Author's Note: In answer to Guest's comments, this will be Snowing endgame, but that doesn't mean it will be easy getting there, and I think a relationship with someone she has an actual interest in makes more sense than a rebounding one-night-stand. Remember, in canon, there were Whale and Katharine. Here, we have Hank—for now. Eventually, though, we will have Snowing. Fret not.
Thanks for Esther-Channah for Betaing.
Chapter Nine:
What Makes a Home
Snow had waited a long time for everyone to fall asleep. She was working on the war effort now, but her parents still kept a close watch on her. They still worried and coddled her. She was trying to prove herself, to demonstrate to others the things she knew she could do. Because there was so much she could do.
But not every mission was about saving the kingdom from the ogres. Some missions, while equally important, had to be carried out in secret.
She knew she had to be mindful of her speed. Too slow and she wouldn't make it in time. Too fast and she would make too much noise. She was clad only in her nightgown and a cloak, with nothing but a lamplight to help her find her path.
Still, she knew the way and she had no intention of being late. Johanna had shown her all the safest and quickest ways to sneak out of the castle, should the ogres come for them. She wasn't sure what good sneaking away with her tail between her legs would do in such a case, but it was good to know how to do it, and it was certainly a useful skill. Her parents knew the ways out too, of course, but they wouldn't be checking the passageways for no reason at this time of night.
She emerged dustier than she would have liked, but no worse for wear. Now it was just about following the path, which she had done before. She'd followed this route so many times now she could do it with her eyes closed, probably.
The path led her to the outskirts of the kingdom. She stuck close to the forest, not going inside it, but staying far off from where other people would wander. Finally, she came upon a well. She set down her light and sent the bucket down into the water. As she drew it back up, she heard a sweet sound. It was a bird's song singing to her. She knew that song. She also knew that the bird that made it would never fly this far north. She answered the song, imitating the sound as well, looking around for the singer with a smile on her face. Her smile grew as she saw a man step out of the shadows, and run to meet her.
"Charming," she called as quietly as she could, even as her heart raced.
He ran up to her and took her in his arms. "Snow," he breathed. He held her close to him. She took in his scent and felt the strength of his arms around her once more.
The first time they had seen each other again had been a surprise. She had not expected him to be at this well. But he had been looking for her. Waiting for her.
"I can't stop thinking about you," he had said. "I can't seem to forget you. I don't want to forget you."
And so, for months now, they had been meeting like this, signaling to each other that it was safe with the song of a bird that she had taught him to imitate.
"You've been practicing. I nearly thought it was a bird this time," she said, smiling, as they drew away from each other.
"I hope you aren't disappointed that it wasn't?" he asked, smiling at her.
She shook her head. Then, she grew serious, "My parents have … they've been hinting at marriage. King George's son Edward … we've known each other for a while, now. He's kind, but he isn't … they want me to seriously consider a match. I don't know how I can stop them."
David sighed. "What if… what if I went to them? What if we went to them together and asked… if I asked them for their permission?" He sounded terrified. He had a right to be. Snow's eyes were wide and she looked ready to speak, but David kept going. "I know I'm not really a prince and I have no right to love a princess, but I do." Snow's heart skipped a beat, but before she could think of what to say now, he continued, "They are good people, your parents. They love you very much. I think, if they knew this was what you wanted… I mean, assuming it is …"
"I love you too," Snow said, her heart racing. "You're right. And you're brave. And you're amazing. Tomorrow, we go to my parents."
"So, this is the living room," Graham said, leading Emma and Neal through his quaint little cabin in the woods. Well, not so much a cabin. It was a little old-fashioned, but it was modern enough to be livable, which was lucky.
They were just coming to look, to make sure, but really, what else could they say? There was literally no other housing in Storybrooke. Neal had agreed to stay, and even if he hadn't, Henry would have refused to go.
"There's a bedroom over there and another that way. The living room has a pullout couch. And there's a room here… It's a tad small, but you could turn it into a bedroom, if you like, or an office, maybe?"
"So, we could change stuff around? Decorating? Construction?" Neal asked.
"I mean, if you're going to change something major, I'd prefer you run it by me first, but I doubt it'll be a problem," Graham nodded. Neal nodded back and Graham continued, "So, where's the lad?"
"Henry's back at Granny's with his grandfather. We thought it best to make up our minds without him getting any ideas set in his head that might influence things one way or the other. He's stubborn, and if he goes for the puppy eyes, it's hard to say no to him, but this has to be our decision." Emma said.
Neal shook his head slightly. Did this guy really need all that information about their dynamic?
"It can be hard with kids, deciding how much control to give them."
"You have children, Sheriff?" Neal asked.
Graham shot a brief look at Emma, and she shook her head slightly. If Neal hadn't known her so well, he might not have caught it, but he did. Then the sheriff cleared his throat and said, "Not at this point in my life, no."
"We're just gonna look around a bit," Emma cut in, "We'll let you know what we decide. And, um, thanks for this."
Graham just nodded and Emma took Neal's elbow, leading them into one of the bedrooms.
"So? Good space, right?"
"Does it matter?" Neal asked.
"We're staying here. There's nothing else available. It could be a hovel and we'd have to take it."
"Well, it's better than a hovel. There's a room for us, one for Henry, a pull-out couch for your dad, and a home office."
"Home office? Why doesn't my dad get that as his room?"
"It didn't look big enough for that. Besides, I might need a home office."
"It's just…,transferring my job to another state is a little more… complicated than I first realized."
"It'll be fine. We'll figure it out."
"Can we even afford this place?"
"Yes. Graham is doing this as a favor so he promised a great rate. Plus this town seems a few decades behind on inflation, so win-win."
"A favor. I didn't realize you two were favor friends."
"Don't start with me, okay. After the Jamie thing —"
"That wasn't —"
"I don't want to get into this right now. Do we like the place? Are we taking it?"
Neal sighed as he started walking around the room. "I'll admit, it's a lot nicer than I thought it would be. And if it really is in our price range… I'm on board."
Emma smiled the first genuine smile she had given him in a while and Neal felt himself breathe a sigh of relief.
"Graham!" she called, heading out of the room, "Hey, we've decided. We'll take it."
"All right. I'll have a lease written up. You can have a lawyer look it over."
Emma nodded. "Thanks again for doing this."
"Happy to help. I'll walk you to your car."
David hadn't slept well. He kept thinking about what had happened with Mary Margaret. He had been furious at her for flaking on that job interview, and knowing that it was because she had been off with some guy had bothered him for reasons he didn't even understand. But then, when she had lost it on him, he hadn't known what to think.
For as long as he'd known his wife's sister, she had always seemed like the problem. She'd never seemed to try or to care. It had always felt like it was her fault that her life wasn't what she wanted. She had dreams of Broadway and fairytales, and she needed to face reality. She needed to get a good steady job and support herself.
But the other day she had just seemed so … defeated. Was that her fault? Was it life that wouldn't give her a break? Or was it him? Was he so focused on protecting his wife and making sure nobody took advantage of her good, generous nature that he had missed how much her sister just needed a break?
What he really wanted was a good strong drink, but he had always been the responsible sort, so he had gone to Granny's for his morning coffee and now, he was headed to work.
Except this wasn't the way he usually went. He could get there this way, but it was a little roundabout. But he remembered the last time he'd felt so uneasy, after the first attack. He had walked by the old theater and heard someone singing, and it had calmed him. It had felt familiar somehow.
The old theater. He stared up at it. It was a shame really, that nobody was using it for anything. Oh, the movie theater half was in use, but the other half of the building was just sitting there, ignored.
David worked with numbers and figures. He knew that nobody was benefitting from a building just standing empty.
He turned at a sound, and think of the devil, it was Mary Margaret coming up behind him. She stopped when she saw him, turning in the other direction.
"Wait!" he called, sloshing his coffee a bit. "Please."
He heard her snort when he said 'please,' but she didn't stop. Was he really going to run after his sister-in-law? Apparently, he was.
He caught up to her quickly; he was in good shape. He reached out to her, forgetting his coffee, and she shrieked. He realized he must have spilled some on her.
She turned to him. "Look what you did now!"
"Sorry. I was just —"
"Just what? Honestly, David, we're both better off when we stay out of each other's way. Wasn't humiliating me the other day enough for you?"
"I wanted to… I'm sorry."
Mary Margaret shook her head. "Well, next time don't run with coffee in your hand. I suppose I should be grateful it wasn't hot."
"No, I mean, I'm sorry. For the other day." She looked up then, meeting his eyes. "I was a bit of a jerk to you. And I don't want to be that guy."
"It's nothing new. You and I have never liked each other."
"But we both love your sister. If nothing else, we should try to get along for her sake. I mean, shouldn't we?"
"I suppose."
They were still rather close to the theater; Mary Margaret really hadn't gotten very far. David turned to look at it and Mary Margaret did as well.
"It really is a shame about this place. It just sits there, empty."
"Well, maybe all the costumes come alive when nobody is there. A whole world we don't know about."
David raised his eyebrow at her, "That's, um, imaginative."
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. "I've never lacked for imagination."
"No, I guess not. It shouldn't be a bad thing. I don't know why I think it is."
"Because your idea of imagination is having two plus two equal five."
"Actually there are some equations where–" David noticed Mary Margaret stifle a laugh. "Oh, I see. You know, there's nothing wrong with having something you can count on. Numbers are reliable. I like that."
"There's more to life than numbers, David. Some people have dreams."
"And if those dreams don't come true, you're left with nothing."
"But didn't your dreams come true? I mean, you married my sister and you love her more than anything. Isn't your life together a dream come true?"
"Of course," David said automatically. Because, of course, it was. Except something in him jerked at the thought, something in the general direction of his heart.
"So you can have your dream, but I shouldn't reach for mine?"
"I just think if you were a little more realistic, maybe you wouldn't be so dependent on the generosity of others."
"Here we go. We can't have one nice conversation, can we?"
"It appears… no, you know what? I'm sorry. Everything has clearly been… a lot harder for you than I realized. And I'm not the kind of guy who kicks a puppy when she's down."
"So this is about you being a good guy?"
"No, I—"
"Also, am I the puppy in this scenario?"
"Will you just listen to me? Can't you ever just… appreciate the help that's being offered without a smart comment?"
Mary Margaret shook her head. "Goodbye, David," she said, turning away.
"Wait. At least let me pay for you to have that cleaned."
"So you can lord it over me that you did me a favor?"
"No, I just… I just don't know why it always gets this way with us. Why despite our love for your sister, and my determination to make things right, you can't help but rile me!" He heard her snort again, could see she wanted to go. "And I can't help but rile you. Maybe there's a reason we get under each other's skin. I don't know. But there has to be some way for us to make peace and be civil."
"Well, let me know when you find it," Mary Margaret said, before turning to leave again.
As he watched her go, David had the distinct feeling he would not sleep well tonight either.
"Miss Lewis?" Rumpelstiltskin asked the girl sitting on the library steps. He was here to meet his new student and she was supposed to be sitting here. The girl had long, dirty blonde hair covered by a wool cap, and she looked perfectly content to sit there all by herself reading a book. She couldn't be any older than Henry, and Rumple couldn't help but wonder where her parents were.
"That's Paige," Henry whispered to him. Henry had, of course, insisted on coming along on this lesson.
Paige marked her place, put her book in her backpack and stood to face them, "You must be Mr. Stiltskin."
"Indeed I am. I believe one of your parents sent me an email about tutoring you?"
"That was me, actually," Paige said matter-of-factly.
"Well, are your parents here or —"
"It's just my Uncle Ben, and no, he isn't here."
"Well, then, I'm afraid we may have a bit of a problem. I enjoy teaching, of course, but everything has its price. My classes aren't expensive but they aren't free."
"I have money," Paige said, "How much for a few hours?"
He was about to say that he should really speak with this Uncle Ben of hers, when Henry tapped his shoulder and motioned to follow him to a private corner. "If you'll excuse me for a moment?"
Paige smiled and took her book back out.
"I think you should do it."
"Henry, how does a ten-year-old have the funds? And is her uncle aware that she has them and how she's spending them?"
"I told you, she runs games at recess, gambling with some of the bigger kids. That's how she has the money."
"That's not exactly encouraging. Henry —"
"Grandpa, listen, we need this. We need to get to know the people here; that's the point. We need to learn who everybody is and we can't do that if we don't know who anybody is."
Rumpelstiltskin shook his head. "Only my grandson." He headed back over to Paige. "Miss Lewis? I'll accept the job."
Paige smiled. "Great—"
"So long as you can get consent from your uncle. I'm not looking to make any enemies in this town."
"So you want, like, a permission slip?"
"I'd rather meet the man, if it's all the same to you. You've already proven you're willing to forge a note."
"The email I sent never said I was the parent of the child in question. You know what they say when you assume things."
Rumpelstiltskin smiled. "Yes, the mistake was mine. But it's one I'll learn from. When next we meet, bring your uncle and you will secure some hours of my time. Do we have a deal?" He was tempted to reach out his hand for her to shake, but stopped himself. The imp was rearing its head too much in this town, but he still had to be smart. And this girl clearly was.
Paige nodded. "We'll meet up here again?"
"That sounds like a fine idea. Pleasure to have met you." He offered her a smile and turned to leave.
Henry didn't follow him right away. "What were you reading?"
Paige smiled. "The Wizard of Oz."
"Is it for school?"
Paige shook her head, "No, I'm reading Bridge to Terabithia for school."
"So it's just for fun then?"
"You ask a lot of questions," Paige said, putting her backpack on. "I'll see you both soon. Bye."
"Your dad got a tutoring job. He and Henry will be gone for a few hours," Emma said after she checked her messages.
"Great. Then we can tell him the good news."
"Yeah. So listen, I have a few errands to run—"
"What errands?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Honestly, I want to know if you really have errands to run or if you just don't want to be in the same room as me."
"I really have errands to run," Emma said, a little hostility creeping into her voice.
"Okay. Well, maybe I could tag along."
Emma paused, "Neal – "
"Aha! See, you are avoiding me."
"I just said your name."
"Yeah, but the way you said it, all drawn out and reluctant – "
"I didn't start this, okay? You've been keeping things for years and we keep circling back to this same fight. Then you blow up at me about moving here and I get why you were mad but it was still a lot and then you and Jamie – "
"She and I are just friends, okay?"
"Friends? Already? You know her that well?"
"Hey, I'm a friendly guy. And I know her about as well as you know the sheriff, so," Neal shrugged and Emma's eyes narrowed. "I'm sorry, okay. I shouldn't have said that. Maybe we just need to trust each other."
"That's easy to say. But I've shared every secret I've ever had with you, and you still haven't told me basic stuff. I love you, but it can only go so far without trust."
"But we've gotten so far already, so far, and I know it's hard right now, but just look at where we started. I mean, we made it through those crazy, hormone-driven, teenage years, you getting pregnant, the past ten years, if we can make it through all that, what can't we make it through?"
"Did you ever think that if I hadn't gotten pregnant we might not have made it through all that?" Emma yelled. Both of their eyes widened. Neal looked like she had slapped him. "I … I didn't mean …"
"No, no, it's okay. I, uh …"
"I have errands," Emma said lamely.
"Just some stuff around town. I'll be back though."
"Yeah, yeah, of course."
She put her hand on the door handle. "I love you, you know?" she said, not looking at him. "I've never questioned that."
"Yeah. I love you too."
And Emma was out the door.
David seemed so sure that this would work. Snow wished she could be that sure. She knew her parents loved her, that wasn't a question. And she knew they wanted her to be happy. But there was so much more to think about. Snow had a responsibility to her people and they were at war right now. Again.
It was ogres again. It was always ogres and, while the kingdom survived, they never seemed to win. Times of peace were always so brief and the ogres always came back so much stronger. The kingdom needed strong leaders, and here she was, sneaking off for months to follow her heart. And now she was going to ask permission to wed a commoner?
She knew David would make her happy, but would he make a good king? He was smart, but not particularly educated. It wasn't his fault, of course, but what did he know of war strategy and diplomacy, not to mention managing an economy? She didn't have to make him king, she supposed. He could be a prince consort, her Prince Charming, and she could rule with the aid of advisors. It was rare, but it had been done before. But would her parents go for it?
It seemed insane to think of such things. Her parents were healthy, even with the war raging. It would be a long time, yet, until she had to take the throne. But they would ask these questions, and Snow knew she would need answers.
She didn't approach them in the throne room. She should be, and if all went well she would need to approach them that way in order to get official permission. But she didn't want to ask them as her king and queen. She wanted to ask them as her parents. So she had asked that they meet her in the garden. David was nearby, but she wanted to broach the subject first before they met him.
"Mother. Father," Snow greeted them, bowing to each in turn.
"Snow, dear, is something the matter?"
"Not the matter, no, it's just… Well, there is someone I would like you to meet." Snow motioned for David and he came quickly to join her.
This wasn't the plan, but she knew that she would feel stronger with him by her side. He looked so handsome approaching, so sure of himself. She knew he must be scared, because he knew just how much they were risking, but that was exactly why he looked confident. Her parents would respect it.
David bowed low to her parents. "Your majesties," he said not rising until they motioned for him to do so.
"This is David. His family, well, you remember some years back you had me stay on that sheep farm for my safety?" Her parents nodded. "David's parents own that farm. We met there and became friends. And now…" she looked toward David for help.
"Might I address Your Majesties?" David asked.
"Proceed," her mother said, looking from one to the other.
"I don't want to pretend to be more than I am to you. I know I am a simple shepherd. But I am a simple shepherd who loves your daughter very much."
Both of her parents' eyes widened.
"David and I didn't mean for this to happen, but Mother, Father, I love him. I truly do."
"Has anything… untoward happened between the two of you?" her mother asked.
"No!" David said quickly. "I would never do that to her. I care for her a great deal and I wouldn't want her virtue to ever be in question."
"David is a gentleman, Mother. I swear."
"I would like to ask permission to court your daughter properly. I know you want her to wed a royal and that I am nothing, but surely what is in our hearts, or at least what is in her heart, means something to you?" David pleaded.
Her parents didn't speak.
"Mother, Father, I know your marriage was arranged and that you grew to love one another. And maybe, had I not met David, I could have grown to love a prince meant for me. But now that I know him, I know I could never be happy with anybody else. Not truly. And I know my responsibilities. I have not forgotten my kingdom. I would benefit from the experience of a reigning prince. But he would also have his own kingdom and his own goals. David only wants to love me. He will follow while I lead this kingdom as you have taught me. We're stronger together. I know we are. Please, consider it."
Snow's mother Queen Eva and her father King Leopold exchanged a glance. Then her father turned to her.
"We must discuss this. Please return to your chamber, Snow. We will send for you when we have our answer."
"We will send for you as well," Her mother said, acknowledging David. "But in the meantime, perhaps it is best that you leave the castle grounds."
David nodded, "Thank you for being so generous with me," David said. Then, his eyes widened, "I forgot. I brought a gift: wool from our farm that any spinner could make into a fine garment. It isn't much but…" he took the wool out of his pack and presented it to Snow's parents.
"Thank you," Queen Eva said, taking the wool. "We'll send word."
David bowed again and left, exchanging one last longing glance with Snow.
"Thank you for not saying no," Snow said, "I know you didn't say yes, and maybe you won't, but you not saying no gives me hope. I'll be in my chamber."
She hugged her father and kissed her mother before heading back towards the palace.
"Well," Leopold said. "It seems we have a lot to talk about."
"Knock-knock," Emma said, as she balanced her hot cocoas and take-out bag.
"I don't suppose you brought something I could change into in addition to those, did you?" Mary Margaret said.
Emma realized that she had a stain on her shirt. "What happened?"
"David happened. My brother-in-law. You met him?"
"I remember. What is it with you two?"
"Oh, I don't know. It's just always been that way. I suppose we each resent the other's relationship with my sister, but he's never been very nice to me. He always assumes the worst. This morning he tried to apologize to me and just ended up making everything worse."
"Well, that sucks. I'm sorry."
Mary Margaret shook her head. "Storybrooke is full of small-minded people. I would give anything to get out of here."
"So, why don't you?"
Mary Margaret laughed. "How? I have no money, no prospects, no marketable skills. How am I just supposed to try and build a life somewhere else when I was never able to build one here?"
"Maybe I can help. I'm in social work, remember? And, okay, relocating adults in bad situations isn't my strong suit, but I know people who–"
Mary Margaret waved her hand dismissively, "I could never leave my sister anyway."
"Well, I'll keep thinking. I mean, if I could find a way to help you out, here in Storybrooke, would you let me?"
"Well, I don't give you lip about the free coffee anymore, do I?"
Emma smiled.
It was a curious sight to see a ten-year-old in a bar. But it wasn't as though she hadn't been there before. Paige didn't give thought to the looks she got; she was on a mission.
She approached the bar and took out her book, waiting to be noticed. It didn't take long.
"Paige!" a frantic voice exclaimed. "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be in this kind of place!"
Paige rolled her eyes. "I needed to talk to you."
"It couldn't have waited until I got home?"
"You have the late shift again, right? I'll be asleep, and I needed to talk to you before tomorrow."
The man at the bar shook his head. "Well, let's have it then. And then you'll go straight home like a good girl, right?"
Paige nodded, "Of course. I need you to clear your schedule tomorrow afternoon."
"I need you to go somewhere with me. It won't take long."
"Did you … did you want to go to the hospital?"
Paige shook her head. "Not tomorrow. I just… I've been struggling in school and there's this man who offers tutoring, but he wants your permission before he'll teach me. Just go make nice with him outside the library for a few minutes and then the afternoon is yours."
"You need me to… And what does he want in return for tutoring?"
"Let me worry about that."
"I'm just asking you to be like a parent for five minutes."
The man looked stricken. Paige knew it was a low blow but it was necessary, "Paige–"
"Please, just do this for me. Please."
"Okay. I'll come. Now head home before you get into trouble."
Paige leaned up and kissed his cheek, "And you stay out of trouble as well." She said, before hopping down and making her way out of the bar.
"Emma, right?" Emma started. It was David, the mayor's husband, and Mary Margaret's brother-in-law. "What are you doing coming out of the old theater building?"
"I was just doing some exploring," Emma said awkwardly.
"That's trespassing," David said, though he didn't seem to be paying attention. He was staring up at the building.
"It's a nice place. A little run-down but …"
"Yeah, they ran out of funding to get it open. Waste really, the building just sitting there."
"Maybe it's more useful than you think. Anyway, I have to go. Nice seeing you."
When Snow's parents summoned her, she felt terrified. It hadn't been long. Some hours, but not… was it that easy for them to talk it over? This was terrifying. Snow had never been more terrified in her young life, not even when she, Herc, and Megara had faced off against that monstrous dog.
She wrote a quick note to David, telling him to meet her by their well in an hour. Whatever they said, he deserved to know. Her parents would allow her that. Even if they… they would let her say goodbye.
She attached the note to a bird and sent it off to find the man who would always be her Prince Charming, no matter what her parents said. Then she went to meet them.
It was a private audience in the garden as before. Snow had expected… well, she wasn't sure. Actually, this made sense. They wouldn't want word of her fancying a commoner to travel. This did not bode well.
Snow bowed to them each in greeting, "You wanted to see me?"
Her father nodded, "Your mother and I have discussed your request." He paused. "Did I ever tell you I nearly didn't marry your mother?"
Snow shook her head. "That can't be. You were betrothed from a young age, weren't you?"
"Yes, we were. And it was a good match, good for the kingdom. But I wanted something else. Something exciting. Something new."
"Now, don't take all the blame. In my youth I was… I'm not proud of some of my behavior back then," her mother said. She looked like she was going to continue, but Snow's father put up a hand.
"You saved me from making a great mistake. The woman I wanted to marry was a commoner. I thought she was exciting and that she would help me to know my people better. I thought it could be love. But she didn't love me. She didn't know me, nor did I truly know her. And in the end, she was deceiving me. Her reasons for wanting to marry me were no more noble than any royal's reason for making a match: advancement and benefit."
"But Father, I know David quite well. I—"
"It isn't polite to interrupt, Snow," her mother chided.
"Of course. Forgive me, Father."
Her father nodded. "I know your situation is different. I was rebelling against tradition, thinking I could find something outside the castle walls that I couldn't find within them. An honest soul, someone to love me for me and not for my crown. But my crown is a part of me, just as yours is a part of you. You will be queen someday, Snow."
Snow burned to say that she understood. That she had thought of all of this. But she remembered what her mother had said about interrupting and bit her tongue.
"I value your happiness, my dear daughter, but I must also value our kingdom. And so, I was skeptical when you brought your David to us. But your mother reminded me that she was able to discern the danger when I wanted to trust. And you, my daughter, are the best of both of us. You have your father's heart and your mother's head. You are good and you are bright. Love blinds us all, I suppose. Nothing can be done for that. But when faced with the truth, I did my duty. I am sure you will do the same."
Her mother spoke next, "Your David may come to stay with us, to be trained as a squire with the goal of becoming a knight. It will take some years, but when they reach their end, if your father and I find him trustworthy, if it will truly make you happy, then we will discuss the next step."
Snow couldn't believe her ears. "So I can… I mean we can… I can marry him?"
"It is early to talk of marriage, but we will get to know the boy, and if his intentions are true, if he has a good heart in his chest and a good head on his shoulders, if he is honest and truly loves you, then we will respect your choice."
Snow flung herself and her parents, hugging them and crying. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much."
"I suppose you would like to send him word?" her mother asked, and Snow nodded.
She started to rush away, but then she heard a noise. A growl coming from behind the trees.
It happened quickly. One minute Snow was smiling at her parents and them at her. Then the… creature came at them. It was hairy, had glowing red eyes, and was screeching so loud it hurt Snow's ears a bit. It flapped its wings and flew out at her parents with claw extended bent on ripping them to shreds.
Her bow! Where was her bow? Why didn't she have her bow?
She had to do something, ring the alarm at least or …
She wanted to rush the creature, but found herself rooted to the spot. Was it fear that kept her frozen? How could she just stand there while this thing ripped apart her parents before her eyes?
Finally, she moved. Was it too late? It couldn't be, could it? It had been mere seconds, but what had those seconds cost her? She grabbed a gardening tool and ran at the creature. She got a hit or two in before it turned to her. She started to run but it scooped her up and knocked her down. Her head banged against something hard and then everything went black.
It wasn't hard to find the car again. It was in the exact same place. There was a lump splayed out in the back seat under what looked like a pile of coats.
Emma tapped gently on the backdoor window and Ashley jerked up. It seemed to take her a minute to remember where she was. She sat upright, finger-combing her hair with one hand, rubbing at her face with the other, and looking around for the source of the noise that had woken her up.
Emma gave her a small wave through the window.
Ashley unlocked the door and Emma slid in next to her. "I thought you could do with some breakfast," Emma said, handing over a to-go bag from Granny's. "It's an egg sandwich and some oatmeal, perfectly baby-friendly food. But if you can't stomach it, I picked up some saltines and a can of ginger ale from Doc's Pharmacy." She handed over that bag as well.
"I think I can handle the oatmeal for now. Thanks."
Emma nodded. "So, you're still here, then? I mean, you haven't decided —"
"I can't decide. Whatever decision I make… either I'll be homeless and penniless or I'll have done something I'm not sure I can live with."
"Well, I've been homeless and penniless. Sometimes it works out." Ashley raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Sometimes, you have people in your corner."
"Well, if I keep this baby, I won't have anyone in my corner."
"What about Sean? You two seemed to get on well enough yesterday, and he did help you out. Or what about that sister of yours?"
"Step-sister, and she's hardly in a position to help me. Sean though… I guess I could… I just, what good could he do me, really?"
"It never hurts to have a friend. Sometimes it's a big help." Ashley nodded at that. "And you'll have me. I wish I could offer you work or a place to stay but I'm still kind of working on those things for myself. I can help you with the legal stuff though. If you want. If you want to maybe take action against–"
"I can't think about that now. I can't think about him," Ashley said quickly. "But thanks for the food and the advice. I appreciate it. You've been nice, kind of like a fairy-godmother or something."
Emma snorted, "Well, I'm hardly that. But I'd like to think I'm a good person who just wants to help. There are more of us than you think."
It had been weeks now since time had started moving again and Zelena was in quite a mood about it. Oh, she had a few things in motion of course, but she still knew so little. It obviously had something to do with that new family. That was when all the trouble had started. When they'd arrived.
Zelena wasn't sure which one of them was the threat really. It could be the patriarch. He was older and had a limp, but looks could be deceiving; he was clearly more powerful than he seemed at first glance. And his last name struck a chord in Zelena's memory, though she wasn't sure how. It could be the son or the daughter-in-law. Both seemed irritating enough. Of course, she had plans for them. She wasn't overly concerned about the boy. He was only ten.
She'd work it out, to be sure; nobody was cleverer than she. She had cast the curse to end all curses and had had no problems with it for twenty-eight marvelous years.
There was a knock on her door and then that little monkey she'd bewitched to lust after her came in.
"Your husband for you, Madam Mayor."
"Send him on in." She hadn't expected David today and couldn't think why he would be here. It probably wasn't anything to worry about, but she'd hate to think he was starting to think for himself. That on top of everything else would just be a bit much. "This is a pleasant surprise."
David came over and gave her a quick peck on the lips. "I hope I'm not intruding."
"Not at all. Always happy to see my husband."
"Well, I'm here more to see the mayor than my wife, but… Or, I suppose it's both."
"Now you have me intrigued."
"I've been thinking about the old theater in town."
"The movie theater?"
"No. Well, yes, but the other half of the building. The part that was never turned into anything and is just sitting there, wasting away. I'd like to do something with it, if it's okay with you?"
"Do something with it?"
"Yeah. I thought maybe finish it and get it up and running as a local theater for the school to use as originally planned, or else find some other use for the building, if that doesn't suit. It is fitted with a stage though. I've been looking through the budget and the town has the money. Shouldn't the land be put to some use?"
Hm. The theater. The place where Zelena knew that insipid little snowflake was camping out. If the theater were to be under construction she'd have to vacate. She'd be well and truly homeless and far too embarrassed to ask for help. Yes, this could do quite nicely.
"I think that's a splendid idea, David! You have my permission to finish the place off and find a way it can be of use to the town. I knew you were the right person to balance those books. Use whatever funds you need."
David kissed her again. "Great. I've got to say, I'm really excited to be starting a new project. Something to focus on, a way to contribute with everything going on…"
"Yes, well, it's all been so distressing, but surely those attacks are behind us, and if not, I have every faith in Sheriff Humbert."
David nodded. It seemed like he was going to say something else, but then he shook his head. "Well, I guess that's it. I'll get started on this. See you at home."
"I'm back!" Emma called. "And I brought ice cream! Where's Henry?"
"In his room, sleeping… supposedly."
Emma nodded. "Well, so long as he isn't hiding someone again. You, um, you want to share some ice cream? Eat from the same cup like a couple of teenagers?"
Neal laughed. "I think that's two straws… and also something people did in the 60s."
"Right. Still?"
Neal nodded. They sat on the bed with a cup of rocky road between them.
"How did your, uh, errands go?"
Emma shrugged. "I'm just helping out around town a bit." Neal scoffed at that. "What?"
"Nothing," Neal said, taking a spoonful of ice-cream. "Just… not surprised, I guess. That your errands involved helping people."
"Why does that sound like an insult as much as it does a compliment?"
Neal shrugged again. "It's nothing."
Emma shook her head. "I was thinking today and… Remember how I used to like to go and sit on that old swing set by the park in St. Paul whenever I felt upset about something?"
Neal smiled a real smile then. "Sure. We made some memories there, as I recall."
"Well, I remember this one time. You weren't there because we had just had a fight. I don't remember what about exactly, but it was kind of early in our relationship and I was getting… insecure or whatever. Having doubts about how well I really knew you. Anyway, this guy showed up and sat next to me—"
"Do I want to hear this?"
"Just shut up and listen. So this guy shows up. He's cute, a little older with facial hair and a leather jacket—"
"I'm almost certain I don't want to hear this."
Emma nudged him with her shoulder and he motioned for her to go on, "So this guy starts talking to me. Maybe flirting, I don't know. And then I tell him I have a boyfriend and he says, 'the things I could tell you about your boyfriend...'
So I ask him what he means and he says he kind of knows you from way back, that you and he are from the same place." Neal's eyebrows shot up as Emma continued. "I think it's bullshit, because anybody could say that and he doesn't sound Scottish or anything either, but then he says that you used to go by Bae, you know, like what your dad calls you? And that he knows stuff about you that would blow my mind. He says that your story is a lot more complicated than I know and he can tell me about it."
The humor was gone from Neal's face now. He was sitting up straighter and seemed to have forgotten the spoon in his hand.
Emma didn't react to his change in posture; she just went on with her story, "And for a minute, I think about it, because there is so much about you I want to know, but then I realize that it doesn't mean anything if you aren't the one to tell me and you'll tell me when you're ready."
Neal's body relaxed and Emma shot him a smile. "I kind of went off on him. Told him he didn't know you the way I knew you, that nobody knew you the way I knew you. Because I may not know where you're from, or what happened to your mom, or why you say the strangest things sometimes, but I know that… that you're my home, ya know? And I wouldn't risk that for some guy in leather."
Emma put down her spoon and put her hand on Neal's knee. "I want to trust you more than anything, because I love you more than anything. You told me that soon things were going to start to make sense, and I'm so sick of waiting for someday, but… What I said earlier was dumb. If I hadn't gotten pregnant, I would have gotten impatient sometimes, just like I do now, but I couldn't leave the only home I ever had. Until that someday you promised comes, I'm always going to want to know things, and we're probably going to keep fighting about it, but it doesn't mean I'm going anywhere. I wouldn't trade the life we've built for anything"
Neal was quiet for a long time. Finally, he asked, "What, uh, what happened with the guy?"
Emma shrugged taking a scoop of ice-cream. "He, uh, said some crap about us catching up when I was older and ready, hopped on his motorcycle, and sped off. Never saw him again." After licking the spoon clean, she gave Neal a look. "Why, do you know who he was?"
"I… may not tell you everything, but in this case, I can honestly say I have no idea."
Emma smiled and kissed the side of his head. "I'm going to go check on that kid of ours and make sure he hasn't gotten himself in any trouble."
It was after 11:00. Who the hell was knocking on his door after 11:00 o'clock at night?
"Coming," Sean called. He was surprised to see Ashley standing there, her fist poised to knock again.
"Hey. Is everything—"
"You have a spare room, right?"
"How did you—? Um, yeah, why?"
"I want to rent it. Well, not rent exactly, because I don't have any money and I'd be an idiot to sell my car, but I'll cook and I'll clean, I'm handy with a wrench, I'll do whatever." Sean stared at her, not saying anything. "I just won't sleep with you. I want to make that clear right now. Sex is off the table. We'll just be roommates. And then I'll… I'll get a job and start chipping in rent… Well, say something!"
"Um, I… I opened the door and you started talking and I'm still catching up, but I take it, you need a place to crash?"
"Don't be a jerk."
"I'm not awake enough to be a jerk," Sean said, yawning and scratching his stubble, "Roommates, huh? I mean, this place is a hole in the wall, but if you're stuck, yeah, I guess it could work. Why don't you come in?"
Ashley followed him inside to the ratty apartment. "It's… charming."
"Right. Well, you get settled, I'm going back to bed."
"Mary Margaret?" David called when he spotted her. He was surprised to see her out this late, but he supposed he shouldn't question it. No need to start another fight. And it wasn't as though the timing didn't work out for him
Mary Margaret sighed and turned toward his voice. "At least you aren't carrying coffee this time," she said by way of greeting.
He gave her something that resembled a smile. "I wanted to talk to you about the theater."
"The theater?"
"Yeah, remember how we were saying it was a shame it was never finished and just sitting there?"
"I remember you saying that, yes."
"Well, it's not going to be anymore. I'm having it renovated for city use."
"What?" Mary Margaret asked, panicked.
"Yeah, starting Monday, I thought I'd get a good look at the place, see what needs doing and… What's wrong?" he asked, noticing the stricken look on her face.
"No—Nothing. I, um, I have to go." She started to turn but David caught her arm.
"Wait, I didn't get to the good part."
"There's a good part?" Mary Margaret asked, close to tears.
"Yeah. I'll need help. Someone to help with organizing, planning, that sort of thing, like an assistant to the project and… Well, I thought, you still need a job right?"
Mary Margaret's eyes widened. "You think I should apply —?"
"No application necessary. The job is yours, if you want it."
She just gaped at him. "And I'd be working for you?"
"For the city, technically, but yeah, we'd be working together."
"And you think that's a good idea? I mean, you think we could do that without killing each other?"
He actually smiled at that. "I guess we'll find out."
Mary Margaret sighed. "I guess I'm in no position to turn down a job."
"Great. I'll see you bright and early Monday morning!"
Mary Margaret nodded and turned to go. David went in the other direction. He was halfway down the block when she remembered herself and called after him, "David? Thank you." He nodded and went on his way. "Well, I suppose I best enjoy my last night, then," Mary Margaret said, as she headed towards the theater.
Snow's head ached. Where was she? What had happened? She remembered going to her parents about David and then …
"She's waking up," she heard a voice say. It sounded familiar. Prince Edward? Why was he here? Where were her parents?
Then she saw in her mind's eye that… thing, that creature, ripping them apart, tearing them up in front of her. Her mother! Her father! She let out a cry, something between a gasp and a sob.
"Easy, Princess. Steady, now."
She didn't want to open her eyes. If she opened her eyes it would be real. It couldn't be real. Her mother. Her father.
She sat up, throwing back the hand that was offered to her. Her eyes were open now and she was taking in her surroundings. She was in her bedchamber. They had moved her. There was Prince Edward and, she realized, soldiers, too—so many of them—as well as the palace healer. "Princess —"
"Where are they? My parents, are they… what's left of them?" she heard her voice shake, heard it rise at least an octave. She knew she sounded childish, not strong like they would want her to be. But oh, how she ached. Her parents. Was there any chance they had survived?
"Your father… there was nothing to be done for him. He was ripped apart, limb from limb, Your Highness."
"And my mother?"
"Your mother… is healing. She made it somehow. The prince sounded the alarm in time for healers to reach her."
She turned to Prince Edward. "It seems our kingdom owes you a debt," she said in her best attempt at a regal voice. She curtsied as best she could, given that her dress was in tatters. "Thank you." She stood for a moment, unsure what to do. "Is my mother well enough for visitors?" She realized that the soldiers were eyeing her cautiously, though she couldn't think why. "May I see her?"
"Your Highness, I'm afraid that is not possible."
"She needs her rest," Snow surmised. "Very well. I'd like to take a walk then, to clear my head. Am I well enough for that?" She had to meet David. She had to tell him. Everything had changed in an instant and she needed him. Because her father was gone and she just wanted to cry. As a princess, she couldn't fall apart in front of her soldiers, but as a woman in love, she could cry to David. He would hold her. He would dry her tears.
"I'm afraid… that is not possible, Princess," a soldier said. He seemed uncomfortable, avoiding her eyes.
"Why is that?"
"You are not to leave this room. Not until… judgment has been passed."
Her brow creased, "Judgment? I don't —"
"You attempted regicide, your highness, and you invoked the dark arts to do so. You cannot leave this room until the queen is well enough to decide what is to be done."
"Regicide? You think I… We were attacked! There was this big, flying beast—"
"That you changed into. Prince Edward has told us everything."
Snow turned to her suitor. "Edward?"
"Your parents fancied a match between us. That's why I was in the vicinity. But you fancied a match with a peasant, and when they refused you, you flew into a rage. I could scarcely believe my eyes. It was all I could do to get you off the queen, and the transformation seemed to have weakened you. You passed out."
"That's not what… he's lying." Snow gazed beseechingly at each soldier and guard, now knowing that they were not here for her protection as she had initially thought. "I have been your princess my whole life. You've all watched me grow up. You all know me. You would take his word over mine? You must know I would never, ever… They're my parents!"
"An accusation of regicide is not to be taken lightly, Highness, and you had motive. You have been allowed the comforts of your bedchamber instead of the dungeon because you are right: we do know you. And we weep for what you have become."
Snow turned to Edward, "Why are you doing this? How could you do this? How could you tell this lie?"
"I only relate what I saw. It pains me. At one time, I had thought we would rule together, but now… I doubt you will take the throne. You can only hope that your mother offers you mercy."
"My mother." She turned to the guards again. "Let me speak to her. She'll tell you the truth, what really happened, if I could just—"
"Apologies, Highness, but you cannot be allowed near the queen. We cannot risk another attempt on her life. You will be brought food, of course, and make no mistake you will be watched. But you may pass the time as you like. We will leave you your books and dresses. And when the Queen is well, a decision will be made, and somebody will come for you."
"No, no, please! I swear, I didn't —"
But the soldiers' backs were turned to her. They left the room, as did Prince Edward. Snow was alone, her father dead, her mother injured, and those she trusted thought she had committed the most heinous of crimes. But there was still David. She would write to him. He would know she was innocent. If nothing else, it would keep her sane as she waited for her mother to wake and straighten this whole mess out.
She sat at her desk, writing out everything that happened and went to her window to call a bird to send it for her. But the window would not open. It had been nailed shut. She was well and truly alone. She had no way of reaching David, and she would never see her father again. Sinking to her knees, she let her tears come until her throat was raw and all she could hear were her own sobs.
"So, we didn't have a chance to go over it yesterday, but Emma and I have some news," Neal said, as the family sat at Granny's for breakfast. "We found a place to rent."
"That's awesome," Henry said.
"Wonderful news," His grandfather added, putting jelly on his toast.
"Yeah. It's got room for all of us and a home office. We can move in over the weekend."
"Emma!" Ashley said, coming over to their table.
"Ashley! Wow, I'm surprised to see you at Granny's." At Neal's questioning look, Emma continued, "Um, this is my husband, my son Henry, and my father-in-law, Jack Stiltskin. Guys, this is Ashley."
"I just wanted to tell you I took your advice and, as it turns out, Sean has a spare room to rent."
"That's great!"
"Yeah. It's 1950 Douglas Street. He's letting me do housework until I find a job, and I've made it clear that I don't plan to, um, repeat my previous living arrangement." Ashley looked awkwardly away from the table.
"That's great, Ashley, really. I'm so happy for you."
Ashley nodded. "So I just wanted to tell you and… and make sure you knew where to find me. It's been nice having someone to talk to."
Emma nodded understandingly. "We're moving into a new place in town ourselves. I'll write down the address for you." She scribbled on a napkin and handed it to Ashley. "Stop by whenever."
"Thanks. Well, I should go."
She headed off.
"I, uh, I guess that has to do with your errands," Neal said.
"You helped someone!" Henry exclaimed.
"You sound surprised, kid."
"Careful, Mother. The soup is hot," Maleficent said, as she spoon-fed the old woman. Not her mother, of course. Maleficent had never known her mother. And the woman she had called Mother once was hardly one she would treat as a mother now.
"Thank you, dear," said the woman who, for the past twenty-eight years, Alana Drake had believed to be her mother. But she couldn't blame dear old Zelena for this one. No, this was something she had wanted. The woman was useful, or would be, once she woke up.
The problem was, in a land without magic, Maleficent had no clue how to wake one up from a curse. Surely, the traditional ways wouldn't do, and it wasn't as though she loved the woman anyway.
"Tell me, Mother, have you taken notice of the new family in town?"
The woman shook her head. "How would I take notice?"
"Don't underestimate yourself, Mother. It pains me to think you do not see your own potential."
"I do not see anything," the woman said with a laugh, "But I'm not bothered. I've led a good life and lead it still. And you have been good to me."
Maleficent fought the urge to scream. To see a woman who had once had so much power be brought so weak and not to even know or care. And Maleficent wouldn't have cared herself, of course. Except she needed the old woman.
"I think I'll retire for the night, Mother, if it's all the same to you."
"Yes. Children find solace in their rooms away from their mothers. I'll call if I need assistance. Goodnight, dear."
When Emma got to the theater, she was surprised to see Mary Margaret in a frenzy and talking to herself.
"—not as though I have anything to pack, really. A few outfits. I barely own anything. Still, it would be nice to have a proper suitcase because how would I look walking down Main Street lugging… What am I lugging? Oh, I do need to get organized."
"Mary Margaret?"
The woman in question started at Emma's greeting. "Emma! I forgot you'd be coming by."
"Is everything okay?"
"Well, yes and no. The good news is, I got a job."
"Wow, that's—"
"The bad news is, it's helping to renovate this place, which means I need to clear out, and it isn't as though I have anywhere to go. I'll be sleeping under the toll bridge, by the looks of things."
"But with a job, you could rent—"
"It'll take me a little time to save up a first-and-last-months' deposit," Mary Margaret said, shaking her hand dismissively, "Besides which, you've been looking for a place. How much is up for rent in Storybrooke?"
Emma sighed. "You've got me there. Although… I might have an idea, if you're up for it. Get your stuff packed and meet me at 1950 Douglas in about an hour?"
Mary Margaret looked at her skeptically. "All right, I suppose."
"And bring your stuff," Emma said as she rushed out. She came back quickly, dropped the food and drink from Granny's on a nearby table and then rushed out again.
"Mr. Stiltskin, meet my uncle Ben," Paige said. She was leading a relatively handsome man by the hand. Rumple couldn't help but notice that the man looked nothing like the girl. His skin was darker, where hers was fair.
"Uncle, is it? So are you related to the girl's parents, then?"
The man gave a charming if awkward smile. "I'm her legal guardian and I care about her well-being. That's all you need to know, really."
"Yes, well. Are you all right with my tutoring her? Here in the public library, of course?"
Uncle Ben gave it some thought. "I don't suppose your services are free, because—"
"We've worked out an arrangement," Paige said quickly to her uncle. "Don't worry."
The man nodded. "All right. Well, this one has a good head on her shoulders and if she decides she needs a bit of tutoring, it's fine with me. Here's the number for where I work, and one for the house, in case anything ever happens and you need to get in touch with me."
Rumpelstiltskin nodded, taking the card the man offered. There was something about this man. Some sixth sense, probably the dark voices coming out to play, told Rumple he wasn't all he seemed. "Very good," he said, trying to ignore the voices. And yet… he thought that whatever it was that was triggering his alarms could be important.
"I suppose I'll be off then." Ben stooped down to Paige's level. He gave her a hug and booped her nose before heading in another direction, leaving Rumple, Henry, and Paige.
"Right, so let's work out rates. For three hours, today?"
"I'm afraid, today, I can't give you three hours. My family is moving, you see, and while I can't do much heavy lifting, I'm still expected to be there. But we can work out rates and a proper schedule."
"How much?"
"I charge $35 an hour."
Paige took a moment to think. "Let's start with a couple hours this week, then. Monday after school?"
"All right."
"And we'll go from there, schedule-wise. Now, will he be coming?" She motioned to Henry.
"Is that a problem?"
Paige shook her head. "I suppose not. So long as he doesn't expect me to answer every non-math-related question he asks."
"We'll be at school together soon," said Henry. "Couldn't we be friends?"
Paige looked him up and down. "Maybe," she said, her tone non-committal. "So here, after school, Monday? And this time, we'll actually go inside." With that, she scampered off.
The Stilskins watched her go.
"Emma?" Ashley asked as she opened the door. "When I said I wanted you to know where to find me, I wasn't expecting… I mean, I'm still getting settled."
"I know. Listen, can I ask you something? Sean's spare room, how big is it?"
"It's big enough for me."
"Possibly big enough for two? Because I was thinking, rent would be easier to make if you had a third roommate. And if it was a girl, less chance of… misunderstandings. A little less 'and they were roommates,' a little more Three's Company."
"I thought you had a place? And three other people living with you?"
"I wasn't talking about me, but I do have someone in mind. What do you think?"
"Well, there is a second bed, and I suppose a second income would make things… Who were you thinking?"
Just then, Mary Margaret came up the walk carrying what looked like two semi-large paper shopping bags and a take-out container from Granny's.
"Mary Margaret, Ashley. Ashley, Mary Margaret," Emma said.
"Yeah. We've seen each other around town," Mary Margaret said.
"Ashley and Sean need a third roommate. I know your new job hasn't started yet, but if you and Ashley split up chores, you should be able to take care of it when you get your first paycheck."
"You have a new job?" Ashley asked.
"Yeah. Um, for the city."
"Are they hiring?"
"I can ask," Mary Margaret said.
Emma kept shifting her gaze between the two of them, smiling encouragingly.
"Oh, all right. I mean, I'll have to ask Sean, but he took me in and I don't have a job, new or otherwise, so I doubt he'd mind."
Mary Margaret nodded. "I've never had roommates before. It could be an adventure, I suppose."
"Great. Well, I have to go meet my family at our new place, but I'm really glad this worked out. And you both have my number, right, if you need anything?" Both women nodded. "Okay. Well, good luck." Without another word, Emma headed back to her car and drove off.
"I know it's a little weird. I mean, you and Sean are so young, so full of promise, and I'm just this washed-up old twenty-something."
Ashley laughed at that. "Twenty-something isn't that old, and I've got some life experience beyond my years and more coming to me, believe me. We'll make this work. Now hand me those and we'll get you settled."
Three days had passed since Snow White had awakened to find her whole life changed. Three days since she learned of her father's death and her mother's survival. Three days she had been trapped in her room. It was not a very long time, but she felt herself going mad all the same.
How could they think she would do this? How could they believe King George's son over her? Her parents were attacked by a monster and they thought she was… what? Some witch who could change form at will? They thought she had sought magic in order to kill the two people she loved more than anything?
Snow knew very little of magic. Okay, so she did know a demigod and she was no stranger to extraordinary beasts and creatures. There were the fairies, of course, and she wouldn't soon forget her encounter with Cerberus. It had been years, and the three of them had survived, but she still shuddered to think of what she, Hercules, and Megara had faced off against on that quest many moons ago. But she could no more turn herself into a flying, screeching creature than she could turn herself into a three-headed dog or an ogre. She was no witch, and the only magic she had encountered was that performed by healers or fairies. She had never met a witch or sorcerer.
And if she had magic, she certainly wouldn't use it to kill her parents. She loved them. She would have loved them even if they had said no to her and David. But they hadn't. They had given permission! For a brief, beautiful moment everything had been perfect, and now…
Someone came through the door. It was a soldier, though one she did not recognize.
"Come with me, Princess," he said, grabbing her. He was gentle, but his hold was firm on her arm. "We are going for a walk in the woods."
Before Snow could think what to say, she was being escorted off of the castle grounds. Not through the main gate either, but by some back way. They saw nobody and nobody saw them. This soldier did not want them seen, then?
"Who are you?" she asked, "You aren't one of my family's soldiers."
"Keep walking," he said, his accent strong.
They made their way to the forest, through the trees, out into the woods until Snow hadn't a clue where they were. She didn't spend a lot of time in the woods. Abruptly, they stopped.
"I was ordered to kill you."
"What, in secret like this? No public execution?"
The man shook his head. "'Fraid not."
"Can I make a request?"
"What's that, now?"
"I'd like to write two letters. One to my mother, and to David. I'd like to explain everything to them, give them comfort."
"You think a letter would comfort the woman whose daughter tried to kill her?"
"I didn't try to kill her! But the whole kingdom seems to believe Edward's lies for some reason, and my mother needs to know that I don't blame her and that I'll be at peace with father. And David …"
"What about David?" Snow turned at the voice.
And there he was. "David!" she said, running to him. And for some reason, the soldier let her. David took her in his arms and she kissed him with everything she had, "Something terrible has happened. My father…" She couldn't go on.
"I know," David said, stroking her tear-streaked face. "I heard. And I am so sorry. But it'll be okay, somehow. I promise. We'll get through this together." David turned to the soldier. "Thank you, Huntsman," he said, and the soldier nodded.
"You two know each other?" Snow asked, looking between them.
"We go back quite a bit actually," the soldier … no, the huntsman said.
"I'll tell you about it later," David promised.
"What happens now?" Snow asked.
"Now, you two go and hide out in the forest somewhere. Young David knows how to survive; he'll show you. You can make a home in the forest together. People have lived on less. As for me, I'll bring back parts of an animal for the queen. Hopefully, that will be enough to convince her I did my job."
"We can't thank—"
"Wait," Snow said, cutting David off. "What do you mean you'll bring back parts for the queen. Surely, when my mother is well enough, you can come and find us for her. She'll want to know I'm okay. She wouldn't want to think I was dead?"
The Huntsman looked down sadly. "I'm sorry Your Highness, but the queen is well. She gave the order for your death, tasked me with bringing back proof that the deed was done."
Snow's stomach plummeted. She felt her legs collapse under and was barely aware of David catching her up in his arms. "No. That can't …."
"I'm sorry, Highness, truly." He bowed to them and was gone.
"Thanks for the help," Emma said.
"No problem. But I do have to get going; town business. You'll be good here?"
"We've moved before. We've got this."
"Mom, check out this TV! It's ancient!" Henry's voice called from the other room.
"I've gotta go. Thanks again."
Graham nodded and headed out. Emma watched him make his way safely to his sheriff's car and then headed back inside.
It had been a long weekend, getting all their stuff moved in. And there was still more stuff coming in boxes from Boston. And Emma still had to work out her job situation. But that, at least, was tomorrow's problem.
Today, they had a home. That was what mattered.
The new family, the Stiltskins, was sitting around their new home, eating dinner. They weren't doing anything suspicious, just talking and laughing and being all-around nauseating. The child made some joke, referencing some movie the mayor was not familiar with.
"I'm still not so sure about this," the sheriff said, as he came up behind her. "I mean, it's not as though we have a permit."
"You said so yourself. They're suspicious. They come here and suddenly, these things start happening. And that one," she said, pointing at the younger man, "fits the profile of the attacker. This is necessary."
"Well, you won't have full audio for all of the rooms; just the main one. The rest I could only do visual. And the bathrooms are off-limits."
"Well, I hardly need to see them in the bath to know what they're up to. Though I imagine you're disappointed."
The sheriff shot her a confused look. "I don't —"
"Don't worry, dear pet. Everything is fine. But you will monitor the cameras when I can't and alert me if they do anything of interest."
"You mean anything suspicious?"
"Quite right. Now, my husband is waiting for me, so I must be off. But thank you, Graham. It feels so good to have someone I can count on to serve me."