Hello! This is a sequel for やくそくしよう. I've been wanting to write this for like months but I don't really know how I should go about with it, as I don't want to describe a thing about the heroine's appearance and I'm trying my best not to write out her name. I'd really love it if you guys have some constructive criticism for me. You don't have to read the prequel before reading this, but it'd help much if you read that one! This one takes place in current timeline.

Thank you to a certain reviewer to ask for this sequel. Had you not asked it, I probably wont write it (laughs)

If you think I didn't do Gakushuu's character justice, then flame me! I love Gakushuu and ruining him will be the last thing I want to do.

Disclaimer applies, happy reading!

I. 巡り逢う-fortuitous meeting-

Asano Gakushuu frowned as he looked at the weather outside. The sky looked so dark and gloom, as if it could—and would—suck the happiness out of everyone without exception. Such a weather really makes him lose most of his motivation to work, but alas, as the 'perfect' student council president he is, he couldn't let that show. He has to keep his bright smile intact, his angelic facade on.

Gakushuu pried his eyes off the papers in front of him, and took the time to look around the room. There wasn't anybody at this time—as expected, since everyone should be home by now—and he could slowly, yet surely feel the loneliness creeping into his heart.

At times like these, he couldn't help but to remember the warmth of a certain person he parted with years ago.

That person was his sun, his happiness, his... fairy. But now she's...

"It's not the time to be sentimental, Gakushuu," he reminded himself, as he continued working on the mountain of papers on his desk. He had been working on this pile for hours on end, yet nothing seemed to lessen, apart from his energy.

As he managed to bury the past memories back in, he drowned himself in his work once more.

The next day wasn't anything different, except that a strange order was given to him by the Board Chairman.

Apparently, a transfer student will be arriving at school today, and he was to guide the said student around.

Why him, Asano Gakushuu, of all people, though?

In the two-three years Gakushuu spent his time in Kunugigaoka Junior High, the Board Chairman never ordered him to personally guide a transfer student. Given how Gakushuu had a lot of other more important things to attend to—and that this school rarely ever gets a transfer student—Gakushuu thought that such an order will never come.

To add to the puzzle, the Board Chairman's expression was... unreadable, so to speak, and it made Gakushuu feel a bit off—indeed, Board Chairman looking unreadable wasn't unusual, but... this was a different kind of unreadable. He didn't know how to properly explain, and even though it makes him unhappy to admit it, perhaps it was because of their family bond that he was able to feel the difference. However, despite how perplexed he was, he knew better than to ask. The Board Chairman would never tell him anything, after all.

"There is no other way but to see for myself, isn't it?" He thought, as he walked down the hallways.

But even as he thought so, he couldn't shrug off the strange feeling he felt.

As he arrived at the gates, he could see the petite stature of a female student clad in Kunugigaoka's uniform. She looked excited yet also a bit nervous (as she looked from the left to the right, and fidgeted with her skirt), for today was her first day of school—at least after her transfer—and her hair glistened under the bright sunlight.

The young girl looked from the left to the right, seemingly searching for the person that was supposed to guide her.

As he saw her face, however, Gakushuu froze.

A wave of nostalgia hits him, and he couldn't stop the loud beats of his heart. It was as if his logic, his conscious was clouded by surprise... and unmeasurable happiness.

"...Yousei?" Unconsciously he said, calling the nickname of the girl he'd always missed, always wanted to meet, always wanted to embrace once more, softly.

The girl's eyes widened as she heard the familiar, nostalgic nickname. How long has it been since someone called her that? How long has it been...

Since she last saw the person who'd given her courage?


In a flash, the girl wasn't able to see anything. Everything turned black, and she finally realized that she was in her childhood friend's arms—her face was pressed firmly to the older boy's chest, and she could feel his strong arms embracing her tightly.


"...Yousei," Gakushuu whispered softly to her ears, "Yousei, yousei…"

He kept calling her again and again, embraced her tighter and tighter, as if to reassure himself that she's really there, right in his arms.