A.N: Hello everyone! Yes, I'm back with chapter eleven now! See, I'm updating quickly. But, I'm afraid no one likes my story anymore, so I'm going to try and wrap it up soon. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

Help Me

Malik was silent as he listened to Tea's quiet sobs. It hurt him to see her like this, but he felt like he couldn't say anything to comfort the girl.

Finally, Tea took a deep breath to try and calm herself. She glanced up at Malik. "I'm sorry." She apologized, as she wiped the stray tears from her cheeks.

Malik gave her a comforting smile.

"I think it's just being in this house again." She said, as she looked around at all of the pictures.

Malik nodded. "Well, let's go back home." He replied, as he gently took her free hand, and led her out the door.

When the pair approached Tea's house, Tea noticed a violet colored convertible in her driveway. Her teary eyes widened as she tried to make out the figure inside of the car.

Malik parked on the street in front of the house, and Tea quickly jumped out.

"Tea! Be careful!" Malik called, as he watched the brunette rush over toward the unfamiliar car.

Tea watched, as a figure stepped out of the convertible, and turned around to face her. Tea's eyes lit up when she saw who it was.

"Mai?" Tea asked. The blonde smiled, and nodded her head, as she held her arms out to Tea.

Tea was shocked, but also very happy when she saw her friend. She quickly ran over and threw her arms around Mai.

"Oh, what's going on kiddo?" Mai asked, as she hugged her friend tightly.

Tea glanced up at Mai. "Nothing, how are you?" She asked.

Mai shrugged. "Well, I'm here." She replied, as she looked over at Malik, who was standing by Tea's car. "Well Tea, I see you've finally found yourself a man." Mai said teasingly.

Malik smiled as he walked over to th4e two girls, who had finally ended their hug. "How ya doing Mai?" He asked, as he gave the blonde a friendly hug.

Mai smirked. "Hey, are you taking care of my friend here?" She asked, arching an eyebrow at the Egyptian boy.

Malik nodded his head. "Of coarse I am. I would never want to let you down Mai." He replied, as his smiled grew wider.

Mai's smirk never left her face. "Good, because if you ever hurt Tea, I would have to kill you." She said teasingly.

Tea smiled at Mai. "Well, do you want to come in, or should we just stand here all day?" Tea asked.

Mai turned to face her friend. "Sure, let's go in, I really need a drink." She commented, as she smiled brightly.

The three teens walked into the house together, and Tea and Mai both dropped their purses next to the door.

"You guys have a seat and I'll go get drinks for us." Tea told them both. "What do you want to drink Mai?" She asked, eyeing her friend.

Mai looked thoughtful. "Do you have any juice Tea?" She asked.

Tea nodded. "I have apple juice, orange juice, and grapefruit juice." She answered.

"I'll have orange juice." Mai replied. Tea nodded, and then turned to face Malik. "Do you want something Malik?" She asked.

Malik thought for a moment. "I think I'll just have water." He said, as he smiled at the brunette.

Tea returned the smile, and nodded as she walked out of the room.

Mai eyed Malik, who was sitting on one of the chairs in the room. "So, had anything interesting happened while I've been gone?" She asked him, trying to make conversation.

Malik turned his attention to the blonde sitting on the couch. "Huh, oh, no, nothing new." He replied uneasily.

Mai raised an eyebrow. "Hun, are you okay?" She asked, now looking a bit concerned.

Malik nodded his head. Of course he wasn't okay. There were people who were after them, but he wasn't about to drag Mai into this situation.

Mai nodded, and was about to say something when the phone rang.

The shrill sound of the phone shook Malik from his thoughts. He heard Tea from the kitchen.

"I've got it!" She called. She came rushing out of the kitchen with a glass of orange juice in one hand, and a glass of ice water in the other hand. She made her way over to the phone, and set the glass of orange juice down on the small table so she could pick the phone up. She held it to her ear, and then held the phone in place with her shoulder, as she picked the juice back up again. "Hello?" She asked into the receiver.

Mai watched as the brunette girl's expression changed from that of a happy one, to that of horror. Suddenly the drinks slid from her hands, and fell to the floor, shattering into thousands of tiny pieces on the hardwood floor. Water and juice collided together between tiny shards of glass, as the phone slid out of Tea's hands.

Malik and Mai both jumped up and ran over to Tea, who had sunk to her knees, amidst all of the glass on the floor. The small pieces tore through her skin, but she didn't seem to feel the pain.

Malik grabbed the phone and held it to his ear. "Who is this?" He asked frantically. "Who are you?" He screamed into the phone angrily.

Mai had taken the shocked Tea into her arms and cradled her gently. "Tea, sweetie, please tell me what's wrong." She said. Tea's head rested against Mai's chest, and Mai stroked the girl's cheek gently.

No one had responded to Malik over the phone, so he placed it back onto the receiver. He turned back to Mai and Tea. "Tea, who was it?" He asked, as he moved closer to the two.

Tea turned her head slightly so that she was facing Malik. "Don't let them kill me." She whispered frantically.

Mai's eyes widened as she watched Malik crawl over closer to them both.

"They want to kill you?" He asked quietly.

Tea nodded her head. "They said that if we don't come tonight, they'll come kill me, just the way the killed Seto." She whispered, her voice quivering slightly.

"Kaiba is dead?" Mai asked, as she stared at both of the teens in disbelief.

Malik nodded. "Yes." He replied.

Tea gently took Malik's hand into her own. "Please, don't let them kill me." She said.

Mai watched as the brunette girl began to cry softly. It broke her heart to see her best friend this way. Tears formed at the rims of her eyes. She wondered how long this had been going on.

Malik looked uneasy as he squeezed Tea's hand. "They won't hurt you." He promised as he watched Tea sob quietly. He crawled the rest of the way over to the two girls and placed his arms around them.

Mai was now crying as she held the brunette in her arms. When Malik had placed his arms around the both of them, she noticed tears running down his cheeks as well.

The three sat on the floor, amidst the broken glass and spilled beverages, crying together, not knowing what was going to happen in the near future. The one thing they knew for sure though, was that they had each other, and that no person could take that away from them.

It's alright, cause there's beauty in the breakdown...

A.N: All right, another chapter completed! I'm on a roll now! Anyway, these last two chapters have been quite uneventful and well, to be blunt, boring. Now that Mai is on the scene, will she be able to help Tea and Malik? Next chapter, all of the action starts, so you really don't want to miss it! Oh, and one other thing, the last line of my story are part of lyrics from a song called 'Let Go', by a British pop duo that call themselves Frou Frou. I do not own this song, or Yu-Gi-Oh.