so much as yelled at her," I pointed out.

Dez and his wife Mindy had been going to marital problems for the past three years. Mindy'd had an affair with a man who wasn't important enough for me to remember his name. I had been at their wedding and I knew when I first saw her that it wouldn't work. She was arrogant and demanded to be treated like a queen at all times. Dez thought she was his princess and wanted to marry her as soon as possible. She had agreed mainly because he had been gaining a larger income as the months went by and she wanted to be part of that money.

"Maybe she'll come around soon," I said, adjusting the underwear. I felt like something from an erotic, twisted dream. While I waited for my turn in front of the camera, I laid my shirt over my lap so Dez didn't have to see my naked cock.

"I doubt it," he muttered hopelessly.

"Cullen," a sharp, female voice snapped, opening the door to the men's changing room. The naked men didn't seem phased at all by the fact that she was watching them. "You're up, Cullen," she finally said, turning to me.

"See you later, D," I replied, standing up.


He was more my best friend than a boss, and I trusted him completely. It angered me that Mindy was refusing to sign divorce papers after she had already agreed to it. Memories attacked me again, this time of the worst period of my life, just before I had met Dez.

I hadn't eaten anything for four days and was living in a damp box that had once held a refrigerator. It was in the middle of January and even LA was experiencing the coldest winters on record, getting down to nineteen degrees. I had taken to rifling through the trash, hoping to find any discarded food. But luck wasn't with me for no one had wasted anything.

Shaking that thought away, I followed the women into the main room. I saw Victoria standing to the size, analyzing the photographer's and male model's movements. I realized that the model was Jasper, a man that I had met a few times before during shoots like these. He had honey colored hair and electric blue eyes that fairly crackled with life. I nodded once at him in acknowledgement and he inclined his golden head to me in response.

"Okay, Whitlock, that's as good as we're going to get today," the photographer muttered, straightening up from his earlier position in a squat. I could tell from his tone that this hadn't been Jasper's most successful shoot.

He simply walked back to the communal dressing room, unimpressed with the photographer's weary, disappointed tone.

"Ah, Austin, love," Victoria cooed, moving towards me with arms outstretched as if she wanted a hug. Her flame covered hair hung about her shoulders like fiery waves, those cat-like green eyes smiling at me. I readily hugged her, not wanting to upset her. After all, she was the one who would pay for this shoot.

"I'm glad you're back," she murmured into my neck. It was impossible not to notice that she angled herself just right, so that my naked cock pressed against her legs. Right onto her thinly-covered pussy. She wore a sheer green gown that pushed up her breasts and emphasized her tiny waist.

Victoria was beautiful, I suppose. But she held no attraction for me. I knew what lay beneath that fair exterior and I was fairly certain I'd rather be held by a cactus.

"I've missed you, darling," she purred, moving away to take one look at me. Her eyes ran appreciatively over my body, lingering on my dick. "I have to say, this absolutely looks sinful on you." She winked at me and brushed her hand carelessly over the head of my members as she turned to leave.

I jumped in surprise. And dammit, my cock began to harden. God, it was the easiest thing to please in the world. One thought or errant touch and it was erect and ready to fuck.

"Okay, love," Victoria said once she was behind the photographer. "We're going for stern master. Your slave has been a naughty girl and you need to punish her."

I had always been good at getting into character. One needed to show off the garment while looking the part. There was a reason I was so highly paid. I simply left my thoughts and focused on becoming whatever was asked of me.

That's when I noticed my surroundings. We were in an especially extravagant room. It had been made to look like some sort of twisted, garish ballroom/dungeon. The walls were dark black with ebony drapes hanging from the ceiling. The wall I was standing in front of had a dark wood mahogany table with claw feet. On the table were twin black vases filled with dozens of crimson roses. The bright color set off all the black quite nicely.

"Hard," the photographer ordered.

Aw, shit. Not this again. I closed my eyes and focused on making my cock hard as granite. Visions of Ally's beautiful form, naked and writhing beneath me, danced enticingly before my eyes.

"Good," he murmured.

It was slightly embarrassing, being hard before this composed man and woman, but I had been made to do it so many times that the anxiety soon wore off.

Soon the shoot was over and after posing in different ways and positions, many of them better fitting in a porn magazine than an underwear magazine, I turned to head back to the dressing room.

"Austin, wait!" Victoria said quickly. I reluctantly stopped. I was ready to be rid of this obscene garment. Victoria waved the photographer out of the room. Just as he shut the door behind him, leaving us alone, she moved to me.

"I wanted to see just how effectively these crotch-less underwear work," she purred in my ear, trailing her hand down my naked chest to the underwear she had just described.

I gently stilled her hands. "Nothing is free," I said pointedly. I would be an idiot if I gave her anything free. Besides, suddenly I didn't want her touching me at all.


Classes passed slowly. My notes for that day consisted of doodles of Austin. One time I found that I had been absentmindedly drawing something that looked suspiciously like a penis. I blushed darker than a fire engine and erased it with my pencil. But you could still see the outline because I had pressed down so hard. I ended up scribbling over it so much that I wore a hole in the paper.

I had forgotten my laptop at home that day so I had to take notes with my trusty notebook and pencil. Not that I wrote anything important down anyway...

Thankfully, Cassidy and Trish had the same classes I did. Maybe they would let me copy some of their notes.

Finally, my last class of the say was at hand. I walked with my friends to the Campbell building, just wanting to go back to my apartment and the miracle that waited inside.

"So what happened this morning?" Trish suddenly asked. I had accidentally almost tripped on my own feet while we walked down the sidewalk. My blush was fading.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, did anything happen other than him asking you to touch yourself?" She giggled and nudged me in the side.

My cheeks heated up once again. "No. I was... late and had to get dressed quickly."

"You were late, weren't you?" Cassidy said pointedly, winking at me.

Why did my friends have to torture me?

"I think we're late now!" I said as it was time for my last class to begin. We walked into the room and noticed everyone else already sitting down. The professor glared at is and I hurried to my usual seat in the middle while Trish and Cassidy joined me. They didn't get the chance to ask me anymore questions, for which I was thankful. I had already been forced to tell them about how big Austin's penis was. I had nearly died with embarrassment.


I had finally twisted out of Victoria's clutches. She was especially determined today but I managed to convince her that I wasn't feeling well and I thought I was coming down with the flu or some kind of tropical illness. The last thing she wanted right now was a sickness. She was always careful to make sure her "playmates" were healthy and strong.

I had pleasured her numerous times, all for the price, of course, but now I was neither in the mood for it or her spastic temper. Victoria was never a gentle lover. I almost always had bleeding scratch marks down my back and ass, sometimes on my cock. The latter hurt like hell but I learned to endure it.

"How about we go somewhere to eat?" Dez proposed after I had finally changed out of that forsaken garment I had been wearing. My boxers were much more comfortable than the black leather that rubbed around the base of my cock, irritating the sensitive skin there. "You know, bonding time for a couple of friends," he explained.

"I don't think so, Dez," I disagreed reluctantly. I enjoyed going out with him, but I wanted to get back to Ally before she came home. I knew I had left that note, but I wanted to be there when she got home.

"Oh." His face fell dramatically, causing my heart to clench. Mindy was probably at home causing him hell. I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to get out for a few hours; hell, I would too.

"It's just that I've got to get back to the apartment before Ally comes home," I explained quickly.

He nodded, understanding. "Well, call me if you change your mind. Mindy's being a bitch and I can't stand to be around her anymore. She keeps yelling about how I'm not treating her right. And she's the one who had an affair behind my back!"

"I'll be sure to call you if anything changes," I promised. I fixed my white t-shirt so that it hung correctly over my body before I left. I felt bad for abandoning Dez but Ally was my top priority. I couldn't just ditch her and spend the rest of the day with my best friend. I had been paid to be hers for nearly three weeks and I was going to fulfill the requirement. She would get her money's worth, I would make sure of that.

The taxi ride back to her apartment was silent, giving me time to think about my plans for tonight. Tonight would be all about pleasuring Ally.

This chapter is more of a filler chapter but the next one is pretty juicy if I say so myself. Hope you enjoyed it. Remember, to fave, follow, and review!

