Regular text = This is an example
Speech = "This is an example"
Thoughts = 'this is an example'
Emphasis on words = the word in italics has emphasis on it
Sounds = *THIS IS A SOUND*
Deepened Voice = "This is an example"
Spells = "This is an example"
Song Lyrics = "This is an example"
Quotes out with current speech = blah blah story story 'This is an example' blah blah story story
Notes/Jobs/Letters = 'This is an example'
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail nor do I own the vocaloid Hatsune Miku.
(Fairy Tail guild hall)
"Mira, I'm heading out for Job-" Natsu looked down at the paper in his hand "-330921" He finished as he read the job number from the page so she didn't begin to question his job choice.
Mira pulled out the request list and found the corresponding number and crossed it off without a question. "Have fun Natsu and don't you be fighting with Gray" She said with a smile as she returned to cleaning.
'Even if I was brining Gray I would still kick his ass' Natsu thought as he waved Mira off and ran out of the guild hall.
He'd already left Happy a note saying he'd be taking a quick job and would be back within a week and so fish was in the house and anything else he needed could be found either with Lisanna or at the guild.
Natsu had managed to keep his actual request a secret from everyone somehow. He'd been looking at the job board yesterday and spotted a bodyguard job that would require him to provide support for the acts at a concert 3 days from now. It was simple really, leave 2 days to walk there, 1 to rest, 1 day to work, 3 days to walk back. The 3 days might be a bit of an overkill but it's just to account for food stops and other temptations.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Sensitive hearing, incredible sense of smell, powerful eye-sight. What the hell is he doing at a loud, sweaty concert with blinding lights? Well, it's simple. One of his favourite bands are playing as the main act and some new comer girl as the support act. The main act were the "Forces of Hell" and the support was a 16 year old girl, "Miku Hatsune". Natsu enjoyed listening to the Forces of Hell because of 2 things. They used a lot of pyro-technics in their shows and, despite what the name would lead you to believe, they don't scream and shout all the time. This allowed him to listen to them without destroying his ears.
But, enough of that, off we go!
(2 Days later in Balsam)
Natsu stretched his arms towards the sky as he set foot inside the Town. He loved arriving somewhere with no damn trains! His eyes turned to the sign posts where he could be directed to the concert hall where he was to meet up with the body guards that were already assigned to the popular venue.
The walk was short and he made it there in no time and with no fuss. His hunger was seconds away from getting the better of him but he managed to resist until he made it to the hall.
"Hey, I'm Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail. I took the body guard request for this place." He said with a grin to the receptionist.
After the man glanced down to see the list he sighed with a disappointed look at the thought of the infamous yet famous Natsu-The Salamander- Dragneel guard a famous person.
"Yes, right this way please." He said, stepping out from behind his small desk to lead Natsu towards the backstage entrance where he would then begin to talk to the team already in place.
Natsu arrived at a room with 29 other men, so he only assumed he'd be the replacement member to make a total of 30. 30 men for one concert? That's not enough and Natsu down right knew that, even with Natsus power they couldn't stop a riot before someone got seriously hurt.
"Ah, nice to see you. I'm Hippon and the rest of them you don't really need to know their names." He said, gesturing to the seated men behind him.
"Hey, names Natsu Dragneel." He held his hand out and the man took it kindly and shook it "I know who you are, the mighty Natsu Dragneel doesn't need to introduce himself." He said with a grin.
He fetched a pile of clothes from a filing cabinet in the room and handed them to Natsu. It was just simple body guard attire, large black jacket and a hat, both having "SECURITY" written somewhere on them.
"I know it says security and you applied for a bodyguard job but that's just because you're working here and anyone on the team for defence needs to wear one of these. Now, as for what's happening Natsu, you're going to be assigned to the support act. She'll arrive here at 4:30 and be on stage for 8:00 to do her song and then she's off and out the door to her Hotel." He said to him, walking over with a map of the area to show him the entrance and exit she'd be using to get in and out of the place.
"Shit, I'll miss the lead act." He said quietly
The man didn't hear the small comment and continued on "The chauffeur will take you and Miku to the hotel and you'll wait for her private team to get there, then you're free to collect the reward and go. We appreciate your help." He said, finishing the short briefing.
Natsu sighed, the only reason he took this job was to hear his favourite band with the added bonus of getting paid. That may sound bad but either way, Natsu was going to attend this show whether that meant buying a ticket or taking a job. It just so happened that he was no longer aloud to hear his favourite band.
"Right, I'll see you tomorrow I guess." He said, waving off the men in the room as they resumed talking.
The rest of Natsus day was spent eating, a short wander to a decent inn and getting some good rest before the job tomorrow. Well, I say good rest, he was out at a 24/7 restaurant cleaning out todays food stocks before another batch was made for tomorrow.
(Next morning)
Natsu woke up from the bed and stretched his limbs out as he let a large yawn loose before shaking off any stiffness in his arms and stepping out of the bed.
His mind turned to the thoughts of the person he'd be guarding today. All he hoped was that they'd be a decent character that he could talk with, after all, he'd be missing out on the concert to help them so a bit of conversation would be good.
After a warm, I mean very warm shower, he was refreshed and ready to empty out the breakfast in the hotel. Oooh that sounded like a good plan!
The day went on and after he'd been booted out of the hotel for eating too much he made his way to the concert hall early to try and gather a bit of information on this Miku Hatsune person. To his surprise, she was incredibly easy to research, even for an idiot like him. There was a program backstage that had virtually a full biography on her.
She was 16 years old, had a good background in the music industry, very successful parents, rich (no brainer) and she was blowing up bigger than a Fire Dragons Brilliant Flame. She was fond of wearing a glorified school uniform type of attire when on stage and wore headphones in her long turquoise hair that could very often be found tied up in a set of twin tails.
"Man, doesn't she dress kinda skimpy for a 16 year old?" He said aloud as he examined the picture of the young female singer, namely the very short skirt she wore.
The next section brought him to read something he was familiar with. She likes Strawberry Shortcake. 'Well, I'm sure she and Erza would get along like a house on fire.' Natsu joked to himself and let out a small chuckle at his comedy.
"Excuse me, Mr Dragneel." Someone said from the side of him with a cough to catch his attention.
Natsu turned away from the writing and looked at the man beside him, his appearance was strange. He was dressed in a smart suit but had it done up in a very lousy way and didn't seem to comb his hair properly. "I'm one of Miku's team. I'm just here to remind you that you cannot use magic around her. I wasn't sure if that was cleared up but I had to confirm it."
"EH?! Why not?" Natsu asked, pissed off that they'd assign him to a person where he can't use magic.
"She and the rest of her family are 'magic-phobic' meaning they are afraid of Magic so please, don't use magic around her." He finished before walking away to continue with his duties, whatever that may be.
Natsu turned around and kicked a wall in frustration. 'First they assign me to someone who is leaving before the main act come on, then they're making me jump in a damn limo and now I'm not allowed to use magic?! Why the hell did I take this job?!' He mentally listed off the issues.
Natsu was spaced out throughout the whole day but as it approached 4:30 he went round back to grab his security gear and wait at the back entrance that she'd be using. This place was actually quickly pissing him off, he'd been asked to help someone with a damn lighting fixture for crying out loud! Why was everyone here just grabbing him whenever they needed help?
Natsu stepped out of the door to meet the girl at the coach she'd be exiting and waited for no more than 10 minutes until she arrived. As the coach pulled up it was all go. 3 men in full black suits practically teleported to the luggage bay and were carrying things away in seconds, 2 women with clipboards were at his face making him sign things about guarding her, without the knowledge that they'd signed a mage to guard her and eventually the girl stepped out and looked around for a moment until she spotted Natsu who was approaching.
Her first impressions were strange. He was tall, even through the thick jacket she could see he was strong and, despite the hat, she could see a small strand of pink hair just poking out of the bottom of the piece of head ware.
'Hmm, pink huh? That's hardly a common hair colour.' She thought impassively as he stopped in front of her whilst the team continued to whizz around them and perform checks and double checks on god knows what.
"Hey I'm-"He stopped himself 'I can't tell her my name because she might know me.' He thought before he hesitated slightly and continued "-your body guard! Yeah, that one. This way." He finished with a nervous tone before heading off to the sign-in area where he would get her dressing room number and then stand outside for several hours while she got ready, well, that's what he got from his previous experiences doing jobs such as this.
"Well then, Mr Bodyguard-"She said playfully "-I'm Miku Hatsune, you don't need to bother with formalities though, I'm tired of hearing 'Miss Hatsune'" She then grumbled.
Natsu turned and began to walk the girl inside. 'Man, it'd be just rude if I didn't give her my name. I just gotta hope she doesn't know me' Natsu thought with worry before finally saying "I'm Natsu Dragneel. Nice to meet ya." He looked back with a grin.
The conversation however, ended there because from that point on she was talking with the men and women who were running the whole operation, that is, until he arrived at her dressing room.
"Please, come in. I'd hate to leave you standing outside." She said, walking into the dressing room with a few of her stylists who glared at him, clearly having the knowledge that he was a mage.
"Thanks." He said, stepping inside and closing the door, despite the unfriendly aura coming from the stylists, especially one of the women who was clicking together two large, sharp hair pins.
Natsu was surprised when she had almost completely ignored the conversation from her stylists and instead chose to talk to him throughout the whole ordeal. He was still acting as her body guard and doing the usual thing of keeping an eye on the door, not letting people past without confirmation from someone and just in general looking out for her the best he could. The hours flew in as the two talked about several topics. Anywhere from favourite food to cats. Natsu was amused when she said that, and I quote, 'I'd love a cat that could talk and loves fish!' If she only knew…
A knock came on the door and Natsu opened it a miniscule amount to see who was there. All he said was "Right everyone, 15 minutes." And walked away. The one thing Natsu could never get used to about the whole backstage thing was how organized everyone had to be. It was always so precise and intricate, never his approach of 'let's see how it goes' which would actually work out well for him in many cases.
The young girl, now fully prepared for her show stood up and made for the stage with minutes to spare. From what Natsu had heard, she only had one song, but there was a reason behind only having one song, or so he'd been told. He found it hard to believe that a 16 year old girl with a single song was performing as the supporting act for a major band.
As the two approached the stage, Natsu had a very quick peek into the crowd and was shocked to see almost 80% of them wearing some form of Miku merchandise or waving a glowing spring onion in the air.
"Man, how famous are you?" He asked the girl who was psyching herself up, or attempting to at least. She looked really nervous. I mean, really nervous. This, he could help with. He patted the girls shoulder and she turned round.
"This is my first time in front of a live audience this big. I don't think I can actually do it!" She was almost yelling at him.
"Hey calm it. You want to get motivated, right?"
She nodded
"Repeat after me and do as I do." He clenched his fist and crouched down, building up his fighting spirit, or in her case, the courage to step out there.
Natsu clenched his eyes and finally leapt into the air and yelled "I'M ALL FIRED UP!" to which she repeated to the letter, thankfully because as Natsu jumped a small burst of fire flared from his nostril and thankfully didn't burn anything.
The young girl looked at him after she landed with a gleaming smile "I feel like an idiot but I suppose that worked, thank you Natsu."
"You get used to the weird stares eventually." He laughed it off as Miku was summoned to the stage and the spotlight hit her small body. The second it did so, the crowd erupted into a huge cheer that seemed to shake the room. 'Damn, she's got some big shoes to fill. I can see why she was so nervous'
Without a word to the crowd she let loose her voice.
(A/N: At this point I'd strongly suggest watching a video as well. The song is "World is Mine" and the duration is the 4:17 version. I added in the words for the dancing she does but it doesn't really work at all because it just doesn't flow properly.)
"The number one princess in the world
so make sure you know by heart how to treat me, got it?
First thing, notice when I have a different hair style from usual
Second thing, be sure to go as far as looking down at my shoes properly, do I make myself clear?
Third thing, for every single world I say, I expect three words in reply
if you understand that there is nothing in my right hand, then do something!
I'm not really saying anything selfish
I want you to think from your heart that … I'm cute
The number one princess in the world
Realize that, hey, hey
Keeping me waiting is out of the question
Who do you think I am?
Shoot, I feel like having something sweet.
Of course I mean now!
Check 1, 2
Fault? Taking wrong as cute
Complaints are not permitted
well? Are you clearly hearing what I am saying? Come on
Ah, and what about this? A white horse, isn't that needless to say?
Come and take me away
Kneel before me, take my hand and say "My Princess"
I'm not really saying anything selfish
But you know, it's alright to scold me a little?
My very own prince in the world
Realize that, look, look
our hands are empty
Reticent and blunt prince
Come one, why! Just notice it soon
you definitely don't understand! Don't understand...
Shortcake with a strawberry placed on top
Pudding made with well-selected eggs
everything, everything, I will hold myself back from it
don't think that I'm a selfish girl
I could be good
you will regret your words.
Naturally, because I am…
The number one princess in the world
be sure to watch me. Or else I'll wander somewhere
suddenly I was held tightly, it was so abrupt, eh?
"You'll get run over, it's dangerous" So saying that you turn away
...I think this person is dangerous though"
She finished, throwing her hands into the air and twirling her body to finish the single and the crowd went absolutely berserk. I mean, he'd seen smaller reactions to people seeing Erza requip into some really revealing armour.
There was however something Natsu noticed throughout the song. He didn't have to cover his ears, not once. He didn't hear any distortion or squealing from the amplification lacrima that most bands use to make their music viable for large venues. This got Natsu curious and so, as she approached he did a quick check to see if she had any magic power. He had considered it to be a no since she came from a magic-phobic background but you never no. As he felt out for her magic power he did find that she possessed more magic than was common for people who don't practice it and so, Natsu guessed she was a sound magic user. It also explained how her voice was so versatile at such a young age too.
"Right, let's get moving and we'll meet up with everyone at the hotel." Natsu said, leading behind the small girl as he and 2 other guards lead her to the limo that would take them to the hotel where he would collect his reward.
"Natsu, how was I?" She asked with a hopeful voice. She'd heard the crowd loud and clear but she really wanted to hear it from her new friend.
"You did great, definitely better than that iron-ass Gajeel." He snickered at the small dig to Gajeel
(Meanwhile with Gajeel and Levy)
*ACHOO!* Gajeel let out a huge, magic infused sneeze that wiped out the flower bed he and Levy were next to.
"Gajeel, are you okay?" she asked but all Gajeel did was mutter "Damn salamander." Under his breath.
(Back to Natsu)
"Thank you, Natsu. I'm glad you enjoyed it." She said to him with an embarrassed smile and a light blush on her cheeks.
"Right, let's just get you home now." He said as he left the door followed by two other body guards. The transaction from concert hall to the limo was swift and smooth. There was of course a few fans that had tried to see her but the 3 of them managed to hold them back with ease, until someone knocked Natsus hat off.
"Hey, it's the Salamander! He's guarding Miku!" Someone yelled as the two made it into the limo, shortly followed by the other 2 body guards, which Natsu hadn't been told about.
As the limo set off, Natsu immediately slumped forward in his seat and groaned "Man, I hate transport." He grumbled out.
"Natsu, how did they know you?" Miku asked the fallen mage, still unawares that he was actually a mage.
"Long story." He groaned again.
The 15 minute drive was become suspicious. They had made it onto a thin country road and were far out of the city. Way further than they were meant to have come anyway to get to her hotel.
One of the other guards that had been silent the entire trip moved to the front of the passenger area and knocked on the window twice. "Here's good enough. Just leave the car moving after we get out." He said with a grin to Natsu, who had figured it out already.
Natsu made an attempt to flare up his fire but one of the bodyguards hit his weakened stomach and caused him to lurch forward violently and fall off of the seat. His eyes caught Miku being grabbed by one of the men and gagged by a cloth wound behind her head.
The car stopped momentarily and the two men jumped out and pulled Miku out who let out a gagged yelp as she was forcefully dragged from the car. Before Natsu could recover from the motion sickness the car was already in motion and was moving swiftly down a hill under its own weight
Natsus sensitive ears caught something. Something he hated to hear above most other things. "She's gonna make us a killing when we sell her." One of them said.
Luck seemed to be on his side as the car blew up moments later, when the others were still in view.
"Haha, the bomb worked! I told you guys I was good at making explosives." The chauffeur said with a confident and proud voice but was cut down when his co-workers yelled "YOU IDIOT!" In unison.
'Natsu… You died because you tried to protect me.' She wanted to sob. To weep. But she just couldn't. Her mind was in a huge state of panic as she watched the limousine explode with Natsu inside it. Her worry turned into utter shock and awe as the flames that were raging stopped and began to flow towards the limousine's centre, where she could see a figure standing.
The sound of the flames being sucked into the figures mouth left Miku amazed. 'Is it Natsu? How is he eating the fire?' She thought, the worry that Natsu was still dead was present because she couldn't see the face of her new friend.
The flames died down and the jacket flew off of the figure.
"That fire was really disgusting! You said you were good at making explosives. Oh well, it makes no difference what the fire tasted like because"-He looked up with a grin. "-I'm all fired up."
"Ntshuu" Miku said with glee through the gag as the familiar face was finally lit up in the dark background. But it was being lit up by flames which were formed around his fist.
"So, you guys thought you'd kidnap a young girl after she gave her all at a concert? Huh? You thought you'd screw up my job, did ya? You thought a Fairy Tail mage would stand by whilst a girl was stolen by scum like you? I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT THINKING LIKE THAT DOES!" He screamed with rage as his anger vented into his flames.
Natsu dashed forward with a powerful hop and grabbed the face of the surprised chauffeur who was clearly inexperienced in fighting. "FIRE DRAGONS WING BEAT!" He yelled, spiralling his flames into discs around his hand as he pushed the man's face into the ground.
"Get him! I'll get the other car!" One of them said as he tried to run off with Miku who was still mesmerized by the ease Natsu took down the first kidnapper.
"Right, come get some." The other said whilst raising his fists into a fighting stance but Natsu simply ran at him and slid under his legs that were spread wide for balance. After he picked himself up he caught the large man in no time and jumped into a position where he could bring the pain but keep Miku safe.
"FIRE DRAGONS IRON FIST!" His yell came when he shifted his weight towards his fist when he swung his fist downwards and caught the man's forehead, sending him sprawling to the ground, letting Miku's smaller body go rolling into the air as he fell. Natsu caught her swiftly and gave her a warming smile. "Hey, I'll be right back."
When Natsu stood to face the final kidnapper, who was at this point shitting himself and muttering small words of regret, he narrowed his eyes. "You should've known better than to try and kidnap an innocent girl. Especially in front of my own damn eyes! FIRE DRAGONS-"Natsu sucked in a large breath "-ROAR!" He finished as the jet of fire engulfed the man and exploded behind him when it hit the ground.
The final kidnapper fell over with blank eyes "Why'd it have to be a Fairy Tail mage?" He said grimly as his body hit the floor.
Natsu rushed over to Miku after recovering from the attack and took out the gag in her mouth and burned the cloth in an instant. "You're alright." He said to the girl soothingly as he cradled her close to his chest, as he did with Wendy every so often when she felt weak.
"Natsu, I'm sorry." She spoke quietly as her mind felt numb and hazy.
"Don't worry about a thing. Just get some good rest and everything will be fine later, kay?" He said to the girl just as she was about to doze off in his arms.
"Okay." Was the weak reply and she fell into a sleep seconds after.
Natsu stood up with the singer in his arms, carrying her as gentle as possible. "I'll get you somewhere safe."
(Miku's dream)
The events were replaying. Her momentary kidnapping, the limo exploding, Natsu emerging from the burning wreck and his three vs one fight that he won with ease.
He leant down to Miku's level and cupped his hand under her chin. "It's okay, My Princess. You're safe now." He said confidently.
Her blue-green eyes scanned his facial features 'So handsome. My Prince'
"I know I'm not smart, I know I haven't shared my feelings for you despite only meeting you today, but, I love you." His face closed in on hers, slowly but surely she moved hers closer towards his, her head tilting on its own accord, ready to meet his
(Back to reality folks!)
Miku jumped awake when she heard banging at the door. Wait… door?! She was outside with… Natsu. Her face flushed a bright red as she thought of the dream she just had.
"Oh, you're up. 'Bout time. You slept like a rock." Natsu said from a chair across the room.
"NATSU, OPEN THE DOOR!" Miku recognized the voice of her Manager
"Not a chance. I don't know who the hell might have been working with the other guys." He said in a loud, yet not shouting, voice.
Miku sat up straight and looked towards her lov- eh saviour! Yes, her new friend that saved her… That one. "Natsu, you can let them in. I trust her."
Natsu rose from the seat and turned the small golden lock to remove the pin from the door.
When he did so the door flung open and the manager, along with several rune knights, rushed into the room whilst a woman stood at the door, behind all of the commotion.
"Arrest the mage immediately." The manager said before turning to Miku who was still lying in bed but was making an attempt to get up. Miku was wrapped in a hug from her "Thank goodness you're alright. We were worried sick when we heard that a mage-" She spat out "- was taking care of you. How much did he hurt you?" She asked her frantically, while keeping a kind voice on.
"You bastard!" Natsu snarled at the woman as the rune knights cuffed his hands behind him.
All eyes tuned to the small girl who had jumped from the managers grasp and catapulted herself at Natsu, clinging to him with her arms round her neck as she planted a small kiss on his cheek. Her head spun round to face the manager. "Natsu didn't hurt me at all. He saved me from awful people and carried me to somewhere safe. He took care of me so don't go assuming that because he uses magi he's a bad person!" She yelled at the manager who was kneeling on the bed listening to her client's outburst.
Miku dropped down from Natsus body and turned to the manager "As a matter of fact. I demand you hire Natsu to be my personal body guard for the rest of the tour." She said with a commanding voice as she flicked her head back, letting a bit of the snobby-rich-brat side of her show.
"B-But, and w-when. Who? Oh no." She fainted backwards.
The woman from the door finally spoke up. "I won't have my daughter seeing a mage." She said with an angered tone "Get him out of my sight." She said to the guards who were dragging Natsu away whilst he protested but he refused to attack. Fairy Tail would look bad if the next headline was 'Natsu Dragneel burns hotel and cripples several knights'.
"M-Mother?" Miku asked in disbelief.
(A/N: OHOHOHOHOHOHO. Well then, there you have it folks. Chapter 1 of Inspired by a Dragon. I'm now going to get started on the next chapter of The Fraternity. I hope you guys were pleased with the outcome of the Chapter, I know I was. This one hasn't been proof read because I don't know if my usual friend would enjoy the story so this one was done by yours truly. WAIT! Not the FanFiction writer Yours Truly, it was done by me. It would be fucking epic to do a colab with that guy but anyway. I'll be off for now so I'll catch you guys next time. Feel free to hate on it in the reviews if you so with. You won't be banned from my stories if you do.)