Disclaimers - Sunnydale and all therein doth belong to the noble Joss
Whedon and diverse others.
Much Ado about Buffy
Dramatis Personae
Buffy - The Slayer Willow - A witch of her acquaintance
Xander - A clown
Giles- The Watcher Spike - A vampire
Tara - Consort of Willow
Anya - An ex-demon Riley - Significant other of the Slayer
Marius, Cassius and Lurcio - Three vampires
Divers vampires and people
Spi: Consider gentles all, a strange lad beyond the girdle of great
ocean. A land of wonders and of imagination. Where dark forces exist and
noble heroes do strive and contend against them. Close your eyes and drift
away to the land of Sunnydale
Scene 1:
A cemetery in Sunnydale
Enter Buffy and vampire fighting
Vamp: Most well do you fight, girl
But I wager tonight
Shall see thy blood be mine drink
Buf: Thou talkest too much, knave
Thy prattle grows exceeding wearisome
Come let us make an end
Vamp: Girl, come let us do and let me finish you
Thou shalt not be so bold
As weeping with fear and trembling
Thy life in my hands I hold
And feel thy hearts blood coursing through my veins
Buf: Fie upon you knave and cease thy boast
For thou has made great error and thy mistake
shalt be most point'dly made clear
Vamp: O woe, I am wounded unto the heart
And so to dust I must depart
He vanishes in a puff of dust.
Enter Giles
Gil: O most elegantly done, gentle Buffy
That darksome creature has gone
Screaming into that void prepared for it
By its most hateful master.
And so, once more the noble town of Sunnydale
Can wake anew, refesh'd in the light of noble sun.
Buf: Noble Giles, thy praise is most welcome
And thine aid this night most seemly.
But soft, the night is young and I feel the need for
Shall we not repair to a place of meeting
And thereby acquaint them of our doings
Thereby disposing of their fears
Gil: Well said and let us make it so
Together, to the Bronze we go
Scene 2
A dank cave under Sunnydale. A table with arcane markings is there
Enter Marius, Cassius and Lurcio
Mar: So are we resolved to this course
Cas & Lur: We are
Mar: Then shall we assemble the demons of the nether regions
And call them forth to aid our enterprise
And spread dark evil over this land
Cas: I call upon dark magicks to aid us
And to assist this action
Lur: Foul beasts of the land and sea
I beg you hearken to my call
And lend thine aid
And thy malevolent aspect
All: So that we may gain strength
So that we may gain puissance mighty
So that we three may go forth and dare
To kill the Slayer
Mar: The conditions are right, the very stars
Do proclaim in their astral vaults
That this night great deeds shall be done
Lur: Yea, I have seen omens of fire and darkness
Of open'd graves wailing
And owls screeching in the night
Cas: In sooth, it must be so.
But great deeds must need be accompanied by great hazard
Not lightly do we attempt this
Mar: Not lightly, no. But to achieve our object
Would enlighten our hearts
And we wouldst garner a plenitude of adulation.
So brothers, let us with unseemly haste depart
Lur: Aye let us leave. My desire is to separate the Slayer from her
Cas: And plunge this town into infernal strife
Scene 3
The Bronze
Enter Willow, Tara, Xander and Anya
Wil: The night is calm and yet I feel a chill
As if some evil brews
And is poised to spill darkly over this fair town
Good Tara, come close and encomfort me in thine arms
That this chill be dispersed by thy warmth
Tar: Come gentle Willow, be not dismayed.
I spy goodman Xander and lady Anya.
They do approach our table.
Shall we not make them welcome
Wil: Ho, Xander, Anya. Pray tarry with us awhile
Xan: Ho Willow, Tara,
Any: Greetings gentles all
Wil: What brings thee to our bower.
Xander. Hast thou tidings of our friend Buffy
I fear for her, this night is of evil aspect
and my prognostications foretell doom
Xan: Fear not goodlady Willow, for Buffy has been victorious this
And will soon repair to this hostelry
And enjoy merry frolic and partake
In the diversions of this night.
Wil: You ease my heart noble Xander
But still I fear
For the moon in the house of Leo doth portend
Dark deeds and foul business
Tar: Aye an it be so. My lady Willow doth speak true
For I too have seen these signs
And others which carry evil portent
I too fear that this night might be dark and noisome
And worry lest day itself shall flee the horror
Any: Come Xander, let us flee this place
And seek solace in each other's arms
As we await the dire fate of this dark night
Xan: Nay, Anya, let it not be so.
We shall not depart and in so doing leave
Our bosom companions to a deadly fate
We shall stay and with them confront
The minions of apocalypse
And with their aid, avert it
As we have done oftimes before.
Wil: Thou art most gracious noble Xander
Tar: Well spoken brave Xander
Any: Oh Xander, I do believe that reason hast fled thy mind
But for thy sake and that of thy companions
I shall stay and with thee oppose
This doom approaching us
Xan: Enow of this glum talk my friends
Hark, the musicians hath begun a merry tune
What say we dance our cares away
Come Anya, shalt thou partner me in this
They dance.
Muscians; O the summer sun is shining
And my gentle lass is singing
With a nonny nonny no
Of her love for me so burning
And of her endless yearning
With a nonny nonny no
She sings of me so sweetly
I run to her most fleetly
With a nonny nonny no
Enter Buffy and Riley
Buf: How now friends. How goes it tonight
Ril: Well met nobles all.
Wil, Tar,Xan , Any: Ho goodlady Buffy and puissant Riley
Wil: Hail Buffy. I was afeard as omens of dark doom
Have been seen abroad and a mighty evil
Is abroad this night in Sunnydale.
Buf; It may be so, gentle Will.
For Giles didst read in his books arcane
Of a dark power seeking to extend its dominion
Engulfing this fair town in black evil.
Ril: But nobly, didst Buffy declare unto Master Giles that such
evil would be stopped.
So we hastened to this place to forewarn you
And of those resolved to assist Buffy
To seek thine aid
Wil: Yea, I and kind Tara shalt perform spells
And create wards of potency to protect us
Come Tara, let us about our work.
Exeunt Willow and Tara
Any: Xander, I am much afeared.
What little I can do against such dark power
I shall do but my heart says it will not avail
Xan; Nay gentle Anya. For I shall be with you
And I shall mock this foul evil
Afore I take us to a place of shelter
Wherein we shall plot divers schemes
And so against the dark prevail
Exeunt Xander and Anya
Ril: So our plans are set in motion
Now blind fate shall play his game
Buf; Aye and in this game are we but pawns
Ril: Nay, say not pawns. Rather knights, bishops, castles
And thee, good Buffy, surely thou art the Queen.
Buf; You have a goodly tongue Sir Riley
For if I am Queen thou must be knight
But Knight, Queen or no we are still pieces
To be played with and when taken cast aside
But now we must confront our fate
Play this game and hope for mate.
Scene 4
An open place
Enter Spike
Spi: Ah woe, woe, all is woe. Once I was feared like none other. The
darkest portion of night afore the dawn was mine. I did mighty deeds and
great evil but now I am lost, unmanned and impotent. Rendered juiceless by
this evil curse. And yet, I feel within the stirrings of desire. In the
moon, I see her face, the gentle moonbeams doth seem as kindly as her smile.
The sweet falling dew is as her tenderness. The stars, o cursed star whose
message doth presage doom, are as nothing to her eyes. And how long to
sample the sweet caress of her lips against mine. For as my soul is lost, so
am I now lost. Lost in her regard. And yet, she does not heed me. Her ev'ry
action belittles me. Her voice , her so sweet voice, has nothing but disdain
when she does deign to speak to me. Yet, I hang upon her ev'ry word, so
smitten am I. Ev'ry touch , no matter that it hurts, is as the gentlest
zephyr. Alas, woe is me.
Scene 5
The same open place
Enter Marius, Cassius and Lurcio
Mar: Here is the place foretold.
The powers are strong here
I hear them whisper to me
Telling of the doom foretold
Cas: I too hear them, but whose doom they do not say
Lur: Fie upon you, Cassius,
The omens speak true
Tonight the Slayer shall be slain
And our dark master shall claim her soul
And raven upon it as she suffers eternal torment
Spi: (hiding in bushes) Nay, this cannot be. I must forewarn her that she
does not approach this place. O lack a day, she comes.
Enter Buffy, Willow, Xander, Tara, Anya and Riley
Buf: Oh ho, I see three creatures of ill aspect.
Their presence dost befoul the very earth
Xan: Verily it is so.
Ho, demons, art thou not afraid
For we have sent many of thy kind to damnation
Mar: Silence rogue. Thy tongue is sharp
But I wager my teeth are sharper
Wil: Spirits of light, I implore thee
Tar: Spirits of joy, I beseech thee
Both: In thy name we beg protection
Lur: Spirits of dark and shadow
I set thee upon thine enemy
Break their wards and deliver them
Naked and helpless that I may feed
Cas: I like this not. These magicks are awry
And now all is in the balance
Mar: So, Slayer, we meet at last
And it is mete for this shall be our last
For only one shall depart this place
Buf: Thou hast a silver tongue
For all thy hideous appearance
Cas: So, young cur, thou talkest not so glib
When faced with doom
For thy insults I will reward thee
With quick death
Xan: Nay, foul demon.
But I shall grant thee release from thy burden
And toast thy demise
Any: Ware Xander
He is strong and mighty
Lur: So witches, you defy my powers.
Mayhap, your spell has drained you
If not, then drained by me thou shalt be
Spi: Alas, it goes ill. For in power they are overmatched by the
dark. But hold, the witches have defeated their foe and haste to assist
Xander. And the Slayer has now the leader down.
Ril: Good Buffy, ware the demon.
Buf: My thanks Sir Riley, but I have his measure
And long on talk but short of measure is he
Knave, thy time is done
Mar: Alas, for the doom is mine
Cas: I feared this might be so
For prophecy is an uncertain guide
Never certain is the sky
Thus now, undead, I die
Both vampires explode into dust
Buf: Gentles all. We have prevailed
Noisome dark has been assailed
We ourselves stay hale and hearty
So let us all go off and party
Exeunt Omnes
Spi: The valiant troupe, its battle done, has departed. And now our play is finished. Good gentles all it remains for me to say I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day.
Much Ado about Buffy
Dramatis Personae
Buffy - The Slayer Willow - A witch of her acquaintance
Xander - A clown
Giles- The Watcher Spike - A vampire
Tara - Consort of Willow
Anya - An ex-demon Riley - Significant other of the Slayer
Marius, Cassius and Lurcio - Three vampires
Divers vampires and people
Spi: Consider gentles all, a strange lad beyond the girdle of great
ocean. A land of wonders and of imagination. Where dark forces exist and
noble heroes do strive and contend against them. Close your eyes and drift
away to the land of Sunnydale
Scene 1:
A cemetery in Sunnydale
Enter Buffy and vampire fighting
Vamp: Most well do you fight, girl
But I wager tonight
Shall see thy blood be mine drink
Buf: Thou talkest too much, knave
Thy prattle grows exceeding wearisome
Come let us make an end
Vamp: Girl, come let us do and let me finish you
Thou shalt not be so bold
As weeping with fear and trembling
Thy life in my hands I hold
And feel thy hearts blood coursing through my veins
Buf: Fie upon you knave and cease thy boast
For thou has made great error and thy mistake
shalt be most point'dly made clear
Vamp: O woe, I am wounded unto the heart
And so to dust I must depart
He vanishes in a puff of dust.
Enter Giles
Gil: O most elegantly done, gentle Buffy
That darksome creature has gone
Screaming into that void prepared for it
By its most hateful master.
And so, once more the noble town of Sunnydale
Can wake anew, refesh'd in the light of noble sun.
Buf: Noble Giles, thy praise is most welcome
And thine aid this night most seemly.
But soft, the night is young and I feel the need for
Shall we not repair to a place of meeting
And thereby acquaint them of our doings
Thereby disposing of their fears
Gil: Well said and let us make it so
Together, to the Bronze we go
Scene 2
A dank cave under Sunnydale. A table with arcane markings is there
Enter Marius, Cassius and Lurcio
Mar: So are we resolved to this course
Cas & Lur: We are
Mar: Then shall we assemble the demons of the nether regions
And call them forth to aid our enterprise
And spread dark evil over this land
Cas: I call upon dark magicks to aid us
And to assist this action
Lur: Foul beasts of the land and sea
I beg you hearken to my call
And lend thine aid
And thy malevolent aspect
All: So that we may gain strength
So that we may gain puissance mighty
So that we three may go forth and dare
To kill the Slayer
Mar: The conditions are right, the very stars
Do proclaim in their astral vaults
That this night great deeds shall be done
Lur: Yea, I have seen omens of fire and darkness
Of open'd graves wailing
And owls screeching in the night
Cas: In sooth, it must be so.
But great deeds must need be accompanied by great hazard
Not lightly do we attempt this
Mar: Not lightly, no. But to achieve our object
Would enlighten our hearts
And we wouldst garner a plenitude of adulation.
So brothers, let us with unseemly haste depart
Lur: Aye let us leave. My desire is to separate the Slayer from her
Cas: And plunge this town into infernal strife
Scene 3
The Bronze
Enter Willow, Tara, Xander and Anya
Wil: The night is calm and yet I feel a chill
As if some evil brews
And is poised to spill darkly over this fair town
Good Tara, come close and encomfort me in thine arms
That this chill be dispersed by thy warmth
Tar: Come gentle Willow, be not dismayed.
I spy goodman Xander and lady Anya.
They do approach our table.
Shall we not make them welcome
Wil: Ho, Xander, Anya. Pray tarry with us awhile
Xan: Ho Willow, Tara,
Any: Greetings gentles all
Wil: What brings thee to our bower.
Xander. Hast thou tidings of our friend Buffy
I fear for her, this night is of evil aspect
and my prognostications foretell doom
Xan: Fear not goodlady Willow, for Buffy has been victorious this
And will soon repair to this hostelry
And enjoy merry frolic and partake
In the diversions of this night.
Wil: You ease my heart noble Xander
But still I fear
For the moon in the house of Leo doth portend
Dark deeds and foul business
Tar: Aye an it be so. My lady Willow doth speak true
For I too have seen these signs
And others which carry evil portent
I too fear that this night might be dark and noisome
And worry lest day itself shall flee the horror
Any: Come Xander, let us flee this place
And seek solace in each other's arms
As we await the dire fate of this dark night
Xan: Nay, Anya, let it not be so.
We shall not depart and in so doing leave
Our bosom companions to a deadly fate
We shall stay and with them confront
The minions of apocalypse
And with their aid, avert it
As we have done oftimes before.
Wil: Thou art most gracious noble Xander
Tar: Well spoken brave Xander
Any: Oh Xander, I do believe that reason hast fled thy mind
But for thy sake and that of thy companions
I shall stay and with thee oppose
This doom approaching us
Xan: Enow of this glum talk my friends
Hark, the musicians hath begun a merry tune
What say we dance our cares away
Come Anya, shalt thou partner me in this
They dance.
Muscians; O the summer sun is shining
And my gentle lass is singing
With a nonny nonny no
Of her love for me so burning
And of her endless yearning
With a nonny nonny no
She sings of me so sweetly
I run to her most fleetly
With a nonny nonny no
Enter Buffy and Riley
Buf: How now friends. How goes it tonight
Ril: Well met nobles all.
Wil, Tar,Xan , Any: Ho goodlady Buffy and puissant Riley
Wil: Hail Buffy. I was afeard as omens of dark doom
Have been seen abroad and a mighty evil
Is abroad this night in Sunnydale.
Buf; It may be so, gentle Will.
For Giles didst read in his books arcane
Of a dark power seeking to extend its dominion
Engulfing this fair town in black evil.
Ril: But nobly, didst Buffy declare unto Master Giles that such
evil would be stopped.
So we hastened to this place to forewarn you
And of those resolved to assist Buffy
To seek thine aid
Wil: Yea, I and kind Tara shalt perform spells
And create wards of potency to protect us
Come Tara, let us about our work.
Exeunt Willow and Tara
Any: Xander, I am much afeared.
What little I can do against such dark power
I shall do but my heart says it will not avail
Xan; Nay gentle Anya. For I shall be with you
And I shall mock this foul evil
Afore I take us to a place of shelter
Wherein we shall plot divers schemes
And so against the dark prevail
Exeunt Xander and Anya
Ril: So our plans are set in motion
Now blind fate shall play his game
Buf; Aye and in this game are we but pawns
Ril: Nay, say not pawns. Rather knights, bishops, castles
And thee, good Buffy, surely thou art the Queen.
Buf; You have a goodly tongue Sir Riley
For if I am Queen thou must be knight
But Knight, Queen or no we are still pieces
To be played with and when taken cast aside
But now we must confront our fate
Play this game and hope for mate.
Scene 4
An open place
Enter Spike
Spi: Ah woe, woe, all is woe. Once I was feared like none other. The
darkest portion of night afore the dawn was mine. I did mighty deeds and
great evil but now I am lost, unmanned and impotent. Rendered juiceless by
this evil curse. And yet, I feel within the stirrings of desire. In the
moon, I see her face, the gentle moonbeams doth seem as kindly as her smile.
The sweet falling dew is as her tenderness. The stars, o cursed star whose
message doth presage doom, are as nothing to her eyes. And how long to
sample the sweet caress of her lips against mine. For as my soul is lost, so
am I now lost. Lost in her regard. And yet, she does not heed me. Her ev'ry
action belittles me. Her voice , her so sweet voice, has nothing but disdain
when she does deign to speak to me. Yet, I hang upon her ev'ry word, so
smitten am I. Ev'ry touch , no matter that it hurts, is as the gentlest
zephyr. Alas, woe is me.
Scene 5
The same open place
Enter Marius, Cassius and Lurcio
Mar: Here is the place foretold.
The powers are strong here
I hear them whisper to me
Telling of the doom foretold
Cas: I too hear them, but whose doom they do not say
Lur: Fie upon you, Cassius,
The omens speak true
Tonight the Slayer shall be slain
And our dark master shall claim her soul
And raven upon it as she suffers eternal torment
Spi: (hiding in bushes) Nay, this cannot be. I must forewarn her that she
does not approach this place. O lack a day, she comes.
Enter Buffy, Willow, Xander, Tara, Anya and Riley
Buf: Oh ho, I see three creatures of ill aspect.
Their presence dost befoul the very earth
Xan: Verily it is so.
Ho, demons, art thou not afraid
For we have sent many of thy kind to damnation
Mar: Silence rogue. Thy tongue is sharp
But I wager my teeth are sharper
Wil: Spirits of light, I implore thee
Tar: Spirits of joy, I beseech thee
Both: In thy name we beg protection
Lur: Spirits of dark and shadow
I set thee upon thine enemy
Break their wards and deliver them
Naked and helpless that I may feed
Cas: I like this not. These magicks are awry
And now all is in the balance
Mar: So, Slayer, we meet at last
And it is mete for this shall be our last
For only one shall depart this place
Buf: Thou hast a silver tongue
For all thy hideous appearance
Cas: So, young cur, thou talkest not so glib
When faced with doom
For thy insults I will reward thee
With quick death
Xan: Nay, foul demon.
But I shall grant thee release from thy burden
And toast thy demise
Any: Ware Xander
He is strong and mighty
Lur: So witches, you defy my powers.
Mayhap, your spell has drained you
If not, then drained by me thou shalt be
Spi: Alas, it goes ill. For in power they are overmatched by the
dark. But hold, the witches have defeated their foe and haste to assist
Xander. And the Slayer has now the leader down.
Ril: Good Buffy, ware the demon.
Buf: My thanks Sir Riley, but I have his measure
And long on talk but short of measure is he
Knave, thy time is done
Mar: Alas, for the doom is mine
Cas: I feared this might be so
For prophecy is an uncertain guide
Never certain is the sky
Thus now, undead, I die
Both vampires explode into dust
Buf: Gentles all. We have prevailed
Noisome dark has been assailed
We ourselves stay hale and hearty
So let us all go off and party
Exeunt Omnes
Spi: The valiant troupe, its battle done, has departed. And now our play is finished. Good gentles all it remains for me to say I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day.