Sorry for the very late update. Been busy with school, actually have no time for myself at all. I'm very touched by your reviews. It's very heart warming. Thank you very much.

Well here you go. Thanks for being patient. Till next update. Please don't forget to rape the review button. 3


All dolled up, Hinata checked herself one last time on the mirror. Making sure that every single detail is well focused on. Her father is such a perfectionist that even her earrings will be noticed. The young heiress was wearing pleated chiffon dresses. The white-laced top and navy blue skirt which is inches above her knees and is separated by a simple black belt to compliment everything. On her wrist are chain-like gold bracelet and a silver wrist watch. To make everything perfect, she wore her favorite black ankle-strap heels that look perfectly with her dress and a white colored sling bag to go with it. Her hair was like usual but it was curled on the very end. The pale-eyed Hyuuga went down and there she saw a man in standing in front of her apartment, behind him a very familiar limousine. Before she approaches the car, the Hyuuga heiress takes a deep breath. This is it Hinata. Everything will be fine. Do your best. She cheered herself inwardly. The driver escorted the young lady and lets her have her way inside the car.

"Good morning father, nice to see you again." She greeted the man inside the car who has the same pale-colored eyes as her.

"Good morning. Remember what I said on the phone." He said on monotone.

"Y-yes." Hinata responded.

"Good. I know you are a very intelligent girl. And I hope everything will be well today." Hiashi said while looking at her daughter.

Hinata smiled softly at him in response and there they are on their way to the restaurant, the place where she will be meeting her fiancée.

After a few minutes of driving, they finally arrived at one of the most prestigious restaurants in town. The driver drives the Hyuugas to the main entrance. Before the driver open the car door, Hiashi hold Hinata's arm and the same time he murmured "Please don't hate me." It was merely a whisper and not very audible but the young heiress heard enough to make her smile.

She was sure that she hates this event. Like marrying the guy you barely knew was the worst thing that could happen to a pure romantic girl like her. But after hearing her father said that, somehow, she wanted to just do her best and don't let him down.

Hiashi Hyuuga gets off the car first and then the pale eyed beauty follow. She took her time looking at the details of the restaurant. Hinata was really into arts, whether it is performing or visual arts, that' why she's in the theater club. This was really a beautiful restaurant. The details are breath taking. Father has a very good eye at everything. Well at least he took me in one of the most beautiful places here in Konoha. She said inwardly while smiling.

After a few minutes of talking to the driving, the older Hyuuga walks towards the entrance and he look at Hinata and motioned her to enter.

Right after Hiashi entered the restaurant all the waiters and receptionists focused on him. Of course, he is Hiashi Hyuuga, one of the leading businessman and most influential person here in Konoha and having him as a guest is a great privileged. Not to mention he is a perfectionist. He wanted everything to go on his way, and a scolding of a Hiashi Hyuuga is the least they want on his visit.

"Good Morning Hiashi-sama, table for two?" said by the waiter.

"No I'm here for a reservation with-" Hiashi told the waiter. Hinata was still engulfed with the whole view. Inside the restaurant was a very classic style and there a sweet harmony playing. She closed her eyes to feel everything. It was so nice to be in places like this.

"Hinata?" her father called.

"Oh- right. Sorry." She smiled in embarrassment and follows them.

"You seem kind of spacing out. Are you okay?" Hiashi inquired. They are now going on the second floor of the restaurant.

"Yes. It's just, it's so beautiful here." The paled eye girl smiled softly.

"Wait until you see the view on the upstairs." He said bluntly. Hinata was surprised. It was really beautiful. The second floor of the restaurant had an awesome ocean view. And that day was also perfect, a great sunny day and very beautiful blue ocean.

"Hinata?" Hiashi said, catching the young lady's attention.

"Oh, sorry it's just the view is very pretty." Hinata beamed a very beautiful smile, as beautiful as the view they are seeing at the moment.

The older Hyuuga walks towards a table with a couple of gentlemen waiting. Behind him was the petite girl. Hinata was walking while her eyes are looking directly at the ground.

"Hinata, let me introduce to one of my friends-" And with this the pale eyed heiress lift her sight to see a pair of familiar dark orbs. With eyes popping out and mouth slightly parted, she looks at him. "-this is Fugaku, Fugaku Uchiha." Hiashi finished.

"I-I-I-I" Hinata gasps as she turned her eyes to the other pair of dark orbs that are looking at her. Yes, this pair is definitely the ones that she already saw. The obsidian orbs, raven hair that belongs to the person that she was getting involved to for the past weeks.

"Is there something wrong?" Hiashi asks, examining her daughter.

"Oh. No, nothing. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for being rude. I'm Hinata Hyuuga. Nice meeting you Mr. Uchiha." She bows slightly.

After the very weird start of the meeting, Hiashi and Hinata finally take their seats. The waiter went over their table and asks for orders which they gave "coffee for three and a jasmin tea" as an answer.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was quite amused by the petite girl's reaction. Well, of course, you will be surprise to see someone you knew in a marriage meeting. But aside from that he was also observing the ever famous Hiashi Hyuuga. He was really intimidating. I thought I won't be that intimidated but no, he was really scary. He was smirking in amusement. So this is Hiashi Hyuuga. I wouldn't be surprised that she cannot say no to him. He was more intimidating that dad.

"So nice meeting you Sasuke-kun." Hiashi breaking the silence.

"Yes, nice meeting you too Mr. Hiashi."

And after a quite long conversation about business, getting to know each other and other random stuffs which Hinata was just listening the whole time, Fugaku interrupts "Now, now, the young lady seems like she's not enjoying herself." and glances at Hinata.

"Oh no, don't mind me. I'm fine, really." She was waving her hands in front of her face.

"Well how about we get a separate table for the two of them so they can talk, you know." And he winked at Hiashi.

"That is a very good idea." Hiashi agreed.

Oh no. Not good at all. The bluenette petite girl thought inwardly. Please Uchiha-san, do something.

But, let's face it, they have the least amount of power at the moment, so they can't do anything but to obey their fathers. And they are now alone on a table sitting across each other.

"Ahm, do you know about this?" Hinata tried to start the conversation.

"No." The raven haired boy answers bluntly.

"Oh I see. Sorry to how I reacted earlier." She smiles weakly.

"It's normal."

A quite disturbing amount of silence was exchange between the two of them until Sasuke finally break it.

"I have a proposal to you."

"Proposal?" Hinata responded in confusion.

"Yes, because most probably, one of them, or maybe my dad, will have a very disturbing idea that neither of us can disagree. Especially you, your dad was way more, you know, than my dad. So might as well just use this on our own benefit." He explains.

"Yes you are right. So what exactly is on your mind?" She smiles.

"Be my girlfriend." He said, and looks at her eyes directly.

"W-w-what? What?" Hinata blushed at the thought.

"Didn't I tell you before to stop that stuttering? I said be my girlfriend. Well, I'm not forcing you into it. This is just a counter measure whenever they think a very out of this world idea."

"Oh, okay." She clenched her chest.

And another long conversation on both tables, but more like just the table of the older men. Sasuke and Hinata barely talk after Sasuke's proposal.

"Okay. Seems like you finally know each other." Fugaku said cheerfully.

"Yeah. We know each other before this. We are actually schoolmates." Sasuke said.

"That's the reason for Hinata's reaction." Hiashi said, looking at her daughter.

"Y-yes." Hinata said meekly.

"Now. now, we have a very good idea." Fugaku said. Just as I thought. The younger raven haired boy said inwardly. "We decided that you should live together starting next week."

"WHAT?!" Both of them said simultaneously.

"Father, Uchiha-san, don't you think it's a bit sudden." Hinata panicked.

"No, I think it was just right. Since later on you will be married. You should be accustomed to each other." The older Hyuuga said calmly.

With that, everything was decided. Next week, Hinata Hyuuga and Sasuke Uchiha will be living together. Both of them tried to reason out everything with their fathers, but they are just so stubborn and both of them can't do anything actually. They can't afford to disagree with them. Of course, there'll be hell for both of them if they did. After the day end, Hinata and Sasuke both gave a sigh.