Escape from Fame Chapter Three: ID Needed
A/N: Hi there guys! Deviljho's Hatred here with the long awaited chapter 3 of this popular fic. Sorry for the long ass wait but life had grown rather difficult with me and my time, pair that up with writer's block for nearly all my fics and work issues then it's a recipe for disaster for any individual. Luckily there was something to help revive my writing passion... and that was RWBY Volume 3 RTX Hype! So much info was shown and we're finally getting the Vytal Festival! So hopefully I can update this fic and my other RWBY fic before Volume 3 starts! Anyway enough of my personal ramblings, enjoy the chapter!
Gamer AlchemistZ: Hahaha yeah they will be! Thanks for reading!
dracohalo117: Noted, I'll be sure to take that into account
LoveGLutton: indeed :3
Guest: pissed? maybe Confused? Oh yeah
Pathos: sorry for the longer wait but I hope this makes up for it.
XDANTE1 : she will have to try hard my friend!
Cosmo camelia : thanks glad you enjoyed it.
Adam the Pyromancer: I will try my best!
MABFan11: I am!
AnimeVulpaGirl: I will!
Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY. RWBY is owned by the late yet great Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth.
Escape from Fame Chapter Three: ID Needed
Pyrrha sighed to herself as she entered the Dust Plane in her Nicole disguise to met Jaune once again. This was now their third meeting together after that fateful day on Vale. True to her memory she remembered to get a new Scroll for her Nicole persona and was sure that no contacts from her main device was transferred over as if Jaune saw that Nora was calling Nicole that would raise numerous questions. On the bright side she was getting to know Jaune more and more each day.
With every outing they had the boy would open up more and more to her, stuff that wouldn't normally come up in conversation in their friend group but seemed appropriate for a girl who he was trying to get close to. Often the stories were of escapades of him and his seven sisters to get her to laugh. Jaune was the middle child along with four older sisters and three younger ones. He told a story of how his eldest sister made him wear a dress when he was young to show off her fashion skills to their village.
The result was what you'd expect.
Though this would explain why Jaune had no qualms about running around in a dress after he found out of Pyrrha lacking a date.
His commitment to his word was another quality she loved about him. No matter how tough the task he would always face it head on regardless if victory was attainable so long as he gave his word to succeed.
'Now if only he could only put that conviction into Combat Class then maybe he'd win more often.' Although the boy had made great strides in his training, he still lost around seventy percent of his matches. A huge improvement of how he used to be but he still had a long road ahead of him.
As the plane landed in Vale to a stop, Pyrrha and many other passengers who were lost in their own thought all exited at once to get to their next destination .Pyrrha paid no mind to the other people bumping into her as they were all just trying to get to their destinations on time.
Being lost in thought, Pyrrha didn't even see the head of green hair smiling behind her and started moving to the lower levers of downtown Vale.
Said girl quickly creeped into an abandoned building after making sure she wasn't being followed. She slipped into a room with a dim light barely illuminating the room that had floorboards taken out and had rotting wallpaper peeling at the sides along with a dusty and rusted bed frame. Inside the room was a tall silver haired guy and a raven black haired woman with amber eyes both wearing the Haven Academy uniform, as was the emerald haired girl.
"About time you show up Emerald." The silver haired one said. "You're thirty minutes late and this place doesn't actually smell nice."
Emerald rolled her eyes and quirked an eyebrow at the older woman. "Sorry that my plane got delayed a bit. But why did we have to meet here of all places? Couldn't we just stay in Beacon to talk Cinder?"
The amber eyed woman gave a shake of her head. "There are too many open ears listening in Beacon Emerald. And I have the sinking suspicion that the professor Goodwitch is starting to connect dots that I'm not really a student."
"I still don't understand how she didn't recognize you before hand. I mean you look way too-"
Mercury stopped himself as he saw Cinder ignite her fist and bared it threateningly at him. "You finish that statement and I will make sure that the definition of the word unic in the dictionary is a picture of you!"
Coughing in his hand Mercury averted his gaze from the burning fist and turned to Emerald. "So did you discover anything new?"
"As a matter of fact I did. It seems that Pyrrha Nikos has decided to create some sort of alter ego disguise in order to go out in public without being noticed." Emerald began as she pulled out some photos from her back pocket, showing Pyrrha in her new disguise. "Furthermore it seems that this new disguise works a bit too well on her team's leader Jaune Arc as he is addressing her as 'Nicole' and has treated her to two dates with today being the third."
Cinder groaned as he shook her head. "Arc men, always daft morons unless you spell a situation out for them like some kind of slow child."
"Geniuses on the battlefield, idiots when it comes to common knowledge. You would think being around her for so long that he would notice it was her." Mercury said.
"Well it doesn't matter, what matters now is that we must find a way to break ties within the ranks of Beacon. Sowing the seeds of distrust between Team JNPR is much more realistic now that Nikos has created a disguise and has not told her 'trusted' leader. If this fact were to be shown it would create much needed distance between her and the Arc boy. Not enough for either one to defect but enough where we can sow much more suspicion and distrust." Cinder schemed with an evil smile.
Emerald nodded her head. "I would like to volunteer to help sow those seeds faster."
"Of course you would teacher's pet." The silver haired teen muttered.
Cinder ignored Mercury and raised an eyebrow at her. "And what exactly did you have in mind?"
"Simple, good old high school drama. If this relationship between Nikos and Arc were to continue its obvious that they would enter a romantic one thus strengthening their bond. I will go undercover and act as a 'rival' towards her and try to get Arc to fall for me. If successful then we will have driven a wedge between them."
Cinder nodded her head in understanding. "I see... Simple yet very effective. I like it. Okay Emerald your job until further notice is to seduce Jaune Arc and drive him and Pyrrha Nikos apart."
Emerald saluted her boss and gave a confident smile. "Understood I won't let you- EEK!"
Both Cinder and Mercury looked on in surprise as the tan skinned girl jumped up on the empty bed frame and stared in fear of a small mouse roaming through the floor by them. Cinder sighed and glared at the small rodent in the eyes. Perhaps sensing it's life was in danger the mouse fled out of the room to venture elsewhere.
However the older woman was unprepared for the sudden glomp from her female associate. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Cinder! That disgusting rodent was going to get me I just know he was!"
Mercury was trying his hardest not to burst out laughing at the scene of his partner in crime being scared of a tiny little mouse. He's seen her look a Grimm in the face and slash off it's head without any fear yet a tiny mouse just turns her into a prissy little schoolgirl.
"Are you serious right now Emerald? It was just a tiny mouse. I've seen you fight police, Grimm and security bots with no problem yet one rodent sends you into a panic? It's very ridiculous." Cinder said with a disapproving frown.
Emerald let go of her boss and frowned at her. "Who are you calling ridiculous? I might be afraid of disgusting rodents but what about your fear of professional figure skaters?"
Cinder shoved the girl in front of her and glared at her. "That is NOT a fear! I just don't trust the way they spin is all! Someone going that fast with bladed footwear could easily decapitate a person!"
"That example seems awfully personal." Mercury said suspiciously.
She waved him off and turned around in a huff. "I don't want to talk about it. Just get started with your mission Emerald. I expect you to have at least introduced yourself to him in front of Pyrrha Nikos by days end, understand?"
Once again the tan skinned girl saluted her boss and made her way to downtown Vale.
"So why are you afraid of figure skaters?" the silver haired teen foolishly asked his boss.
The glare that she sent him was one that came straight out of hell itself. "Unic."
That lone words was enough to get him to back off about the matter and cup his nads protectively as a passed by the scary woman.
"...And it turns out she had hid my onesie in the tallest tree so I wouldn't have it with me for Beacon but I showed her. Took me five hours and a lot of splinters but it was worth it to get my favorite pajamas back." Jaune recalled to the red haired girl next to him. The two of them were on their way to their usual hangout at the comic book store after they had met up in front of From Dust til Dawn. To make the walk there less silent Jaune had decided to regale Nicole with a tale from his past involving his eldest sister hiding his infamous onesie before he left for Beacon.
Pyrrha giggled a little at the story and at how proud he felt at retrieving his pjs from the highest tree in his village. "Sounds like it was a monumental task that involved much danger and epic training for you to overcome it."
"Easy there sarcastic I was still a bit untrained back then but now I bet I could slash a mountain in half if I really wanted to." he bragged as he started to flex his body in an overly macho way causing his companion to laugh once more.
"I will be sure to keep that in mind. Tell me when you're going to do it. I'd love to have a front row seat to the show."
"Haha I will, I will but until then it looks like we're here."
Both teens entered the comic book store to mild surprise as they saw a crowd of people who usually were not here walking all about in the store. The duo walked to the counter and got the manager's attention.
"Excuse me sir what's going on?" Pyrrha asked in a louder than usual voice to speak over the excited chatter around them.
The manager gave a point to a display area a few feet from them. From the looks of it, it seemed that some sort of game show was being set up around there as there was a man in his mid twenties standing by a podium reviewing flashcards as other men and women were at two sides of a red two person booth and a blue two person booth testing the buzzer buttons to make sure they were working. Above both booths were an electronic scoreboard along with a sign saying 'Vale Comic Book Trivia Contest' written in attention grabbing gold letters. "Some people had asked me a few days ago if they could set up a quiz show for their club here. They said they were advertising it for a while for a Vale location but didn't have a venue until i approved them and now we have a whole troupe of fellow nerds looking to show their stuff off in a trivia show."
"No way that's going on here? I thought that was limited to areas like Vacuo."
"That was the case but the people in charge of streaming this event decided to broaden their horizons and try to get more fans this way."
Jaune whistled as he looked around the set. Clearly a lot of effort was being put into this project. "So can anyone join in on this or is it a private affair?"
"It's a 10 Lien entrance fee if you want to compete." the manager explained. "All participants get one free comic book for entering regardless of winning or losing. Runner ups get a 100 Lien cash prize and the champions get a 250 Lien cash prize along with a small trophy. Personal ID is required for security reasons though. The last time someone entered the trivia show it was only to insult the people who enjoyed this hobby on stream at thousands of people"
Jaune's eyes lit up in excitement as he handed the older man his cash and his ID from Beacon. "Sign me up!"
"Someone's eager." he laughed as he deposited the Lien into the cash register and handed him a pass that was hung on a wrist bracelet. "What about you little lady? Care to test your knowledge with your friend over here? The contest is for duos after all."
Pyrrha felt a small bead of nervous sweat trickle down the back of her neck. The only ID she had on her was her normal Beacon Academy ID like Jaune. There's no way he could hand him the ID card without voices being raised at why the Mistral Champion is taking part in a comic trivia contest. "Oh darn. I forgot my ID at home. I'm sorry but I can't enter."
Jaune seemed to deflate at this news as he snapped his fingers. "Aw dang it. I was hoping you'd enter so we could show off our stuff."
'Darn it Jaune why do you have to be so crushed at something like this?' Pyrrha groaned internally. 'I can't let him down, his hopes are high for this contest' the disguised spartan gave her companion a quick pat to the back and a reassuring smile. "Don't worry I'll just quickly head back home and get my ID."
"You'd really do that?" the knight asked hopefully.
"Of course. No sense in not entering and showing this crowd who the real nerds are around here." she then turned to the manager. "How long until the contest starts?"
He looked at his watch quickly. "Around two hours, you got plenty of time missy. Go on and get what you need."
Pyrrha nodded her head and gave a quick reassurance to her partner that she'd be back before the contest started as she left the doors of the shop.
Just as she left the shop she had bumped into a girl who was around half a head shorter than her with tanned skin, red eyes and green hair while wearing the Haven Academy uniform. No doubt she was one of the transfer students who were here for the upcoming Vytal Festival. The redhead offered the girl an apologetic smile and a helping hand up. "I'm sorry I didn't see you there."
The girl took her hand and was helped up back onto her feet. "Oh it's no problem I shouldn't have tried to go through the door so hastily. My name is Emerald Sustrai what's yours?"
"My name is Py- excuse me I meant Nicole Pyre." Pyrrha corrected herself before she blew her cover. "Nice to meet you."
"Likewise." Emerald smiled as she pointed to the shop behind her. "So you signing up for the contest today?"
The Spartan gave a sigh of relief at Emerald not noticing her little slip up and nodded her head. "Yeah I am, just have to go and get my ID from home. Are you entering as well?"
"Yeah I figure a mental whooping of some wannabe nerds would be a nice day to spend my day. Though I wish I had someone to partner with. I suppose anyone would do though as long as they don't drag me down." she said with a small shrug. "Well come back soon. I hope we can match wits in the contest Nicole."
"I wish the same Emerald. See you soon." With that said the disguised girl ran off down the streets leaving the shorter girl to grin mischievously.
"See. You. Soon. Nikos."
Proceeding with the plan Emerald entered the building and sought out her target. After a bit of searching she found Mr. Tall, Blonde and Scraggly conversing with some of the shop regulars. Smiling she walked up to the blonde knight and gave a small tap to his shoulder, causing him to turn around.
"Hello there handsome what's your name?"
"Whoa whoa whoa calm down there P-Money!" Yang said as she tried to calm down the girl calling her on her scroll. "Now explain why is it you decided to call me of all people of getting a fake ID. Do I really look like that type of girl?"
"Ruby told me about the time you went to a club for some reason and blew up the place." Pyrrha deadpanned on her end. "Someone of our age shouldn't be at adult clubs like that in the first place."
The line on the other end went silent for a bit. The champion could have sworn she heard Yang mutter something about Ruby being a traitor and a cookie bribe but she didn't pry. "Okay so I party hard every now and again but I don't have a fake ID to get into those places. All I do is flash my gauntlets and they let me in. And I don't mean my chest." Pyrrha could practically feel the wink on the other end of the scroll
"Well don't you know someone that can help me without disclosing my identity? Jaune is really looking forward to this and I don't want to disappoint him."
"Give me like fifteen minutes to get over there P-Money, I think I know just the guy who can help you with your troubles."
"Please hurry and thank you Yang." Pyrrha thanked before she hung up and sighed. Looking at the time, she saw that she had around an hour and a half left before the contest would begin. Deciding to kill some time Pyrrha opened up a game app on her scroll. Being the girl she was Pyrrha tended to be a perfectionist in many aspects without trying but when Nora and Ruby introduced her to a seemingly impossible game she was more than up to the challenge.
Yet this game seemed hell-bent on not letting her get past even the halfway point.
"I swear I WILL conquer you Flappy Nevermore!" she said with determination as she tapped her finger on the game to start it.
Fifteen minutes seemed to blow right past as Pyrrha grew more and more nettled as the chibi Grimm kept slamming into the small mountainsides due to her overshooting a click or undershooting it. Her Aura flared in intense focus as she tried and failed multiple times to get past the twenty mountain mark making some residents passing by her run away in fear.
Just as she was about to get past mountain number twenty, a sudden tap on her shoulder messed her up and caused the chibi Grimm to slam into the mountainside. Pyrrha violently turned around to the offending person as she closed the app on her scroll. "What!?" she yelled rather violently and out of character of her usual demeanor.
Yang retracted her hand in shock as she held up her hands in defense. "Whoa! Calm down P-Money! It's just me!"
Pyrrha's rage quickly subsided as a blush of embarrassment covered her face as she started to apologize profusely to her yellow haired friend.
Yang gave a quick wave off of her apologies. "Don't sweat it, I'm just surprised that you were getting all tournament level serious at a simple game like Flappy Nevermore. Did losing that much really rustle your feathers?"
Pyrrha groaned as she face palmed herself at the terrible pun while the buxom brawler laughter in response. "Can we please focus on the task at hand please?"
"Right, right. Okay P-Money hop on behind me and you'll get the item you desire."
Yang patted to the back of her motorcycle Bumblebee and tossed her a helmet with a flame design on it. The Spartan quickly placed her the protective gear on her head as she jumped on the back seat of the motorcycle and wrapped her arms around Yang's waist to keep her balance. Yang smiled as she revved up Bumblebee's engine and drove down the streets of Vale to their destination.
Pyrrha grew concerned as the sights around her started to change as they entered the seedy underbelly of downtown Vale. "Um Yang? Are you sure you know where we are going?" she yelled over the engine.
"Trust me! I know what I'm doing!"
The two girls soon found themselves in front of a club. Being the deceptive girl she was, Pyrrha connected the dots of Yang and the club. No doubt she must know someone important in the building.
Yang turned off the engine of her motorcycle and locked her helmet into place. "Shall we?" she asked as she did the same for Pyrrha's helmet.
The redhead nodded her head. "Let's."
As the girls approached the front door of the club, the two bouncers at the front suddenly ran inside the building and locked the door behind them. Yang gave a laugh as she brought out Ember Celica and turned to her friend. "You might want to cover your ears Pyrrha. This is going to get loud."
Not wanting to get in her friend's way or be caught in the crossfire, Pyrrha complied as she stepped back and covered her ears.
"Junior! She's back! Again!" One of the bouncers yelled in panic towards their boss.
Junior felt a cold sweat run down his back as he grabbed the goon by the neck. "And you didn't let her in immediately!? What kind of idiot are you! She's gonna take that as an act of hostility and blow up the-!"
A huge explosion soon rocked the building as the front door suddenly burst through the dance floor, hitting one of the bouncers in the process as both him and the door slammed into a table.
"...Front door. Ugh why are all my men idiots?" Junior asked himself as he placed his hands in his palms with frustration.
"It's what you get for sending a man to do a woman's job." a girl clad in all white remarked as she kicked the door off of the unconscious bouncer. "Or whatever it is you can call these poor excuses for men."
A girl clad in all red nodded her head as she dragged the poor soul to a corner of the room. "Melanie is right you know."
"Quiet you two. Go and clean this up. I'll deal with Blondie." Junior said with a grimace as he saw Yang enter the dance floor with a new redheaded girl he hadn't seen before. He sighed as he got out of his position behind the bar as he just wanted to get this over with. "What do you want this time?"
"All business, I like it." Yang said with a clap of her hands. She placed a hand of Pyrrha's shoulders and brought her forward to the giant bear of a man. "This is my little friend Nicole Pyre. She needs a fake ID for reasons that won't be discussed or negotiated. We clear?"
Junior frowned at the younger girl. "And why exactly does she need this fake ID?"
Yang frowned herself in response as she pulled the man down to her eye level by the collar of his shirt. "I thought I was clear with what I just said. Now either you get her the item she wants or I will do everything in my power to burn your business to the ground."
"Alright! Alright! No need to go crazy!" Junior motioned for one of his men. "You! Get this girl a fake ID. Her name is Nicole Pyre and make it look as convincing as possible!"
"But boss I-"
"DO IT!"
Not wanting to incur the wrath of his boss, Yang, or both, the henchman quickly ran into a black room and shut the door behind him.
Junior sighed as he sat on a stool in relief. "Alright it's gonna take at least half an hour for it to be ready. After that can you just please leave me be Blondie? I'm up to my neck in debt because of you alone and I don't need you coming in every time and blowing up my place."
"Relax I'll leave you alone now." Yang said as she took a seat down on the bar much to the chagrin of the twins and Junior. "But until the ID is ready, why don't you get me a Strawberry Sunrise with the cute little umbrella in it?"
"Fine but you're paying for it." he looked at the redhead still standing around awkwardly as she gazed at her surroundings. "You drinking something or not?"
The loud voice shook Pyrrha from her thoughts as she shook her head. "Oh no don't mind me! I'll just sit here and wait for the ID to be ready." Taking a seat on the left side of the bar, Pyrrha sat down and looked at the time on her scroll.
As she tried to pass away time until her item was ready Pyrrha soon found herself surrounded on both sides by the two white and red dressed twins as they sat on both sides of her.
"So what is Pyrrha Nikos doing at a club and is trying to get a fake ID for?" The one in white said.
Pyrrha felt a cold shock run down her spine as she gave a surprised look to the girl on her left. She smiled nervously as she tried to play off her perspective query . "Wh-What? Pyrrha N-Nikos? Ahahaha... ah you must have me-"
The girl in red raised a hand to cut her off. "Stop. Unlike 99% of the idiots here Melanie and I are actually smart enough to see through disguises. Call it an instinct for being a bouncer as long as we have."
"Please don't tell anyone." Pyrrha said rather evenly but listening closely you could hear slight desperation on her voice. "I can't have the news getting hold of this. I'll never have another private moment in life again."
"Relax champion. We won't sell you out. Us girls gotta stick together right Milita?"
Militades nodded her head with a soft smile. "Of course. But it's only fair to tell us why you are doing this in the first place."
"It's a long story." The champion warned.
Melanie gave a look to her watch. "We still have about twenty minutes before your ID is ready so spill the juicy details."
Nodding her head, Pyrrha regaled her tale of why she wanted to create her alter ego and her accidental encounter with her crush. She was careful not to spill any details about her Team life along with any Beacon details.
Both twins smiled as they gave the Spartan knowing looks. "So this boy you are so hot about what makes him so special that a famous girl like you are head over heels for him?"
"The reason I became so interested in him was because he didn't know I was famous." She recalled fondly. "He just treated me like another person, another face in the crowd. Something I forgot about for quite the while. And when he did realize that I was famous, it was because I was a mascot of a cereal he enjoyed."
"What that terrible Pumpkin Pete's cereal?" Milita asked with a scrunched face. "Ugh if they're going to have celebrities on a cereal box at least make it taste good."
"I think their trying to do something about it. At least that's what they kept saying to me while I was sponsored by them."
As the three girls continued talking and Yang was still giving Junior the business, the door upstairs opened up as the lackey came down the stairs with a plastic card in hand. "Here you go Miss Pyre." he said as he handed the card to the redhead. Looking at the card Pyrrha saw that this looked incredibly authentic. It even had the holographic decal on it that all IDs needed.
"Wow if it wasn't for the fact that I knew it was faux I would have been utterly convinced." Pyrrha said with unintentional praise. "Thank you. What do I owe you?"
"It's complimentary ma'am. Mostly because if we tried to charge you your friend might get a bit angry at that."
"Damn straight!" Yang yelled as she got up from her seat. "Alright Nicole, I'll drive you to your comic book store now."
"Haven't you been drinking?" Pyrrha questioned as she pointed at the three empty glasses.
The brawler laughed as she patted her back. "Relax they were non-alcoholic. Now come on you and Vomit Boy have a contest to win!"
"Did she just say comic book store?" Junior asked but was promptly ignored as the two girls ran out of the club. He sighed as he picked up the glasses and washed them. "Why do the weird ones always enter my club?"
"Thanks again Yang. I owe you for this." Pyrrha thanked her friend.
Yang smiled as she gave her friend a thumbs up. "No prob champ now go kick some nerdy ass in this contest. And don't worry I won't breathe a word about this to anyone."
The Spartan waved Yang goodbye as she drove off back to Beacon leaving her to enter the comic store once more. She walked up to the counter and got the attention of the manager. "Hello sir, I have my ID and the money."
The man smiled as she presented the necessary items. "Ah excellent. Now you have around half an hour before the contest starts so why don't you talk to the other contestants?"
She nodded her head and started to explore around the shop to find Jaune. After searching for a bit she found her leader talking to another contestant. A frown formed on her lips as she found it was a girl and judging by the way the both of them were smiling they seemed to be enjoying each others company. She walked up to the blonde knight and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Jaune I'm back."
Jaune turned around and smiled at her. "Oh hey Nicole you made it!"
"Yeah same here." she turned to face the girl he was talking to, seeing that it was the same girl that she had bumped into earlier today. "Oh hello there. Emerald am I right?"
"That's my name don't wear it out." she said with a wink. "Well Jaune I enjoyed our little chat but I better find myself a partner. Hope to talk to you soon at Beacon."
"Yeah you too. See ya." he waved as the tan skinned girl left the duo to themselves. "She's nice."
"Seems so." Pyrrha said a bit dryly not that he noticed. "So let's go over some of our trivia to make sure we can take this contest."
Jaune nodded as the two found a table and started quizzing each other on comic book trivia. Not noticing Emerald as she gave a sly smirk to them.
'Just you wait Pyrrha Nikos. Soon enough Jaune Arc will be putty in my hands.'
Chapter Three: ID Needed -End-
A/N: And there you have it everyone! The contest will be the next chapter as Jaune and 'Nicole' show off their stuff. Expect many Rooster Teeth references and cameos next chapter as well go full nerd haha. Thanks for reading and drop a review if you liked it. As I said before I apologize for the wait for this chapter but now that my drive is back in full force expect more updates!
Also if there are any SAO fans around here I know a talented up and coming author that's been getting popular as of late called TheSib. Check him out if you want he has a great amount of talent.
Now that my unneeded shoutout is out of the way I hope you all have a good day or night and look forward to my next chapter!