Bonus Chapter:

Three days later.

"Okay. Where do you guys want to go? We need to plan the route very carefully or we won't be able to see anything." Konekomaru, as usual, was the first one to leap in to be in charge of the planning.

"Kinkakuji, maybe?" Shima casually suggested. "It's a popular spot, after all."

"Okay." Konekomaru started to type everything down into his phone.

"Can we go somewhere where there's bean jam, kudzu starch noodles and sweets?" Shiemi.

"Maiko! Maiko!" Takara.

"The Fushimi Inari isn't a bad choice, if you ask me." Izumo.


Konekomaru looked bewildered. "Kyoto Tower? There're tons of better spots, you know?"

"Please!" Rin clapped his hands together in a begging gesture. "I've had my eye on it for a long time!"

Yukio and Ryuji simultaneously sighed, then looked at each other understandingly, Yukio with a 'this is what I deal with everyday' expression, and Ryuji's expression saying, 'You have my sympathies'.

Well, might as well have fun. "We will have to comply with him, since this is the wish of Satan's son. If we don't, we run the risk of being burned to ashes." Ryuji folded his arms, holding back a smirk that threatened to surface the second Rin looked away.

"Heeeeeey!" Rin protested, faking hurt.

Konekomaru went along with the joke. "Well, as it is Satan's son's choice, we have no choice."

"Koneko…not you too…"

In the end, they saved Kyoto Tower for the last, since if everything went according to schedule, they would arrive there just in time for sunset, and the view was said to be magnificent. Rin was bouncing with excitement at every spot, and Shiemi had to remind him to take his medicine every two hours. But when they reached Kyoto Tower, he practically exploded.

"…so that's how he gets so thin." Shima sighed, grinning as he watched Rin jump from booth to booth, window to window. "Where does he get all that energy from?"

"Whoa, this doll is really cool!"

Yukio sighed in fond amusement. "And there he goes again. Hopefully he doesn't break my wallet."

"…GAK! Three thousand yen?!"

In the end Rin had to settle with a keychain of five hundred yen. He gripped it tightly, wanting to make a request of his friends but being a little scared to. Oh, little doll, lend me strength.

"Okay…guys…can you take a group picture with me here?" He blurted out.

Ryuji, who started the joke, went first. "We can't refuse, or Satan's son will burn us down."

"It's the order of Satan's son, we can't help it." Even Izumo was playing along.

"Even if you try to speak reservedly we all know that it's still a threat." Shima pulled a face.

"Let's do what Satan's son-" Rin cut Konekomaru's sentence in half. "How long are you going to do that?! Are you bullying me?"

"Well, it'd be a pity not to use it!" Shima laughed. "After all, it's one of your characteristics!"

Ryuji patted Rin on the back. "And you don't need to ask for permission every time." He smiled, more gently this time.

So they grabbed a passing tourist, who was kind enough to snap the photo for them. "Okay, on the count of three, everyone smile! One, two, three!"


"Creative poses." She commented as she handed the camera back.

"…OI! Is that meant to be Satan? And Yukio…not you too!"