Later chapters of this Pokemon FanFic contains mature and suggestive themes and is for ages around 18+. If you are below that age, it is strongly suggested that you do not read this.

Do you understand the age requirements? Good. As for mature readers, please enjoy the story and it's chapters. (Yes, I said chapters.)

They always say "Love always works in mysterious ways" and this kind of Love has a lot to give to a soon-to-be big family. Take it with these species of friends and family. Oshawott was training with his cousin, Dewott, to learn more Ways of the Wott. Oshawott was an orphan under the care of Unova's PokePark Cove Area Leader, Samurott. He raised and cared for the boy as if he was his own and later Oshawott discovered his biological yet distant relation to Dewott and his quick learning in the Ways of the Wott. So during the weekdays, he would train and train to become a "Wott Master" surpassing his teacher/cousin. Yet, even though Oshawott has always trained hard to be strong enough to protect everyone he cares, he wishes there would be one to solely dedicate his entire life to for the future.

"Sigh..." Oshawott frowned as he laid on the grass in Arbor Area and started recapping the previous events. "It's been a year and a half since we and Pikachu saved Unova's PokePark from Darkrai. Of course, we had also brought him back from the Dark Void and he's become a better Pokemon managing Wish Park and all it's Attractions along with his friends there."

Oshawott continued to look up in the sky and if he wasn't being crazy, he saw a cloud looking like a certain princess of the very area he's lying down on. He started to think about the good and bad times they had together with Pikachu, Tepig and Piplup. But of course, he finds certain times with her rather obnoxious! "Oh man. Why is it that I can't stop thinking about that... That... Guh! Girl! She acts like a conceited pain in the neck!"

"The Princess, conceited? You do realise that you'll get arrested by my small but SHARP army of Pawniards and a Bi-SHARP." A girly voice startled the young otter and saw the Snivy that acts like a spoiled child and always got him on his nerves. Snivy raised her index finger and twitched it left and right, speaking with a smug look on her face. "Tsk, tsk. Don't you know you cannot badmouth royalty ANYWERE?"

"Aw, leave me alone! Go wait in your throne room so a prince may ask to marry you." Oshawott glared at her with an annoyed tone. However, he slightly flinched when Snivy returned a rather flushed glare, saying, "O-oh! How dare you talk like that to your princess! You know Oshy, you ARE raised by Samurott who happens to be well disciplined AND trained by your cousin who KNOWS the Ways of the Wott ALSO involve a warrior like YOU to be well mannered! Geez, I can't believe such an uncouth-"

"Uncouth, me? Hah hah hah! Look who's talking, you weren't born an angel yourself!" Oshawott retorted with a sneer. "Come to think of it, doesn't your mother, the Queen, makes sure her little Princess don't cause any trouble?"

"Oooh! If you wanna go and cry to my Mommy, why don't you go ahead and tattle on me then?!" Snivy dared the sea otter to which he replies "You're on! Wait'll she hears about my complaints! You are so in trouble!" And with that, Oshawott rushed off to the Verdant Court where Queen Serperior is. Snivy followed him because she thinks she can make a lame excuse to get out of her tattling. Just when they reached the throne, they gawked in surprise to see...

Queen Serperior was making out with Samurott!

Hehe! So what do ya think of this for a first chapter for my first Lemon, huh?

Review me, people~! More will be uploaded soon! ;)