Hey guys! I have just recently started getting into the SS/HG world of awesome sauceness. I love the pairing and all the possibilities and here I am. Exploring something that came to me this morning. I hope you all Like. Leave a Review and Enjoy. Also be easy on me. This is my first time.

Disclaimer: Obviously I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. All rights go to the great and powerful J.K. Rowling! But be warned, the idea for the story is all my own thoughts and I will fight for them. :P


Emily Anne Riker

Severus awoke with a start. Those snake eyes still lingering in his vision. He grabbed at himself, surprised to find himself alive. He should be dead, lying on the floor of the shack, not engulfed in green sheets, while the sun peaked its way through a set of curtains.

He crinkled his brows in confusion. This wasn't his bedroom. He ran his hand through his tousled hair as his eyes took in the room. There was a two door right next to each other, one cracked with running water and light spilling through and the other closed, presumely a closet. Besides the green and black color scheme of the room, the room seemed ordinary. Not much else besides the bed, end tables, and a dresser that held a maroon woman's scarf. "The bloody Hell?" He spoke softly but pushed the thought aside.

Severus closed his eyes again and laid back down, pushing the searing headache that threatened his eyes. It didn't add up. He should be dead. Little to nothing could have stopped the poison that was sent through his body.

The water in the bathroom stopped and he sat up. It didn't even cross his mind to question who could be in there. He looked around for his wand and found it sitting on the bed side table. He picked it up and pointed it at the door. Severus wasnt prepared when Miss Granger walked out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of Slitherin green knickers and a matching bra, lace and all. Severus nearly dropped his wand and found himself hissing. "MISS GRANGER! What in Merlin's beard, are you wearing?"

Hermione jumped and dropped the brush she was manuevering through her hair and turned towards Severus. She grinned Cheekily at him, before climbing on the bed towards him, "Are we roleplaying again, love?" His eyebrow shot up at the endearment. She bit her lower lip as she ran her hand down across his rather bare chest. "Oh Professor, please dont take any points away, I'll do anything." She faked a pout as she leaned forward to press her lips to his.

He shot a wandless spell at her as she was pushed off of him onto the floor, landing on her bum. "What is your problem?" she asked as she rubbed her offended backside.

Somewhere in the house, a child's wail broke through. Severus looked up in puzzlement at the sound. Was he in a hotel? Did he have relations with Miss Granger last night? How?

Hermione hopped up from where she was and grabbed a t-shirt out of one of the drawers, while he sat there in deep thought. As she pulled the shirt over her head, she mumbled about him being "A noisy old git." and "Knocked on his head."

"Miss Granger." He tried to get her attention.

Her hand stopped on the door knob and she turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Why must you insist on calling me by my maiden name? I haven't been Miss Granger in 3 years."

Oh Merlin, A married woman. Probably a Weasley now. How low had he sank? "Does your husband kno-" He stopped midsentence as her words clicked. 3 years? She hadn't been married during the War, and she had been too young before that. How long had I been in a coma? he thought to himself.

Hermione stared at him with puzzlement sketched across her face. "I would hope my husband knows where I am, although I am started to question whether you have lost your mind or not." Another wail gave out and she sighed as she left Severus to his own devices, closing the door with a irritated slam.

Severus listened to her words and cocked an eyebrow. "Me lose my mind? If anyone has lost their mind, it would be her." He stood from the bed, finding himself dressed in pajama pants and nothing more and started looking through the drawers for something to wear. The first two drawers were filled with frilly knickers and bra and he felt his cheeks heat at the thought of Miss Granger, or whoever she was now, wearing them. Severus would be lying, if he said he didnt catch himself admiring her lithe body and the scarce material that covered her more intimate places.

With a growing nuisance, he slammed the drawers shut and checked the next. He found a button up shirt and some black trousers in the next. With that he went into the bathroom and changed quickly. He needed to leave this hotel and move on. The ministry was sure to be searching for him. Serverus stepped out into the room and was met again with Hermione but now she held a little girl with black hair and chestnut eyes. That's when it hit him. "Oh no." He muttered. "There is no way."

Hermione set the little one down on the floor with a couple of toys that she was holding, and walked towards him. "I'm going to ignore the little scene you put on this morning, but I need you to snap out of it and keep an eye on your daughter while I get ready for work. I'm sure to be late now, Thank you very much. " She shoved past him and walked into the closet.

He looked down at the little girl playing in front of the bed and saw the features this child shared of both him and, he looked back at the door, Hermione. Severus walked over to the closet and peeked in. "Miss Granger." And with that he watched as a heel flew past his head.

Hermione turned on him with fury in her eyes. "I am not Miss Bloody Granger anymore! I swear Severus, whatever game you are playing at, I want it stopped now."

His own anger flared. "I'm playing games? You are the one who bewitched me! I know you had a silly little crush on me when you were in school, but this is just sick and quite sad." He spat.

Hermione continued rolling the stockings up her legs, as she spoke, "Have you gone and bumped your head?"

Tearing his eyes away from the sensual sight of her legs, Severus glared at her. "No, I have just woken up from whatever little Love Spell you put me under. I'm quite curious how you managed to keep it going this long."

"That's it! We are taking a trip down to St. Mungo's. Something is wrong with you." She finished pulling her stockings up and pulled out a gray pencil skirt and dusty rose blouse.

"Dada? Dada." the little girl managed to crawl up behind Severus and was yanking on his pants legs. He looked down and something inside his chest tightened. It was strange. This little girl was foreign to him, yet he still felt a reaction to bend down and pick her up, and that he did.

"What is her name?" He asked Hermione as he stared at the child in his arms.

"Rose." She choked out softly when she saw him pick her up. "Rose Eileen Snape. We named her after my mother and... and yours."

His chest heaved slightly and he brought the child in, hugging her against him. Something felt right about it as she cooed lightly against him.

Hermione straightened her skirt and walked over to Severus, tentatively placing her hand on his shoulder, jumping slightly when she felt him stiffen, her heart breaking a little further. "I did not put a spell on you, you need to know that." She said, her voice broken with each word. "You love me. Well, You loved me. And You love Rose, and your heart knows that."

Severus nodded and pulled back to look at the little girl again. "Rose." he spoke softly and was rewarded with a small giggle. "I never imagined... I..." He turned his head to look at Hermione, clearly the one who had given their daughter her eyes. He loved her? But she is just a child herself. His eyes wondering across her features. Or was a child. "Let's go to St Mungo's." He finally spoke and he saw the hope light back up on Hermione's face. Something inside of him screamed at him to keep that look on her, but he stomped it down.