Zeelee-Vallen: Welp, here is a new chapter! I hope you like it! Ah, from here on it gets to be different from ½ prince.

We do not own Naruto.


Sasuke could not believe his eyes. He entered the game as an Elf, since he rather enjoyed speed characters. As a matter of fact, his gaming style was based on Dark, the legendary gamer whom defeated any challenger. He was well known for his speed and accuracy, along with his brutality.

He stared at the gamer name floating above the dark elfs head, his eyes wide. There was no way it was Dark, right? The male turned to look at him, his blood red eyes malicious. He shivered as the man expression changed into a grin, his eyes lighting up ever so slightly.

"Ah, if it isn't Light. You match to your name." The man's voice was so heavenly, he swore he was starting to question his sexual preference. A light blush dusted his cheeks as he lowered his head. He exchanged words with Dark online a few other times, but to be face to face with the best gamer in the world? Even he dare show some modesty!

"Ah, thank you, Dark-sama." The man waved his hand, shooing his comment away. Sasuke watched as the man tilted his head, as if in thought. His eyes trailed along the gamer's character, taking in his looks. Each character was based on the player's real like appearance, which made this game rather interesting. By what he could see, Dark had a rather slim and feminine body, yet he emitted a strong arura that nearly choked him. He had such a strong presence, it made all the over players glance at him.

"Light, you are a warrior, yes?" Sasuke nodded. Good lord. Was it natural to be this timid? Now he finally understood what it was like to be Hinata.

Hinata. He looked around, searching for a female character that resembled her even slightly. He shook his head. Out of the millions of gamers, and millions of starting villages, she wasn't likely to be spawned here.

Why was he looking for her you ask? Well, for one, he liked her. For another, it was a chance to get closer to her. She was such a beauty, it was hard to approach her in school, and thus he came up with the brilliant idea to find her in-game and party with her. That way he could get closer with her, protect her, all while showing her his good side.

Yeah, he grinned. He was brilliant.

"Will you party with me?" Sasuke shot up, his eyes widening. Did the legendary Dark really just ask him to party up with him? The man stared at him, his eyebrow raised.

"Yes!" Sasuke answered. Imagine how cool he would look to Hinata after being partied to the greatest player in the world? Not only that, but he could learn more from the man.

A screen popped up in front of him, saying "Would you join Dark's party?" He pressed yes quickly.

If he was any less of a man, his fist would have shot into the air.


Oh. It was that rookie player, Light. She watched him stare at her wide eyes, his lips parted. It was the rookie, right? When she called out to him, he responded rather quickly.

Funny, how his characters looks were almost the opposite of hers. Light had pale skin, ruby eyes that matched her own, and inky black hair. Not to mention they were about the same height. If it wasn't for their different species, they could have been brothers.

And he was a warrior. In large RPG games like this, it was often good to party up. Two warriors were often a good start, namely for leveling. She tilted her head, staring at the boy. It couldn't do harm to party him right? After all, he did look to be rather useful, his rank was always rising steadily in the gaming world, showing he was rather adamant. At least he would be online often, much like her.

It was only smart to part so early in the game. If he didn't show commitment, she could always toss him aside.

She still needed four more members to be a full party. She shrugged it off, a thought for another day.

"Let's go grind some slimes." Light nodded enthusiastically. Hinata grinned. Well, at least he was into it.


Level 10 was when you were able to pick your job, also known as class. Right now she was at level 5, and she was starting to get bored.

Her sword cut swiftly through a slime, another one taking its place. Sighing, she cut through another. The little blobs melted into the ground, silently screaming.

This was sort of boring. It was too easy to dodge the attacks, and the slimes died in one hit.

"I tire of this, lets enter a more difficult area." Light looked up to her, his face slightly pale. He looked like he was almost out of stamina.

Did he not stock up in town? That was one of the number one rules! Health potions and stamina potions were highly important for grinding.

What was grinding? Grinding was the act of entering a zone, sometimes a spawn zone, and killing as many monsters as possible; this was so you can level up, or collect items.

"Bag; open." A screen popped up in front of her. She pressed the Stamina potion, and one popped into midair, and hovered. She grabbed it and tossed it to Light, whom looked rather surprised. "Light has received the potion" he stared at the potion, almost like it was an alien. "You should know to have as many potions as you can. Death is harsh as a beginner." At his confused look, she sighed. Did he not look up the rules? "Every time you die in this game, you lose a level, and any loot you received while on the mission." Light's eyes went wide at the information sunk in.

Ah, sometimes it was easy to forget he was a rookie noob.

"We can head back to town to resupply." She didn't add the fact he didn't get any supply's in the first place. "Then we can head out to the wolves. It's generally level 7 and up, but I think we can handle it."

Light nodded.

She sighed. She wasn't really good at being a team player. She assumed he knew things, when he didn't.

At least he was a good attacker. His skills would be useful later on.

The started on their journey back to town, only for a small girl to run into their path. She blinked as the girls eyes turned to them, lighting up with hope. It was a celestial, by the looks of it she was a healer. Was she really attempting to go out and level without a party? She would obviously have no attacks! What was she doing alone?

A pack of wolves burst out of the bushes, their yellow teeth long and dripping with saliva as they charged at the girl. The girl whimpered and ran to them, grey eyes flowing with tears. So you can cry on the game? How interesting. "HELP!" The girl yelled, before tripping. Not only was she crying, but she was bleeding. It was unbelievably realistic.

But, she had to force the urge to face palm down. How exactly did the girl get herself in such a situation? The wolves circled the girl, their eyes glowing. She curled into a ball, her pleading eyes locked on them.

"Dark-sama, we should help her." Light was staring straight ahead, tensed. He looked ready to go.

She grinned. Risk her life for a puny girl?

Why not? She drew her sword and entered the battle area.

"Let the battle begin." She hummed to herself as the wolves split their attention from her and Light. The beasts stared at them hungrily, their pelts shining in the sunlight. They snarled, their lips pulling up.

How realistic, she grinned as adrenaline filled her. This was what she was looking for! This was what she wanted!

The fight, the anticipation. She swallowed, her heart thumping.

"Due to excitement, Dark has entered berserk mode. 20+ damage until the battle is over."


Zeelee-Vallen: I play games, just not very often xD So I might be a little wonky.