Okay guys, I've been working on this for months. It was originally 1000+ words, but I decided to change that to make the story last longer. Warning rape. Not directly, no details at all, so it's technically clean, but if it makes you upset or triggers you, you might want to skip this story, or at least the rape parts. So you might want to skip the first part of the story, the part in italics.
I hope you like it, and please, please review!
Chapter One: I Promise.
I flinched as he shoved me down on my bed, throwing himself on top of me. He pressed his lips to mine as he began to pull my shirt off. Once mine was off and discarded on the floor somewhere, he yanked his off.
"Scream, and I'll kill you," he muttered in my ear. "In fact..." He pulled out his steel and marked me with a Quietude rune.
"There." He smiled cruelly. "Now even if you do try to scream no one will hear you. I've locked your door, too. No one is coming to save you."
He kissed me roughly and forced my mouth open with his tongue. He hands crept down to my jeans. He fitted his hands inside them, grinning when I flinched again. I tried to fight him off, but when I did, he slapped me, and proceeded to punch me.
"Stop it," he hissed. "You are a disgusting fag and honestly, I'm giving you what you wanted anyway, right?" He gave me a sly grin.
As he slowly popped the button on my jeans, I thought, Oh, gods, by the Angel, no. This can't be happening. Please, I don't want to do this, I'm only fifteen. Please, no!
He slid the jeans off me, then my boxers, ignoring my attempts to make him stop.
"You're in for the night of your life," he smirked, his hands sliding down my body lower and lower.
"Try not to forget it."
"Alec, please, wake up!"
Alec sat up, knocking Magnus's hand over.
"Alec! Are you okay?"
Alec tried to breath as he fought to remember where he was. Oh. Yeah.
"Alec?" Magnus asked, concern etched all over his face.
I"m fine," Alec answered quickly. "It's nothing."
Magnus frowned. "Alec, you are not fine. You were having a nightmare. You gave me this, look."
He lifted up his face, enough that Alec could see the purple and blue bruise on Magnus's face.
"Oh my God, Magnus, I am so sorry," he said, guilt overtaking him.
"Hey, don't worry. Just...what happened?"
"I do not want to talk about it."
"Alec, it might-"
"Don't try to tell me I'll feel better if I talk about it!" Alec snapped.
Magnus looked very taken back and surprised. "Okay, God."
"No, no, I'm so sorry, Magnus," Alec hastened to say. "I didn't mean it!"
"I...okay, Alec."
Alec could tell Magnus was hurt. He took a deep breath. "Magnus, I really am sorry, I just...this...scared me," he finished quietly.
"Scared you?" Magnus repeated. "But...why?"
"I- I can't tell you."
"Why not?" Magnus asked gently.
"Because you'll just..."
"Just what?" Magnus pried.
"You'll...I don't know."
"Alec, if you think I'd leave you, you're wrong."
Alec looked up. "But you might," he said.
"Why?" It was all Magnus could do, Alec knew, to keep from sounding exasperated.
Alec bit his lip. "I don't know," he muttered.
"Alec, please," Magnus said.
Alec shook his head. "Maybe- maybe this was a mistake."
"Maybe...what was a mistake?" Magnus asked carefully.
"Staying here," Alec said softly, refusing to meet his eyes. "Maybe I should have stayed ho- at
the Institute."
Alec didn't want to admit it, but Magnus's place was home to him, not the Institute.
"What?" Magnus stared at him. "How could you say that?"
"No! I mean, I want to stay, I just…" Alec laughed bitterly. "I just had a nightmare again and woke you up. I mean, I don't want to bother you-"
"Again?" Magnus interrupted. "You've had this nightmare before?"
Alec inwardly cursed himself. "NO," he said quickly. "That's not what I meant."
"Alec, don't lie to me again," Magnus said, shaking his head. "Look, you don't have to tell me now. Just stay, okay? Hey, that rhymed!"
Alec, despite himself, smiled. "Okay," he agreed. "But on one condition."
"What?" Magnus asked, and Alec smiled again at how he looked slightly worried.
"Hold me," he whispered.
Magnus face changed to one of love and relief. "All night if you need me to," he said softly. "I won't let go."
Alec snuggled into him. "Promise?"
Magnus looked into the eyes of the one he loved. Those innocent, adorable, blue eyes.
"I promise."
Okay, like I said above, i've worked on this for a while. Buut I took most of it out because I wanted to change chapter one. I know probabkly sucks, but...well, let me know what you think!
The title for this storty is Innocent Man because...uh...well, because one, I love that song (by Billy Joel), two, it kind of fits, don't you think?, and three, I just couldn't think of a title. At all.
Thanks for reading! Please favorite and follow!
~Linds. :)
P.S. Let me know of any grammar mistakes. One of my best friends(at least, I consider her a BF, I don't know about her) (Mommysladybug) and I decided to beta each others stuff if we had time, and I didn't send it to her because I didn't want to bother her...Ive been talking her ear off lately, and for that, I'm sorry.
And you really should read her stories! Especially Adoption. And if you like Glee, go to her. ) I'll be posting some Glee fics soon, and by soon, I mean in like three years after people complain about the stories I promised them that I never did and I finish like five stories. Okay, not that long. I'm way to sarcastic.
You should also read TheGirlofThorns stories! And check out Intoxic's Sweet Child of Mine, it's super good! And RedCoral's one shot Whereever We Will Go and her follow up stories. And Pridesen's stories. All these stories are my life! :)
(peaking of SCOM, I love the song by Guns 'n Roses!)
And I love Pink's So What video. At the end, when she suck out her tongue, I just keep laughing. And I love F-ing Perfect, too!
(I just realized I added three hundred + words now...we're over 000...yay?)