Chapter 8
'Don't fall asleep. Don't fall asleep.' I inwardly kept telling myself.
We'd been driving for what seemed like three hours now and exhaustion was just eating away at me. I wanted nothing more than to just curl up and allow my mind to float elsewhere, but I was terrified to do so in case we ran into that machine again.
"You alright?"
I heard Kyle ask me.
"Yeah, just tired is all." I muttered.
"You should try and get some sleep. We've got a long journey ahead." He advised.
"Can't sleep. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep again."
"Try, you'll need it."
I sighed knowing he was right. If what was happening is real then I'd need all the rest I could get. I'd be good to no one dead on my feet. I settled back into the car seat and was about to close my eyes when just then I remembered something.
"Back at the mall…why did Alice attack me?" I asked turning my gaze to him.
I really did want an answer as to why my best friend had suddenly gone Doctor Jekyll and Hyde on my ass.
"I can't tell you." Kyle sighs.
I frown at this.
"Why not?"
"Because you're not ready for the answer."
"In case you haven't noticed I'm a big girl Kyle, I can handle whatever it is." I said wondering why he was so determined to keep me in the dark.
"You don't understand." Kyle huffed.
"What don't I understand?" I asked getting frustrated.
"You won't believe me, at least not until you see it for yourself."
Another thing then came to mind.
"It was you that called me this morning, wasn't it?" I asked as I watched him look at me from the corner of his eye. "You told me to stay away from the Cullen's. Why? Why would you say that? What are you not telling me Kyle?"
He remained silent as I leant forward some. I didn't fail to notice how his fists were clenched round the steering wheel, and knew for sure he had something to hide.
"What have the Cullen's done?" I asked now getting more forceful. "Tell me!"
"Shut up!" Kyle shouts.
This caused me to jump back in surprise as I hadn't expected him to blow up like that. I then eyed the keys in the ignition and glanced back at Kyle to ensure he wasn't looking before quickly yanking the keys out, bringing the entire vehicle to a halt.
"What the hell are you doing?!" He snapped with an inflamed glow in his eyes.
"Tell me what you know." I demanded of him whilst clenching the keys to my chest.
Kyle shook his head.
"Bella give me the keys."
"No." I said.
"Give them to me."
He went to reach for the keys but not accepting this I then threw open the door and jumped out, making a dash for it into the side road woods.
"Bella stop!"
I heard Kyle yell from behind me as he quickly gave chase causing me to push myself harder. But me being me I managed catch my foot on a tree root and fell flat on my face.
Kyle easily caught up to me as I scrambled to my feet, but didn't get far because just then I felt his hand grab my upper left arm.
"No! Let go of me!" I shout.
"Bella enough!" He gritted yanking me to him.
However, I didn't give up. I shoved at his chest to give me enough space to throw out my right arm and punch him in the face. Kyle then reacted by pulling out a gun from his coat pocket and aimed it in my face.
"Go ahead. Kill me. You'd be doing me a favor." I hissed feeling tears of fury fill my eyes.
Kyle didn't seem to have a problem with this because right then he cocked the gun. But before he could do anything, from out of nowhere came the sound of gunfire. The next thing I knew Kyle had collapsed to the ground with multiple bullet wounds in his back.
"KYLE!" I screamed in horror.
I quickly knelt beside him and placed my fingers to his neck hoping to find a pulse, but found nothing.
"No." I whimpered shaking my head.
"Izzy get away from him!" Called a female voice in despair.
Wait…what did she just call me?
I snapped my head up to face Kyle's murderer and saw a girl standing there. She looked about 16 maybe 17 with brunette hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. She was dressed all in black and was holding what looked like a machine gun in her hands. And next to her was…
My eyes widened.
What the…
That's not possible.
"K-Kyle?" I gasp.
I watch in utter astonishment as the twin double of the man who was laid dead on the ground rushed to my side. He pulled me up off the ground by my shoulders and begun to back us away from the body.
"Are you okay?" he asks with concern.
I struggled for words.
"H-how? How are you standing there?" I paused glancing between Kyle number 1 on the ground and the living number 2. "Y-your dead."
"That's not me, Bella." Kyle 2 said gesturing to his double.
"Bullshit. He certainly looks like you." I spat yanking myself from his hold.
"It's not what it seems."
He made to move toward me but I quickly reached down to grab the gun that the other Kyle had been holding and turned it on Kyle number 2.
"Stay back." I grit with my finger hovering over the trigger.
"Okay." Kyle 2 says holding up one hand in surrender seeing as the other had a rifle in it.
"Izzy, please. We're not here to hurt you." The girl pleads.
I scoff.
"And how do I know that? How do I know you aren't lying? How do I know that you're not both terminators as well?"
"I'll explain later but we have to go, right now." Kyle 2 firmly implored.
"Guys! Watch out!" The girl yells in alarm.
I followed her gaze to where the other Kyle was laid lifeless on the ground... Or so I thought. My eyes widened in shock as I saw that the bullet wounds had impossibly begun to heal over.
'What. The. Fuck?'
"Come on! Let's go!" Kyle 2 yells at me.
He grabbed my arm and broke out into a run as he hauled us away from his twin. Me feeling totally useless from lack of energy in my legs causes me to stumble once or twice. I risked a chance to glance back over my shoulder and saw the other Kyle get up off the floor like nothing had happened.
'What the shit is going on here?!' I mentally shrieked.
Kyle…or whoever he was instantly gave chase. This gave me the push I needed to pick up the speed. God only knows what he planned to do, but I really didn't want to stick around to find out. To my luck we managed to get a bit ahead of him. Once the three of us were back on the main road I saw a Mercedes Benz parked behind the other car that Kyle 1 had stolen.
"Get in." Kyle 2 says pulling over to the Benz.
Not arguing I quickly jumped in the back seat and buckled up as he got behind the wheel while the girl climbed into the passenger side.
"Hit it!" she shouts at Kyle 2.
He quickly fires up the engine just as Kyle 1 came into view heading straight for us.
"GO. NOW!" I scream in panic.
Kyle 2 then puts the pedal to the medal and floors us out of there. Still, we weren't out of the woods yet, so to speak. I looked out the back window and saw Kyle 1 still in hot pursuit.
"Um…guys." I say drawing their attention to our predator. "You might wanna go a bit faster."
"Hang on!" Kyle 2 warns.
I feel the car speed up just as I saw something amazing occur. Right before my eyes I saw the other Kyle's entire body cake in a silver type substance. Okay, so it's safe to say he definitely wasn't human. His body seemed to then somewhat change shape. The next thing I knew the silver stuff vanished and imposter Kyle with it. Instead now chasing us was a man dressed as a cop.
'A killer tin can and now an unstable male version of Mystique? This just gets more twisted as it goes on!' I thought to myself.
By this time I looked over my shoulder to see that the girl had reloaded her weapon and rolled down her window.
"Hold it steady!" She told Kyle.
It didn't take me two minutes to work out what she was gonna do.
"You guys are nuts. You know that?"
"Yep." The girl reply's.
She then hauls the upper half of her body out the window and shoots at our chaser. Instead of the bullets taking a severe effect on him though his body just took it and healed over.
"What is this guy?" I ask out loud.
Just then the car jerked as we must have hit some sort of pothole. The man then suddenly leapt and managed grab hold of the car boot.
"IZZY GET DOWN!" The girl yells over the gunfire.
Doing as she says I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and duck down to the floor. Kyle then swerves the car about some in attempts to throw the guy off.
"BELLA!" Kyle shouts in distress.
Without warning the back window was put through making me yelp as tiny shards of glass went flying everywhere. I looked up and for a split second I locked eyes with the man who had deceived me. I couldn't believe I'd almost trusted him. I mean if I hadn't stolen those keys and forced him to stop the car, what the hell would he have done with me? Out the corner of my eye I saw Kyles rifle gun sticking out near the car gear. Not wasting any time I grabbed and cocked it just as the man attempted to climb inside.
"Go to hell fucker!" I hissed.
I aimed and shot him straight between the eyes, which nearly led to his face slitting right open.
'I will not throw up. I will not throw up.' I tell myself.
I then got him once…twice…three times in the chest sending him flying off the car. I get up as the girl ceased shooting and peered out to find the man rolling in a heap on the road. From a distance I saw him get up and try to run after us again, but we were long since gone.
"Good job Izzy." The girl congratulates me as she climbs back into the car.
I just nod in return and kept my eyes on the crazy shapeshifter until we eventually lost sight of him.
Author's Note: Surprise! It wasn't Kyle after all, but a liquid metal terminator. Question now is, can the real Kyle convince Bella to trust him after being fooled like that. And who do we think is the girl with him? Find out next time.
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