It was an early morning in Adventure Bay. While people were still asleep, with the sun barely up in the sky, there were a few others that had woken up early, as part of their routine. One of those peoples, or rather, an animal, was Chase, the young German Shepherd in the PAW patrol.

Said German Shepherd gave out a yawn, stretching his legs, before walking out of his pup house.

"Hmm, still so early." He muttered, looking at the sky before looking at the other pups. The others were still asleep and Chase thought it was a good idea to let them. Being the overprotective pup he is, though, he decided to check in on others as well as the perimeter just in case something was amiss - or if Marshall had been sleepwalking again. Thinking about that episode, Chase smiled and shook his head. His best friend could be so silly sometimes.

Walking around the yard for a few minutes, Chase had concluded that nothing was out of the ordinary, and went to check up on the pups. Said pups were all still deep asleep, Zuma muttering about surfboarding - to Chase's amusement, Rubble dreaming about spiders ("Get away, get away, get away,"), Rocky sound asleep, and Skye twitching every now and then in hers. Chase watched her with a soft smile before moving on to his best friend - Marshall.

When he got to the fire pup's house, the German Shepherd felt his insides turning into goo at the sight of the Dalmatian sound asleep as well, cuddling tightly with his stuff bear. Aww, he thought, smiling. That's so cute.

Chase sat there for a while, just watching his best friend sleep. He had never noticed it before, but when Marshall was curled up like that, he kind of look like a small pup. Well, smaller than usual. It was an adorable sight, and Chase felt his heart melt as he continued staring at him.

Why am I staring? Why do I feel like this? He thought, but the questions went unnoticed. He continued to stare before getting up, and walking into the lookout for breakfast. Lately, Chase was starting to have some fuzzy feelings over the Dalmatian and it confused the young pup. He didn't know where the feelings were coming from, and he didn't understand why now, especially since Marshall was his best friend.

And ONLY my friend. His thoughts snapped at him, but that only confused him more. Chase didn't understand why his own thoughts were so defensive about it, it's not like Chase liked Marshall like that...right?

"Morning Chase." Chase blinked and notice Ryder was already up and filling up the pup's bowels for breakfast.

"Morning Ryder sir. Didn't see you there." He said, sheepishly. Ryder just shook his head.

"That's okay Chase. Can you do me a favor and wake the others? Tell them that breakfast is ready." He said.

"Will do Ryder sir." And with that, Chase went back out the door to wake the others.

Marshall had been having a good dream when he felt something cold and slightly wet touching him.

"Marshall...wake up buddy. It's breakfast time." A voice said. Marshall muttered and curled deeper within himself, trying to go back to sleep. "Come on, I know how much you love food. You should hurry before Rubble eats out of your bowel."

Marshall groaned.

"He better not." The Dalmatian said, cracking one eye open to see Chase sitting in front of him, smiling. The German Shepherd chuckled.

"Well, you can't stop him if you're still here. Come on, grumpy." He said, but didn't wait for him as he went into the lookout. Marshall yawned and stretched out his limbs, shaking his body, before sluggishly making his way to the lookout. Sometimes, Marshall was even worse than Zuma when it came to mornings, as the poor Dalmatian never really did like getting up - especially if it was because of some dog version of yoga; but there was another reason why he didn't like getting up and it all has to do with a certain German Shepherd.

Lately, Marshall had been dreaming about Chase and usually ended up with Marshall blushing. No, it wasn't anything dirty, but for a long time, Marshall had...feelings towards Chase that he knew for sure wouldn't be returned. Chase liked Skye, it was obvious, and Marshall really couldn't help but feel a little hurt at the thought. It's not like he didn't know why, cause he did - Skye was everything he wasn't.

For starters, Skye wasn't a guy - duh. Secondly, she was beautiful with a lovely personality. Marshall couldn't say one bad word about her, as Marshall had always felt like Skye more or less of a sister than anything, well, an adopted sister, really. Thirdly, what's not to love about Skye? She's brave, smart, pretty, and generous. Somewhere, deep inside of him, he knew he couldn't compete; Skye had won Chase's heart without even knowing, and maybe he should feel something towards her, he didn't. He couldn't.

So lost in thought, he hadn't notice the others calling for him until Chase brought out his megaphone.


"ACK!" Marshall jumped, staring at his friend as if he had lost his mind. "Chase! Why?!"

"You weren't paying attention! We'd called your name, like, thirteen times!" Chase said, and Marshall looked around at the others sheepishly when he'd noticed some annoyed and concern faces.

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something." He said.

"Is something wrong Marshall?" Ryder asked, concern. Marshall shook his head and smiled.

"Nah, I'm good."

"You sure dude? Don't wanna talk about it?" Zuma asked, raising an eyebrow. Marshall just grinned.

"Like I said, I'm good."

"Well, okay, just remember you can talk to us. Okay?" Ryder said, slowly going back to his food. Marshall just nodded and dig into his own food in his bowel. He couldn't shake of the feeling of being watched while doing so and shivered.

Looks like it's going to be a long day.

A/n: I'm doing it again. Starting stories I can't finish. This is such a bad habit of mine XD And anyway, couldn't resist writing about Chase and Marshall. Love these two so freaking much :D Also, this isn't going to be updated as much as PAW Patrol: United. I'm just trying to focus on one story here, but it's so freaking hard when you have SO many ideas going in and out of you. PLEASE no rude comments, that's a big no-no for me. Otherwise, review with criticism :D