Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with OUAT.
"Just what do you think you're doing?"
Regina's demanding voice made Emma jump where she was seated on the bed. "Um...getting ready for bed?" The blonde was confused by her girlfriend's inquiry.
"Not on that side of the bed you're not." Regina told her with her hands on her hips. Even in her silk pajamas the former queen could manage to look intimidating.
"We have slept at your place up until this point so I have not put up a fight regarding what side of the bed I have slept on. Now that we are in my bed I will tell you that that - the left side of the bed is my side."
"Oh, ok." Emma said simply as she started to scoot over to the other side.
Regina could sense a change in Emma's attitude that she wasn't expecting. "Are you attached to that side of the bed as well?" She questioned.
"It's silly." Emma said quietly.
The brunette crossed to sit down next to Emma on the right side of the bed. She gently tipped her chin upward so that she could look her in the eye. "Tell me."
Emma took a deep breath before she said, "Sleeping on the left side of the bed means sleeping on your left side. I like sleeping on your left side so that I can hear your heartbeat more clearly." She looked away again before she finished, "I love listening to your heartbeat. It makes me feel safe."
Regina's breath caught in her throat. The feeling of safety was the last thing that anyone had ever associated with her. She fought back the tears that were threatening to well up in her eyes. "Scoot back over," was all she said.
Emma smiled as she slid back over to the left side of the bed. Regina took off her robe and climbed into bed and settled against the pillows. Her blonde girlfriend turned off the bedside lamp and plunged the room into darkness before curling into her side. She pressed her ear against Regina's chest and threw her arms across the other woman's abdomen.
"Your heartbeat sounds louder than normal." Emma comment, "Are you ok?"
Regina kissed her forehead, "I enhanced the sound of it. I made it louder for you."
Emma snuggled in closer. "I love you."
Regina held her tightly and nuzzled her nose into her blonde locks, "I love you more."
I hope you enjoyed it!