According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate pairs, condemning to spend their lives in search of their other halves. – Plato's The Symposium

Newt decided that he must have truly pissed off Zeus in one life or another to deserve this kind of punishment. Not only was he separated from his other half, his soulmate, his said mate was a two legged human who walked the shores that were the boarders of Newt's home in the ocean. To be condemned to be unable to join the person he was almost 100% sure was his other half on land because of his mer-tail was complete buzz killer. Newt was grateful to have at least know who was supposed to be with despite the circumstances. Thomas was an adorable guy who often found himself on the outlying bluffs with a book in hand right where Newt could watch him otherwise unnoticed. The boy sometimes was accompanied by two other guys who had a tendency to forget their friend and make out like tomorrow would never come. Today was one of the rare exceptions when only one half of the pair came with Thomas though Newt couldn't remember his name despite hearing it many times over.

"You're lucky, Minho, you've found the person you are meant to spend every day with. You literally have your other half of your soul while I've got nothing! Not even an inkling of where to start to find him or her! Maybe I'm cursed to wander forever, alone and unloved," Thomas lamented. He let out a loud sigh and the sadness that seemed to roll off him made Newt want to come out of his hiding spot in a cut out in the rock below the pair and comfort Thomas. If he was caught, his father would pitch a fit at Newt for allowing a human to know of their mysterious existence. Soulmate or otherwise, interaction with those who lived on land was a rather strong taboo despite any actual rule binding him to secrecy being non-existent.

"Thomas, you've got a soulmate! Everyone does but you would rather sit around out here with every spare moment you've got. You have to do stuff and meet people in order to find said mate, you shank! Come to Teresa's party tonight and see what happen," Minho chastised. Newt clapped his hand over his mouth to keep from yelling out in frustration. The words 'I'm right here!' was a very real and tempting possibility.

"How did you know that Alby was the one? Maybe I'm just so dense that I've met them and just didn't realize it at the time," Thomas questioned hopefully.

"Oh, you'd have known, Thomas. I knew Alby was it when he touched my wrist one day by accident in Senior PE class. It felt like I got shocked and my skin felt like it had been hit by lightning. I bribed Gally to switch seats with me so I could sit in front of him in English class!" Minho explained. Thomas sighed again but sat down with his feet dangling over the edge of the rock. Newt watched him kick his feet back and forth, dangerously close to his face.

"Maybe my soulmate's a fish. Maybe that's why I always end up out here. I don't remember walking out here sometimes until its well after dark when I finally come out of this trance like state," Thomas admitted. Newt pulled himself slowly away from his hiding spot, careful to mind Thomas' moving feet. The day was getting late and he was already later than he said he would be in getting back to his own home. A particularly powerful swing caught Newt square on the forehead that pushed him into the open. He quickly dove under the water, mindful to keep his lower half of his body hidden in his attempt to get into deeper water. Thomas leaned over to see what he'd hit but only saw the cloudy and choppy water. Newt watched them from deep enough where he could still make out their faces but far enough down to where he was easily obscured.

"What's the matter?" Minho asked at Thomas sudden action.

"I kicked something on the edge of the rock but I can't see what it was. It wasn't a rock but it's gone off into the water," he replied. He looked confused at the lack of any evidence as to what it was that he caught with his foot.

"Whatever, shank, it's gone now. You need to get ready for the party anyway," Minho pulled Thomas up by his elbow and away from the rocks. Newt felt his skin buzz at the small and quick contact and any doubt that Thomas was his soulmate disappeared in one small fleeting second.

Newt took his time descending the depths considering he was already late, his mind going faster with thoughts than he could keep up with. Zeus must have truly jealous of soulmates that he would separate a pair so resolutely. If the Gods still had power to work in the physical world, Newt would have tempted Poseidon to grant him the ability to at least to try to meet Thomas. His put out voice at the possibility of not having a soul mate tore Newt's heart to shreds.

"What took you so long?" a voice called out once Newt reentered the city. He looked up to see his sister, glaring at him in his tardiness. "Just a swim about, eh? You didn't go top side again did you?"

"Absolutely not," he lied as he pushed past her. She saw right through the lie and Newt knew it but he still tried. "If you even think about black mailing me, Clare, I just might let it slip out that you are still hanging out with Flynn."

"You wouldn't dare! Ate least I have a chance, father half way likes Flynn while you go out of your way to watch a human. Are you still going to tell me that you are 'two halves of a whole'?" Clare laughed half hysterical in her own sadistic humor. Newt frowned but kept moving on to his rooms. "Soulmate aren't for us, remember? We're only half human and it's supposed to be just a story to keep the humans distracted!"

"Don't dare tell that to your mother," a baritone voice chided lightly. Clare's facial expression turned up instantly at their father's voice but her eyes still held their deadly warning of blackmail. "You were supposed to be back sooner, Newt."

"Lost in thought, Father," Newt replied. He met the older man's gaze, almost daring him to call out the lie. "I wouldn't break your rules about going top side again. I don't want to force your hand in banishing me, your majesty."

"See that you lose the attitude, too, Prince Charming. No one wants anything to do with a smart mouth. Get yourself cleaned up for dinner, I want you to meet a promising candidate that just might end up being your betrothed sooner or later," the King ordered. He turned quickly and his scaled glittered in the artificial lighting as his form retreated once again.

"Damn it all to Hades!" Newt swore much to Clare's obvious amusement. "Don't give me that stupid grin, you are the next one to be arranged for. I highly doubt he likes Flynn enough to set you two up!"