Chapter 1

*Anything italicized is someone's thought or someone is singing.

Bolded + italicized=flashback or memory

Mighty Med was a super hospital for super heroes. Horace was pretty much the main doctor of the hospital, where as the two normos, Kaz and Oliver, were the other two main doctors of the hospital staff. They read comic books, which is what made them qualified for being Mighty Med doctors.

"Stop Kazzing around, Kaz!" Oliver yelled at his friend. Kaz was taking orange slices and putting them in his mouth to make an orange smile, while they were on their lunch break at Mighty Med.

Kaz took the orange out of his mouth, with a chuckle. "Dude, would chill? I'm only trying to lighten up the day!"

"You don't need to lighten it up! You've had a great day!"

"Oh, I meant for you." Kaz retorted, making Oliver give him the disgusted look.

"Gee...thanks." Kaz chuckled a little before seeing the time.

"Oh, crap! I'm going to be late!" Kaz quickly threw away his trash and began to leave when Horace walked into the room, stopping him in his tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?" Horace asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Uh...I have a date. Technically it's not a date, but whatever." Kaz answered.

"With our recent new friend. I still don't get what she sees in him." Oliver felt the need to add.

"Oh. What's her name?" Horace asked, as he looked at Kaz.

"Her name is so unique and pretty. It's Icelyn Schnee." Kaz answered with a smile.

"Oh, Icelyn, that is a nice and unique name. And since there is no emergency with a super hero, you are free to go...same with you Oliver." Horace said before walking away from the duo.

"See ya dude." Kaz said before he left Mighty Med completely, and making Oliver roll his eyes.


Icelyn Schnee was a 15 year old girl, with medium length brown hair, that stopped in the middle of her back, but it was always in a French braid. Her eyes were an ocean blue and her skin was tanish-pale white. She wore a red dress with a black balero jacket to cover her arms. She also wore black tights and black high-heeled leather boots. That was her school outfit when Kaz asked her to hang out today.

It was winter, and Icelyn didn't see the need to wear a winter coat, for she liked the cold. She never liked being too hot. Kaz on the other hand, was a freeze baby. He wore a winter jacket that didn't look to thick, but was warm enough for ice skating.

Kaz walked up to the little frozen pond, and saw Icelyn waiting there for him, with her ice skates on.

"Hey Lyn." Kaz called, using his nickname for her. Icelyn looked over at him and smiled.

"Hey Kaz." She said with a sweet and delegate voice. She was wearing an ice blue hoodie with a black tank-top underneath, black jeans, and her ice blue colored ice skates. Her hair was in its usual French braid, and rested on her right shoulder. To Kaz, she looked pretty. To every other boy...she was a hottie. How was it that Kaz was lucky enough to make her a friend of his?

After a while, Icelyn looked back at the pond frozen over with ice, and sighed scared.

"You okay?" Kaz asked as he began to put on his ice skates.

"I'm fine. It's just...are you sure that this pond is secure to skate on?"

"I'm positive, Icelyn. Now come on." Kaz said as he took her hand after finishing with his ice skates and skated out onto the ice with Icelyn in tow.

Icelyn was a little scared at first, but with her hand firm in Kaz's, she felt at peace. It was like how she felt when she first met Kaz and Oliver. It was a warm feeling, and that usually meant, a crush was forming.

After a while, Kaz let go of her hand and made sure to watch for her. Icelyn took a deep breathe, before skating ahead of Kaz, doing sweet ticks and flips like a professional ice skater. She was blowing Kaz away with this talent she had hidden from him and Oliver.

She twirled in the air, and landed on the ice, but stopped dead from skating anymore, for she heard a crack come from below her. She took a deep breathe before slowly looking down, only to look sad in defeat, for the ice was breaking underneath her feet. She quickly looked back forward and began to pray for the ice to freeze over once more.

Kaz must have noticed because he stopped in his tracks and stared in horror. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't run up to her and tackle her off the ice. It would just break and she'd fall in. This was starting to be unfair. Oliver told him this pond was stable and wouldn't break if someone ice skated on it. Aparently he was wrong.

Just then, the ice broke, making Icelyn fall in with a scream and then a splash. "ICELYN!" He skated toward the hole and looked in after kneeling on the ice. He couldn't see her. The pond was too dark to see anything. He was starting to lose hope when he saw a hand reach up. He figured it to be Icelyn, and quickly grabbed it through the water and pulled.

As he helped her get out of the water, it became more and more clear that it was Icelyn. She was okay, thank God. Once she was out, he quickly carried her to the snow and placed her on the bench, with her gasping for air.

"You okay?" Kaz asked as he sat down next to her.

"I'm fine." Icelyn said as she shivered a little bit.

Kaz quickly took off his jacket and put it on her shoulders to try and warm her up.

"Thanks for saving me."

"Hey, what are friends for. I'm actually surprised you survived that. Normally whoever falls through the ice drowns." Kaz mentioned.

"Me too." Icelyn said before looking up to the sky with a smile before mouthing 'thank you' to God above.


Back at Mighty Med, Oliver was finishing up his shift, when Kaz walked in after walking Icelyn home.

"What are you doing back here? I did your shift for you." Oliver said as he turned in the last of the paper work.

"Oh...thanks." Kaz began. "But I came back to do this." He smacked Oliver on the back of the head, making Oliver grab it.

"OW! What the heck man!"

"That's for lying. You said the ice that Icelyn and I were going to skate on today was safe."

"It is! I didn't lie!"

"Well, it wasn't. Icelyn fell through."

"What?! Oh, man. Dude, I'm so sorry! I didn't know!"

"She's fine." Kaz mentioned, shocking Oliver in the process.

"Seriously?" Oliver was taken back by this. "The way you said it made me think that she drowned."

"Yeah, well...she didn't, surprisingly. And if she did you would have had more than just a smack on the head."

"True." Oliver and Kaz walked out of Mighty Med and towards their favorite comic book place, The Domain.


"So, how exactly did you fall in?" Icelyn's older sister, Isabelle asked her as Icelyn was getting warm with some hot coco.

"I was doing all the tricks you taught me, and showing off to Kaz, when I did too high of a jump and twirl and landed on the ice, making it crack underneath me." Icelyn explained the story to her sister.

"Didn't he even try to save you?" Isabelle asked, with shock present in her voice.

"He did! He came running and pulled me out from the water under the ice!" Icelyn said before taking a sip of hot coco.

"Well, here's hoping he protects you more than today...and what's with your hair?" Isabelle mentioned, making Icelyn look in her compact mirror, only to see a small strip of hair had turned a whitish-blond.

"Oh, that's just probably from the snow." She responded before brushing her hand over the whitish-blond strip, only to see that it didn't go away. "Huh...weird. Oh, well. I'm going to take a hot shower and then head to bed." Icelyn put her compact mirror away into her purse and then went to take her shower. She was fighting through the cold in her veins really well, like it didn't really bother her. And that scared Isabelle. What if all this was causing Icelyn some damage? She had to find out what was really going on with her 15 year old sister.


After Icelyn was done with her shower, she quickly dried herself off, and went to look in the mirror, only to see it fogged over. She wiped a circle of the steam on the mirror away...and screamed. More of her hair had turned whitish-blond.

"What-what's going on here? Why is my hair changing color on it's own?" Icelyn was in complete shock. How was this happening? That's when she remembered, she fell through the ice when she was hanging out with Kaz. But that couldn't have been the reason she was starting to get lighter hair, which she always wanted, but not like this!

"Icelyn, you okay?" Isabelle called from the other side of the door, making Icelyn jump with fright before realizing that it was just her sister.

"I'm fine! I just thought I saw a spider!" Icelyn replied before putting a towel on her wet hair and then left the bathroom. She ran passed her sister and went straight for her room, closing the door behind her, and locking it. She leaned against it, breathing heavy as she took the towel off her head. She had already dressed herself for bed in the bathroom, so she was fine with getting dressed.

She placed the towel on her desk chair and plopped into bed. She lied there, staring at the ceiling, and then took a piece of her now light hair and stared at it, before she fell into a deep sleep.


The next day at school, Icelyn walked in with her hair up like Queen Elsa's on her coronation day, only without the bangs, and more of her brown hair had turned white. She wore what she did when she first met Kaz and Oliver, only in ice blue and white.

Kaz saw her and smiled. "Hey Lyn!" He called to her, making her walk over to him and Oliver. "How you feeling today?"

"I still feel a little cold, but that's normal after falling through ice."

"What's normal is you're not supposed to sucking down air right now!" Oliver exclaimed.

"I know...I'm still surprised by that too. But I'm really grateful to still be alive."

"Same!" Kaz said, making Icelyn grin a little. When she was with these two, she forgot about her recent move here to live with her older sister when her mom died. Her dad disappeared when she was a baby, so she didn't know what he was like.

"Well, you ready for the music assignment? You were here when we got it." Kaz asked. He may have not been good with singing, but playing an instrument was mainly his strong suit. Icelyn on the other hand...

"Are you kidding me? Of course I am! I get to sing in front of the class!"

"'re going to sing?" Oliver asked. "I didn't know you liked to sing."

"Of course I do! Singing is like my super power." Icelyn said, making Kaz grin a little. "Every time I sing, people say I touch their soul. I don't know how I do that. But I feel good when they tell me those things."

"Well that's always nice to hear that you're making a difference." Oliver said with a smile.

"Totally." Icelyn touched her hair a little bit, now remembering that her hair was turning to a whitish-blond color.

"Now, I have a question..." Kaz began, making Icelyn remove her hand from her hair and look at him. "What is going on with your hair? It's like it's half white, half...oh,'s all white."

"What?!" Icelyn grabbed her compact mirror and looked at her reflection again, only to see that Kaz was right. Her hair was now completely. "Oh, no..."

"Did you die your hair white last night?" Oliver asked with a confused look on his face.

"Oliver, Kaz was just about to say it was it's completely white. With a very pretty blond tint to it. I kinda like that." Icelyn responded.

"Yeah, it actually suits you." Kaz mentioned.

"Wait, are you saying your hair just changed color on it's own?" Oliver asked, sounding alarmed.

"Yeah. It started last night before I took a hot shower with a small strand, and then when I got out and dressed, I looked in the mirror, and noticed more of my hair was white." Icelyn responded. "Now, it's completely white and Isabelle is going to freak."

"Hmm...weird. Normally hair doesn't change color after falling through the ice." Kaz said.

"Normally if you fall through the ice, you're dead!" Oliver said to Kaz, making Icelyn giggle a little bit.

"Right..." Kaz looked at Icelyn, and grinned. Something about her new hair color actually made her more beautiful. Thankfully, with her hair changing color, her eyes stayed the same: ocean blue.

Just then, the bell rang, making Icelyn jump a little.

"Relax, Lyn! It was only the bell starting school." Kaz reassured her. Icelyn calmed down a little bit before smiling at Kaz.


"Shall we head to class, m'lady?" Kaz offered her his arm in a joking manner, and she giggled.

"Why of course, kind sir." Icelyn said before taking his arm...and that was when she felt sparks fly. She felt the sparks fly when she would see him smile, but this was more vivid, like it was a lightning bolt hitting her square in the heart. She didn't know what hit her with that simple touch, but it felt so real...and so right.

They headed towards the music room, and when they got to the door, he removed his arm from her grasp, and her heart fell slightly.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you..." Kaz began, making Icelyn look him the eyes. "...what song did you choose?"

"'s a surprise." She said with a grin plastard on her face before walking through the door to the music room.

Kaz smiled as he followed suit. He watched as Icelyn sat down in her seat, and his smile turned into a small grin. Asking about the song she chose, wasn't what he originally planned to ask her. But wasn't the right time.

Kaz took his seat next to Icelyn, as the late bell rang through the halls and the teacher walked in.

"Alright. Who wants to go first with their performance?" She asked before noticing Icelyn's new hair color. "Icelyn, nice hair color! It suits you well!"

"Thanks, ma'am."

"Why don't you go first? I brought the guitar just for you." The music teacher knew that Icelyn played the guitar every now and again, and so made sure that she had access to one.

Icelyn smiled before taking something out of her bag and then walking over to the grand piano in the middle of the room. She placed what looked like a photo of an older looking lady of her self on the piano and grinned. She then grabbed the guitar and sat on the stool provided, and began to play.

(SONG: "Love is with me now" - Ashlee Hewit)

I wanna be a princess/the fairest all around/and if you leave my kingdom/you're never really gone/you made me feel so special/so beautiful and true/I wish that I could thank you/if you only knew.

And I felt your love/I think I understand/if I skim my knee or found a prince to take my hand/love will always be around/there isn't any doubt/that your love is with me now.

Kaz listened to the song, and after a while, realized who the girl in the photo was. It was her mother.

It's funny how fast things can change/and then you're forced to pack your things/and head into the great unknown/and face this world all alone/when no one waits for you back home.

But I felt your love/I think I understand/if I skim my knee or found a prince to take my hand/love will always be around/there isn't any doubt/that your love is with me now.

And I miss you/I'm crying out too/help me make it on my own.

Cuz I felt your love/I think I understand/if I skim my knee or found a prince to take my hand/love will always be around/there isn't any doubt/that your love is with me now.

(End of song)

Once she was done, everyone went berserk, even Kaz was going wild with applauds. Icelyn smiled at him before looking at the photo she placed on the piano of her mother, letting a tear fall down her cheek.


So, what do you guys think so far? I'm sorry I brought up Frozen in the story. I just like that movie, so don't judge me! But please judge the first chapter of Mighty Magic, by all means. Thanks for reading, God bless, and have a wonderful day.