
Hello there! Did you guys miss me… again? I certainly did… I'm sorry, I had some IRL problems, some Wi-Fi problems and… my first case of authors block with the story of Highschool of the Dead, if you want to read what happened then please keep reading if not then skip to my disclaimer and just start the story.

So… ever since holidays started for me I have been working on my stories, from forming my ideas to writing them on word, I then started to work on my fic of Highschool of the Dead, but… no matter what I wrote or what I did, I didn't like what I wrote… I hated it, both the fact that I couldn't write anything that I thought was good to the fact that I had authors block, so I decided the easy path, *sigh* shame on me, I discontinued the story… so for the guys that follow that story and also follow this one… I sincerely apologize, but still I fear that my very little sense of originality is going away *sigh* I'm depressed.

Anyway, I'm back… maybe better maybe worser than ever, but I'm back! So let's do this!

So it's decided Cattleya will be in the Harem! But what about Jessica? Huhu~ (Just Kidding… or am I serious?)

On another note…. I already have 160+ followers on this story :o what? Is my story really good? Anyway… onto the fic!

Disclaimer: I do not own Zero no Tsukaima, I just own my OC.

The Gamer Familiar of Zero

Chapter 8: Eh? For me?!

[Select Character]




Louise's Room, Tristain Academy

Ahh… the sun is very shiny today, and I'm very tired… *sigh* Did I forgot to close the curtains? No… scratch that… Did Kazuki forgot to close the curtains? Yeah, I shouldn't work too hard, Kazuki is the one that needs to do that, I mean he…

"…" He danced with almost everyone yesterday, well he danced with the people he knows, but still did I actually allow him to dance with me? "Just what is wrong with me?" I asked to myself while yawning, then I raised my upper body and rubbed my eyes, "I have to be in top form today" I said while thinking of last night.

"The Princess actually asked me for my help, I can't fail her" I said very serious, then I looked to the side of my bed, and… "Figures…" Kazuki wasn't there, he probably woke up early again and probably is doing something with Siesta or in Miss Chevreuse lab, so I have to go and search for him right? *sigh* That guy is problem itself.

"Well, it doesn't matter, as long as he remains by my side" I said while getting out of bed, but I instantly stopped, wait… as long as he remains by my side? Then I felt my face heat up, w-w-what do I mean by that? No Louise, you actually mean like Partners… right? RIGHT? "Ugh… I hate this!" I said while stomping towards my chair which had my clothes.

"Kazuki is SO paying for this!" I said while dressing myself, "I'll make him work… and work and work, until he collapses, fufu… I'll do that" I said while finishing up, then I was about to rush towards the door but I didn't, "I can't forget what The Princess gave us yesterday" I said then I rushed to my desk and I grabbed the scroll with the fake identity card and the pouch with Ecú, what else should I take? I already have my wand with me, I already have Kazuki to take of everything else… yeah I have everything I need to survive in the Commoners' world.

"It's perfect… I'm not forgetting anything else" I said while smiling a little bit.


"Should I pack more clothes? No we are probably staying there one day only"


"Hm… how about some scrolls so that I can write down reports for the princess?"

"Um… Little Master?"

"Yeah, I'm not forgetting anything of utter importance, now to search Kazuki"

"L-Little Master… if you stop ignoring me I can tell you where he is"

"…" I then started to think, if I got out of this room and started to search Kazuki aimlessly we would take forever to arrive to the town, but if I listen to the annoying buzz then I will find him instantly… *sigh* I'm doing this for the Princess, "Where is he you annoying sword?" I said annoyed to the annoying sword, then I felt he got a bit happier.

"O-OH! You finally stopped ignoring me Little Master, that was evil and here I thought you and me also had some kind of partnership"

"…I'm going"

"No! Wait! I'll tell you!" The annoying swords shouted at me.

(Time Skip)

Right now I was on my way towards Miss Chevreuse lab, I had on my arms the scroll, the pouch with Ecú and the annoying sword, I'll never befriend this annoying sword, *sigh* Oh I arrived, then I opened the door and… "Kazuki! We need to go now"

"Oh? Ah! Louise! Welcome, I will be with you on some moments" Kazuki said while smiling to me, then I saw what was happening, Kazuki was in front of a cauldron, Miss Chevreuse was beside him with a book on hand and Siesta was on the other side of Kazuki while looking at the cauldron, "Siesta go take a rest and you know talk to Louise or something I will end my lesson in a minute" I heard Kazuki said.

"Okay Kazuki, then I will see you in some days" Siesta said in her… wait! What is up with that Maid uniform? It's really perverted! "Hm? Is something wrong Miss Valliere?" Siesta asked finally in front of me.

"S-Siesta, just what are you wearing?" I asked while looking at Siesta from Head to Toe, but my eyesight fell on a certain part of her, "Those are big…" I muttered.

"Oh this? Well, I have been wearing it since Kazuki became my Master, it was originally a uniform from Count Mott" Siesta said while looking at her own clothes.

"But aren't you embarrassed or something?" I said while looking at Siesta, but instead of having another reaction she just smiled.

"I was… but ever since Kazuki rescued me, this and other clothing doesn't matter how embarrassing they are, if he likes them… then so will I" Siesta said while looking at Kazuki dreamily.

"Hmm… anyway how are your Maid duties going?" I asked while relaxing a little bit.

"Well, they have been good overall, but this week will be a bit… stressful" Siesta said while sweat dropping, hm?

"Is something stressing you out? If you want we can help you" I said while looking at Siesta seriously.

"No, it's nothing… it's just some training"

"Training? But you are already a good maid"

"No, it's not for me… I was appointed to train a new maid"

"? Train a new maid? Is a new maid coming to the academy?"

"Well, yeah but not necessarily she will work for the academy…"

"What do you mean?"

"Her name is Irukia… she said that she didn't want to work for the academy but for a master…"

"Ah… I understand, and this master is someone you don't like?"

"No… well, I don't know since she just told everyone she wants to serve a Commoner…"

"A Commoner?!" But there are not many Commoners on this place unless that Irukia means… I then looked at Kazuki and he was packing his stuff in a pouch, "No no no, no way"

"Miss Valliere?"

"Ah! No, it's nothing, so you can't come with us?"

"No, I sincerely apologize, but on a good note, Kazuki has given me notes for Support!"


"Yeah, look at these Miss Valliere" Siesta said really excited, then she got a little book out of her pouch, and she opened it on a page.

"Low Potion Recipe? How to be a good Support party member?"

"Yeah! Aren't these wonderful!" Siesta said with a wide smile.

"… Do you understand some of the things here?"

"No…" Siesta said while still smiling, "But I will learn! For Kazuki!" Siesta said while getting a bit excited.

"I-I see, good luck" I said while smiling a bit awkwardly.

"I'm here finally! Sorry to keep you waiting Louise" I heard Kazuki then I turned to the side and I saw him again smiling at me.

"Geez, you kept me waiting now carry these! My arms hurt!" I said while finally pushing the items on my arms towards him.

"W-Whoa, okay calm down" Kazuki said while grabbing everything, he put the pouch with Ecú inside his pouch and also the scroll was in his pouch, and then he tried to put the annoying sword on his back.

"Oh, hold on Kazuki" I heard Siesta said, and then she helped Kazuki put on the annoying sword ensuring the straps were tightly strapped.

"Ah, thank you Siesta! Anyway I'm going! Good luck with that training thing you have!"

"Thank you, and good luck to you too Kazuki, Miss Valliere" Siesta said while bowing and then she left the laboratory.

"Now! Onwards! Louise, to the town!" Kazuki said while looking excited, why is he so excited?

"Hey Kazuki, remember to practice with the materials you have on town okay? Maybe you can finally succeed on this potion of yours" Miss Chevreuse said, then Kazuki looked at her and he saluted to her.

"No worries, I shall practice"

"Good, Miss Valliere please take care" Miss Chevreuse said to me while smiling.

"Y-Yeah, thanks Miss Chevreuse!" I said while bowing and smiling at Miss Chevreuse, she really is a nice teacher, everyone in here are nice teachers, and so we left the laboratory and went towards our horse in order to leave to town.

(POV Change)

(Scene Change)


Tristain Academy

I was walking down the halls of the academy to the kitchen, when I found some of the guys from second year, talking amongst themselves… damn better run, if only I had my trusted box.

"Ah, it's Kazuki!"

"Geh!" I was found by the most annoying person in the Academy, "W-What is it Guiche?"

"I was wondering if you would like to join our talk between men" Guiche said while smiling and then playing with his hair with a hand, talk between men… wait… is this the opposite of girl's talk? What would guy's talk be? I'm curious…

"Well, if the others allow me then I would like to join in" I said while scratching the back of my head, I mean they all are nobles right? Will they accept a "commoner" to just join their talk?

"Of course they will, you are a great friend of someone very popular, magnificent, powerful and dashing"

"Heeh~ Wonder who that is"

"It's me! Can't you see?" Guiche said while posing with a rose on hand, I just deadpanned and went towards the other guys, "Don't just ignore me!"

"So what you guys talking about? Let me guess… huh~" I said then I thought for a while, well from the little info I have from the Girl's Talk thing-y then, "Are you talking about girls?"

"Oh, got it right Familiar-san" A fat guy said while smiling at me, "Sorry I have not introduced myself, my name is Malicorne de Grandpré, nice to meet you Familiar-san" Malicorne said while smiling at me.

"Uh… yeah nice to meet you too Malicorne-san, my name is Kazuki Wedner, Louise's partner" I said with a smile on my face.

"Come in, Kazuki-san, join us in our talk about girls" Malicorne said while smiling widely, "So… who?"

"Who what?"

"Who did you dance with yesterday?" Malicorne asked then I felt everyone coming a bit closer, uwaa… they are really hungry for information…

"I obviously danced with the ever so beautiful Montmorency" I heard a voice come from beside me, then I looked and it was Guiche.

"Huh? But didn't you want to dance with almost every girl?" Malicorne asked, then Guiche jumped a bit.

"W-Well… that is…" He began to sweat a bit, then he regained his composure, "Not a single one of them left me alone, how could I since I'm a gentleman be so disrespectful as to reject them?" Guiche said while thinking he was all cool and stuff.

"Look, things like those only legendary and great people have it" Malicorne said and then everyone bursted out laughing.

"Yeah, seriously, even if the legend of the ball was true you will never be able to attain that" One guy said, everything didn't interest me, they were probably talking about a harem… it's a bit interesting but since it's Guiche… agh… I can't imagine that, but that last one bit is just…

"Legend of the ball?" I asked while looking all curiously.

"Ah! That's right you were just summoned here a couple of days ago, so you obviously don't know" Malicorne told me, then he saw my face and instantly knew that I let him proceed with the legend, "Legend says, that whoever you dance at the ball yesterday, will be destined to be together, I didn't dance with anyone though…" Malicorne said while slumping a little bit.

"Huh… so that's what that means" I said while thinking a little bit, destined to be together… so… I danced with… 5 girls, Louise, Siesta, Tabitha, Kirche and Henrietta, so does that mean that those 5 are destined to be together with me? Huh… hm… they deserved better.

"Still… if the legendary Wardes was here, he probably would have danced with everyone" Someone with glasses made a comment, legendary? If he is not shiny then he is not a legendary…

"Yeah, that's right, he probably would be the one to dance with the princess, but still I heard he has a fiancé" Malicorne said with his usual smile, whoa so there are such things as fiancé here? Well, it's the middle ages, so probably there is no dating stage, so instead it skips to marriage stage… geez.

"But I was there and every—"

"So who is this Wardes guy you talk about?" I ask interrupting Guiche, "Is he someone so strong that you guys are really fawning over him?"

"Hey, Kazuki! How dare you inter—!"

"Ah, that's right… man you gotta know your things Kazuki-san" Malicorne said while looking a bit apologetic to me, then I looked at the side and I saw Guiche sitting on the floor hugging his knees.

"Sorry, but… there isn't glossary option here…"

"Glossary option?"

"Nah, nothing, please tell me about this guy, Wardes" I said while smiling at Malicorne then he nodded and stood in front of me.

"Wardes, or rather Captain Wardes, is the captain of the greatest division of the Royal Knights, The Griffin unit, he is so strong and cool, every noble male aspires to be like him, and every noble female aspires to become his wife" Malicorne said while stretching his arms, hm… so there are units amongst knights? And then Divisions… Griffins and then this Wardes guy, huh… I got a bit of new info today…

"One day we can all become knights and serve the Princess and then and then… Ahh~" The same guy with glasses said while fawning over Henrietta, can't blame them Henrietta is so cute.

"But it is strange… I heard Captain Wardes was supposed to escort the Princess here" Malicorne said while looking serious, Oh! Here it is… the flag to something coming!

"Just what would be so important as to not escort the Princess…?" The guy with glasses said, hm… a special mission… maybe he is a traitor? I mean when someone makes a commentary like that it usually is… well that was the case with Alvin… or maybe I'm getting this over my head… I mean I don't even know the guy and here I am making assumptions…

"Maybe he was with his fiancé?" Malicorne said following the deduction, hmm… no probably not… I mean he IS a noble… so probably he cares about his country rather than the person he loves.

"Probably but still…" The guy with glasses said and then he made a serious expression, "He really is cool!" He said already fawning over this Wardes guy.

"Well, I hope one day I get to meet him" I said while scratching the back of my head.

"Don't worry Familiar! Captain Wardes is really really kind! Even to Commoners like you" The guy with glasses said while smiling at me, I don't know if he is looking down on me or being kind… well I'll take it as being kind to me, "So that is why WE are allowing YOU to talk with US" The glasses guy said, I then felt a sweat drop form in my forehead, definitely don't know if looking down or not.

"Heh, then I will await that day, see you later Malicorne and you Glasses Character" I said while smiling at them and then I made my way to Miss Chevreuse's Lab by passing around a sulky Guiche.

"Later Kazuki-san! Come talk to us if you see us again!" Malicorne said.



Town, Tristain

"Hm?" I said then I opened my eyes, huh… so I just dreamed of what happened this morning, geez no wonder, but still how long will Louise take? "Well, I just got my materials" I said while smiling at the pouch I had.

Right now I was resting at a bench on the plaza, there was a fountain just behind me, as to why I was here, well… as soon as we arrived in town Louise went nuts over the whole Ecú thingy… the pouch had as a matter of fact 400 Ecú, and then she wanted a horse, which costs 400 Ecú, and then she wanted to stay at a 5 Star inn which was 200 Ecú, I told her if she would like me to manage our finances… but she wanted to handle it all by herself, so she told me to wait here, and finally she stormed off with all our Ecú, on my free time I collected some plants and fruits from the nearby forest, then I arrived here and it was Louise-less, so I slept a bit.

"Hah… well I don't see her anywhere, might as well search more alchemy materials" I said while scratching the back of my head with my left hand, then I saw it was all bandaged, "I have to keep it well hidden" I said while touching my bandaged hand.

"Why are you keeping it hidden partner?" Derf asked while on my back.

"Well, if they know I'm a familiar, wouldn't they instantly think that there is someone who can actually use magic nearby?" I said while looking at the now orange sky.

"Oh! Nice thinking there partner… hadn't thought about that" Derf asked while having a tone of happiness.

"Haha, thanks Derf, anyway where do you think we should go to gather new materials?"

"Huh? Gather new materials but Little Master is just over there" Derf said and then I looked around and I saw her on the other side of the fountain.

"Oh no… she is sulking… what do we do now?" I asked Derf, but I received no answer, "Traitor" I said while standing up, then I proceeded to go towards Louise, "Hello, Young Lady!" I said while smiling, then she looked at me, ugh… she is still sulking… damn, think of something funny… "Hmm… the wind is troubled?"

"…" Louise looked at me, disbelieved… kuuh… this is embarrassing, I then hurriedly sat beside Louise, and waited for her to talk, and so I waited… I waited patiently while still smiling a little bit, "I lost it…"

"Huh?" I asked her, s-she can't mean that right? Haha… right?!

"I lost all the Ecú…" Louise said while pouting a little bit, I then smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Then let's go and find it, where did you drop it?" I asked her while smiling at her, then she grew more worried.

"… I lost all the Ecú at the casino" Louise said while pouting.

"HUH?! THE CASINO?" I shouted disbelieved, in this era and in this world… there is such a thing as a casino? Ah! Wait… if in DQ there is a casino, then it's a fact that in the middle ages there were casinos, "Um… Louise-san… you do know that casinos are really a good way to lose money right?"

"B-But!" Louise said getting all flustered, no… she was angry, "If only I had one chance, just one chance I could have won" Louise said the typical line the people that like to bet always say when they lose their money.

"Uh… right, but still what did you play that made you this mad? TnT?" I asked while looking at her, then she shook her head.

"Roulette" Louise said, and I resisted the urge to drop to the floor, "I was betting on the black, red and green alternatively and I never could get one right, I told this to the manager but he got angry at me and... ARGHHH!" Louise said and then she stood up and started to stomp.

"Okay, okay… first… roulette is a really random game, you should have gone for a card game, second… please don't start a fight right now, remember we are supposed to be commoners and finally why didn't you ask for my help?" I scolded Louise a little bit, if that could be called scolding.

"BUT I'm the master you are supposed to be the one to obey me and do the hard work, how am I supposed to ASK for YOUR help?" Louise asked finally snapping a little bit, oh no… I better calm her down, otherwise… no… it's better if she bents her anger, maybe later it will cloud her judgment.

"Okay, then why didn't you order me to help you?" I asked her while still sitting down, Louise right now is looking down on me, if I stood up then she will feel that I'm overpowering her, so I need her to bent her anger to the fullest, "Also why do you need those things?"

"I need them, because it's the most natural thing to do! I need a horse because I'll get tired once we get back to the Academy, I'll need a five star inn because otherwise I won't sleep safely, I need better clothing because I'm a noble! This is commoner's clothing!" Louise shouted at me, thank god no one was passing by, it was strange but no one was passing by.

"…" I then looked at her seriously, Louise started to catch her breath, she really shouted, it's kinda annoying but still if you can't let an angry person bent their anger, they'll remain angry all day, "Okay then" I said and I stood up, and then knelt in front of Louise my back facing her.

"W-What are you doing?" Louise asked surprised, then I smiled at her.

"Being a horse" I said while looking at her, "You don't need an actual horse you know? I still exist so I can give you a piggyback"


"Also you don't need a five star inn, no matter where we stay I'll protect you, so you just rest, if you are worried about clothing being for commoners or nobles, it doesn't matter to me, you look cute, and that is enough, also remember as soon as we get that info, you can change back into your school uniform, so come on… just put up with this okay?" I told her while smiling at her, in the eyes of Louise I'm probably in no position whatsoever to order her, but still I would like her to follow what I said.

"…okay…" Louise said in a small voice, "My feet hurt… carry me, Kazuki" Louise said in a cutesy voice, she really must be tired, I guess I'll have to search for a place to stay while carrying Louise, I then saw she was getting closer to me and she was about to place her arms around my neck but…

"Trés Bien!"


"Ah?" We both turned our heads towards the voice, and… I… was… traumatized… gah!

"Oui, Oui… that cuteness! With that pout! Ouu~ Trés Bien!" The voice said, and this so called voice… even though it read very feminine… it was indeed feminine… but on the wrong sense, the person… was a male, a middle aged male, in skimpy clothing, his shirt had even an opening on the chest part that from it one could see his chest hair, and the he wore shorts… very short shorts… one could see his hairy legs, and then he had really thick lips that had lipstick… so this person is gay… based on his voice and lines.

"K-K-Kazuki! What is that?!" Louise said while trembling a little bit.

"That's a bit rude, don't call him that, he is a he but at the same time a she?" I said unsure since my encounter with gay people is really none.

"Ouhh~ I'm definitely a mademoiselle!" The guy said while rapidly appearing in front of me, "Hmmm~" Then he examined me from head to toe, "Ohhh… you are not that bad! Trés Bien! This is good, this is definitely good!"

"Kazuki what is he on about?" Louise whispered to me while the man was laughing by himself.

"I don't know… he'll tell us most probably now" I whispered and right at that moment the man turned at us, looked at both of us and nodded.

"I heard your poor circumstances… so I was hoping you guys would help me out" The man said while swaying his hips left and right, I was really shocked to see this… h-how should I react?

"H-Help out how?" Louise said while backing a little bit, seems she also saw that hip swaying.

"I heard that the poor of you, have no Ecú and a place to stay, so this mademoiselle had a nice idea!" The guy said while putting a finger on his lips, I then felt a shiver go down my spine, I want to run away… but he is offering help… if I did run away that would be an insult, but still if we do accept… what could our background be? I mean one has gotta know who they are dealing with when giving helping.

"Well… me and…" I then started to think of the most clichéd background I heard in the games I have played, then it hit me, yeah… this one is good it also explains how I see Louise right now, "my sister here, Louise, would like to hear about it"


"Oh so you two are siblings? That makes things easier!" The man said while swaying his hips one again, I… really don't want to see hips again, "Well, I have an inn and bar that is just a couple of steps from here, so I would like you two to work there!" The man said with a smile on his face, I then looked at Louise and she looked at me, she thought about it and nodded, with the confirmation I also nodded, "TRÉS BIEN~!" The man shouted and then started to spin around in a strange form, "Now let's go, my fairies!" The man said while walking a bit ahead of us, then we followed him.

"Thank you very much, you see we were serving the house of a noble, but because that noble always was ogling my precious little sister, I couldn't take any longer, and we decided to run away, but as a matter of fact, we have no money… so we tried to find a job but… we couldn't, someone even offered to buy Louise for 2000 Ecú, but I won't allow it" I said while walking towards this bar/inn with Louise and the man, Louise was getting surprised by the story and then she put on a sad face to make the story believable, the man started to tear a bit.

"Nooon~ what a sad story, it's a good thing you have a good big brother Louise! Otherwise who knows what will happen" The man said while wiping his tears away.

"Y-Yeah… Kazuki is… a good brother" Louise said to avoid suspicion, still I hope she means that, I mean one, I consider her that way, two, I really don't want her to punish me for getting carried away.

"Don't worry, Louise-chan! Kazuki-kun! I, Scarron, won't allow any more bad people near you!" Scarron said while smiling at us, then I smiled at him.

"Thank you, Mr. Scarron" I said, then he put up his finger up and shook his head.

"Non non, call me mi mademoiselle!" Scarron finished by winking at me, I thought I heard something break.

"O-Okay, thank you mi mademoiselle" I said smiling a little bit, then I looked at Louise and she caught on what I was about to say to her.

"T-Thank you, m-m-mi mademoiselle" Louise said while stuttering, she probably doesn't want to call Scarron mademoiselle, but we have to put up with it, and also mean it since he is helping us, then after passing through many houses and other shops, we found ourselves in a 2 floor, nice bar.

"We have arrived, my fairies!" Scarron said while spinning and then standing in front of the door, "Welcome to the Charming Fairies Inn!" And so… our long week started… *sigh* well this is like a game, so if it didn't have any events it would be a bit boring, still… I hope this ends well.

(Scene Change)

(Time Skip)

Charming Fairies Inn, Tristain

Right now I was waiting behind, I guess you could call it a counter, but well… it's the kitchen so you probably know it's divided from the bar, well back on topic, I was waiting, and I was watching the people on the bar, and the… unique person in front of them... they were all girls, except the unique person, the girls were all wearing some kind of frilly dress that was a bit short on the skirt, and showed a bit of cleavage, I could be excited but since I don't know any of them, I didn't, oh right the person I think by now you know who it is.

"Okay, my fairies! I have good news!" Scarron said while swaying his hips once again, I then ignored that scene right away and looked at the roof.

"What are them, Mr. Scarron?" The girls all shouted in unison, then Scarron acted all shocked and shook his head.

"Non non, it's Mi Mademoiselle!"

"Yes, Mi mademoiselle!"

"Trés Bien!"

"I know because of the sales lowering recently you girls are really sad, and the cause is some "café" nearby, I know… that they… they… are stealing our precious customers… and… *sniff*"

"Don't cry! Mi mademoiselle!"

"I know… we won't lose to this "café", that is why I have brought a new friend! Come out Louise-chan!" Scarron said, I then took that as my cue to look at the stairs, and… well… I was breathless, Louise was climbing down the stairs, in a new costume, she was wearing a suggestive short white camisole, her body lines were really pronounced, even though she is breast-less she is still very alluring, it was open at the back, and on top of the head she wore a white hairdresser.

"W-Whoa… and she says she is nothing compared to Henrietta" I said not taking my eyes off Louise, on the other hand… I was handed an apron… and that was amazing! I really like wearing one of these, it feels like I'm about to become a Cooking Kazuki! But this time it is a Dish Washer Kazuki!

"Louise-chan and his brother, Kazuki-kun, served a noble, but because this noble was very perverted he always groped Louise-chan's body, not taking things any longer, they ran away, and now we are helping them! Come on, Louise-chan! Introduce yourself to your new friends!" Scarron said while giving the center stage to Louise, she was looked in every direction by the girls, then I saw her trembling… is she angry? Well… as a proper introduction one must bow their head, so the problem must be that.

"I-I-I-I'm Louise, ni-nice to meet you!" She stuttered, making her cuter, but… still that forced smile… is a bit…, if you just smiled naturally then you could have win them over.

"Okay, applause!" Scarron demanded, and everyone smiled and applauded, "Now then!" Scarron said and then snapped his fingers, some music started playing and, the girls all rushed towards the kitchen, Louise included, "We are open!" And finally the doors opened and from them poured men, grown men inside, and the girls all started to take their orders.

"Wow, business is really bursting in this place, if these are the customers as of now, I can't imagine their clients before the café opened" I said while slumping a little bit, then a girl put a plate on my counter, meaning I should wash it, I then felt strange… a sensation came over me, this… this is… "This is exactly like a mini-game! I'll see how fast I can clean a plate!" I said while getting all psyched up.


"First plate cleaned! Bring the next one!" I said while getting all excited, then a ton of plates were all put in my counter, "Oooh! A ton of plates, don't worry I can clean them!" I said then I grabbed the first one on top and started scrubbing, "Scrub, Scrub"


"Scrub, Scrub, then you rub, rub, and then you polish, polish, and done~" I started to sing, I don't know if I'm the only person who enjoys to wash dishes and take it as a game, "Scrub, Scrub~" I sang and then the pile of plates disappeared and another one appeared, "Ohhhh! Infinte Spawning! I hate this, but this means I can farm for more gold and EXP, so I'm taking advantage of this glitch!"


"Man, what will be the prize for winning?" I said while daydreaming and washing dishes, "! Maybe I can keep this apron!" I said while getting obviously excited, "I love minigames!" I then started to think… but wait! I don't have a timer! So I can't know how long I can wash a single dish… no! Dammit, so is this point based? I then took the last plate of the pile and it was rather large plate, oh! I got it, it definitely is point based! The normal plates have 30 points and the large plates 60 points, then I finished my last plate. "That's 390 points! Keep them coming!" I said then I looked at my side to see the new batch, but rather, "Whoa!"

"… Hmm" A girl was next to me and looking at me, "Took you a bit, but you finally noticed me" The girl had long straight black hair, she had thick eyebrows, she wore a combination of flashy and plain clothes, flashy because as Scarron, the neck of the dress was long, so one could see her rather big cleavage, whoa… big… they are about the same size of Siesta's, and plain since they were about the same design as Louise's current clothing.


"I can't believe you really got engrossed with dish washing… you got so engrossed I even poked your back and yet you showed no reaction… you are quite strange" The girl said, "You have cleared all the plates, oh… here comes new ones" I then felt a spark ignite on me, the girl was about to grab the plates but I grabbed them and started to wash the dish one by one thoroughly, so now it will transform into a versus? I can't lose! "H-Hey, I wanted to help you"

"Ah! S-Sorry, I didn't think…" I said while scratching the back of my head.

"No problem" The girl smiled at me, "Let me wash the rest okay?" The girl said, I then nodded, but stared at the plates… my points… are stalled, maybe this was her plan all along! "I'm Jessica, you are the new girl's big brother right?" The girl, Jessica, said and then I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Y-Yes! My name is Kazuki Wedner!" I said with a smile on my face, then I saw another batch of dirty plates, I quickly grabbed them and started to wash them, ahh… my points.

"…" Then from the corner of my eyes, I saw Jessica looking around restlessly, and finally she got closer to me while washing plates, "That thing about you being siblings is a lie, right?" Jessica told me, whoa… this girl is sharp, but still… how should I approach this? If I show a shocked reaction, then most probably she will hit bull's eye, still… judging from her appearance and her status, I can probably trust her, but still… I'll give her a bit of time, for now… I'll continue lying, and the first step to that is…

"Nope, definitely siblings" Is too actually believe the lie myself, also I really really consider Louise that way, she is the cute little sister I couldn't have.

"But you two's hair color, eye color, and face shape are completely different, there isn't anybody who would believe you" Jessica said while washing dishes, kuuh… I want to continue building my score… why do I have to have this conversation?

"What? Does that even matter? You are basically saying that siblings have to be alike, in something to be siblings… but there is still something that connects us as family" I said while washing dishes.

"And that is?"

"Blood! As long as our family's blood is rushing through our body, then we are family!" I said while putting the last plate down, phew… 620.

"…Well, it doesn't matter, the girls here are all fine with any reason, there isn't a person here who would pry into someone's past, just relax" Jessica said, damn she really is sharp, hm… then I started to think about her, hm… a bar, a job here, her big breasts, and also that attire, she most probably has worked here all her life… and because of her sharp intuition, she is able to categorize a person, this girl is amazing, I want her on my party!

"… I guess, I'll do- Pass me those plates!" I was about to relax, but then another batch of plates came, what is the prize? What is the prize? Maybe! Maybe Jessica as a party member?! Yeah! In games usually there are secret characters or optional party members and in order to unlock them one needs to complete certain requirements, I'll have to break through those requirements! Fufu…fufu…haha—"Hm? What is it?" I was about to laugh evilly, when I saw Jessica staring at me.

"Can you please secretly just tell me? Just what is the relationship between you two? From where did you run away?" Jessica started to bombard me with questions, whoa… she definitely is a girl who likes mysteries… well I read on the internet girls like mysteries… so this is what they meant?

"There is no mystery, girl, please just work!" I started to tell her, but then she smiled at me, hm? What is it?

"It's fine for me"


"Because I'm Scarron's daughter"

"…" Ah… "…" Is this for real? I have seen plot twists here and there, but still this… twist, is really new for me… but I kinda had the feeling, Scarron has an eye for potential employees, and Jessica has a good eye for people, so I thought, probably they are family, then there is the way both dress… but still I was hoping she wasn't his daughter… "Um… daughter?"


"… okay, let's wash…" It's the only thing I could say, what kinda genes are in her?!

(POV Change)

Ugh… why do I have to do this?!

"H-Here is your order" I tried to say, but it was so embarrassing, I had to degrade myself to smile at these guys, I just can't get commoners, I mean Siesta is all good and everything since she has been keeping me company while on Kazuki's absence, and she is kind and polite, but these guys are-!

"Little girl, pour me some" The ugly monkey told me, I then grabbed the bottle and was about to hit him with the bottle, but I remembered that this is a mission for the Princess, put up with this commoner Louise, come on… you can do this.

"O-Of course" I said trying my best to smile the best I could, then I started to pour him the wine, this is humiliating, this is so humiliating, why do I have to do this? Why?

"Hey! What's wrong?! Didn't I tell you to hurry?!" The ugly monkey yelled at me, then I did as I told, but since I was shaking from anger I "accidentally" spilled some on him, "Hey! You spilled it!"

"I-I'm s-sorr… sorry" I tried my best to say it, I'm very angry right now, how dare this guy order me around?! What kinda position is he in to order a noble like me like that?! Just… breathe Louise, breathe… think of your happy place.

"Like an apology is going to help… hmm, you don't have any breasts, but you are pretty" I then stopped thinking and I glared at him, "I've taken a liking to you, maybe I'll have you feed me mouth-to-mouth, then I'll probably forgive you!"

"Heh~ Is that so?" I said in a really angry tone, then I drank from the wine and spit at him.

"Wh-What are you doing brat?!"

"L-L-Lowlife! W-Who do you think you think I am?" I said while getting closer to him, the monkey winced, "I-I am-!" And just when I was about to kick him, someone appeared.

"I'm very sorry~~" Mi mademoiselle appeared and helped me, by pushing me away from the monkey.

"Wh-What's with you? I-I don't need you!"

"This won't do, he's soaked in wine! Hey Louise-chan! Bring some new wine, while you are at it, I'll keep him company… Uhum~~!"

"G-Geh! N-No, don't go girl! I-I apologize" The monkey started to apologize, but then I turned my back and started to run towards the kitchen, "No, wait… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

(Time Skip)

"You all worked your best, it seems we are green this month" Mi mademoiselle said, I was just lying my head on a table, I'm too tired… then I heard Mi mademoiselle starting to hand something out, but because of my tiredness I didn't even look.

"Oh, here comes the price… what did I get? SS? S? A? B? C?" Kazuki, who was behind me, said in a happy tone, just what is his deal? Isn't he tired?

"Here, Louise-chan, Kazuki-kun!" Mi mademoiselle said, "And Jessica put a little extra for your excellent work Kazuki-kun! Uhum~~" Mi mademoiselle said and started to head towards the other girls while swaying his hips, ugh… how gross if Kazuki did that… no, don't even think about it.

"How much did I get?" I said while lifting my face and I saw a single thin scrap of paper, "What is this?!"

"It's a bill, probably from you scaring the customers… sorry" Kazuki said in an apologetic voice, what? Haaah?! Ah… this is hopeless already, we won't have any money by some days…

"How much did you…" I asked Kazuki while turning around then I saw it.

"Hm… I still don't know how the currency works, Tabitha told me that the small coins are hm… 1 Ecú? And that the normal gold coins are…"

"… 10 Ecú, you have… currently… 25 Ecú… the average pay for a commoner is 20 Ecú" I said while looking all tired.

"Oh… so it's an SS! Yes! I'll have to keep it going" Kazuki said while smiling, haaah… just what is this guy?

(Time Skip)

(Scene Change)

Attic, Charming Fairies Inn

"*sigh* I'm tired…" I said while slumping on the so called bed, but since it seemed just for one person I hardly believed it was a bed, I mean beds are supposed to support two people not one!

"Yeah, just rest Louise, I'll clean the room, then I'll do something and finally I'll sleep" Kazuki said, then I turned my face towards his voice, and I saw him wiping the room walls with some rag, I even saw some spider's nest, but he just passed the rag onto it and stomped on the spiders.

"…" Siblings… huh… I guess that also probably explains how I feel about Kazuki these days, I haven't had someone this reliable nor kind before, aside from Cattleya-oneesama, and since I have big sisters rather than a big brother it explains why I didn't know this feeling, I then snickered a bit, having Kazuki as a big brother would be troublesome, I mean just imagine him being all excited about anything, but still… it would be nice… him protecting me, spoiling me, being kind to me, hugging me… would be nice.

"Hm? Louise? Why are still up? Please rest, remember Scarron told us that tomorrow we have to get up and clean the store by noon" Kazuki said with a calming voice, while also getting a small cauldron from his pouch.

"Why are you fine with this? Is it because you got paid?" I said to him while still lying on the bed, I'm too tired to even stand up.

"No, it's not because of that, you could say I am a bit accustomed to this… since you know, I had to survive in my own world by myself" Kazuki said while getting some material out of his pouch and getting some notes from his pouch.

"… Is it really that hard?" I asked him while at least raising my upper body, "Living in your world I mean"

"Yeah, I didn't have a single ye… I didn't have money, the uh… higher ups gave me a house to live in, but I was told I needed to survive by myself, so well… yeah, it's hard" Kazuki said while reading his notes and putting some ingredients on the small cauldron.

"… Is… Is a commoner life really this bad?" I asked… for no reason at all, I just… I just need to know.

"Yeah, we could say… you nobles have it easy, but no… there are hardships, in any world there is, there are hardships no matter how important you are there is still that something that holds you down, people then tend to say "I can't do this", "No one needs me anyway" "I'm a failure" and just gives up"


"I have felt that way too, but… as long as I have something to live for, then I can't die, I can't just easily give up, if a wall appears in front of me and prevents me from reaching my goal, I'll try and keep trying to break that wall, even if I cry… even if my hands hurt, I'll never give up" Kazuki said while mixing some materials.

"… Hm… is that so…" I said, so the usual happy and positive Kazuki has also faced those problems? And here he is… happy and positive, just… what have I been doing?

"By the way"


"How old are you, Louise?" Kazuki asked me, I then tilted my head sideways, why is he asking me this? Aren't we the same age? But still I decided to answer him.

"I'm sixteen, why do you ask?" I then saw Kazuki turn my way, really surprised and shocked.

"16?!" Kazuki shouted and I nodded, why is he so surprised? "Louise… hmm… I'm actually 18… so it really is true…" Kazuki said, and then it was my turn.

"18?!" I shouted and Kazuki nodded, eh? Eh? EHHH~? Kazuki is older than me? Then I have been treating him a really bad way, even though he deserves it, "I'm so—"

"Don't apologize, well if you want me to forgive you then please tell me the age of everyone I have known so far" Kazuki said while looking at me, this guy sense of forgiveness is something.

"Well, Zerbst is 18"

"Eh?! 18?! So she really is my age?"

"Yeah" I then touched my chest, "A-Anyway" I then coughed, "Tabitha is 15"

"EHHHHHHHHHH?! 15?! But she really seems mature, she even is younger than you!"

"Yeah, I was surprised too, hmm… I think Siesta is 17, she was employed last year"

"What? 17? She looks 18… wait don't tell her"

"O-Okay, hmm… finally if I remember right, Princess is 17 but in a couple of weeks she will be 18"

"Huh? But still those body lines are really something… just what did they eat?" Kazuki asked while looking at the roof.

"I don't know, don't ask me" I said while getting a bit annoyed.

"Haha… sorry" Kazuki said while resuming his mixing, "Will you sleep now? Or are you waiting for me?"

"W-what?! I-I'm not waiting for you, it's just your boring talk that has kept me up, I'll sleep now!" I said while hurrying and changing into my nightgown, "I'm not even tired… I'll just stare at the roof until you finish you dog!"

(Time Skip)

(Scene Change)

Charming Fairies Inn

And so the second day started at this hell, and it's even the end of the week, when will the info appear? Argh! I don't want to do this anymore… I have already slapped a monkey and punched a gorilla, and now I'm waiting in a corner to be finally released from this punishment… *sigh*.

"Why do I have to do this?" I asked myself in a really low voice, I have no Ecú, I work for a strange person and I'm forced to wear this… this costume! "Hm…" I then looked at the mirror that was on the kitchen, so that girls could check their appearances, "I look cute…" I said and then I started to move a little bit and look at my reflection from all directions… whoa, I didn't even know this costume was cute! Maybe Kazuki thinks the same? I then looked at the kitchen, more specifically the location where he was and…

"…" I watched him washing dishes really thoroughly and fast, I-I haven't seen anyone washing dishes, but still… that is fast! Is he accustomed to it?

"Oh… yeah, he said he was already accustomed to this" I said to myself again, he had no one, not a single bit of Ecú, yet in his world he worked hard all by himself and lived this far, how much hardships has he been through? "I guess… I'll go keep him company… a little while, it's not really like I want to be near him… it's just… argh… I'll just go!" I said while getting a bit nervous, will he get annoyed by me? Will he ignore me? Will he scold me? These questions passed through my mind, but then I quickly dismissed them by remembering his smile, "No… he isn't like that… okay I'll—" I was about to go when.

"…" He was talking with a girl… a b-b-big breasted girl! Oh?! OH! S-So guys r-really like those lumps of fat?! Hah~? N-No Louise, calm yourself… you are on a mission… and you are also his little sister, so calm yourself, but right then the last straw was drawn.

"!" The girl got closer to Kazuki to the point of her breasts touching his chest, Kazuki then got redder and started to open his mouth and close it, T-T-That's it! No more excuses! I then looked around and saw a bottle of wine, I picked it up and aimed at the back of Kazuki's head, and finally I threw the bottle at him.

"Ah! Kazuki!" The girl shouted and Kazuki was knocked unconscious, Heh! Serves him right for getting all excited with that girl, I was about to go and pick him up, but right then I felt a hand grab my left shoulder, "Hii!" I let out a shriek because I kinda knew who this was.

"Louise-chan… non non, you'll have to work harder today to pay for that wine, now please go back to your work" Mi mademoiselle started to push me towards the bar and I looked back at where Kazuki and the girl where and saw that the girl grabbed Kazuki by the shoulder and dragged him out somewhere, Kuhhh! You will pay for this! You… You… You big breasted girl!

"Hey Little girl, serve me!"

"No way, monkey!"


(Time Skip)

(Scene Change)

(POV Change)

Jessica's Room

"…What… hit me?" I said while regaining consciousness, let's see if I remember everything from yesterday… let's see… yesterday I worked so hard that I even impressed myself, I sometimes took turns to wash dishes with Jessica, we talked about a lot of things, like her cousin being a maid somewhere in an academy or how Scarron turned out to be the way he is, and things like that, we hit off really well, then today… she again asked me about me and Louise, then tried the Seduction spell on me, I lost my concentration for a minute, but then… then… what? I just remember the amazing breasts… Hm? Am I hallucinating or am I really seeing her breasts in front of me?

"Ah! You are finally awake!" Jessica said in a happy tone, I then realized I wasn't crazy… phew, I thought I was finally losing it, "You okay? You are not badly hurt?"

"Ah… yeah, don't worry" I said while scratching the back of my head and smiling, then I finally noticed it, I was in a bed, I first thought I was in my room, but… I looked around and it wasn't our warm attic, "Where are we?"

"My room"

"E-Eh?! A girl's room? S-Sorry, I didn't look" I panicked and started to look down, but then I was met again with Jessica's breasts, damn… am I even able to look anywhere? Anyway, she was sitting on the edge of her bed her upper body facing right, that's my position, and I was obviously lying in the bed but with my upper body risen.

"Haha, don't act all nervous, I don't have anything special" Jessica said with a laugh, I then looked at her nervous, "Don't worry I won't tell you not to look"

"… In exchange of what?"

"Oh! You caught on… so you have been used to this right?" Jessica said with a smile, well… when in games there is a sexy female antagonist, she uses her body to obtain info, or when really skilled ladies use their ways of talking into men they get what they want, so that is probably why I caught on.

"Kinda…" I said while scratching the back of my head, I then looked at her and she was smiling at me, "You probably brought me to your room, so no one could interrupt us" I said while putting my hand on my chin.

"Correct!" Jessica said with a smile, then she raised a finger, "I think I got it, Louise is a noble right?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Hm!" Jessica smiled, "Papa has entrusted me with the management of the girls, I know how to categorize the girls, and Louise is definitely someone who can't even carry dishes properly, her pride is high, and that demeanor… so yeah probably a noble" Jessica said, I then felt another sensation came over me, this is… just like that testimony segment on AA:A kuuuh… so should I cross my arms, look a little bit up and tap my elbow? How cool! "W-What?"

"Sorry, to tell you this Miss Jessica!"


"But you are wrong! Louise a noble? Nope, she has always acted this way ever since she was little, because at that age we started to serve that good for nothing noble! In conclusion! Louise copied that personality!" I said while putting a finger in my forehead.

"Whoa… I kinda buy what you said, but still you looked a bit cool, just a bit" Jessica said while smiling, I then felt a thick mark appear on my forehead.

"Don't just say that while smiling, it hurts!" I said, then I calmed myself down and sighed.

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone, you probably have some circumstances, right?!" Jessica said while prying a bit closer, *sigh* This girl never gives up huh? I kinda want to continue, but because she is as stubborn as a mule there is no point to it.

"It's better you don't get involved Jessica" I said while sighing, giving up is not really what I like, but still… she won't give up either, and we are in her room I don't have a form of escape unless it's Louise the Almighty, wait! Let me send her a distress Signal!

"EH~! What's that? Something bad involved? Isn't that interesting?" Jessica said while prying even closer to me, whoa… she really likes mysteries and dangerous things, so the things I read on internet about girls liking bad boys and mysteries is really true?

"Your idea of interesting is strange, please don't ask anything and please just stay put, I-I don't know where I might watch" I said while putting my hands in front of me at my chest level, defense mechanism against people who invade your personal space activate!

"Hey" Yet… Jessica had another idea, "You've never gone out with a girl before, have you?" Jessica said with a meaningful smile, no no you are wrong… I have dated countless girls, done this and that with them and kissed them… that is… in games… I decided not to tell her that, since she won't understand…

"Eh… no" I said straightforwardly, then she twitched a bit… hm? What is it? Was this the reaction she wasn't expecting?

"I-I understand it, I'm quite the sharp commoner girl, after all, it's really easy to figure out what's going on in country people's heads" Jessica said while regaining her meaningful smile.

"Yeah, I also know what you want to do "sharp commoner girl"" I said while looking at her directly in the eyes, if my vision falls I lose, "You want to use Puff-Puff on me! You can't fool me!" I said while smiling, the legendary Puff-Puff, man… wonder what the Jessica from DQ would say to this Jessica.

"Puff-Puff?" Jessica said while tilting her head.

"…Forget it" I said while looking at the side, aaah! This can't do! I want to talk to someone who has played video games, I can't… I want to fanboy over every tiny scene of some games.

"Back on topic, what are you… her attendant? Because you don't really look like a noble and even though you had that sword on your back yesterday, you really don't look that strong, so you must definitely be her attendant" Jessica said while moving a little bit closer, this made her breasts shock, gah! S-Stop, don't stare!

"I'm not an attendant, neither something you say!" I said while closing my eyes and putting my super defense mechanism, but… this girl was waiting for this opportunity.

She grabbed my hands, "Do you want me to teach you about girls?" Jessica said with a seductive smile on her face, D-Damn no! T-That face! Don't make it! My beating heart! Nono, don't think that, think of a counter- measure! What could I do? Right now, she caught my hands, and she caught my legs by climbing on top of me, so I can't move… but well… because of I have a bit of strength more than her maybe I can push her? No… she might get hurt…


"But… in return, tell me properly, okay? About just what you two are planning…" Jessica said then she put my hands in her breasts, W-W-W-W-What is happening?! Gah… I can't think properly… Ah… s-should I give in? "And… I'll show you… something really… really sweet this time… just the two of us, of course" Jessica said… and then something in me snapped, "Gyah!" I then reversed our positions, I was on top of her, I was restraining her arms with my hands, calm… down… ragged… breath…

"…" I then released one of her arms and grabbed both with one hand, I then got closer to the area closer to her breasts.

"E-Eh? W-What are you doing?! I-I'm not prepared for this" Jessica cried, but I got closer and closer and I grabbed…




… I grabbed her bedsheets and pulled them and covered her with them, "Just cover yourself okay?" I said while releasing her, haaah… that was the best course of action… still I feel bad, I didn't actually think she would be scared… this happened so fast…

"I-I… T-Thanks" Jessica said a bit embarrassed, I then took deep breaths and regained my composure.

"Come on, let's get back to work, I still haven't lost to you at washing dishes!" I said with a smile on my face and extending my hand to her.

"…You know, I'm a worker, and I attend the customers"

"Ah!" I suddenly realized that, yeah… this is what I forgot, Jessica after talking a bit with me yesterday went and attended the customers, the men really love her and I kinda get why, she really knows how to pull the strings on men, she has a lot of charisma, hmm if I could use that skill tree… hehe.

"Haha, you are a strange one indeed" Jessica said then I looked at her and she smiled at me warmly a tint of redness came from her cheeks, she took my hand and—


The door opened revealing a pink monster, Louise appeared and she wasn't happy, she was trembling, "W-What are you doing?" She asked the tone of her voice showing displeasure.

"Ah, Louise, don't worry, Jessica was tending me and then she got a bit light headed and I told her to rest" I said with a smile on my face, I have to lie and make it innocent and pure, if Louise ever gets ahold of what happened here she might send me to sleep with Derf.

"Then why are you holding hands?" Louise asked really red, why is she getting this angry?

"Eh… well, I asked… him to hold my hand" Jessica said while smiling, then she let go of my hand, but rather slowly… was she really light headed?

"No one asked you, big breasted girl!"

"Hey now, calm down Louise" I said while looking at Louise, she looked down and started to tremble, I then got closer to Louise, "Now, now please apologize to Jessica, then we— Guah!"

(POV Change)

"Now, now please apologize to Jessica, then we—Guah!" Kazuki was about to say, when I kicked him in the most important part of men, then he trembled and was knocked out again, this stupid dog… holding hands with this girl… what was he happy for?

"This… useless do… big brother, I shall discipline him well" I said while grabbing Kazuki's right leg and dragging him off the room, I can't believe he gets all excited this easily with girls he begins to know, w… why isn't he being like that with me? …Why am I this angry?

"Louise wait!" I heard the girl say, then I turned around to hear her just that, it's courtesy of a noble, so be grateful!

"What is it?"

"What happened to serving customers? Aren't you in the middle of work?"

"Shut up, I'll just discipline this… useless brother and then go back!"

"Do you have that much free time? Even though you can't get a tip?"

"That's not related"

"It is and a lot, that's because I was left with the management of the girls, girls like you are a bother" She started to say and I started to look a bit down, "You anger the regular customer, don't receive orders, throw glasses around and pick fights!"

"…" I then looked down, am… am I even helping the princess? Maybe I shouldn't have gone to the casino in the first place.

"Well, I guess it can't be helped, brats like you can't work as a bar's fairy"

"I'm sixteen, not a brat"

"EH?! You are the same age as me?" She said and then my anger raised even higher than before, h-h-h-how did she get those lumps of fat at this age?!

"Good luck then, though I won't be expecting anything, but if you mess up any further, you are fired, got it?"

"W-Wha-what?! Stupid girl and her… big breasts, calling me a brat, or a child!" I said then I turned around to face her and I started to glare at her, then I puffed out my chest, "I'll collect enough tips to build a castle!"

"Whoa~ really? I'm happy!"

"Who would lose to someone like you, when I'm in my best?" I said while pointing at her, kuhh… those breasts! Those annoying lumps of meat!

"Perfect timing, there's a tip race starting tomorrow!"

"Tip race?"

"Yeah, it's a competition where the store's girls compete to see how many tips they can get, there's also a prize for the winner!" She said while smiling at me, then the next things she said were complete war, "Try your best, if you beat me in the tip race, I won't ever call you a brat again"

"Bring it on, annoying big breasted girl" I said while glaring at her, then she looked at the floor beneath me, got a bit red and coughed a little bit.

"B-But if I do beat you, your so called brother gets to work here permanently" She said while looking away and playing with her hair.

"Haaaah~!?" That was the tip of the iceberg, "I won't ever EVEEEEEEER allow that, so you better prepare yourself to lose!" I said then I grabbed once again Kazuki's leg and dragged him away, this is war girl!

(Time Skip)

(Scene Change)

Charming Fairies Inn

Tip Race (Day 1)

…Why is this so difficult?!

"Okay now, Louise-chan please stay here and calm yourself, then you can come back and serve the customers, okay?"

"…yes, mi mademoiselle" I said, since that girl started the war with me, I then started to serve customers really nicely… BUT! Those monkeys are so lowlife, they don't even appreciate a high noble serving their food.

"Waaah~ Thanks Jessica-chan!" I heard a customer shout I turned my head and I saw her, the big breasted girl was now in the outfit representative from this inn, kuuh… I then saw the girl coming my way to put the plate in the counter.

"Fufu" She laughed and when she put the plate on the counter, she winked and stuck her tongue out, is she mocking me?! Grr… I want to beat her! But since I don't know how to serve these monkeys I will, without a doubt, lose to her, just what can I do? Let's see… I arrive at their table, take their order, usually someone touches my butt, I slap that person, then I come with their order, they tell me to pour their wine, I get angry and I spill their wine on them, usually I hit them in the head with the bottle if they say something about my breasts and/or try to touch them.

No matter how you see it, it's their fault not mine! So why am I being punished?! Haaah… I could always watch that big breasted girl, but I don't want to! Someone else? Hm… I really don't talk that much with the other girls, just when they pass me the plates for me to leave them at the counter for Kazuki… wait… what about Kazuki? I then turned my head to look at the dishwasher.


"Waah!" I shrieked, because when I turned my head, I saw Kazuki just in front of me, h-he scared me.

"Haha, sorry for scaring you… anyway… you in detention again?"


"You slaped a guy or broke a bottle on their head?"


"Hm… so you have no tips for this tip race?"


"Whoa… don't look sad, you have to keep trying and you know you'll see the results" Kazuki said while smiling at me and ruffling my hair, I don't know why… but I suddenly feel calm, it feels like all my anger and pressure flew away… just what is this feeling?

"…" And unknowingly to me… I smiled.

"Whoa you smiled, I'm glad to see that smile" Kazuki said while smiling really brightly, then he got something from his pocket, "Thank you very much, cute girls smiling bright my day" And he put it on my hand.

I opened my hand and I saw… a coin… Ecú… tip.

"W-What? B-But I-!"

"Don't worry, I already talked with Scarron about this and he allowed me to" Kazuki said while smiling, he really is… "I really don't know why you are trying so hard, but still I want to help you any way I can, and don't worry I'm not pitying you"

"B-But… I haven't done anything at all…" I said while looking at him a little apologetic, these coins were worth 5 ecú, the extra he got a day ago, I then felt a warm feeling on my chest.

"Yeah, but you know… where I come from there is a certain… well… let's call it a bar, where it was like this, only girls served the customers, you could pay for something extra, like a picture of the two of you, so I'm doing this… the cute girl who smiled to me is the one I should pay" Kazuki said while smiling…. I was without words, I couldn't even think properly, I just knew… something inside of me… something warm… something enjoyable… was surging, "Well, then let me go wash some dishes! Yeah!" Kazuki said and he walked towards the dishes again and started to wash them at a really breathtaking speed, this guy is so serious… but…

I then held the coin he gave me close to the heart and I felt a new motivation, "Okay… let's try this until the end" I said to myself… I knew I would still punch and slap some monkeys… but… I won't give up, Kazuki has put his trust in me so… I have to show him what his master is capable of.

(Time Skip)

(POV Change)

Tip Race (Day 2)

And so I kept my long battle of gods, I could feel it inside of me, this feeling that burns inside of me, I could feel it… I'm the chosen one! I AM! THE CHOSEN ONE~~!

"Kuh… Perfect" I said while putting aside the last dish from the last set, I have become an expert at dishwashing… man, I feel like I can beat anyone! Wait… no… now I am the Dishm ster!

"I see, you are still washing dishes thoroughly" A voice beside me said, because of the familiarity of the voice I turned my head calmly and addressed the voice.

"Yeah, got a problem Jessica?" I said while crossing my arms and putting a fake-picking a fight face.

"Haha, no, not really" Then she laughed and touched the plates, "They are sparkling clean, just how you do it?"

"Well… leveling my Dish Cleaning Skill" I said, I could feel it, that ability was already in MASTERED.

"I didn't understand, but still good job!" Jessica said while patting my back, she seems to act a bit different ever since a few days ago where she tried to seduce me, now she seems… a bit… I don't know… reserved?

"Thanks" I then saw she was twirling a bit and fidgeting a little, "Is something wrong?"

"Huh? No… it's just… that…"


"H-How do I look?" Jessica said a little bit shy, why is she this way? Wasn't she pushing me around some time ago? I then looked at her dress, it was about the same as Louise, but the difference was that the camisole was green, and well… we all know the biggest difference right?

"It goes well with you" I said while smiling and scratching the back of my head, I then saw her getting very happy.

"Then, then how about my hair?" I then got very intrigued, why is she asking me this? Wait… you don't mean? This is all dialogue to get her as a party member?! I then looked at her hair, it looked the same, but…

"It looks a bit cute, I mean look you left your forehead a little bit revealed while still covering a certain part with your fringe" I said while looking at her, then she widened her eyes and smiled really brightly.

"You really noticed?"

"Yeah, why? Aren't the little details the most important?" I said while putting my arms behind my head.

"Ooooh~! Ohhh~! I feel like I can do anything today! Thank you!" Jessica said while pumping her arms in the air, she then ran to the bar, "Wish me luck! See you later Kazuki!" And just like that she left, I felt like she was acting a little bit childish… didn't she?

"Just what is the deal with her?" I asked myself, I then saw something from the corner of my eye, I couldn't see it, but now… I saw it, "Costumes?" I saw what looked like costumes, props, and many things that people use for theater, I then started to dig a bit on the box and saw a fake mustache… "You can't mean…" I then looked at the back, where the chef was cooking, or rather Scarron, and saw his moustache… "Could it be fake?"

(Time Skip)

(POV Change)

(Tip Race Day 3)

"Agh…! Those monkeys!"

"Hey, calm down… otherwise you won't get another tip"

"I know but…"

"Don't worry, you can try tomorrow, today just help me okay?" Today, I tried my best, I kept smiling but still when they touched me I couldn't help but punch them, *sigh* I'll have to restrain myself more, and so I was penalized and forced to help Kazuki wash dishes, well… I wouldn't say forced… I feel this is more like a reward than a punishment, and so today… I have 15 Ecú, that's right these three days, Kazuki has given me 5 Ecú each day, he really is amazing.

"Okay" I then grabbed a plate, and then grabbed the rag and I started to wash the plate.

"Wait! Louise!" Kazuki said and then I turned to face him and he continued, "You have to first soak the rag in soap so that you can actually clean it" Kazuki said then he put his plate down and started to look at me.

"O-Okay" I then soaked the rag in soap and resumed to wash the plate, I could feel Kazuki's stare on me, I suddenly felt my heart beat a bit fast, "W-What is it?"

"Uh? Nothing, I was just checking if you washed it cleanly… and yeah you did" Kazuki said while smiling at me.

"… I don't understand how you find this fun… is this really fun? I find it a bit tiring…" I said while moving on the next plates.

"Well… I know how to make it fun between two people" I then heard Kazuki rub his rag harder.

"Ho—Wha-?!" I turned to face him and ask him, but the instant I turned to face him, he put his finger on my nose, I then felt the coldness and I saw that it was a piece of soap bubbles, "W-What is that for?"

"Haha, you look cute" Kazuki said while smiling really brightly.

"Y-You! How about this?!" I then did the same but I grabbed his chin, "Pff… there now you have a white beard!"

"I am white beard! Pirate King!" Kazuki said while putting his arms in the air and moving them in a really strange manner, I then covered my mouth and tried to restrain my laughter.

"W-What… whats… with that… pfff… you look so stupid!" I said while wiping the small tears from the corner of my eyes.

"See? This is how you make it fun!" Kazuki said while smiling at me, then I felt my face heat up a little bit, I then straightened myself and fidgeted a little bit.

"L-Let's continue!"

(Scene Change)

(Time Skip)

(Tip Race, Day 6)

Kazuki and Louise's room

"Mwhaha I will finish it tonight!" I heard Kazuki from my side, I was currently lying face down on the bed, I was already on my nightgown and Kazuki was finishing his super potion.

"Kazuki… Agh… I feel really tired and depressed… I guess I will really sleep early today" I said while still facing down, I feel tired because of this long week, I feel depressed because of the current results of the tip race… Jessica, that big breasted girl, has 160 Ecú, and she is first place, while I have 25 Ecú and I currently am Last place.

"Okay, rest well" But still, those 25 Ecú have all been from Kazuki… he really paid me everything he afforded last week, why?

"Why are you being kind with me?" I said while raising my upper body and facing him, he then looked at me and smiled.

"Do I need a reason?" He just asked and continued to mix his potion, "I… you are a really important person to me right now Louise, the whole Familiar-Master thing doesn't matter, even if I came to this world… became someone else's familiar, I still would be kind to you, I don't know why… but watching you, seeing what you deal with every day… has made me think really good of you, no matter how someone may tell me you are a failure or that you are a good for nothing, for me you really are something really great and good!" Kazuki said all this while smiling, I then once again felt my heart beat so fast, am I…?

"I… But… this is really hard"

"Yeah, I know that's how life is, you just haven't experienced yet, but now you are… this is the other world within your world Louise, this is what Commoners do everyday to survive" Kazuki said while putting some strange herbs into the pot.

"I… I still like being a noble"

"… yeah, but you should appreciate more the commoners, don't you think?"

"I think…"

"Anyway, please rest, tomorrow is the final day of that tip race… so rest a lot, so you can win whatever it's in game"

"Well, it's a bustier… that has some magic" I said in low voice, the reward for winning is a black bustier, with a magic that adjusts the dress according to the user's bodylines and the other one… is a magic that makes one person to fall in love with the person wearing it, I kinda want to win for this too… and I want… to wear it just… just… for him, and so I made a silent prayer to Brimir so that tomorrow I somehow could win.

"It's finally done!" I heard Kazuki said before finally falling asleep.

(Time Skip)

(Scene Change)

(Tip Race, Final Day)

Charming Fairies Inn

"… that is what happened dear customer"

"*sob* *sniff* W-What a heartbreaking story"

"Yeah… if only I could have some Ecú… *sigh*"

"Here have as much as you like little girl, I-I… I don't need them anyway" And so the man gave me 10 Ecú, I took it and quietly pumped my fist and put it in my pocket.

"Thank you so much dear customer" I then stood up and posed like a noble, right now I changed my strategy, well… Kazuki advised me to… he told me to pull the "depressive" act, and since I looked to most of the men here like a little girl, maybe some tragedy would move their hearts, and surprisingly I have been able to.

"L-Live well *sniff* Louise *sniff* for your little brother" The man said and I started to go towards the kitchen, there I found Kazuki and I showed him the 10 Ecú, he just raised his hand and I high fived him.

"Hm… okay, I already used the villager background, the little brother background, and the circus background which one shall I use now?" I pondered, I feel kinda bad for deceiving since it's not how a noble should act, but since I want to win this tip race I have to do what it takes and also I promised Kazuki this would be the last underhanded methods I use.

"I shall leave you to that Louise, today is our last day, so I shall play with the props over here see ya, oh! Right, if you are ever in danger just leave it to me, and my new super awesome super special potion!" Kazuki said while smiling at me, I just smiled at him and nodded, then he went towards a box and knelt in front of it, I then grabbed a bottle of wine and was about to go and serve another customer when.


"…" A new group of people entered the store, at the front was a middle-aged man who was wearing a mantle, that means he is a noble?! I got this!

"Oh! If it isn't Chulenne-sama, welcome to the Charming Fairies Inn" Mi mademoiselle said, I then started to approach them slowly, somehow the girls all ran to the kitchen.

"The store seems to be flourishing, manager"

"No,no today it's just a coincidence, I was going to consult with my daughter about visiting the temple tomorrow to get permission to save my neck, sorry"

"Today isn't job day, don't make excuses"

"It's just… Chulenne-sama, but as you can see, the store is full"

"Hm… I don't see such a thing" And just like that this so called Chulenne, did something and the nobles that were with him pulled out their wands, the customers all fled… is this guy…?

"Oh! This store seems to be making quite the profit! Isn't this wine a well-cured sake from Gronyu? The clothes the girls are wearing are tailored from Gallia! I guess I have to look over this year's tax rates, fufufu" Chulenne laughed a bit and so did the other nobles, "Is there not a girl who will pour alcohol for Her Majesty's tax collector?! This store at least sells that, right?" And so I took that as my cue, fufufu you are as good as mine you monkey.

"Wait! Louise!" I heard the Big Breasted Girl shout behind me, but I paid no heed to her, I will win you girl!

"What? Who are you?"

"C-Customer… y-y-you are so dreamy" I said trying to get on his good side, that's right compliment him and then just tell him a tear-jerking story.

"What's this?! This store is using children now?!"

"…" I then felt my eyebrows twitch, must… calm… down.

"Oh! Looking closer, you're not a kid… just a girl with no breasts" Chu—Monkey said and I just felt my anger rising through the roof, "Now how about this Chulenne-sama checks and see just how big they are?" And then he started to get his hands closer to my chest I couldn't bear it anymore and was about to snap when.

"Dear Customer!" The Big Breasted girl stood in front of me and grabbed both his hands and twisted him, "You need to order before you go with the service of one of our staff, so please order up" The Big breasted girl said before releasing him, then the Monkey just looked at her and his face instantly changed to that one of lust.

"Oh… this one… this one is way WAY better!" The Monkey said and then he sat on a table, "I want anything that you want to make, I want these two to serve me for a little while" The Monkey said and then mi mademoiselle rushed to the kitchen and started to cook something after nothing but some moments he came and gave food and wine to this Monkey, "Listen, you two… I love my girls with a little more… personality if you get what I mean and I also love those with that personality and so on…" He started to mutter something, but I lost interest I was seated to his left and the big breasted girl was on his right, I could see he was eyeing us, I looked with worry at the big breasted girl and she just nodded, I guess I should put up with this…

"D-Dear Customer, don't you have something to do? Maybe you should hurry up?" The big breasted girl started to say but the Monkey just frowned and then eyed us and smiled lustily.

"I guess… but… Scarron!"

"Y-Yes, Chulenne-sama?"

"Give me these two girls and I will never bother this store again" The monkey said and we all got surprised, where is Kazuki?

"W-Wha-?! B-But Jessica… my daughter…"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them so much huhuhuhu~" Then he just licked his lips, and started to laugh creepily, I was about to stand up and punch him but then I saw the big breasted girl.

"…" She showed no resistance… nothing… she looked ready to just go… Eh?! Don't tell me! She will give herself… just for the sake of this store?

"J-Jessica?" I muttered, why is she doing this? Why? I just… don't understand?

"If it's for the store… for Papa… I…" So she is doing this just for her father… Jessica… "I-!"




"What the-?! Who did that?" Chulenne asked while looking around then he saw the kitchen and all the girls were looking at the same thing then that thing stood up and with a huge bottle of white liquid started walking towards the exit of the kitchen.

"OOH! Yo! Rap with me! Yo! Yo! Oh not? Then I shall go~?!" Then that something just walked out of the kitchen and I instantly recognized it…


"Kappa is crazy bro, *hic*" Kazuki said while swaying left and right while walking, that's not the only thing different about Kazuki he was wearing a thin fake moustache and a red cape and well… he was grabbing that bottle of white liquid, "Hey there bro! Want a drink? Come on! Let's all drink till we drop!" Kazuki then proceeded to give each noble that was standing up that drink until it was empty, "Ehhhhh~? Where did the… white thingy thing go?" He said while looking inside his bottle.

"Y-You! Stop! Just who are you?" The Monkey asked and Kazuki just turned to face him and smiled at him.

"Hey! Wazurname, how are things going? You are fatter!"


"Oh?" He then looked at Jessica and at me, then he winked "There are two beautiful girls right here? How are you? Let me touch you~!" Kazuki said and then he got a barrel and sat on the same table, he was opposite of the monkey, I was on his right and Jessica on his left, "Let me touch you~~ Hehehe" Kazuki said and then he grabbed both our barrels where we were sitting and dragged us near him, and v-very close "Funyu~ Hehehe~"


"Eh!" And then he grabbed my thighs with his right hand and he grabbed one of Jessica's breasts with his left hand, I WILL KILL HIM!

"Put up with this… sorry, sorry" I heard him whisper, huh? So is he not drunk?

"You bastard! Tell me who are you right now!" The monkey said really irritated, then Kazuki just smiled and said.

"Robin Shiplord"

(POV Change)

Damn it… think a name, think a name… something of the medieval age, think a game a game… Skyrim? Dark Souls? Dragon's Dogma? Dragon's Age? What about manga? Joestar? Speedwagon? Brando? Damn it… think… the game I last played on my world was… Ah! That's Right!

"Robin Shiplord" I said with confidence, Ehhhhhhh? What kinda name is that? I was going to say something like Frederick Tanker, but it seems that the tactician was on my mind, damn you Robin!

"Shiplord? Heh, I don't know that name, you ought to learn from a really high noble like me who is widely known"

"Who are you?"

"…" Then the man shook from anger and pounded on the table, "Didn't you hear me I just said I was the—"

"Ah! The Wax Collector?"


"The Hex Collector?"


"The No Collector?"


"Sorry, I really don't pay attention to those who are going to disappear on the next chapter"

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing, just breaking a wall"

"Y-Y-You are mocking me right?"

"I'm not mocking anyone, I'm just making fun of you"

"That's the same!" The man said in annoyance I could see on his temple a thick mark, so he is annoyed right? Then I need to buy another minute and it will reach that, "Anyway unhand those women, they are mine" The man said while adjusting his cape.

"Uh?" I then looked at both my side and saw both Louise and Jessica, Jessica just hanging her head and Louise just looking at the front serious, I then saw her thighs and saw she was grabbing her wand, I then grabbed her hand, she looked at me and I nodded and then she nodded and grabbed her wand firmly, "Sorry yours?"

"Yeah! Or at least that girl! Isn't that right, beautiful maid?"

"I—!" I then saw Jessica tremble, she is doing this for her father, the store they both owned after her mother's death, I can understand her feelings but…

"Sorry! You came too late! That's why one preorders!" I then made a sign that meant money, "The sweetest things come from the preorder"


"Ka—Robin! Just let me do this! This is for my father! You should know… how much this store means to me!" Jessica said while looking at me, she had determination on her eyes but her whole body said another thing… she was trembling.

"I understand you"


"But you don't understand!"


"You Chullam!"


"I could give you this girl, but there is absolutely no way of that happening, because she has her father to depend on" I said while looking at him seriously, just a bit more, "You all… You all don't understand the pain of being alone, being without parents that once loved you, it's the worst!"



"And? I can start a new family with her, I just have to make her my concubine, hehehe~" The guy started to laugh creepily I then felt my anger rise to the max, but then I relaxed and smiled, "W-Why are you smiling?"

"Because I'm not letting you take her… she already is mine" I said while looking at him, then I saw from the corner of my eyes Louise tense up, she caught on the climax, and then I lifted my left arm in front of Jessica to protect her from what's coming.

"Then I will have to take her by force! Me—"

"Oh! Wait a minute!"

"What now?"

"I'm letting you go"

"Letting me go? Ha! You make me laugh, stupid noble! Even if you are a single mage you can't do a thing against all of us"

"Oh I can do something all right"

"Oh yeah then show me!"

"No, I'm giving you 5 seconds to run, 1…"

"Hahahahahahahaha! You talk big for someone who looks so puny, you better go train in your arts of mediocrity"

"Okay, I have a great teacher in front of me, 2…"

"You-! I'm the Majesty's Tax Collector, you know how important that is, hah?"

"You collect money, how scary, 3…"

"You… You dare mock me?!"

"As I said before I'm just making fun of you, 4…"

"W-What did I ever do to you?"

"Come here and mess with my job and these two girls, 5"

"E-Everyone! A-Attack!"

I then snapped my fingers, "Item: Knockout Potion" And just like that everyone besides the man fainted.

"A-A-Ah! S-S-Spare my life, please! I-I-I'll give you every single Ecú I have! So please leave me alone" The man said and then he got 3 bags full of Ecú, from out of nowhere.

"Ohhh! Ecú! Of course I'll leave you alone!" I said while smiling then I grabbed Jessica and rushed to the back, "But she won't!"



"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" The man shouted and then I saw from the kitchen the heroine of tonight, Louise, well then one last thing to do…

"Wooooo! Louise is the best!" I shouted first, then Louise looked back at me and blushed a little bit.


"Whoa! Louise-chan! Is definitely the best!"

"You scared that ugly pig out of here"

"Yeah, and you were so brave to go and serve him" All the girls and Scarron were fawning over Louise, she was looking left and right confused, but she looked a bit happy, she probably thinks she didn't do a single thing, but… just standing up to that guy was something courageous… even though she probably was thinking about the Ecú.

"Thanks…" I heard from my right, I then looked at my right and saw Jessica, I was about to say something to her but she just rushed ahead, "It seems we have a winner!"


"This is a tip, Louise!" Jessica said while smiling at Louise, Louise looked at the bags of Ecú and shook her head.

"No… this is Kazuki's…"

"Hey, Master!" I shouted and then she looked at me from afar… "I'm going to bed, but remember that everything the Familiar owns is the Master's!" I said with everything I have and smiled at Louise, she just looked at me and her eyes were very tender.

"There you have it, Louise wins the tip race!"

"YEAAAAH!" And with that I left to our room to pack for tomorrow's parting.

(Time Skip)

(Scene Change)

Kazuki and Louise's Room

"And finally the knights came and took that guy to the palace so that he could get a judgement"

"Phew… so this week wasn't for naught at least"

"Yeah, you tell me that… anyway what's up with that potion?" Currently we were in our attic packing our things, or rather I was packing our things and Louise was changing on her nightgown.

"Eh? Ah! The Knockout Potion? It's the potion I have been working all this week" I said while reminiscing… on the mornings I had to make a quick run to the stores to see if they had the ingredients, then on the afternoons I was pro-dish washing and at night I was trying the potion, "It's as the name suggests, it knocks out people, but because of my abilities… the potion has to be drank by the victim and then wait for a couple of minutes and wham! You snap a finger and that person is knocked out, man… I have to tell Miss Chevreuse of my success" I said while reminiscing my work… It worked so beautiful!


"Yeah?" I said and I turned around… "Ah…" Just to find Louise in the Black Bustier… Ah, yeah Scarron told me about this thing… damn… I can't look at it…

"How does it look?"

"I-It looks… I-I… I mean it looks… wow" I said, what is this? My heart is beating so fast and… the only person I can think of now is… Louise.

"Is that so? Hm… I'm happy" Louise then smiled a bit cutely, d-damn she looks super cute… I want to… hug her… kiss her… NO NO NO, I then shook my head trying to snap out of these thoughts.

"B-But you should wear it for someone you like, it's just a waste on me"

"Eh? But… I wore it… just for you" Hearing those words and the redness and the kinda aggressive but at the same time tender face of Louise made my heart skip a beat.

"Eh? For me?!" I asked really surprised then I saw Louise, s-she can't mean? No… there is no way…

"Ah! N-no, d-don't get the wrong idea, I was just… I mean… I just…" Louise said while panicking, then she tripped… just like that… she tripped over nothing… it seemed like magic was the cause, "Uwaaa!"

"Louise!" I then caught her on my arms, it seemed like we were hugging, "Are you okay?" I asked Louise and then she lifted her face.

"Yeah… ah!"

"Ah!" Then we both realized it, we were really close our bodies were touching one another, I could hear something beating, it's my heart… I then felt dizzy… but still I just… I couldn't stop staring at Louise's face… was she this cute before? Ah… Louise… "My Louise…" I whispered out of nowhere, that then triggered something in Louise and she started to break our hug slowly.

"I'm going to change and sleep" She said with her back facing my way, damn… I should have not said that… I overstepped my boundaries… I… what happened to me? I should apologize tomorrow… or I'll bury this and never talk about this… yeah, maybe that's the best course of action.

"My Louise?" I whispered to myself… I don't know why… but… I didn't hate to call Louise that way, I then shook my head, nono what is up with me?

(Time Skip)

(Scene Change)

Outside of the Charming Fairies Inn

"Have a safe trip, Kazuki-kun! Louise-chan!" Scarron said to us while tearing up, currently we were outside of the Inn and everyone was seeing us off.

"Don't worry mi mademoiselle, if we are in town we will come here" Louise said while smiling at Scarron.

"Oh… Louise-chan!" Scarron then started to cry, whoa… he really cries.

"Kazuki!" I then heard a female voice amongst the crowd and Jessica surged from there, "Um… I…" She was fidgeting a little bit and then she looked at me.

"Yeah?" I smiled at her to ease her worries.

"Here!" I then was presented with something, I opened my hand and I saw a pendant, seeing my puzzled reaction, "It's a charm… to protect… the wearer you know… a good luck charm"

"Oh, is that so? Then I'm lucky!" I said then I started to put the pendant, "How does it look?" I asked while smiling and then Jessica looked at me dreamily, "Jessica?"

"Ah! Yes, it looks good on you!" Jessica said while smiling, then she got a bit sad.

"Hey" I then ruffled her hair, "Don't worry I will come back later okay?" I said and then she looked at me and I smiled, "We can settle our Dish Washing Contest right then!"

"…Yeah!" Jessica said while smiling and then she hugged me really tight, "Come back… promise me?"

"I promise" I said while smiling, then she broke the hug and pushed me, "Ow… Well… it's time to go Louise" I said while looking at my right, I saw Louise get a bit sadder and she nodded and then we started to walk towards the entrance of the town, "Ah!" I forgot something I then turned towards the crowd again.


"Jessica!" I shouted at them, "Next time I come back, you are definitely coming with me! And I won't take no for an answer, okay?" I then from far away saw Jessica turn her around, her back facing us.

"Yeah!" Jessica shouted, then I smiled and nodded and then resumed to walk towards the entrance.

"What was that about?"

"You know getting another party member!"


"Anyway, hop on!" I said while kneeling on front of Louise.


"Neigh… I'm a horse, destination Tristain Academy *horse noises*!"

"Kazuki…" Louise said and then… "Then… Excuse me…" Louise said and then she got on my back and now on my hands were our bags and Derf, my arms are heavy… damn… but… it's for Louise.

"Let's go Louise! Yeehaw!" I said while running a bit towards the entrance, "Let's go back to Kirche, Tabitha, Siesta and Sylphid"

"Huh? But once we go back, it's vacation"


"They probably are taking a vacation and we will, plus Siesta and the other commoners, be the only ones at the academy"

"WHOAAA! Vacation!" I shouted while accelerating a bit, I already wanna head to our room and be lazy.

"Uwah… Careful, Kazuki!" Louise shouted at me and I smiled and laughed a bit.

"Haha, Sorry passenger" I said and Louise smiled too and laughed a little bit, I just hope she continues to smile for me like this a little bit longer.


*wheeze* *cough* I'm going to die… I swear… this has been the longest chapter I have made.

Sorry everyone for the wait, I was lost playing games and reading Light novels, yes also Zero no Tsukaima, why? You may ask? That's because I want to bring everyone the joy of this fic to the fullest, but probably it will be ruined by my OC.

Also tidbit for the next chapter, it is stated on the Light novel, if in the anime too is stated then I'm a fool, that in that Halkeginia there is no underwear… just panties… that is all. :P

How did you like the chapter? What did you like? Did you like the (attempt) romantic moment between Kazuki and Louise?

Also… Jessica in the Harem or not?

Anyway, you might see me publishing other fics like one I'm planning but don't worry I'm not abandoning this one, NEVER, until it's finished and probably with some flamers here and there.

If some of you are wondering, which I think not since I'm a bad fic writer, which series I'm going to release a fic are these ones:

-Sword Art Online (I'll challenge it again! [Unlocks Flamer Resistance… somewhat (It raises the FDEF to 10)])

-Gakusen Toshi Asterisk (Everyone: NOOOOO, me: Yay?)

-Highschool DxD (Oppai? Oppai! Lemon? No!)

-Oda Nobuna no Yabou (Some of You: Yeah! Me: HECK YEAH! Lolis! Samurai! And Japanese History… a little bit)

Finish! All of these will be obviously OCxHarem, so as always… don't like don't read.

Anyway, to end it… please review if you'd like (please!), if you liked the fic then leave a favorite and if you really loved the fic then leave a follow.

MrAlan OUT! –de gozaru