"Wow Octavia, I had no idea you were that out of shape," Clarke jibed as a flushed and sweaty Octavia planted herself in front of Clarke. Octavia scowled at Clarke, her eyes piercing.
"If you think it's so easy, why don't you try out then?!" Clarke rolled her eyes as Octavia threw her arms out in exasperation and fell back onto the grass.
"It's not my fault I have been blessed with the artist's touch rather than the ability to kick a ball," she indicated to the half-completed sketch she had been working on during Octavia's practice. They had been out of school for summer three weeks and during that time the Ark Academy's soccer team, The Grounders, had been out training for the duration. Since Monty and Jasper had been working the day shift, Clarke decided to spend her time in the park looking for inspiration.
"Oh please Clarke, you and I both know you couldn't last a week. And even if you could there is no way Lexa would ever put you on first string." Clarke narrowed her eyes as her inner sense of competition kicked in at full throttle.
"Wanna bet?" Octavia sat up with a shit eating grin plastered across her face.
"You bet your sweet blonde ass I do! And you are not allowed to back out Clarke," Octavia pointed an accusatory figure as Clarke scoffed and shook her head.
"Of course I won't, I plan on kicking your ass." The wind had picked up slightly and Clarke swept a few of the hairs buzzing around her face out of the way while staring Octavia down, lips curled in determination. She knew there was only a 30% chance she would succeed but Octavia had a way of bringing out the competitive side in her.
It had started in third grade when the Blakes and Griffins had decided to arrange weekly play dates with their children. Bellamy, being the older sibling would always climb up the apple tree and read while Octavia and Clarke would draw or build forts on the play structure the Griffins had built in the vast expanse of their yard. The two girls would have races to see who could demolish the others fort and more often than not, Octavia would use brute force to knock Clarkes over which resulted in some crying and eventual forgiveness.
"Clarke… Clarke... CLARKE!" The hand waving in front of her face snapped her back and Clarke lowered her chin sheepishly.
"Sorry, I was totally spacing out, but yes let's do this. What kind of stakes are involved?" A small frown appeared on Octavia's face and she reached back to fix her ponytail which had slowly fallen onto her shoulders. Clarke leaned back on her elbows as she pondered the same question. After three minutes neither of the girls had made any progress.
"How about we come up with the punishment for losing later?" Octavia suggested with a flick of her hand. Clarke nodded in agreement and flipped her discarded sketch book closed. Standing up she brushed off the grass that had adhered itself to her khaki shorts and extended a hand to Octavia who took it, allowing herself to be pulled up.
"Come on," Clarke attached her hand to Octavia's bicep and began pulling her over where the practice field was. There were a few stragglers left and Clarke strained her eyes to find the beautiful but elusive Captain Lexa. There had been a time when Clarke would come to Octavia's practice just to ogle at the girls on the team but as she continued to go she realized that she did enjoy the game as a whole. The energy on the field was impressive and the game was fun to watch. Spotting a brunette who was kicking a ball into a practice net caused Clarke to bee-line, pulling a protesting Octavia the whole way.
"Clarke let go! You know she scares me and I don't want to talk to her!" Clarke smiled at her friends discomfort and continued her march. When they were a few feet Lexa turned and placed her foot on the ball. Clarke had never seem her this close and was surprised when her mouth went dry and her eyes met a stormy green. She opened her mouth a few times before Lexa's eye brows slithered upwards and she regarded them with an even stare. Clarke felt an elbow in her side and shot a glare in Octavia's direction before licking her lips and turning back to the stunning brunette who was only wearing a sports bra that showed off her sculpted abs and small shorts.
"Hi!" Clarke cringed at how awkwardly loud her voice was and cleared her throat before attempting again, Lexa's stare unblinking.
"My name is Clarke Griffin and I was wondering if I could train with your team and try out at the end of the summer," she rushed through the words and bumped Octavia who nodded and waved her hands around.
"I figure there is no harm in her trying out Captain, I've known Clarke for years and she has natural ability, plus we could always use more good forwards…" Octavia trailed off and Clarke noticed Lexa's gaze shift back to her before looking her up and down. This action caused the tips of Clarke's ears to burn but she puffed out her chest slightly and tried to stand taller. Finally she spoke.
"Have you ever played before?" Clarke's ears tingled at the sound of the soft voice that emitted from the girls plush lips. She had been expecting something rougher and more rugged.
"Well… I've played a few times with Octavia and I've been around your practices for quite a while." This wasn't going well.
"I do believe I can play this game though, I am quick on my feet, an excellent at strategizing, and I give great pep talks!" Clarke smiled with all of the confidence she wasn't feeling and Lexa pursed her lips and furrowed her brow. Her eyes studied Clarke and after a few breathless seconds Lexa nodded.
"Alright, I will allow you to train with us. Practice starts at six am sharp and ends at five. I expect you to be fully geared up and ready to play. I will tell you this now so there is no confusion." She took a step forward and lowered her head so her gaze was even with Clarke.
"I do not allow quitters and if you are not willing to commit to this team then you will be kicked off and not allowed on the field. Is that clear Clarke?" The way Lexa said her name made her gulp and Clarke nodded vigorously before awkwardly raising her hand to her forhead in a salute.
"Aye aye Captain!" She wanted to dig herself into a hole and die at her embarrassing actions but when she noticed the small quirk at the corner of Lexa's lips she inwardly congratulated herself.
"I will see you tomorrow Clarke," Lexa turned and nodded her head towards the still petrified Octavia.
"See you as well Octavia." At this she murmured a quick goodbye and pulled Clarke back to the spot they had been sitting on before.
"SHE SAID YES!" Octavia squealed in glee and pulled Clarke into a giant hug, effectively lifting her off the ground and spinning her around.
"Put me down!" Clarke laughed and the two wandered to where Octavia's car was parked.
"Come on soccer girl, let's get you some appropriate footwear for your big show tomorrow." They got into the car and Clarke cast one last glance at the field.