If you've made it this far, congratulations! One of the main characters will actually have a POV in this chapter! I plan on transitioning with the next couple chapters with Sirius and Harry's POVs splitting, and then hopefully get into a mostly Percy/Harry narrated story.

I'd like to say that I'm so sorry for the ridiculously long wait for this chapter. I was slammed with work during the last month of school, and once I got time to write, experienced major writer's block. That said, thank you to everyone reading this story, and THANK YOU SO MUCH to every reviewer.


Harry hated nightmares. Either they forced him to relive the night at the graveyard, or they showed him a terrifying future where Voldemort ruled. Some nights he got lucky and experienced both, and those were often the times he woke himself up screaming.

This time it was one of those nights. Harry, thrashing around, flipped out of bed, hitting his head on the nightstand near it. He blinked, now dealing with both the back of his head and scar throbbing. Ron, his voice muffled, sleepily asked, "Harry, you alright?"

Harry groaned in response.Bugger it all, one night here and he already managed to wake Ron up.

It was definitely weird, and wonderful, that he was here. Out of nowhere, some of the members of the Order of the Phoenix showed up to bring Harry out of Privet Drive. Arriving at the headquarters, Harry had screamed at his friends, made up, then gotten all of the information Hermione and Ron had learned over a month in one sitting. If that was only the first day, Harry had a feeling he wouldn't be getting that peaceful summer and school year.

Rustling sheets and footsteps indicated that Ron was dragging himself out of bed, at… a glance at the window showed it was probably around five in the morning. Dragging himself out of bed for Harry. Regardless of any leftover bitter feelings from being stuck at the Dursleys for a month, Harry felt his heart warm at the gesture. No one had ever done anything like that for him before Ron.

Harry shifted upright, leaning against the back of his bed as Ron slid down next to him. "Thanks, but you can go back to sleep," Harry started to say, but Ron interrupted him.

"I'm up now, aren't I? Besides, we're mates. Even if I wanted to go back to sleep, I wouldn't when you're still up."

Harry smiled at him. "Thanks. We never did finish our discussion last night. Do you have any more ideas on this weapon?" The thought of a weapon terrible enough that even Voldemort couldn't have it sent chills down Harry's spine. If he, without the weapon, gained so much power, what could Voldemort possibly do with the mysterious weapon?

"I dunno," Ron dully replied. "I mean, talking earlier we realized it could be absolutely anything. And anywhere."

"Yeah," Harry agreed. "It's like you said earlier: What can be worse than death?"

The two boys fell into silence, again trying to even picture what the weapon could be, and more importantly, what the weapon could do.

"What if it isn't though?" Ron asked suddenly, sounding deep in thought. "What if it's… like something to help You- Know- Who get power faster than he did before?"

Harry hadn't even imagined that. When thinking of the weapon, he had been so busy trying to picture what it was like to wonder why Voldemort would need a weapon. "Good point. I think if we figure out why he would even need this thing, we could understand what it is."

"Hermione would be so proud of us, figuring this stuff out using our brains," Ron jokingly said, tapping the side of his head.

Harry laughed as he pulled two pillows down off the bed. "If we're not going back to bed, we might as well get comfortable," he said, passing one to Ron.

"Sadly, the floor will probably be more comfortable than my bed," Ron complained, glaring at it as if it had personally offended him. "Doesn't help that I'm already sore from being landed on by Fred and George. Can't wait until I get my apparition license. I'm going to have so much fun interrupting their sleep."

The pair's discussion slowly drifted to the more mundane things every other boy their age would talk about, instead of their usual how to stop the world from being taken over, until George's loud voice alerted them to the beginnings of the day.


By lunch, Harry was really wishing he had insisted on going back to sleep. Ron shared the same groggy look as him, almost falling asleep while cleaning. It took a doxy almost biting Ron's nose to get him to actually keep his eyes all the way open. Ron would have gotten bit too, if Hermione hadn't deftly sprayed it just in the nick of time. She then shot a look at Ron, muttering, "Honestly."

"I don't get it," Ron had told Harry after the doxy incident. "I know for a fact that Hermione and Ginny were awake at least as long as us, and they seem fine."

Harry had offered a helpless shrug. He was going into fifth year, yet girls were still a mystery to him.

Harry, now settled into one of the armchairs, picked up his sandwich, finally able to relax, even if it was just for lunch. "Harry, can you come over here for a minute?" Sirius called. Harry cast a longing look at the food before sighing and getting out of the chair.

"Hey, maybe he'll tell you more about the Order," Ginny offered, trying to get Harry to look at the positive side of not eating the sandwich.

"If he does, tell us all!" Fred shouted, earning a reproachful look from his mother.

Harry headed over to Sirius, near the tapestry they had just talked about. "What is it?" he asked, sensing that Sirius had something important to tell him, judging by the way he shifted from foot to foot. It was one of his habits, Harry had noticed, when he was anticipating something, almost like it was a way to get all of the nervous energy out before the event Sirius was preparing for.

Sirius cleared his throat. "We, that is the Order, discovered some information this last month that we believe you should know about. How about we go into this room," he jerked his thumb at a door Harry hadn't seen, it being partially hidden by the tapestry, "for some privacy?"

Harry glanced back at the group eating sandwiches. Mrs. Weasley offered an encouraging smile, which struck Harry as odd. Last night, she had been completely against giving the information about Voldemort to any of them, thinking them too young. Luckily, they still managed to get some, and excitement filled Harry at the thought of learning more.

"Sure," Harry agreed. Sirius jerked the Black family tree up with some effort, and shoved open the door.

"I think this used to be a study," Sirius told him, cheerfully kicking some of the debris littering the ground out of the way. "When I lived here, it was a glorified storage closet. Either way, since it has nothing of value, it's one of the least contaminated rooms in this godforsaken house."

The room, overall, was small, cramped, and dark. Basically, it looked like every other room of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. Shoving aside a box filled with old clothes, Harry perched on the edge of the desk. "What is this information you need to tell me?" Harry asked.

Sirius sighed. "You have a brother," he said bluntly. Harry was vaguely aware of his jaw dropping as his view spun.

"Wh -what?" he managed to get out, shock shutting him down. "How is that even possible?" Harry desperately tried not to get his hopes up, waiting for Sirius to say Harry misheard him or something of the sort.

"He's about two years older than you," Sirius started to explain, before Harry interrupted him, a burning question on his mind.

"Wait, how come no one ever told me about him?" he demanded angrily. "I obviously haven't seen him at Hogwarts, but even if he isn't a wizard, he still should know me and you! Where is he?"

Sirius dragged his hand down his face, hesitating. "No one told you about him because no one outside of your parents, me, Remus, and the rat," he spat that, "no one knew. And we all believed him to be dead."

Harry felt his stomach sink. Dead? Voldemort must have killed him the same night he killed his parents. "Why would you tell me this, Sirius? If he's dead…" Harry trailed off, shaking his head.

"No! We believed him to be dead, since when Voldemort went to try to recruit Lily and James, his Death Eaters took him. But a charm showed him to still be alive, nearly fifteen years ago," Sirius said in a rush.

Alive. His brother (it felt so odd to think) was alive. Harry had a brother. And it was at this realization that Harry gave into the combined efforts of not much sleep and shock. He passed out.


"Shit!" Sirius gasped, catching his godson right before he fell off the desk. He was the worst godfather in the universe. Sirius was sure if Remus were here he could explain everything in a way that would not result in Harry losing consciousness.

Sirius, using one hand to prop Harry up on the desk, fished through his robe and pulled out his wand. "Evernnate." A bright light flashed from his wand, and soon, Harry's eyes began to flutter a few times before flying open.

"Did I really just pass out?" Harry asked, sounding almost frustrated with himself.

"You did," Sirius confirmed, letting go of Harry's shoulder. "But to be fair, I probably shouldn't have thrown that much information at you all at one time."

At least he gave Harry information, though. Sirius had promised himself that no matter what, he would tell Harry only the truth. Sirius more than understood the feeling of being trapped, starved for information, and he would not let Harry feel that way. Even if it meant that the truth would not be a happy thing.

"It's fine," Harry said distractedly. "What did you say about a charm?"

"Oh, the charm was one that could find people of kin. Here," Sirius fumbled through his robe pockets before first pulling out a ripped page from the charm book. "this will explain the charm. And I learned of this charm through a letter."

He hesitated for a moment, holding onto Lily's last letter. He knew it was incredibly selfish, but a small part of him wanted to keep the letter. However, Sirius was more than positive that Harry deserved it far more than he ever would.

Sirius handed the letter to Harry. "This is the letter. It was from your mother."

Harry studied it, tracing a trembling finger down the parchment. "Thank you so much, Sirius," he said, his face breaking out into the first real grin Sirius had seen since he arrived, before gently folding the letter and tucking it into his robes.

Watching Harry, Sirius realized that the joy in seeing Harry receive the letter completely made up for the pain of letting go of it. There it was. Something about Harry that made even the bleakest of situations better. With him around, Sirius would be content to live off of rats (which he did at one point). Even the old house seemed brighter with Harry in it. And it felt like every time Sirius tried to tell Harry just how much he meant to him, his words and feelings got tangled up, and out came some complaint.

"Anyway," Sirius cleared his throat, "as you can see from the paper, you have to have a means of finding someone to enchant." Quickly, he summoned the globe they had enchanted three weeks ago.

"We already enchanted the globe, so all that remains to be done is to put in the blood to find your brother. Now, Harry, the way to do that is to use your blood, since it has both of your parents' blood, just like your brother. You can take as long as you like to get used to the idea, I don't want to rush you or remind you in anyway of the Tournament," he said this part forcefully, wanting Harry to know that this was his choice, he was in control.

Harry looked back at him, and all Sirius could find in his gaze was determination, a look Sirius had seen on Lily's face so many times it was like looking into the past. "Let's do this, I'm going to find my brother," Harry said.

"I knew you could do it," he said proudly, though a little taken aback that Harry was so ready. "All you have to do is prick your finger on the globe, and it should show you where he is."

Harry walked over to the globe floating in midair, stretching out his hand. "Wait," Harry said. "If it will show anyone with my blood, wouldn't it show Voldemort's location? How will we be able to tell the difference between spots?"

Sirius frowned, considering that fact which hadn't even come to his mind while planning to find Sam. "Let's just wait and see exactly where the spots are. I'm sure we'll be able to tell the difference by where they are. Like, if a spot was in a busy city, in an apartment, obviously Voldemort wouldn't be there," Sirius said, figuring it out as he spoke.

Harry nodded before pricking his finger. This time, when it was the real thing, time seemed to move so slowly. A red spot appeared in a secluded area just outside of Britain. More than likely it was where Voldemort was currently operating.

Then, traveling around globe, the rest of the blood settled in one point, in America. "New York," Harry breathed, breaking the silent spell that had come across them. "Just like in Mum's letter."

Sirius, quickly zoomed in on it, trying to find an exact address. "Yeah, New York," Sirius said, before the news really set in. He let out of a bark of laughter and whooped. "We found him!"

Harry shared his excitement, although Sirius was sure Harry was curious as to why he was still laughing and smiling. He didn't know that this search had been going on for over a month, that the wait nearly drove both him and Remus up the wall.

Remus. Sirius had to tell him the great news as soon as he returned from his mission. Everything in Sirius wanted to leap up and head to New York City that instant, to find Sam and bring him home. But he knew he would have to wait, wait to make a plan, wait until Moony got back. More bloody waiting.

"I can't believe this," Harry excitedly said, heading towards the door. "Mind if I go show Ron and Hermione?"

"Not at all!" he said cheerfully. And he didn't. Harry would tell all of the teens seating sandwiches, and Sirius would wait. However, the second Remus returned, they would finally find Sam. Harry would go to the hearing, and be cleared. Everything would work out. It had to.


I know that in Order of the Phoenix, both Sirius and Harry are a lot moodier than in the other books, but I figure that since Sirius had finding "Sam" on his mind, he had more hope, which would lead him to be happier in this fic, and Harry just found out he had a brother, so obviously he would be excited.

This chapter aligns with the chapter "The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black" from Order of the Phoenix. Please tell me if I got something wrong from the books, because even though I tried to make sure everything was accurate, I could easily have missed something. Thanks so much for reading!

Next chapter: (Finally) Finding Sam