A/n: ...I actually just came from a NarutoxNoire chapter cuz this idea hit my head. Sorry.

There is one small spoiler in this chapter, near the end.


Chapter II – Flirting...?

With a soft 'hmm' in the back of his throat, Naruto continued to fix Neptune with his almost dull, bored gaze. Keep in mind, however, he was not bored. In fact, he was quite highly entertained by Neptune's earlier attempts at flirting.

Before that story, it would be worth it to explain that, after the dubbed 'shower scene' about two months ago, Neptune had-had quite the infatuation with her friend's younger brother. Said young man, hadn't even realised it until maybe half a month later, when Neptune had all but dragged him to Planeptune by himself to tell him her feelings.

She'd done it in her HDD form however, so, the situation was actually a lot more calm and cute then any other situation. Knowing Neptune like he did, her human form would have turned the situation into something much more silly. A simple comment, or, hell, just being there seemed to make serious situations much less that.

She brought up the topic quite often about his feelings for her. During the first few weeks, he'd bluntly told her that he 'wasn't sure quite yet'. It was a sudden thing, and, seeing as how she'd worked so hard and held back so long, he couldn't quite refuse her and sadden her. So, he'd decided to give it a try. At that time he'd felt maybe a small infatuation.

And, very much as cliche as it sounds, he actually did find himself falling in love with the yonng-looking goddess. He still wasn't sure what the hell it was that had caused it, but, he found himself thinking about the girl much more often then he usually did. And then, he actually started to think more about her then Nepgear, whom he'd his own feelings for.

And that was an entirely different topic. Nepgear. She was kind. Far to kind. Neptune had, at some point, told her younger sister about their relationship, and he was sure that Nepgear was a lot more torn up about it then she let on.

He'd not talked to her personally about it, but, right now he felt that it was a better idea to give her space and time to think. Sort through her own feelings. If he could do something for the sweetest girl in the world, he would have, but there wasn't much that he could do in his situation.

But, back to present times, he hid the small upturn of his lips very well behind his mask of indifference. His girlfriend, wasn't quite as skilled as him in controlling her facial expressions.

She was pouting.

Ah. He almost emulated Histoire there for a moment... he could have sworn he had some ASCII faces fly about his head in the air, with a few hearts too.

"Mou! Why wont it work!?"

Naruto let his eyes close slightly, exhaling through his mouth. He got an idea to tease the girl. It wasn't the first time he'd made a comment about it, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. But, having done it so many times, Neptune already knew he meant nothing harmful by it and he was just trying to get a rise out of her...

And it still worked.

"Maybe..." He started, getting her attention, as he had been quiet for a few minutes before as he endured her onslaught of horrible flirting, "It's because you look like a child and it feels wrong."

And he got just the reaction he wanted. The girl was nearly fuming now, while he sat there with a teasing smile upon his face, chin resting upon his fist. His elbow on the table he was sitting at with her.

"AH! Meanie! How could you say that to your most loved and sexy girlfriend! That's horrible!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow. 'Are you trying to imply I have other girlfriends...?'

The stray thought caused him to miss her ranting and further actions.

Not quite a good thing.

Next thing he knew, he was blinded by light, and when the spots in his vision cleared he was looking at... breasts?

Very scantly clad breasts. In black. Form fitting. He could almost see the outline of the-

His eyes shot up, blinking in confusion as he came face to face with Neptune's HDD form, Purple Heart. Her eyes now a bit deeper and holding quite a bit more focused emotion. Upon her lips however, played a cocky smirk.

He actually had to swallow some built up saliva. He'd seen her HDD form many times, in a dress, bikini, and in her undergarments, but never before had he seen her with such a look on her face.

The teenage boy part of him was aroused. The logical mind was slightly scared. His two heads sent conflicting messages to his brain and he kind of just froze on the spot as his brain overloaded and tried a 'reboot'.

Neptune stood, pushing her chair out as well, and sauntered over to him with a sway in her hips. The, now older looking, woman bent over his form, her hands on the arm rests of the chair he was in to support her weight. As she leaned forward, Naruto couldn't help but be drawn to her face more then her cleavage.

As it neared him, he almost thought she was going to kiss him, but she moved her head slowly at the last second, bringing it dangerously close to his left ear. He could feel the heat coming off of her cheek as her skin was just centimeters, millimeters away from actually touching him.

If his brain was working, he probably would be very horny right now. As it was however, he was just very very hot and his breathing was shaking slightly.

"Don't move..." She almost moaned out right next to his ear. And he froze again. His eyes didn't even move. They were looking to the side, catching only her purple hair as it slightly tickled his nose and lips. "Stay... right... there..." her voice lowered into a whisper on the last syllable as her hands moved a bit, shifting forwards as she had leaned forwards a bit more to get to his ear.

"Darling... I. Love. You..." Just a moment later, she lightly blew on his ear, and shivers ran down his spine, nearly his entire body was shaking as the pleasurable shock ran down his back, to his feet, and back up again to his head.

The woman backed away, and planted a very light peck on the left side of his mouth. He didn't even have the chance to grab her and pull her into a passionate kiss before she pulled away and out of his reach, still smirking at him teasingly.

When his mind came back to him a few seconds later, his eyes grew wider, his face burned, and he turned his gaze to the right with a click of his tongue. His gaze would travel back to her a few times though, but never high enough to meet her gaze.


Was so unfair...

And now he was extremely aroused. And he knew she could see that. No, he did not have an erection, but he sure as hell probably looked like he was horny. Another story to tell. A short one. Yes. They had-had 'sexual intercourse'. No. He had never done it with her when she was transformed.

But now he might be able to?

With a plan in his head, he smiled to himself.

Standing up somewhat quickly, he caught her off guard. His hair suddenly shifted, and turned bright green and seemed to wave slightly like slow-motion fire. His blue eyes turned green and the ocean hidden within them became almost real. His Next Form. He was sure Vert was wondering if he was in trouble now, as nearly all the Share Energy in Leanbox was, no doubt, directed towards his own transformation now. But now wasn't the time to care.

Stepping forward, he was still taller then her, even if she transformed, he placed his hands around her waist and pulled their bodies together, their hips almost super-glued in place next to each other.

Looking down at her surprised face and wide eyes, he leaned down, and made sure to keep eye contact with her. Her face flushed slightly as she tried to turn her head away, but he pushed her chin back to meet his eyes with a gentle finger. He knew the power his eyes had. Vert had told him already that his eyes were very mesmerizing in his Next Form. They weren't scary like his Sharingan was, but, instead, very warm and hypnotizing.

Bringing his head to her left, his right, he kissed the side of her own mouth, but continued to very lightly place kisses trailing down her cheek and part of her neck, before bringing his head up to her ear. One hand keeping her pressed to him, another on the small of her back, he nibbled at her earlobe.

"Love you too..."

That night, Neptune learned that flirting with Naruto would almost always result in a sleepless, passion-filled night in her bedroom.