"What are you doing Moona," the dark tanned Lion asked the dark creamed Lioness.

She was bathing her little cub, Sahara.

"Giving this little one a bath..."

The cub sighed and nestled into her mother's fur. The Loyalty Pride were grooming under the Sun.

"You know, I miss the Oasis," she said out of the blue and he furrowed his brow in concern. "We can't go back there!"

"The Hyenas I know," she sighed and put her head on her paws.

Soon, Saysha and her pack would devour that land too.

"I say we rebel against them," demanded Majaj the adolescent. Others silently whispered.

"We can't take them on with a small pride," the elder warned cautiously.

Masta knew they had to move on. Far away. Even a dry desert would suffice.

"What are you thinking," his mate asked upset. She didn't want to abandon another home.

"Take Sahara to another pride and leave her there," he said defeated.