Hey Guys its me Konata. Sorry for being MIA in the valley of RWBY fanfiction. I got busy with the swim team and science olympiad. The swim season ended and for science olympiad, we made it to state. Our regional tournament was last Saturday and I won a 2nd place medal in wright stuff in the fact, I made a girl blush during the tournament. I don't know how or why but yeah .. THE UNREAL ENGINE 4 IS FREE! I have been using that a lot for 3D modeling and been watching a lot of Yuri Kuma Arashi. That's a filler of what has been going on in my life.

The idea of this story was inspired through another story called Broken Pieces by the fabulous author jin0uga. I came up with the idea of this story after reading his.I have altered somethings in this story and some are kept the same like broken pieces. There are some parts that are similar to his but the overall body of this story is very different and longer. Without further a doo.. Enjoy.

P.S.-I do not own RWBY. It belongs to Monty Oum. Rest in peace Monty Oum you space cowboy :)

Chapter 1

"When you fish for love, bait with you heart, not your brain"-Mark Twain

Weiss sighed as she felt the stream of cold water hit her body in the groggy Monday morning. Shutting her eyes, Weiss took a moment to admire the silence and atmosphere of her surrounding. Her work nerves tensed and awoken as the water brushed against her bare skin.

She looked around at her surroundings and was seemingly lost in the environment as it presented itself to her through the small portal that existed as her window in the bathroom. A sunny yet masked sky decorated with blotches of clouds all mesmerizing to the human eye dashed her as she finished her morning shower to dry it off with a white towel.

Her long silky snow white hair seemed to have spilled close to the ground but not so exactly that it would touch the ground never the less hang off freely to sort of glide with it.

Ill to be told, Weiss was one of an early bird both out of nature and of her profession. Due to her position as a supervisory in the company after giving up the role of a company head to the corporation of which she took the offer to have them start up her company, she was meant to serve as a leader in both figurative speech and literally. Her performance was not short of perfect and the demeanor she had in the workplace was exceptional.

Ah..but if only she had played things out correctly, then maybe she would have had more time to spare for her girlfriend Ruby Rose that she had been dating for ten years.

Weiss eventually finished drying up and exited the bathroom, thinking that nothing was misplaced at all.

If she had remembered to keep track of her love life, then maybe she would have remembered that today... was her anniversary with her girlfriend.

As Weiss showed up in her office she then started organizing all the paperwork in her office. Weiss filled paper after paper and as she was rummaging through the many paperwork's she then heard the phone ringing.

She diverted her attention toward the ID on the phone and saw it was none other than her girlfriend. Weiss, who was already piled with a lot of paperwork, didn't even bother picking it up and instead ended the ringing coming from it.

After that infuriating ringing,Weiss refocused her attention back to her paperwork. Right before she was able to refocus back onto her work she then heard a knocking on the door.

Weiss sat up from her office chair and quickly went and answered the door. Upon opening it, she was greeted by a man with spiked black hair wearing a suit composed of only dark colors that held an air of professionalism with it.

She was caught off by this appearance as it reminded her of Blake Belladonna but the distinction that made it obvious was the fact he had glasses on and proved to be far more masculine and fitting to his clothes.

Not that she would ever care about such appearance because she had a girlfriend that stood by her side for 10 years, but it wouldn't hurt to know who your friend or enemy was going to be like.

"Good afternoon, . I can see that you're as diligent as ever." He said as he took a seat against the couch across from her desk and reached into his coat pocket to pull out a small dog-eared notebook filled with a bustle of notes seemingly crammed in the tiny space.

Weiss flinched at the site of the unholy conduct of business and rubbed her fingers to her eyes at the annoyance of another hassling deal. She didn't want to deal with these kinds of people especially on her off day of Mondays.

The most she could hope for was that it would be over soon.


Weiss was busy sorting out paper works when all of a sudden a knock at her door was made. Irritated Weiss, Weiss glared at the person at the other side who just so happens to be a female faunus employee.

"M-M-Miss Schnee?" the female faunus employee asked as she trembled at the door.

"Yes, Ms. Kojima(Because of Hideo Kojima leaving Konami I HAD to do this. DONT JUDGE ME!)"

"Its 7 PM and you wrote on your calendar that you had a very special dinner scheduled at 8 PM"

Weiss huffed and replied instantly.

"Cancel it." Weiss simply replied

"But Miss Schnee its for-"

"CANCEL IT GODDAMMIT! CANT YOU SEE I AM BUSY GETTING READY FOR A MEETING AND YOU HAD THE NERVE TO INTERRUPT ME?! NOW DO ME A FAVOR AND CANCEL IT! Weiss yelled that made squealed a faint "yes" and in fright ran as fast as she can away from the office.

"Where do I find these people?" Weiss thought to herself as she finished sorting out her paper's and made her way toward a meeting.

Negotiations went more or less smoothly but at that time Weiss didn't pay attention to the missed voicemail calls stored on her answering machine all coming from Ruby.

Particularly the first one that said "Happy anniversary, honey. I have something special planned for us, so please come home early?"

Weiss arrived at the dead hours of 12 O' clock AM to the house she and Ruby had. Weiss opened the door and hanged her coat on the nearby coat rack. Weiss made her way toward the kitchen door and as she got to the door, she then spotted a slouched figure in the other end of the dining table and the dining table filled with a lot of food

"Ruby?" Weiss asked as she saw the figure herself as Ruby. This time, however, Ruby looked very tired and somewhat radiated this aura of unbridled anger.

"What's wrong?" Weiss asked as she felt something bad about to happen.

"What's wrong… WHAT'S WRONG?!" Ruby spat bitterly as she suddenly slammed a fist to the table which then caused Weiss to take a step back from the animosity of Ruby's voice.

"Do you remember what day is it today?!"

"D-D-day…" Weiss stuttered quietly as she scrambled her thoughts in an effort to understand Ruby's cryptic phrase.

"Hm… by your answer it seems as if you have forgotten." Ruby said faintly which was then followed by a bitter chuckle.

"I cooked all of this...for you..."Ruby said as she didn't say anymore words to explain the situation and instead resorted to pointing toward the cake which was located in the middle of the table. Weiss didn't hesitate and made her way toward the cake and as she got to it she then read the text pasted on it. The text pasted on it made time for her stop and made her realize the mistakes she has made. Why do you ask?

"Happy 10th Anniversary" The cake said to her with its simplicity of red frost mixed in with garnished roses painted delicately on the borderlines of it.

Weiss fell back as if she got slapped hard as the reality of her girlfriend and the cake clicked inside to form a connection with her brain.

"Fuck… so that meant the date I wrote on my calendar and calls earlier from my phone and employee were for…" Weiss said to herself as the tugging feeling of her heart pulled harder to nearly sway her away from standing. Weiss's mind sinking in what the calls were earlier and how she just ignored them.

Ruby gazed at her girlfriend bitterly and then made her way out of the kitchen. As Ruby was exiting the kitchen, she never once fixed her gaze toward the heiress, leaving Weiss to stare at Ruby's back. Right before she cross the threshold of the kitchen she then spoke the words that blew the last straw Weiss was hanging onto for dear life.

"We should...we should take split ways for a while.…"

"Ruby...please don't I still-"

"Still what? Love me?! " Ruby said as she roared the last statement. "Then you have a very funny way of showing it. Tell me when was the last time you showed love to me, or we made love?Tell me..."

"T-T-T-That's-" Weiss stuttered as she struggled to come to terms with her failure as a girlfriend and the result it had onto Ruby. Be it anything else but this, she would suffer through everything if it meant keeping Ruby happy. However, if Ruby had been neglected at the cost of enduring to build a better life for Ruby then Weiss couldn't accept that reality.

What's the point of building a better life if it only insures that the people will suffer in the process of making it.

"Weiss..I have been through a lot with you and you know more than enough that I'm capable of handling your insults and semi-abusive side, but to have you ignore our most important day that symbolizes the life I have given up for you is just equivalent to stabbing me with the knife I entrusted you and spitting on my face..."

"Ruby please listen I-"

"Enough, I wish to be alone for a while… I will be sleeping in the guest bed so see you tomorrow morning…." With that, she faded into the dark in silence.

Ending to it, Weiss fell to her knees in disbelief at the recent brokerage of news and suffered the effects of shock. The world that she spent ten years building with each second not wasted at all shattered into fragments of its original dream and withered into emptiness at the death of it. To make matters worse, Weiss tried to reach out for Ruby with an extended hand was spite of everything, Weiss had to accept her position as the harasser and abandoned her day clothes to be changing into a nightgown.

Weiss's world was shaking and she didn't wanna lose Ruby. Weiss didn't hesitate and tried to get to Ruby but that failed. Ruby was too quick and she then all of a sudden heard a door close followed by the door locking. Weiss didn't want the worst happen and thus made her way toward the guest bedroom. Weiss made it there and immediately started knocking hard on the door and talking trying to get to Ruby.

"RUBY PLEASE OPEN UP!" Weiss said as she kept slamming her fist on the door trying to break the door down.

"RUBY, PLEASE, I LOVE YOU! OPEN UP PLEASE!" Weiss said as her fist started slamming harder on the door but her efforts on breaking the door to reach out for Ruby failed. Eventually Weiss got tired and fell down to her knees. Once Weiss was able to catch her breath, she then realized that her efforts were futile and that there was no way to talk to Ruby tonight. Weiss then decided that it would be best to talk to Ruby tomorrow morning. Weiss then got up and went to her and Ruby's room to change into her nightgown.

As Weiss changed into her nightgown, she couldn't stop the flow of memories coming back to her followed by tears. The way Weiss met Ruby. The way Weiss took Ruby to dinner one time. The day Weiss asked Ruby to be her girlfriend and Ruby gladly obliging. The day they first made love in the dorm when Blake and Yang were out on a date. Weiss didn't want to lose Ruby because her love for her was too great. Weiss was wallowing in her own tears and memories, sleep refused to take hold of Weiss and the heiress cried and stared at the ceiling for the night. She hoped tomorrow morning and for the rest of the day she would be able to spend time with Ruby. She hoped that she will be able to make it up to Ruby. All Weiss knew was this going to be a long night as she kept staring at the ceiling of the bedroom alone with tears still flowing down.

-Review's welcome and suggestions welcome. Please avoid harsh ways of Reviews like calling me names. Thank you!