"Come on, Calypso, wake up already!"
When Calypso opened her eyes, she had no idea where she was. The first thing she noticed was the rays of natural sunlight filtering in through a thin white curtain, swaying with a light breeze. She tried to remember when she'd fallen asleep, but for the life of her she could not remember. She was about to sit up when—
"Hey! Calypso! Get up, you have a full day ahead of you!"
Startled, Calypso turned to the girl who nudged her shoulder as she spoke. With a start, Calypso realized that she recognized her, "Melite?"
Her sister frowned, "Yes, Melite! Are you still asleep? Wake up! It's your wedding day!"
"My wedding day?" Calypso furrowed her brow as she slowly sat up, "I'm getting married?'
Melite threw her hands up in exasperation, "Yes! Finally! Now get up!"
Calypso shook her head, as if shaking it would clear out the haze in her head, "But who am I marrying?"
This time, her sister peered closely at her, "To Antreas, who else? Are you feeling okay, sister?"
For a moment, Calypso almost expected her sister to say someone else's name…but… whose? But just as she looked up to voice her confusion once more, she caught sight of her dress. It was a beautiful dress, she'd spent hours and hours making it, weaving the fabric, the fine lace, dying it by hand. She'd dyed it a beautiful robin's egg blue, because Antreas had once told her he loved that color on her. She remembered now, of course she was marrying Antreas. She'd been looking forward to this day for years, what was wrong with her?
She smiled at her sister now, "Of course, you're right. I don't know what got into me! I must have stayed up too late last night."
Her sister laughed, "Nervous about the big day, sister?" she nudged her as she gave her a suggestive look.
Calypso laughed good-naturedly, "Oh, don't you start!"
Her sister kept up a constant babble of double entendre throughout the remainder of the morning as she helped Calypso bathe in preparation for the wedding rituals. Calypso took all of her sister's jokes in stride as she continued to orient herself to the day's events. Strangely, every other comment her sister said seemed to throw her off slightly. For example, when her sister mentioned the end of the War, Calypso had believed that the Titans had lost the war, not won it. And when her sister talked about their father, Calypso was startled by the sudden rush of hatred that passed through her at the mention of him. Stranger still, when Melite had mocked the defeated Olympians, Calypso was unable to hold herself back from defending Hephaestus, of all the gods! So passionately had Calypso snapped to defend him that her sister dropped the comb she'd been running through Calypso's hair in surprise.
Calypso blinked, "Melite, I'm so sorry! I don't know where that came from!"
Melite looked at Calypso closely, "Calypso…is there something you're not telling me? You've been acting strange all day…"
"I'm sorry sister, it must be the nerves," Calypso said. Though truthfully, she had no idea what on earth was wrong with her!
"Right," Melite nodded as she put down the comb and proceed to pat a flowery-smelling fragrance into Calypso's neck and wrists, "Listen Calypso, this is what you want, right? You do want to marry Antreas?"
Calypso smiled now, "Of course I do! I love Antreas! I can't wait to be married to him!"
Melite stared intently at her for some time, but eventually, she nodded, "Okay, good." She then proceeded to crouch down in front of Calypso, taking her hands in her own, "Listen, Antreas is a good man. I've never seen you as happy as you have been since the two of you got together. He loves you Calypso, there's nothing he wouldn't do for you. You have to marry him today. He's waited years and years for you. Do you understand me?"
A strange chill crept down Calypso's spine as she stared at her sister, whose gaze never wavered in its intensity as she stared her down. She knew her sister's words were true, and yet she couldn't help the small part of her that wanted to run away as fast as she could. Nonetheless, she smiled, "Yes, sister, you're right. I'm very excited to be marrying Antreas."
Melite smiled prettily at that, "So, are you ready to get all our sisters in here to help you get your dress on?"
Calypso plastered the most convincing smile she could on her face and nodded.
What followed was a flurry of giggles and flowers and the touch of fabric being pulled and wrapped every which way about her. It was easy when she was surrounded by her sisters to forget her previous hesitations. There was almost a sense of having missed this kind of interaction with her sisters, despite previously thinking that her sisters could afford to tone down their excessive...giddiness sometimes. Some considerable time later, her sisters declared Calypso a finished project and Calypso couldn't help her own giggles as her sisters covered her eyes and dragged her off to the reflecting pond to let her take a look at their hard work.
When Calypso was finally allowed to look at herself, she couldn't escape the soft gasp that escaped her. Her hair was braided in a loose crown around her head, with pretty white flowers woven in. Her sisters had also painted a light rouge on her cheeks and lips, giving her a glowy, lively appearance. Her gown, which she'd worked tirelessly on, draped loosely around her shoulders, her waist cinched in with a beautiful belt of fine-woven golden strands. As a final touch, her sisters draped her fine lace veil over her head, completing the look. Calypso almost felt a tear come to her eye. Almost.
"What do you think, sister?" Amara, one of her younger sisters whispered excitedly.
Calypso smiled at the girl, "It's beautiful. You all have outdone yourselves!"
"Antreas won't know what hit him when he sees you like this!" Melite bubbled excitedly.
Calypso's smile drooped minimally, "Right!"
Before she knew it, it was almost sunset, and Calypso suddenly found herself being led to the estate's main pavilion, her sisters' attitudes now solemn as they began their procession to present Calypso to her groom. For all her attempts, Calypso just couldn't quell the pit of uneasiness in her stomach that increased with every step she took. As was tradition, she kept her glance down for much of the processional, but she couldn't help but sneak a quick peek at the people in attendance at the ceremony. She was startled at the rush of tears that sprung in her eyes when they landed on none other than her mother; it felt as though she hadn't seen her in ages, though that couldn't be right, she must have spoken to her so very recently…
Calypso shook her head once more. Something was wrong, it had to be—why was she acting so strange? Why did everything suddenly feel so wrong? Who was-? Her thoughts were cut short in a shock, as she realized she'd bumped into someone, her eyes snapped upwards, an apology already forming on her lips as she sought to apologize to her sister, but her eyes went wide as she realized it was not her sister that she'd bumped into—it was Antreas. The groom. Her soon to be…husband. "I…" the words died on her lips.
He chuckled softly, "Nervous?" he whispered quietly, "Me too. It'll be our little secret." He winked at her.
Calypso said nothing as he straightened himself up, surreptitiously straightening her up as well, his hand securely wrapped around her forearm. Numbly, Calypso registered that one of her sisters had removed her veil, and yet her eyes did not leave the hand wrapped around her arm. Something about it put her on edge. What was it?
She continued to puzzle through her mixed emotions as she distantly registered different rites of the marriage ceremony being recited around her. All at once, she was shocked out of her stupor by a not-so-subtle nudge from one of her sisters; she looked up at the elder who was currently standing in front of her, his gaze expectant, "I'm sorry, what?"
His brows drew together in disapproval, "I said, do you take Antreas to be your groom, do you bind your life to his and pledge your life to serving your husband's needs from now to eternity, that not even Tartarus itself should tear you from him and from your duties as his wife?"
Calypso hesitated.
She heard an irritated sigh from one of her sisters behind her. The hand on her arm suddenly tensed, then released.
"Hey," she turned at Antreas's soft whisper, "it's okay, Calypso. I love you, this is what we've been waiting for, remember?" his smile was soft, sweet, understanding.
"I…" she looked down, confused.
He now took her hands into his own, "I can see something is troubling you. It's okay, dove, we'll figure it out together. We have the rest of eternity," his eyes almost looked like they were begging as he whispered, "just say yes."
"What is with her?" she heard one of her sisters murmur behind her.
Truly, this was getting ridiculous. It was Antreas standing in front of her. She loved him! She'd loved him for years! He was so patient with her during the times she wanted to keep their relationship from her father, and so loving and understanding with her and her various, ridiculous tendencies—from caring for injured birds, to helping feed abandoned deer, to protecting her from her father's wrath on various occasions when she refused her father's rule of law.
She shook her head as she truly looked at him for the first time today. He looked wonderful, of course. He was wearing a stark white chiton, covered by a deep green chlamys that brought out his beautiful green eyes and dark lashes. He looked like the perfect warrior, his shoulders broad and strong. His hair was trimmed short, but was just long enough to show some soft curls. His hair was a light brown, but as Calypso looked at him, the last rays of sunshine caught his hair and brought out the golden tones in his curls…sunshine…
"Hey Sunshine!" A face popped into her mind: dark curls, tanned skin, elfish ears, an impish smile. Brown, mischievous eyes that always looked like they were laughing at a joke you hadn't gotten yet.
Calypso gasped as she ripped her hands away from Antreas in horror. How in Hades's name had she forgotten Leo?!
"What have you done? Where's Leo?" she looked around in a panic.
Melite stepped forward, "Sister, what are you talking about? There's no one named Leo here!" she grabbed her wrist, hard. "It's Antreas, Calypso, remember? Your groom! Just say yes and finish the ceremony!"
Calypso ripped her wrist free, "No! You're dead. I saw you die, you were cast down into Tartarus along with most people in this room! You're not my sister!" She turned to Antreas, who was now standing very still, a blank look on his face as he studied Calypso. "Antreas, please, what is this?"
"You stupid girl," he said evenly, "why couldn't you just say yes and get this all over with?"
Calypso recoiled—what had he just called her? "What? I don't—"
He advanced on her now, and she backed away in a panic as she realized she had no idea what he would do next. "You always test my patience, little dove. But perhaps that's why I like you so much."
Calypso gasped as she backed into Melite, who now held her securely in place with more strength than she'd ever had before. "What—" but Calypso's questions all faded from her mind in shock, a slap registering in her ears. Vaguely, she realized Antreas had struck her, and that it hurt. She looked at him now, wide-eyed. His hand was still held up, and she realized with a flooding sense of horror that she'd seen this before, the look on his eyes, the raised hand, poised to strike at any provocation from her, she'd forgotten…but how?
"You—" Calypso gasped, tears spilling from her eyes, "You made me forget. You messed with my memories. You've…you've struck me before, haven't you?"
He rolled his eyes upwards as if her statement was idiotic. "All you have to do is give in, Calypso. Just give into it, let your memories go, forget the stupid boy. You can feel it, can't you? The spell working its way through you, already you are starting to forget him again. Stop fighting it, it will be easier for you, and less painful. Once you pledge yourself to me, I will make your life so simple. I will keep you happy, Calypso. Just stop being so difficult," his eyes softened as he lightly grazed her cheek with the same hand that had just struck her, "I hate to hurt you like this, dove, but you often leave me no other choice."
"I…" Suddenly, Calypso felt groggy, sluggish, like she was inebriated, "No, Leo! I can't…" she heard herself whining in frustration, "Why are you doing this to me?"
"You're so very beautiful, little dove. You'll make me a fine wife, I've known it since the moment I first laid eyes on you. I suppose it's my fault for going after the most difficult of the General's daughters. But then, I've never liked hunting easy prey, have I?" he ran his hand through her hair as he spoke.
"Please," Calypso was fighting to stay awake now, her eyes closing against her will, "just let me go. Don't…"
"Shhh," he murmured as her moved to catch her suddenly weakened body. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled, "My sweet Calypso, always the fighter. Sleep now, dove, and when you wake up, we'll try this again, and we'll keep trying until you forget the stupid boy and give yourself to me completely. You're strong," Calypso managed to catch his condescending smile as her eyes closed for good, "but you're not stronger than me. I'll wear you down eventually, and my victory will taste even sweeter then. And you know I always win in the end."
The last thing Calypso thought of before slipping into unconsciousness were those brown, mischievous eyes. But what was his name…?
"Come on, Calypso, wake up already!"
When Calypso opened her eyes, she had no idea where she was. The first thing she noticed was the rays of natural sunlight filtering in through a thin white curtain, swaying with a light breeze. She tried to remember when she'd fallen asleep, but for the life of her she could not remember. She was about to sit up when—
"Hey! Calypso! Get up, you have a full day ahead of you!"
Startled, Calypso turned to the girl who nudged her shoulder as she spoke. With a start, Calypso realized that she recognized her, "Melite?"
Her sister frowned, "Yes, Melite! Are you still asleep? Wake up! It's your wedding day!"
"My wedding day?" Calypso furrowed her brow as she slowly sat up, "I'm getting married?'
A/N: Okay, THANK Y'ALL for all your lovely reviews and messages. I really thought this story was dead, but your continued love and support inspired me to start back up. I lost my vision for this story for a while, and when I came back to the drawing board, I finally remembered where I wanted this story to go. I wrote half this chapter MONTHS ago, but I just couldn't figure out how to put my vision into typed words—writer's block is real frustrating when you know what you want to say, just not how to say it! I went down this deep, dark hole of what I wanted this wedding to look like, but after some thought and many drafts and rewrites, I honestly decided to cut out a lot of the ceremony, because it didn't really matter in the end anyways, did it?
I'm newly excited for you all to read the rest of the story now that I've finally gotten past this horrible writer's block. I've really been thinking about all my wonderful readers who have stuck with this story, I'm sorry I've been so horribly neglectful of y'all! I started writing this story as an outlet from law school, and now as a practicing attorney it's even harder to find time to sit down and just write. However, every time I receive a lovely review from one of y'all, I'll usually write at least a couple of paragraphs, as I really do want to finish this story for you guys.
With that being said, thanks again for all your lovely messages of encouragement! And I'm sorry about that cliff-hanger, but I hope you can now see it was worth it! I'd love to hear all of your lovely thoughts about this new development in the Calypso—Antreas relationship and some of the truths behind it, most of which are yet to be revealed. I'm sure some of you more astute readers can probably imagine where this is going though…I'd love to hear your theories.
ALSO, if any of you beautiful people want to make a cover art for this story, I'd love to see your submissions!
Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!